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ICC-MM 201122- Focus on I Am Fulfilling My Spiritual Destiny; Holding the Planet in Fulfillment of Spiritual Destiny; Monjoronson’s Divine Justice Imprinting Upon the Planetary Fulfillment Focus, Calibrating to Machiventa’s Energy Signature

2020-11-22. Focus on I Am Fulfilling My Spiritual Destiny; Holding the Planet in Fulfillment of Spiritual Destiny; Monjoronson’s Divine Justice Imprinting Upon the Planetary Fulfillment Focus, Calibrating to Machiventa’s Energy Signature

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

November 22, 2020

Topic: Focus on I Am Fulfilling My Spiritual Destiny; Holding the Planet in Fulfillment of Spiritual Destiny; Monjoronson’s Divine Justice Imprinting Upon the Planetary Fulfillment Focus, Calibrating to Machiventa’s Energy Signature

TR:      Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Divine Parents, we pledge ourselves to be of service to our world, to you, to our universe brethren, and to our planet. We thank you for connecting us in your LOVE through the circuits of Personality, Spirit, Soul, and Mind that what we offer you will be put to good use all around the globe. Help us maintain that strong steady focus at the superconscious level as we engage with our Indwelling Spirits. We ask our Spirits to guide our focus today to deepen our experience with collaborating with Spirit in this way that it may become a part of our souls and assist in the great awakening underway. We thank you for this opportunity to be of service and we now ask for your WILL to be done through us.

MACHIVENTA:  Greetings! Greetings one and all! This is Machiventa and I will facilitate today’s experience of focused energy into planetary circuits of mind. Monjoronson is here and He engages with us now. And it is noteworthy to convey to you all that much has been put in place to prepare the world for the Magisterial Mission that will soon come to fruition upon the planet in a more tangible form.

It would be very challenging to describe all of the preparatory efforts that have been conducted for many years to bring about this mission in material form. Many of you who have awakened through the 11:11 prompts and other means are being drawn into this dynamic of planetary transformation through spiritual gravity. It has a drawing dynamic to it. You may think of it as a magnetism and it is powerful. It is momentum and it is pervasive throughout all creation.

Today, we invite you to engage with this spiritual gravity. Take some deep breaths, allowing this dynamic to stir in you. Let it engage with your minds and bodies. What does it feel like within when you allow this dynamic to be more consciously perceived within you? It is significant for you to become aware of this dynamic because the planet is being ushered into a trajectory toward Light and Life by this spiritual gravity, and this approach will only strengthen as the Correcting Time agenda continues. So, allow this dynamic to move in you as you take some deep breaths and experience this current of LIFE move in through you. (Pause)

You have been told that you have power in the Spirit. What does this mean? How do you engage with this? Spiritual gravity is naturally occurring.  Its source is the Father and it comes through you by various spiritual dynamics that are innately yours—your Personalities, your Indwelling Spirits and your souls. As you allow this spiritual energy to flow through you as a natural energy, I invite you to focus on the dynamic of achieving your spiritual potential while you are here as a human living this material life. Allow these words to spring forth from your souls combined with that heartfelt motivation, and let this thought form become focused in your mental screen: I AM FULFILLING MY SPIRITUAL DESTINY. I AM FULFILLING MY SPIRITUAL DESTINY. I AM FULFILLING MY SPIRITUAL DESTINY. See this in your mind’s eye. Hold this as an intention and allow the spiritual gravity that exists within you to strengthen and flow circulating throughout your being as we engage with you now. (Pause)

Each one of you has a SPIRITUAL DESTINY. You grow in experiencing this destiny one step at a time. It is your experience through daily living that helps you achieve this. All throughout your ascension career will you be experiencing and participating in fulfillment of your SPIRITUAL DESTINY. But I ask you, have you considered this as part of your objectives for your human life experience? Do you ask to achieve more of the potential that you have within you as a creative human? You have creator abilities within you. Have you used them in conjunction with your Indwelling Spirits? I pose these questions to you for your deeper consideration as this will help you open to what has been gifted into you by the Father in Paradise.

As you consider these questions now, give great weight, breadth and depth to affirm I AM FULFILLING MY SPIRITUAL DESTINY. Allow your Indwelling Spirits to guide you as your thoughts progress, as the energies deepen, and as the energetic dynamics in you harmonize and unify within. (Pause)

There are great mysteries within your beings to explore as your Spirit guides you to look at those qualities that you embody over time through daily living experience. When you become more awakened to the presence of Spirit Within, you recognize your relationship to the Father and your responsibility to the collective. One is not, or may I say, cannot be separated from the other. The Father is the whole.  You are part, and the relationship of the part to the whole is very much at the core of your relationship with the Father as a child of faith. The mysteries within your potential are known by the Father but they have yet to be discovered by you. The Indwelling Spirits and your Personalities contain the information you need that you may manifest your potential through your willingness to cooperate with Spirit and those principles and values which are a composite of LIFE itself. So, let these words settle in as you keep affirming that YOU ARE FULFILLING YOUR SPIRITUAL DESTINY as we continue to minister to you and also bring these energies into the collective of the planet. (Pause)

We invite you now to shift focus to the collective circuits of planetary mind. Here is where you engage your unique part to the whole of the planet. Envision and embrace the world before you in your mind’s eye and these words:  FULFILLMENT OF SPIRITUAL DESTINY; FULFILLMENT OF SPIRITUAL DESTINY; FULFILLMENT OF SPIRITUAL DESTINY, and add that thread that you produce from your mind that is connected to your Spirit and soul to move into the collective planetary mindal system, adding your part to this whole for FULFILLMENT OF SPIRITUAL DESTINY of the planet to progress. Allow that sincere motivation and intention to FULFILL YOUR SPIRITUAL DESTINY to add into the growing spiritual dynamics of planetary mind. Do your best to maintain this focus as your part engages with whole now. (Pause)

Just as you have a SPIRITUAL DESTINY to fulfill, so does each material world. It evolves over time by human participation aligning with the spiritual principles of LIFE that grow over long periods of time. The evolutionary process to bring a world to its status of Light and Life unfolds over long periods of time. You are now engaged with us in this process of helping the planet achieve its SPIRITUAL DESTINY. Do not undervalue your own participation. Instead, value the good that you can bring to your brothers and sisters—the love you wish to share with them.

