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ICC-MM 200823-Joyful Cooperation with Father in Divine Plan Implementation

2020-08-23. Joyful Cooperation with Father in Divine Plan Implementation

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

August 23, 2020

Topic:  Joyful Cooperation with Father in Divine Plan Implementation

T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we are united in our intention to serve our Planetary Seraphim and Magisterial Son in this time of great awakening to the presence of Spirit Within. May we be encircuited as one in heart, Soul, Spirit and Personality that what we hold and project from our energy systems may be put to good use by our Seraphim and assist in all of the planetary changes that are underway. We are here to do your WILL, and we thank you for this opportunity to be of service to our brethren and our planet. May your WILL be done now. Thank you.

MONJORONSON:  Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson, and I am pleased to join you once again continuing our collaboration of great magnitude to build the circuits of LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE upon Urantia. Much is underway in preparation for the materialization of my mission. I know many of you have been anticipating this for some time and you will continue to anticipate this for a time more.  But regardless of whether or not this mission has materialized, you are active participants because you have made that choice to open to the Spirit Within to listen for the guidance of the Divine Pilot and to follow and manifest that as best you can.

Today we engage with you to assist in the mass awakening process now underway, and herein we invite you to focus now on your Indwelling Spirits. Seek that place where you perceive Father. Let your mental chatter quiet as you deepen into this sacred space. Today our focus will be twofold. First, we will engage with you that you may imprint more upon the divine plans for your own individual lives, and then we will direct you into focus into the planet as a collective body.

As you engage with your Indwelling Spirits, I invite you to visualize the words DIVINE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION to act as a field of living spiritual energy to contain you that your Spirits may help you engage with the implementation of your own divine life plan that contributes to the collective. Each one of you has a part to play in Michael’s Correcting Time agenda. As we have indicated to you previously, the role you play is largely up to you; how big an impact you wish to have is your choice.  It is based on a service motivated attitude, moving beyond who you currently think you are into that dynamic space of collaboration with your Spirit that you may grow your souls.

As we begin, allow these words DIVINE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION to gently communicate with your mind-body circuitry as you focus on your Indwelling Spirits and ask the question “How can I be of further service and participation in this dynamic time of mass awakening?” Breathe deeply and relax as we engage with you now while in this field of DIVINE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION to engage with you, and notice how you perceive this within your thoughts and feelings.

This is a time of dynamic change and growth. For many it is an uncomfortable time because the animal nature tends to be complacent and comfortable in what is familiar and known. But now this world is engaging with an unknown dynamic.  It is the IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DIVINE PLAN. It is Michael’s plans of correction combined with the evolution of the divine plans for Urantia’s trajectory toward Light and Life. So you might imagine that many people would be reluctant or resistant to open to this because they do not trust Spirit. They know not the Father’s LOVE and MERCY and COMPASSION.  But you have drunk from this well of infinite GOODNESS and you know that it is right and true and good to cooperate with your Indwelling Spirit.

So as you focus on DIVINE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION, also invite the energies of JOYFUL COOPERATION WITH FATHER to move into your hearts, help you open and relax more into this dynamic so that you may be more motivated to serve and share your gifts with the world in the ways Father is guiding you forward.

Let your hearts be seeded and operative in this dynamic of JOYFUL COOPERATION WITH FATHER and allow these words to mingle with DIVINE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION. If you wish to expand the focus, may I suggest you use these words: JOYFUL COOPERATION WITH FATHER IN IMPLEMENTING THE DIVINE PLAN, and notice how you respond when you allow these words to circulate and penetrate into your mindal constructs and structures.

JOYFUL COOPERATION WITH FATHER is something the world has not well understood. In this time of great change and correction, the mass awakening underway is designed to help more individuals tap into this infinite wellspring of Father’s GOODNESS. You have access to this. Do you tap into this on a regular basis that you may participate in this quality of JOYFUL COOPERATION WITH FATHER?  Yes, you must put aside your own ideations and desires and allow Father to renew you in what is TRUE and GOOD and in alignment with His plans, not only for your own individual lives but for the collective.

We cannot emphasize enough to you the importance of the part to the whole but in order for the part to become most effective, it needs to align with the collective plans so that the most efficacious changes can be made and support the growing body of mass awakening to progress.

So, recognize your own individual part to the collective now, and sense that longing, that internal attitude of love and compassion for your brothers and sisters, for the planet to be healed of its many, many social and environmental problems, projecting from your hearts JOYFUL COOPERATION WITH FATHER IN DIVINE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION. JOYFUL COOPERATION WITH FATHER IN DIVINE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION.  JOYFUL COOPERATION WITH FATHER IN DIVINE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION.

Send that forth from your hearts into the planet. See the globe pulsing with these spiritual word dynamics. And you may use that familiar counter-clockwise spiral rotation if that is helpful. The Seraphim and other helpers are ready to engage at this collective level now. Feel your intention for this infusion to go deep, deep into mindal circuits, moving into those places where more individuals who are awakening can be fed with this dynamic and respond to its meaning and value as Father Within them help them open to this new way of being.

