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ICC-MM 200126-Mass Awakening To Divine Governance Through The Power And Authority Of Christ Michael

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

January 26, 2020

Topic: Mass Awakening To Divine Governance Through The Power And Authority Of Christ Michael

T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, thank you for centering us as one in your presence and in those circuits of consciousness that unify us together.  May we connect heart to heart, soul to soul, Spirit to Spirit, Personality to Personality as you fortify us in your presence that our Seraphim may use the energies we generate from our hearts and from our minds to assist in planetary upstepping.  We are grateful for this opportunity to be of service to our world and to all life here, and we thank you for your WILL being done now.  May it be so!

GABRIEL:  Greetings, my beloved brethren.  This is Gabriel and I am pleased to address you again as we continue the mighty work of transformation in this world’s perspective of its place in the divine rightful order of all life and creation.

Take some deep breaths.  Allow your inner mental chatter to quiet as you bring your center of focus down to your heart.  On your in-breath, invite the energies of LOVE to permeate your being, exhaling failing any stress or tension as you move into that intentional place of desire for more healing to occur on this beautiful sphere.

Many inhabitants of this world are poised for massive change.  There is stirring within the hearts and souls of humanity for something better.  And many people are feeling this inning prompting that is creating an inward dimensional look to perceive that which is out of balance and alignment with divine WILL.  This is all part of the planetary change and many more individuals will become aware of his inner prompting as we continue to foster these mindal circuits of human consciousness for more uplifting to occur.  So continue to center yourselves in your hearts for a few moments and then we will begin the outward focus into the planet’s constructs of consciousness at the collective level.

We have been focusing on the dynamic of MASS AWAKENING throughout the planetary culture, and as we continue to foster the MASS AWAKENING IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, we also invite you to focus your attention on the desire for MASS AWAKENING IN THE HALLS OF GOVERNANCE all around the globe.  This world harbors many types of governance, ranging from tribal states of government up to, what you might consider to be, a more representative form of government that is best exemplified by that which is now operating in the United States of America.  This collective circuit of governance is very widespread, and we wish to help your world come into a better understanding of what constitutes a divine type of government that which represents the ideals of fairness, mercy, justice, compassion, based on the divine values of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY.

As you know, this world is operating vastly different than these levels of divine governance, which act as a pattern or model to replicate upon material worlds such as yours over a long evolutionary period of time.  This is a process.  This is something that occurs slowly through the awakened human mind to reflect more of these divine principles and ideals.  This world is on its way to operate toward a divine level of government. So we wish to support this effort through this call today that more MASS AWAKENING may occur throughout the planet in all levels of governance, and that the divine pattern of government may reach down into these circuits in the collective and spread the seeds of what constitutes a divine level of government for more individuals to perceive and work toward achieving through this evolutionary adventure.

With that being, let us begin with our focused efforts today.  So as you continue to breathe deeply, allow these words to form within your mind’s eye as you place them over your heart centers:  MASS AWAKENING.

As these words become more noticeable in your mind’s eye, direct them into the planet as you visualize it before you as a globe in your mind’s eye.  If you have the presence of mind to do this, also allow the words MASS AWAKENING to rotate counter-clockwise from the north to south poles as we begin to move in these circuits.

Now as you continue to focus on MASS AWAKENING, simply add these words with all of the love in your heart, with all of the desire for more positive change to occur, MASS AWAKENING TO DIVINE GOVERNANCE, MASS AWAKENING TO DIVINE GOVERNANCE, MASS AWAKENING TO DIVINE GOVERNANCE, and simply see these words spiral around the planet as you hold the focus while we move in what you are sending forth from your hearts.  Continue to breathe deeply and fully, feeling your desire for this to occur at a collective level.

As you do this, there are many legions of light and celestial hosts, your brothers and sisters in Spirit, who are seeding in these energies of DIVINE GOVERNANCE to move into those places where these types of legislative and judicial activities are conducted.  Let these divine patterns seed and feed the collective planetary mind in all areas where government is conducted, as this will help the human mind gravitate toward higher thoughts and concepts of what true divine government really is.

