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ICC-MM 201108- Focusing Divine Justice into Planetary Memory Circuits, Holding Focus on I am Forgiving; Focus on Simultaneous Spontaneity of Spiritual Recognition and Remembrance of Father; Worship of the Paradise Father

2020-11-08. Focusing Divine Justice into Planetary Memory Circuits, Holding Focus on I am Forgiving; Focus on Simultaneous Spontaneity of Spiritual Recognition and Remembrance of Father; Worship of the Paradise Father

Planetary Seraphic and Magisterial Mission Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

November 8, 2020

Topic: Focusing Divine Justice into Planetary Memory Circuits, Holding Focus on I am Forgiving; Focus on Simultaneous Spontaneity of Spiritual Recognition and Remembrance of Father; Worship of the Paradise Father

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father and Monjoronson, center us in your LOVE and presence, letting those circuits of spiritual energy be conveyed through our minds, Hearts, Souls and Personalities. Help us to remain focused at our superconscious level, wherein our thoughts are guided by our Indwelling Spirits; that where we are guided to focus and produce those energies of motivation and intention we put to good use all throughout the circuits of planetary mind. We are here to serve you and our world in the ways we are being guided by our Magisterial Son. We thank our Planetary Seraphim for their devotion to the spiritual upliftment of our world. And we now engage in this circuit of human and Spirit collaboration for your will to be conducted. Thank you.

MONJORONSON:  Beloved brethren, greetings to you all! I am Monjoronson and I will be facilitating our time together as you provide the focus we request of you. As you know, much preparation has been underway for the materialization of the Magisterial Mission upon Urantia. There are new circuits being constructed within the system of this world’s memory records that will produce more spiritual vitality for those individuals who have yet to awaken to perceive the call of Spirit Within.

What you have been providing us through our years of association has provided the human foundation for much change to prevail. It is human volition—human choice to be guided by the Indwelling Spirit that promotes change and provides that environment for more spiritual vitality to gain more operating space within the circuits of mind.

The course of change is set and this world is making its way on this trajectory toward Light and Life. We thank you for your participation and your dedication these long years of our collaboration. We understand that it is challenging for human imagination to conceive what is actually happening behind the scenes of your lives. But make no mistake about it. It is your faith, your dedication to the Father, your loyalty to Christ Michael and Mother Spirit Nebadonia who have held this intention for more change to occur. So as we begin today, take those few moments of inner reflection guided by your Indwelling Spirits to perceive more of what it is that you can hold for us today.

If it is helpful, invite my presence to deepen within you. Allow the energetic presence of my Personality to gently calibrate with yours coming together in a bond of love and faith, compassion and mercy to render you more stable in Spirit during these times of much change and insecurity within the human heart.

Each one of you has great spiritual potential. This is the time of activating this potential by developing these very intimate relationships and associations with us. You have access to us through the circuits of mind. We have encouraged you over these years to develop these relationships. We are always ready to respond and engage with you. But you must make that decision whether or not you want this relationship to develop regardless of who it is, whether it is your Indwelling Spirit, Christ Michael, the Divine Minister, myself or any of your celestial helpers. We await your decisions. Continue to focus on your Indwelling Spirits for a few moments as your mind is prepared to be engaged with a mighty focus today and allow my energetic signature to calibrate into yours. (Pause)

All over the planet’s mindal system new light is breaking forth. The darkness or shadow contained within human mind is yielding to this light—the Light of TRUTH, the potency of LOVE, and the dynamics of LIFE itself. The soul hunger—that yearning for the divine—is perceivable by many now. And those who do not yet know where to turn or to find their way are being helped by many, many spiritual brothers and sisters who are here on the planet to lead them where they will find succor and comfort.

Let us now direct your attention to engage with certain circuits of planetary mind. Experience that heart-felt yearning for more DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail throughout the circuits of mind going back into history—into memory. You may not fully perceive where we direct these energies today. That is quite understandable.  Yet, what we ask of you is to commit yourselves to that intention of DIVINE JUSTICE moving through these circuits of mind going back in time to a place when the divine plan was indeed operating in conjunction with the Father’s designs for this world.

Invite your Father Fragments to guide your thoughts and focus and to amplify that yearning for more LOVE, TRUTH, AND GOODNESS to prevail. Know that desire for the infusions of DIVINE JUSTICE move through these historical circuits as we engage with you, now as the many devoted helpers of this world move into these places where the DIVINE JUSTICE is needed as a remedy for this world’s trials and tribulations.

Hold the focus on DIVINE JUSTICE. Simply focus on these words as we take your energies and apply them where they will do the most good. If it is helpful you may envision the endowment of DIVINE JUSTICE pulsing on the earth plane, asking for the energies to go deep, deep into the earth into memory circuits. Keep as strong a focus as you can muster and allow the Spirit Within to guide your thought current and the yearnings of your heart for DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail. (Pause)

Many of you are aware that what has occurred upon this planet due to the rebellion has resulted in a miscarriage of the divine plans of evolution. What I now draw your attention to is your attitude toward this miscarriage. Does it make you angry, frustrated, resentful?

If you have not posed these questions to yourself, I invite you now to take them to your Indwelling Spirit and ask for Father’s perspective to convey to your mind a picture that you can identify as truth where you broaden your perspective and to see this situation from the Father’s eyes.

Our Father in Paradise understands all.  You have great, immense, spiritual potential to perceive this from your Spirit when you are in full sincerity and faith to perceive what your Spirit wishes to convey about your relationship to this rebellion dynamic. Recall that your Father Christ Michael, in human form as Jesus on the cross, saying, “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.” You can always appeal to Him for greater appreciation and understanding.

