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ICC-MM 190923- System Circuits integrating into Urantia Power Structures, Amplifying the Planet’s System with the Gospel of Jesus and Michael’s Authority

2018-09-23. System Circuits integrating into Urantia Power Structures, Amplifyng the Planet’s System with the Gospel of Jesus and Michael’s Authority

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness

September 23, 2018

Topic: System Circuits integrating into Urantia Power Structures, Amplifyng the Planet’s System with the Gospel of Jesus and Michael’s Authority

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we are so grateful for all of the ways that you are helping our world outgrow the influence of the rebellion.  You are providing us with the new circuits containing so much helpful information for us to understand the divine ways, and we thank you for our Planetary Seraphim who can take this energy and apply it where it will do the most good.  And we now ask to collaborate with them.  We ask to be encircuited as one in your love, heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, Spirit-to-Spirit.  May our efforts produce the intended consequences of what our celestial helpers are here to perform as your WILL is done now.  Thank you so much for this opportunity to serve. 

MANOTIA:  Greetings, my dear brethren!  This is Manotia.  Many new circuits are available to Urantia now as this world continues to claim its rightful place in the family of Nebadon as part of the overall planetary structure for the worlds of ascension to progress.  Some of you are aware that there are new circuits available, and we invite you to set that desire and intention for these new circuits to intertwine within the power structures all around the planet.

As you know, we have been working in these collective power structures over the last few calls.  The two elements of greatest significance from the evolutionary level of the GOSPEL OF JESUS as He originally taught combined with MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY is setting the stage for more transformation to occur.  Now that there is more energy of a higher nature available to your world’s system of consciousness, we can now employ these circuits into these power structures to amplify both components of the GOSPEL OF JESUS as well as MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY.

You have done much to facilitate this.  We ask now that you continue to hold this desire and intention for these circuitry enhancements to move into the power structures all around the globe.  Let your heart energies be strong.  Open yourselves as best you can to receiving these higher circuits and them simply share and direct your energies out from you heart into the planet as a whole.  Some of you are familiar with that counter-clockwise spiral rotation; if you wish to use that as a focalization of your visualization process you may do so.  But what is most important is to hold that intention for these higher circuits now to imprint upon these power structures and we will join you there and do what we can.  Let us begin.

Take a few deep breaths.  Settle into the focus from your hearts.  As the flow of energy moves through you, simply place your focus on the GOSPEL OF JESUS and MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY.   And if you wish, allow those words to imprint upon the power structures.  Simply holding the focus of words POWER STRUCTURES is enough to direct your heart energies from our end.  So we begin now.

Your world’s constructs of consciousness are changing now.  By this, I refer to the shift in belief systems to embrace higher ideals and standards of the way of life as it is conducted in the universe, of which your planet is a part.  The infusion of these system circuits will provide more of the catalyzing spiritual energies to help the belief systems aligned in the rebellion mind set and agenda to further break up, thus allowing for more of the light of TRUTH to be gleaned within the human mind and heart.

This is one of the ways our Parents are helping this world regain its right state in the family of LOVE, as well as to assist the planet’s life systems to return to the natural order of life, as it has been originally conceived and how it has evolved prior to the times of the rebellion.  But there is much that is good that has been accomplished in your planet’s history, and we conserve that which is of good and has divine value.  These system circuits are here to amplify that so that that which is no longer serviceable or aligned in the divine values of TRUTH and GOODNESS to yield to higher expression of the ways of God.  Continue your focus as best you can as we continue to minister in these higher dimensional circuits of the system.

There is a great wave of the energies of CHANGE to move through these institutional circuits of your world’s consciousness constructs.  Many beliefs are now poised to open to new truths and this is good, and this allows for more transformation to occur within the human heart and mind; but mostly within the circuit of the heart as a desire for a higher and better way of life is perceived.