There are many, many seats of government all around the planet.  Some places have larger jurisdictional over-control than others.  Feel your desire now for this pattern of DIVINE GOVERNANCE to move into those major circuits of the world capitals all around the globe.  It is not so significant if you focus on any one particular capital as it is to feel that desire for these divine patterns to now blend into the mindsets of these regions so that the humans associated in these areas will be able to receive something of higher value.  So if you would wish to add one more level of focus, let it be on MASS AWAKENING TO DIVINE GOVERNANCE IN WORLD CAPITALS MASS AWAKENING TO DIVINE GOVERNANCE IN WORLD CAPITALS, MASS AWAKENING TO DIVINE GOVERNANCE IN WORLD CAPITALS, and we continue.

As we move in these circuits all around the globe, feel your desire for more positive change to occur.  These changes are not being conducted by humans alone.  There is a divine plan for this world to reach a higher level of Life and Light wherein the divine values of fairness, justice and equality are operative.  The current status of your world is not a reflection of these divine principles, but you are now moving in that direction as a major outworking is now underway.

This is by divine fiat and you are witnessing so much chaotic energy in these areas now as this outworking of a way of life that has not supported the entire planet.  You are moving into another era of discovering what are divine principles and how to orchestrate your governments around them.

So we ask you to add one more level of focus to this today by simply asking for MASS AWAKENING TO DIVINE GOVERNANCE THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL.  Christ Michael is the overeign of this world and of the universe of His making, of which this world is a part.  He is a being of great love and compassion and He has the singular experience of living a human life here on this world as your brother, Jesus.  He understands this planet in the way that you will discover over many years of your spiritual development.  He is completely trustworthy.  And as you focus on these words MASS AWAKENING TO DIVINE GOVERNANCE THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL, His presence can infuse this circuit and allow what He wishes for this world to unfold.


The changes we have implemented today are underway.  They will continue to move through these circuits of planetary governance to evoke more change of a positive nature.  This will take time as there is much to outwork of the ways of corruption, greed, self-interest, war, and the social ills that are spawned by these characteristics mind and heart.  Rest easy in the assurance that Michael’s hand is steering this world toward its wonderful majestic destiny.  But you are in a very intense period of change as an old way of life recedes into the past and a more heavenly way of living is more fully implemented and instituted here.

During these times between the calls, please ensure that spend a few moments focusing on the MASS AWAKENING that it may continue to move throughout these various circuits of cultural and social life all around the globe.  Human will—human desire—is paramount if you want more change to occur that will bring in these ways of LIGHT and LIFE and LOVE.  This is your world after all and you are the ones who are responsible for not only your own personal spiritual transformation but to help this world at the collective level.

So do your parts every day to go within, seek your Higher Power and your Divine Source and ask, “what is that I can do this very day to assist in this great awakening?”  And sit and allow the information to come forward in your waking consciousness.  You have more power than you know, my brethren, and we are doing what we can to encourage you, to fortify you, and to assist you in this time of MASS AWAKENING and great change.

It is a dynamic time.  It is a time of great hope as the human spirit is now beginning to make its presence felt.  And this is something that will continue develop over the course of the years as your evolution continues to move on its trajectory to the higher divine ways of life.  Let these words settle in, that you may be more stimulated and motivated to do the best you can, to be that representative of divine LOVE to your brethren and to your planet.

The Planetary Seraphim thank you, as do I your participation today.  Trust that the light is gaining strength upon this world in the hearts and minds of many all around the globe.  This world is much loved and it is being carefully guided into these higher circuits. But be patient and trust that all is coming together as it should.  There are many things that are occurring now that you still cannot perceive, and yet change is occurring moment by moment, one individual at a time and through these circuits of the collective for the MASS AWAKENING to occur.

I leave you love in the LOVE of our Divine Parents, and may you thrive more and more each day in the LOVE that is seeded within you and grow more beautiful, good and true as you live faithfully each day as a child of God.  Good day.

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