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ICC-MM 201025-Topic: Focus on Monjoronson and Michael’s Divine Plans of Evolution for Urantia; Forgiveness and Divine Justice.

2020-10-25. Focus on Monjoronson and Michael’s Divine Plans of Evolution for Urantia; Forgiveness and Divine Justice

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

October 25, 2020

Topic: Focus on Monjoronson and Michael’s Divine Plans of Evolution for Urantia; Forgiveness and Divine Justice.

T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Divine Parents and Magisterial Son, we thank you for opening up this circuit of communication that we may collaborate with you and our Seraphim to impart more spiritual energy and vitality into our planetary mind. Thank you for directing us today where we can do the most good as you conjoin us as one in your circuits of Mind, Soul and Spirit and Personality. Help us to engage more consciously with our Indwelling Spirits that they may direct our thought currents where we are being guided today. You know what you wish to accomplish through our intentions. Thank you for stirring in us, amplifying our abilities to perceive Spirit, to enhance our focus, to expand our heart motivations in fulfillment of your WILL being done. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be of service.

MONJORONSON:  Beloved brethren, greetings to you all!  This is Monjoronson, and I am pleased to be with you today as we come together to create more spiritual vitality for Urantian mind to elevate to those higher tones and notes of LOVE that pervade all creation.

As we begin, take some deep breaths.  Let the natural movement of Spirit relax your bodies. (Pause). Experience a deepening of this relaxation that your minds may become more clearly focused on where we guide you today.

At first, I invite you to focus on my presence, allowing that relationship dynamic between us to expand gently in you. I desire in relationship with each one of you. You are all important and precious to us.  You can only benefit more by our developing relationship. Allow these few moments of focus on me to swell within you that you may perceive my presence in whatever way your Indwelling Spirits support this dynamic growing bond.

The spiritual synergy of our developing relationship will continue to progress in preparation for the materialization of my mission here upon Urantia. Many of you, with good reason, are curious about what this means for the overall upliftment of this world’s system of consciousness. And in time you will experience more of what this means. Preparations are still underway for this materialization to occur in the near future.

What I wish to establish first and foremost is for you to allow my presence to make itself known within your own energetic system. In that way you will be able to recognize me when I am here as one of you. We make careful preparations to ensure the viability of this mission. And in the coming days, I invite you focus on me during your still practice, inviting me to share more of my energetic presence with you and know of my LOVE and COMPASSION for this world. Continue to focus on me as I minister in each one of you through the circuits of mind via your Holy Mother Spirit Nebadonia.

We are now ready to engage with you as the various orders of helping personalities, including your Planetary Seraphim, to engage with the collective circuits all around the globe. Take a few moments to move your focus into your hearts and souls. Feel that motivation to be of service to your brethren and to all life here. If you can, move into that place of appreciation for the Father’s divine plans of evolution.

These plans of evolution are normal and natural.  And I invite you to tap into that place where you experience that strong yearning for the divine plan to become more operative all through the system of mind upon this world. There is innate in human mind a yearning for the divine. It is natural.  It has been seated in you by Spirit.  So allow your minds to gravitate toward that yearning and let it swell. Let it move you mightily in that place of your heart that what you have created within your soul may move through the circuits of mind today and aid mightily in what we are here to accomplish during our time together.

Now from this sacred space within you, let that yearning proceed outwardly—this yearning for the divine. As you do this, envision the globe in your mind’s eye placed directly in front of your heart centers. As you do this, simply focus on my name (MONJORONSON).  And if you wish to use that familiar counter-clockwise rotation, you may do so.  Or you may see my name envelop the globe, or you may ask your Indwelling Spirit for a picture in your mind’s eye that will be easy for you to maintain focus.

What we ask you to hold now is for this yearning for more of the divine plans to be imparted into Urantian consciousness.  And it is my mission that will assist in this great endeavor for all life here. Let us begin here and we will guide you to expand the focus as we proceed. Do your best hold my name upon the planet for a few moments now as we begin.

My mission is an extension of the MERCY ministry that Michael has put in place for the continued evolution of this world toward its divine destiny of Light and Life. As you focus my name MONJORONSON upon the globe, envision in your mind’s eye these words: MICHAEL’S DIVINE PLANS OF EVOLUTION. I am here to assist in this implementation which will be achieved through great human involvement.