We now invite you to take a few moments in your own desires of heart to focus on those areas all around the planet where you would wish to see more of these higher circuits be infused into the existing beliefs long established in the rebellion agenda.  There are so many areas of your world’s functioning that require upstepping.  Take a few moments in your own heart to connect with your Indwelling Spirit and ask where your focus should now be placed.  We will follow your individual gazes and place the energies where you focus to amplify those areas.  It can be as wide as a planetary circuit or as individuated within a personal relationship.  So take your time and feel free to place your focus on more than one area one at a time, where your desire for more uplifting can occur.  You may begin to do this when you feel ready.

All twelve sectors of seraphic groupings are now involved in your diverse focusing.  What we are designed to help you outwork is a particular type of reverence for certain traditions that have impeded the evolution of you consciousness to higher states of divine ideals.  There are certain groups of people involved in the maintenance of these traditions, and it can be very difficult for these traditions to yield to higher truths because of a certain level of obstinacy and fear to open to what is new, truthful and good.

We ask you to simply feel that desire for this reverence for tradition to open to higher spiritual values and frequencies.  If you are engaging your focus in areas where there these traditional beliefs firmly held by misaligned in God’s WILL, then simply ask for the infusion of these circuits to go into the reverence for traditions and we will help you.  We will move more spiritual energy into these places for something better to be gleaned to replace the old resistant erroneous beliefs.

Invite the energies of the GOSPEL OF JESUS and MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY to move into these areas where the reverence of tradition is still highly maintained.  We will add what we can into where you focus now.

The power structures are receiving these energetic infusions as the system circuits imprint upon these structures.  We simply ask you now to feel that desire for more change to occur, for the misguided reverence for tradition to open to more of the GOSPEL OF JESUS and MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY.   Allow those desires of your heart to be keen, sincere,  and trusting as we continue to move in your focus to amplify these circuits with higher spiritual frequencies.

My dear and devoted brethren, we report that much good has been accomplished today and that there are vital new circuits now beginning to intersect within the various areas of Urantian consciousness to provide more impetus for change to occur.  As certain erroneous belief systems break up and discharge their energies, ensure you are doing your parts each day to spend time with your Indwelling Spirits and our Divine Parents to secure you in peace and faith and compassion and mercy.  These divine attributes will render you secure and steady as more of the planet’s system of consciousness is cleansed of this rebellion agenda and mindset.

This is a time of change upon this world and you feel it, you know it in your hearts and souls.  And now it is time to allow these energies to continue to do their work and help all life return to the divine plans of evolution.

While we have completed our objectives for today, we do encourage you to continue these focused efforts on a daily basis during your stillness times.  This is a period where all human minds are being, what you might call, upgraded, and the more you ask for these enhancements to occur, the more we can provide you with the necessary energies to support, not only your inner development and transformation, but to disseminate these circuits on a wider basis all through this planet’s mindal circuitry.  This is a vast dimension and area to be transformed, and your world is now in the early stages of understanding what this means and how to conduct these spiritual energies for higher purposes of planetary evolution of all life here.

These are mighty lessons to be learned these days.  Each of you will have your own lessons to learn and master, but you have ample help to achieve this for you are not alone and the power of Christ Michael lives in you and is steadily growing stronger.  Even though you may not recognize it so much from day-to-day, but it is enhancing in you.  The more you focus on Him, the more you ask for your Mother to supply you with greater spiritual frequencies, the more you will grow and attain insights that will delight and astonish you.

We leave you now in this way, my dear brethren, but we are always here on duty supporting this world, supporting you and helping all life regain its rightful place in our divine family of LOVE.  You have served us well.  Now serve one another with love and compassion, tolerance and forgiveness and know that by your mighty acts of love you are assisting us in very profound ways, even though you may not yet recognize the impact of what it is you do.

Stay on the path and we will meet you again in two weeks to continue to move in these power structures to build more spiritual energy and vitality that more change may occur and for your world to grow in our Father’s LOVE.  I leave you in the grace of His LOVE, my brethren, and I thank you for your participation today.  Enjoy your day wherever it takes you, remembering that you are a mighty son and daughter of God who has great potential to be an agent of TRUTH and GOODNESS during this auspicious time upon Urantia.  Good day!

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