Implementing a divine plan on an evolutionary material world takes many millennia to achieve. You have some context of its length of development from your Urantia text, but it is something that your planetary system of consciousness has not yet well understood. Part of the Correcting Time agenda put in place by your Father Christ Michael is to and help the humans of this world recognize their relationship to the collective whole: its membership in the universe family of Nebadon.

You know why this has never been able to be fully achieved, but now all of this is no longer an issue, as you might say. IT IS TIME TO IMPLEMENT THE DIVINE PLAN upon Urantia. IT IS TIME FOR JOYFUL COOPERATION WITH FATHER. What we engaged today is the human volition for this to achieve deeper levels of mindal awareness all across the globe to help people progress on their path of awakening.

Once you awaken to Spirit, then the work begins in earnest: ‘Who am I? Who am I becoming? How can I participate with Spirit?’ are some of the questions that come to mind once the awakening process is underway. Now it is time for those who have awakened to become aware that they have a responsibility to the collective.  They can engage with Spirit. They can participate in JOYFUL COOPERATION with the Spirit of Father Within and they, too, can implement their own divine plan that also feeds the divine plan of planet.

Recognize your own responsibility as well, my brethren, that you may continue to progress in your soul growth and add more light to the growing light circuitry gaining strength and breadth of operation in planetary consciousness. Continue your focus on JOYFUL COOPERATION WITH FATHER IN DIVINE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION.

There is memory of Urantia’s divine plan that moves through evolutionary circuits of mind to help people remember: remember their relationship to the Father, remember their relationship to the universe and Michael’s family of LOVE. The DIVINE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION that you have been holding for us is now reaching down into these memory circuits where, you might say, the soul-mind of the planet has existed in a state, not quite suspended animation, but the state wherein it has not been able to fully blossom.

Feel your intention and desire for this memory circuit to be infused with these higher plans now so that it forms, what you might call, a bridge of energy for people to feed upon and come into RIGHT MINDEDNESS, opening new insights and new feelings of love and joy within the human heart and soul. Evolutionary memory is very vast, and now it is time for this bridge to be built so that more individuals may walk upon this bridge from the past to the present to build this higher planetary culture of Light and Life in the future. This is an important phase your world is now passing through and the help that this planet is receiving is beyond your imagination.

We are here with you as this bridge is forming, growing, and inviting more people to make that journey from the past and its memories into this brilliant future that you have the privilege to co-create with Father Within you.   Let the magnitude of this concept embrace you that you feel this new dynamism of strength, conviction, courage, and faith that you can be an active participant and inspire others as well.

Let all of these words and energies take deeper root in you and allow yourselves to acclimate and integrate with them. And as you do this, also project that desire for this to move into the collective as JOYFUL COOPERATION WITH FATHER IN DIVINE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION continues to be in-worked by the Seraphim and the myriads of helpers who share their love and compassion for this world with you.

The past is the past.  The present is upon you and you are moving in a mighty trajectory toward Light and Life.  All you can do is to live faithfully as a loyal son and daughter of God each day as best you can. Commit yourselves to this each day, anew and fresh to ensure that you are committed and motivated to BE the Father’s WILL as best you can. You do not need to expect that you will do things perfectly or even understand all of the things that you do.  But your motivation to be the best living example of Father’s LOVE is what will continue your progression on this sacred path of your own divine plan implementation thereby adding more light to the world.

So never discount your importance of Father’s plans and the value that you are and have to Him. Be kind to yourselves.  Be kind to others, especially to those who have still yet to awaken and do not understand what is occurring upon Urantia. Mighty changes are underway and you will continue to see them unfold over time which will make certain individuals even more unsteady and uncertain. So many individuals are now being prepared to be these anchors of light and peace for your brethren, and so it is up to you to determine how much you want to participate as these light anchors of peace and love for them.

Much of what you will accomplish will be without words.  It is a state of being.  It is a state of mind and heart where you are in these living expressions of the Father’s LOVE and COMPASSION, and just to be a safe and supportive person to listen to what they have to share with you so that they may unburden themselves, and you may beam that light and love right into their hearts and souls that their Indwelling Spirits may tell them “All is well. I am here. I am in you and I will guide you through this way of change and growth.” So let these words settle in and let them deepen and allow that outward projection from your hearts to continue for a few more moments.

Beloved brethren, we are concluded our objects for today. Thank you for your faith and participation. As these spiritual energies continue to move into planetary circuits, ensure that you are doing all you can to remain strong and stable in your Father Michael, that you may continue to find those new places of love and light within you.

Trajectory toward change and soul growth is underway on the planet. It is a momentum that is unstoppable now and Michael’s plans of correction are being implemented. Rejoice in this time! Be assured that His hand is steering this world forward. It is time for you to trust in Him more fully and completely and prepare yourselves for my mission.  And when the time is right, you will know, perceive, intuit when all is in readiness for the next phase of growth for Urantia to unfold. Look forward to that time as well as saying present to your cosmic responsibilities each and every day, and all things will unfold in the Father’s WILL as He has ordained it.  Good day.

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