But there are those who do know what they do and have spurned DIVINE MERCY. What is your attitude toward them? What are your feelings? What are your perceptions? This dynamic is challenging to many people.  And I encourage you to now invite your Spirit to help you perceive through the eyes of FORGIVENESS—how you should relate to this rebellion dynamic. You may certainly appeal to your Father Michael for His FORGIVENESS and amplify your ability to perceive that by affirming that you are forgiving of the rebellion.

The more you hold this, the greater spiritual vitality you add into these circuits of mind, of memory to open the space for more DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail. Do you recognize the potency you have with this dynamic of being forgiving? It is an action. It allows you to be more aligned with Father within you. Let go of resentments and judgments. Jesus has exhorted you to do not judge others lest you be judged yourselves.

So, allow yourselves to release all of those negative perceptions you have held, perhaps even secretly harbored within your hearts, affirming that you are forgiving of the rebellion and those who have perpetuated it. This is part of your liberation process, my brethren. It does you credit to open to this now, allowing the flow of GRACE to move through you and into these circuits of mind where DIVINE JUSTICE is moving through those memory components all around the globe. (Pause)

If you have the presence of mind, I invite you to focus on DIVINE JUSTICE as a very large energy field and your affirmation of I AM FORGIVNG gently taking form and space in that field for this to be applied more liberally into various circuits all around the globe. (Pause)

The ancient roots of rebellion have spawned a culture in which you now see its distortions in full view. Those who have perpetuated this rebellion mindset and maintain being beholden to it need your love. They have been deceived time and time again; their deception being so strong that they cannot perceive another view of reality. The true view of reality has long been blinded in them. But as you hold this affirmation of being forgiving, you add to the liberation of this very vast interconnected lacing of planetary mind. We continue to apply DIVINE JUSTICE in these circuits, helping human motivation to move in the direction of REMEBRANCE OF FATHER. (Pause)

Those of you who have had experience with your Indwelling Spirits know of the magnitude of Father’s MERCY and GRACE. You taste a little bit at a time and it whets your appetite for more—more direct experience. I invite you to also consider this as an intention for the collective planet; that each individual come into a direct experience with their own Indwelling Spirits. You know the value of this. Do you not want others to also he uplifted? Then extend that intention out into the planet that all may engage with Father and know of His LOVE and the PERSONALITY VALIDATION that He infuses into each individual for soul recognition. We have invited you to feel that love for your brothers and sisters. Now, we invite you to extend that motivation to them that they open to Father Within and to have a direct experience with Spirit that will alter their view of life and help them remember they have a sacred purpose for their existence. (Pause)

I invite you to focus on these words:  SIMULTANEOUS SPONTANEITY OF SPIRITUAL RECOGNITION, SIMULTANEOUS SPONTANEITY OF SPIRITUAL RECOGNITION, SIMULTANEOUS SPONTANEITY OF SPIRITUAL RECOGNITION. Hold this.  Feel this.  Yearn for this to be applied worldwide throughout these circuits of mind as we conduct these energies where they will produce the most good. (Pause)

Ask for the circuit of the Adjusters on the planet to engage with this intention.  Feel that need for each individual to open to the presence of Father Within all around the globe. You have every right to ask for this. The more you sincerely, earnestly, loyally hold this intention, the greater the flow of spiritual energy to this world to awaken more individuals. (Pause)

As we continue to apply these energies, we know that you are holding much in your hearts and minds.  Yet we ask you to focus on one more very potent dynamic of DIVINE RECOGNITION.  DIVINE RECOGNITION, you might call this a remembrance of the Father’s Presence Within. The voice of the Father has been constrained but now it is time for this divine reckoning and recognition of Father and the memory of His Presence to provide a large ground swell through memory circuits to open the floodgates of LOVE, MERCY, PEACE to prevail in human mind.

Yearn for this to be applied liberally through the planet circuits:  DIVINE RECOGNITION OF REMEMBRANCE OF THE FATHER. (Pause)

Elevate your gaze to Paradise and the Father of all, joining us in this communion of worship of the Father as the Conductors of Worship engage with us now assisting us in the amplification of these energies.

Father, we of the spiritual and terrestrial realms thank you. Receive our gratitude from these stalwart souls who have pledged themselves to be your ministers of PEACE, TRUTH, GOODNESS, and GRACE to those in need. Let the DIVINE GLORY of your LOVE fill them, completing a deep need within the soul yearning for intimate communion with you. May your Presence expand in them as you receive their grateful hearts and our gratitude for human engagement in planetary correction. (Pause)

May the GRACE of the Paradise Trinity embrace you. May the LOVE and SECURITY of your Divine Parents enfold you. May you all remember what it is of your cosmic responsibility to achieve during this time that you may engage more mightily with your soul purpose and your personality potential to be the Father’s LOVE to one and all.

As we end our engagement with you, receive our thanks, but remember that your work is not over. What you hold here and now is replicable. Use this replication dynamic in your stillness time to support the unfolding of DIVINE JUSTICE all around the globe. Remember that you have this ability and you grow in Spirit as you do this.  Call upon the SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY of Christ Michael when you engage in this manner and He will support you.

This is your task and we give this to you freely because we know you can achieve this.  The liberation of Urantian mind is being achieved by you. We support you. But it is you who must make the decisions to be about the Father’s WAYES and WILL.

So take a few moments to allow all of these words we have spoken and all of the energies you have received to settle in and integrate mightily in you. (Pause)

Know that when we meet again in two weeks there will be more spiritual vitality on the planet. We will continue our ministrations in that intervening time.

I withdraw now in this manner but my presence pervades you and I invite you to come into greater intimacy with me each day. Thank you for your continued faith and patience and perseverance through this challenging time. We are deeply grateful for all that you provide to us and to your world. I leave you in the Father’s LOVE, and my blessings are upon you for a most peaceful and joyful good day.

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