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ICC-MM 190714-Harmonization of All Urantian Circuitry to Align in Father’s Will

2019-07-14. Harmonization of All Urantian Circuitry to Align in Father’s Will

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

July 14, 2019

Topic: Harmonization of All Urantian Circuitry to Align in Father’s Will

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we come before you asking to be united as one in your loving presence and your divine WILL for more of our collaboration between us and our Planetary Seraphim.   You know exactly where we are in our stage of development during this transitional time.  We are here to foster that change along with our Planetary Seraphim.  We ask now that you encircuit us as one in your WILL, through the circuits of heart, soul, Adjuster and Personality.  We appreciate this time to be together with you and we ask that your WILL be done through us.  Thank you.

MANOTIA:   Greetings, my dear brethren!  This is Manotia.  It is encouraging to see so many open hearts dedicated to Father’s WILL participating in a variety of events on the planet for this  transitional time to continue to progress.  Over the course of our calls together, which was begun many years ago, we have now reached a point wherein we are ready to imbue this planet with more of the harmonization encircuitment for the correcting plans to be more firmly established at what you might call a physical or material level.

You have long awaited this time and we of the seraphic realm have been patiently, consistently, devotedly ministering to these circuits of human consciousness to evolve the social institutions to conform more to the ways and wills of universal law and principles of operation.

What we ask of you today is to provide your heart energies—your desires and your intentions—for Michael’s plan for correction to be more fully and firmly imprinted into these circuits within the physical domain, that the manifestation of these plans would materialize that more healing and transformation can occur.   This will be our focus in the collective.

But before we begin at that level, I now encourage you to simply go within.   Feel your own desire for your own harmonization of your mind-body system to evolve and to harmonize with these new frequencies.  Spend a few moments within your heart asking for the action of the Holy Spirit to prevail in you that your own Indwelling Spirits and your Father-bestowed Personalities may support this harmonization activity within you.   We will spend a few moments here that you may increasingly open to this and send that harmonization energy out into the collective.

As we begin, take some deep breaths, center into your hearts.  Ask for the harmonization of your own energy systems to evolve more deeply and broadly through you under the guidance of the Father’s presence within you.  And we begin.   If it is helpful to receive this you might consider focalizing your inner gaze on the words HARMONIZATION OF MY MIND-BODY SYSTEM.

There is so much preparation now underway for this harmonization activity to unfold, not only within each individual but into the collective.  What we invite you to focus on now as we move into this collective focusing is to place your internal gaze on the globe as a whole with the words HARMONIZATION OF ALL URANTIAN CIRCUITRY TO ALIGN IN FATHER’S WILL.  HARMONIZATION OF ALL URANTIAN CIRCUITRY TO ALIGN IN FATHER’S WILL.  HARMONIZATION OF ALL URANTIAN CIRCUITRY TO ALIGN IN FATHER’S WILL. Send that out into the planet from your heart with all the love and devotion and faith that you can muster.  We join you there.

If it is helpful, you may visualize that spiral rotation encircling the globe from the north to south poles in that familiar counter-clockwise rotation.  And if you can hold a dual focus to also see these words in the inner core of the earth wherein you might consider the energetic divine plan to be resident, to emit those words from the inner dimensional levels outwardly throughout the planet.  You might consider this a two-way directional flow of energy that acts to form a more complete circuit of divine WILL to prevail.  But even if this focalization is challenging, what we really and truly need is your heart desire  So do your best as we continue to minister with you and through you in these circuits now, my dear beloved brethren.

What this world is now being prepared to perceive is more of the vast interconnection of circuitry that is part of the fabric of LIFE defined in the LOVE of the Paradise Father.  Many people have been contacted all around the globe to assist in the human cultivation of these circuits—to come to perceive them, to be instructed by many universe helpers to understand the significance of these vast interlacing of circuitry.  Your sciences are evolving in this way as your physics has changed significantly over the last several centuries.  Even religionists are being touched by these energies of change to understand the sacredness of all life and how the Father operations throughout these various dimensions of human consciousness to unify and bring all things back to the divine plan, evolving through these circuits of consciousness.

