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ICC-MM 190526-Expanding in your personal divine plan of evolution; unifying the Urantian evolutionary plan with Michael’s plans of correction

2019-05-26. Expanding in your personal divine plan of evolution; unifying the Urantian evolutionary plan with Michael’s plans of correction

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

May 26, 2019

Topic:  Expanding in your personal divine plan of evolution; unifying the Urantian evolutionary plan with Michael’s plans of correction

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we are grateful to be living as Urantians during this very important time of change in our evolutionary history.  We are dedicated to serving you in this way in collaboration with our Planetary Seraphim.  We now ask that you weave us together as one in your LOVE that we may be unified, heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, Spirit-to-Spirit, personality-to-personality and that what we produce from our hearts and minds today is put to good use in transforming Urantian consciousness.  We center ourselves in our hearts and we ask that your WILL be done now.  Thank you.

MANOTIA:  Greetings to you, one and all.  This is Manotia.  I am very pleased to join you once again in this circuit of conscious collaboration us as we use your human will and desires and intentions to build more spiritual synergy upon the circuits of Urantian consciousness.  As you are aware, there is much change underway.  While this is a very disconcerting time for many of your brothers and sisters, it is a time of great promise and hopefulness as more hearts are opened to the dynamics of Spirit living within.

It is not an easy time of change for many, but be assured that our Divine Parents are stabilizing this world as much as possible so that the current infrastructure yields to these higher spiritual circuits with greater ease.  That is not to say that this transition to the new restored circuits will be easy for those who have still yet to awaken.  But this is being looked at at the collective level and our Parents do intend for their children to be as mightily supported in Spirit that each human, each soul, would be able to see the inner truths within and grow from that standpoint.

So we are here with you now, and we are moving in some of these very deeply embedded historical circuits to help the evolutionary divine plan connect more with Michael’s plans of correction that a bridge continue to be built to help the humans and all life of this planet to cross this bridge from the rebellion mindset into the Light and Life mindset that is now gaining strength and stature in the planetary culture.

As you know, there is a divine plan of evolution for each world of material origin.  This world has indeed deviated from that divine plan.  But now, everything is different with the circuits of the system and the universe now underway building that bridge in Urantian consciousness for the divine plans to not only be resurrected but for Michael’s plans of correction to continue to unfold.

Each one of you has his and her own divine life plan in its evolution, and we encourage you to simply sit with this focus now, centering it in your hearts, relaxing into your breath with the words forming in your mind’s eye as you place them upon your hearts I AM MY DIVINE PLAN OF EVOLUTION.  I AM MY DIVINE PLAN OF EVOLUTION.  I AM MY DIVINE PLAN OF EVOLUTION.  As you visualize this in your mind’s eye and place it over your hearts, also let this focal point become a deep relaxing meditation.  Breathe deeply.  Let the meaning and value of this focus circulate throughout your beings.  We will center your gaze here for several moments before we move into focusing into the collective.  We begin.

Continue for a few moments with this focus, breathing deeply as well as feeling that intention and desire for your own inner divine plan of evolution to reach into those places of mind at deep level where you are still consciously unaware.  Here you are providing a deeper space for your Indwelling Spirits and your personalities to function—to give those mindal circuits within you of emotion and thought to resonate with the Father’s WILL for your lives.  And we will stay here for a few more moments before moving into the collective.

You may now shift focus slightly as we now invite you to join with us in building more of this bridge of the divine plans for this world into what is existing at the present stage.  Let this heart energy that you have now allowed to be your focus be projected into the collective.  If you can, hold this dual focus of the desire for the Urantian plan of evolution to now intersect with Michael’s plans of correction.  Engage your hearts fully as best you can with that desire for these evolutionary plans to embrace the world’s consciousness system.