By affirming that YOU ARE FULFILLING YOUR SPIRITUAL DESTINY, you are adding what you might call a thread of mindal energy into planetary mind to be encircuited where it will produce more good, more truth to be revealed though human thought currents. This is your role and responsibility as a planetary citizen at this juncture of your lives. Your Spirits know what you can achieve. Do you trust this in yourselves? Do have faith in what is within you that comes from the Father in Paradise—that which is gifted to you through Christ Michael and Mother Spirit Nebadonia? This is a time to go deeper into your spiritual dimensions, become aware of what they are, and how to conjoin and collaborate with them to help you FULFILL YOUR SPIRITUAL DESTINY one day at a time, building, and progressing experience upon experience.

As you allow this thread of FULFILLING YOUR SPIRITUAL DESTINY to blend and weave into collective mind, also feel that deep yearning for the FULFILLMENT OF THE PLANET’S SPIRITUAL DESTINY to progress. You may not perceive what a Light and Life culture looks like. There will be future generations dedicated to this. What is needed now is that yearning and that motivation for this to be achieved. How many of your brothers and sisters actually think about this? Consider this as part of their everyday approach to life? So, here is where you can tap into that spiritual gravity and feel that yearning for this FULFILLMENT OF SPIRITUAL DESTINY to expand and help others awaken to what is within them of their spiritual potential. Again, allow these words to settle in as you maintain this very important and potent dynamic as your focus. (Pause)

There is one other spiritual element to add. As you envision the planet being held in the dynamics of FULFILLMENT OF SPIRITUAL DESTINY, invite Monjoronson to reverberate the spiritual dynamics of DIVINE JUSTICE to calibrate into this dynamic. If you have the ability to envision the DIVINE JUSTICE dynamic gently imprinting on the FULFILLMENT OF SPIRITUAL DESTINY that would be most advantageous. As well, you are continuing to add that thread of your own unique spiritual potential in FULFILLMENT OF YOUR DESTINY to blend in to this overall energetic configuration. Do your best to maintain this focus, and there are mighty helpers who are now engaging to bring about more change and correction. (Pause)

As your Planetary Manager, I invite you to come into relationship with me. As you have done in the past with your Parents and Monjoronson, invite my Personality resonance to calibrate with yours. While you are thusly engaged with outward focus, if you are open to this now, I will help you perceive more of my presence within you. You have the ability to say my name as you hold the focus you have been maintaining that will allow you to expand more in circuits of mind. We are helping you in this way so that you become aware of the spiritual potency that you contain when you engage at this superconscious level. It is quite important that you become more aware of this dynamic especially now as more outworking of the rebellion moves at a very material level.

We are giving you as much of the energetic dynamics we can to support your own inner growth and ability to see and experience the Father’s presence within you that you may participate in FULFILLING YOUR SPIRITUAL DESTINY that supports the planet’s evolution to its SPIRITUAL DESTINY. We appreciate that this may be a lot for you to ingest but you will calibrate at the rate at which your Spirit knows you are ready to receive. We plant seeds within you for them to take root, sprout, flower, and bloom. So let all of these energetic dynamics integrate into you now, and I will continue to calibrate into you adding another dimension of these higher frequencies to support your continued growth and development. (Pause)

Beloved brethren, we know we ask much of you. We ask this because we know what is in human potential to achieve. This is a time to have trust in yourselves and the gifts that the Father has placed within you of great love and dedication that you may achieve the greatness within you. Human creative and spiritual potential is awakening.  It is a mighty time upon the planet to see the lights of the soul sparking on. How much light will you emit from your own souls to add to this growing awakening dynamic? Human potential is being untethered from the rebellion mindset. It is a glorious and grand awakening process underway, and you do well to remember that this is the trajectory of all LIFE.  And you are moving in that spiritual gravitational dynamic to FULFILLMENT OF DESTINY—the part and the whole, the individual and the planet. Continue to allow these energies to integrate for a few more moments before we conclude for today. (Pause)

As the LIGHT of the Father grows within you, allow this SPIRITUAL DESTINY to become more perceptible in your thoughts and feelings. Let the mysteries unfold and let the spiritual age be ushered in as we escort you into your rightful places in FULFILLMENT of this time of planetary correction. Engage with us when you feel that motivation is upon you. Turn your thoughts inward to Spirit and allow your Indwelling Spirits to convey the information you need to consider and act upon.

Mighty changes are upon you, my brethren.  You are being encouraged in many ways to bring in this LIGHT OF TRUTH AND GOODNESS to your brethren. And as the hand of the Father continues to support this world, will you continue to be motivated to cultivate the Personality gifts within you and motivate others to perceive the LIGHT of God Within.

While this integration will continue to move upon the circuits of mind in you personally and collectively, remember your stillness practice and commune with Father daily that you may remain steadfast and secure in FAITH as this mighty outworking and awakening continues.

We appreciate every ounce of faith you produce. It adds into the growing spiritual dynamism embracing this world and bringing it into its FULFILLMENT of its wonderful unique and majestic DESTINY. I am Machiventa and I leave you in the Father’s LOVE. Good day.

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