We of the seraphic realms have been carefully, you might even say, painstakingly cultivating these circuits for social evolution to progress. There are cycles of social evolution which you are beginning to understand through your study of various sciences.  Sometimes it appears to you that social evolution becomes stagnant, and it appears so to the unspiritized mind.  But evolution is always progressing even on a rebellion planet.  It may be retarded at times and you may not see evidence of change but that does not mean that are not some things still occurring.  There is a gathering period—cultivation of certain concepts that are nurtured through our efforts to engage with the human mind to stimulate creative thinking that fosters more evolution as time and the germination process unfolds to bear the good fruit.

And then you have those periods that you are gifted with epochal revelation to assist in this evolutionary socialization process.  But it is a matter of time and unfolding, and the preparation process  that has been put in place has now fostered this time where more hearts and minds are open to spiritual energy that runs through all life, to speak within the human mind and heart and say, “I am here.  Will you collaborate with me?  Will you honor my presence and allow me to assist you in the cultivation of your own gifts that assist in the growth of the Planetary Supreme Mind?”

So you see, my brethren, what it is you now are engaged.  Many people have bemoaned the fact that change has not occurred as quickly or as cohesively as they may like to have done. But you must remember who is in control of this world.  It is Christ Michael through the action of our Holy Mother Spirit.  And so, now the reverberations of change can echo more resoundingly in and through a greater depth and breadth of Urantian consciousness.

So be prepared in your own heart and mind for what is soon to come through this harmonization activity being conducted far and wide throughout Urantian circuitry.  Let these words settle in. Let the meaning and value be absorbed that your Indwelling Spirits may help you become more attuned to what this means for your life and your holy purpose for your Urantian life experience.

Continue to focus on the HARMONIZATION OF ALL URANTIAN CIRCUITS TO ALIGN IN FATHER’S WILL as we complete what we are attempting to accomplish today.

Beloved brethren, while we have completed our objectives to collaborate with you today, our ministrations and efforts continue.  We so appreciate your involvement with us, and as usual, we ask you to continue to focus on this particular visualization between this call and our next one.  As you go about your day to day activities, remember that there are changes occurring in you, and to spend the requisite time in stillness communing with your Spirits, allowing some time to imprint upon the synergistic divine qualities of Father Michael and Mother Nebadonia to help you become more filled with the Spirit that you may share the fruits of it with those around you.

For those who are on the cusp of awakening, be patient with them, be tender with their feelings.   Do not strive with them for when they share with you what they feel or how they think about what is happening.  But be open to just receive how they are experiencing their transformation.  They may emit anger and confusion but you do not have to respond to it.  It is not directed towards you, but it is a venting process that you can help them release by simply being loving and patient and asking Michael to hold you close in His arms that Mother may speak through you and offer them words of comfort and consolation, and Michael can fortify them in their own Personalities with the validation they need to feel that inner security in who they are.

This type of ministry is what is needed now.   And if you need to practice this simply ask for Jesus’ Personalized Adjuster to assist you that you may become as masterful in ministry as Jesus did when He was here.   Do not think that this is too much to ask of you because you have so much help to achieve this now.   And it is not so much that you share what you believe is happening on the planet as you allow others to speak what is on their heart and mind to provide that heart environment for them to feel loved and validated and supported; that their own Indwelling Spirits and Father-bestowed Personalities can ring more resoundingly through their minds and bodies and give them the upliftment they need.  So let these words settle in and trust that much is happening within you and within the planet that is all part of the integration process now unfolding on this beautiful world.

I take my leave of you in this manner now, my brethren.  Thank you on behalf of all of our seraphic legions and all of the universe helpers supporting this planet in this time of great change.  Be mindful of what is happening within you that you may become a greater expression of Father’s LOVE and the gifts that you have been given by the Father Himself.  Use your time and your efforts wisely, that you as a change agent may flourish, prosper, thrive, and above all else, be about the Father’s WILL.  May Michael’s PEACE and Mother’s JOY be your blessings today and always.  I wish you a most beautiful and blessed good day.

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