If you wish to use that visualization of this spiraling around the planet, you may do so, asking for the Urantian evolutionary plan and Michael’s plans of correction to come together more fully, to unify, and to take deeper root into those areas where these plans still need to be established and manifest.  If it is helpful, simply engage from your hearts with the focus on the words URANTIA’S EVOLUTIONARY PLAN AND MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION, and feel your desire for this to be seeded into those areas where these plans can become more real and actualized, and we will move in these circuits now with you.

Michael’s plans of correction for Urantia are so far encompassing.  At this early stage of the Correcting Time, much of what is being established are these circuits to help the human mind become purified and cleansed of the rebellion agenda.  The impact of this is still being outworked in many ways.  What you are helping us do today is to bring in these circuits into those areas where more recognition of the deviation has occurred so more change can be infused and more hearts and minds awakened to greater truths of cosmic reality.

The circuits of mind are being carefully prepared for this deeper inner awakening by the masses.  And as we have shared with you before, for some this will be very challenging.  But the more you reinforce within yourself that you are evolving in your own divine life plan of evolution this adds an added reverberation in various levels of circuits all around the planet to assist your brethren to perceive these signals of Spirit to help them in their own transformational changes.

We appreciate that some of these focalizations that we ask you to hold can be challenging at times.  And if your mind wanders, simply ask for Michael’s LOVE for this world to embrace you that you may stay more centered in what we ask you to provide to us today—that the evolution of this world and the correcting plans form a tighter bond and all of the ways the planet has evolved in TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY may be heightened; that these divine values may be further exalted through Michael’s correcting plans and feed the circuits of Urantian mind at various levels.

As you do this, you are learning.  You are being trained about energy management, and this is one of the various fundamental lessons of universe import for your ascension careers.  The Father’s LOVE is an energy, and you are learning how to use this appropriately with great respect and responsibility.  First, you learn to master these lessons for yourselves, that you may then engage with others to test how well you have learned these lessons of energy management, that you may collaborate with the collective divine plan because now you are more in alignment with your own plan of evolution wherein you are engaged at the deepest levels of the Father’s presence within you.

So as these words settle in, recognize that this is one of your cosmic responsibilities and let that affirmation of I AM MY DIVINE PLAN OF EVOLUTION shine forth from your hearts into the collective as these circuits of the plans of evolution become more encircuited with Michael’s plans, that all of these circuits may operate as one in a unified manner, bringing about these changes you have held so dear within your hearts.

Let us now join once more together in another visualization.  This time we invite you to focus on these words along with the energetic meaning and value.  IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION UPON URANTIA.  IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION UPON URANTIA.  IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION UPON URANTIA.  Feel your desires for this to engage at the deepest levels as we take these energies and place them where they will do the most good.

My dear brothers and sisters, our objectives are complete for today and they are well underway.  Remember what is your cosmic responsibility to this world!  Step out of your own self-limiting thoughts and feelings for you are all amply supported by our Parents, by the cadre of universe support that is all around you.  Let the fears and anxieties you hold in your hearts release to our Mother and ask for Michael to strengthen you in patience, persistence and faith that you may walk your path each day with great inner assurance that all is well and according to Michael’s plans of correction.

Yes, there is much chaos at the material level now but that does not need to diminish your inner spiritual composure and equilibrium.  Move into that more and you will see mighty things change in your own perceptions of life, remembering well to connect with the Father within you each and every day.  We also encourage you to devote a time of stillness to engaging with us that all of these circuits now may conform in Michael’s plans of correction and bring about great change in Urantian consciousness.

I will leave you now in this manner, and I thank you on behalf of all the Seraphim and the hosts of universe helpers who have participated with us today for your devotion and your courage, for stepping out of your comfort zones and responding to the call of Spirit Within.  Thrive in the blessings that our Parents shower upon you as you move forward in your lives, letting the inner light shine outwardly to give great hope, faith, and spiritual sustenance to your brothers and sisters.  And with that, my dears, I wish you a most glorious, peaceful, and joyful good day.

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