It is a true collaboration of the human with the divine. In holding these words MICHAEL’S DIVINE PLANS OF EVOLUTION, you are allowing this superimposition to move upon those plans that are of a lower order or nature that had been perpetuated by the rebellion. Your yearning for these divine plans coming from Michael in His collaborative design are important for you to feel and seed into planetary consciousness. Human involvement is critical, and Michael’s plans of CORRECTION, REDEMPTION, REHABILITATION are far greater than any of the plans in place by those who would perpetuate the rebellion mindset and agendas.

So simply focus on my name MONJORONSON and MICHAEL’S PLANS as we continue to move in these circuits where these plans need to be more deeply and more consciously perceived in human mind.

As you know, there is growing awareness in human understanding that this world is operating in a way that causes chaos, confusion, and destruction. The mass awakening underway is supporting the recognition of this dynamic for people to choose, to actually say, “We do and will not consent to these dynamics of destruction and chaos.” There has been a massive (plan) underway by those recalcitrant individuals to maintain the Luciferic agenda.  But Michael’s plans are greater.  My mission is greater, so where do you wish to place your focus. When you succumb to fear and the manipulative sophistries of those still in power, it does nothing to add to the spiritual dynamism of what Michael wishes for the children and all life of this world.

So, in today’s infusion and in the coming days, focus mightily with great feeling and yearning on my name MONJORONSON and MICHAEL’S DIVINE PLANS OF EVOLUTION to move in these circuits to supplant this rebellion agenda. This will aid more in this awakening of the masses and give them more insight to choose the Father, to recognize the Father within themselves, and to seek a better life—a life of spiritual discovery and soul identification.

You see, my brethren, we place great emphasis on these spiritual dynamics to share with you to return to you those gifts of your own spiritual potency that was always yours to learn and to live. And now more than ever, it is time that you learn through these experiences with us that you may live what we share and provide to you more fully and consciously each day. Continue to maintain this focus on my name MONJORONSON and MICHAEL’S DIVINE PLANS OF EVOLUTION as what this plan contains may imprint more mightily into those places where the untethering to the rebellion mindset is still necessary and for Michael’s plans of REDEMPTION and REHABILITATION can be more deeply seated.

Shift focus slightly now, inviting the GRACE of FORGIVENESS to move through planetary circuits of mind. FORGIVENESS is a healing balm.  And it is a vital spiritual dynamic that we ask you to embody more and more as more TRUTH is revealed, as more LIGHT shines on the darkness contained within certain agendas for this will support you mightily as MICHAEL’S PLANS continue move deeper into these circuits of mind.

Focus now on this important spiritual quality of FORGIVENESS, and ask to be expanded in this that you may embody this more and help you perceive more from the perspective of Father’s presence within you.

As you focus on FORGIVENESS, know that my DIVINE JUSTICE is imparting certain qualities or aspects into planetary mind. For just as Michael is the personification of many spiritual qualities, I am here as the personification of DIVINE JUSTICE.  And herein is where your yearning for FORGIVENESS to embrace the world intersects with my DIVINE JUSTICE and produces more spiritual LIGHT and vitality to move through circuits of mind.

We ask you to focus on various spiritual dynamics to increase and enhance your mindal capacities. Human mind has been curtailed and contained.  But when you engage with the Spirit, you expand your abilities. Your thinking becomes more aligned in Father’s perception. Your capacity to feel love and compassion increases. You move beyond the limitations imposed upon you by the rebellion culture, moving into the vast domain of mind where you can be more guided by Spirit Within to assist in planetary correction.

So know that as you engage with all these various focal dynamics, what you are actually doing in yourselves is expanding your abilities to be of service to Michael, to Nebadonia, to your world, and to the universe itself. So, ensure that you are doing your part each day to recognize how this expansion is assisting your spiritual growth, and be grateful for it.  For this will steady you in the coming days when you see more TRUTH revealed and the outworking of DIVINE JUSTICE throughout the planet.

So simply return to that focus of my name MONJORONSON and ask for MICHAEL’S DIVINE PLANS OF EVOLUTION to continue to in-work throughout the planetary circuits of mind.

Beloved brethren, mass awakening is underway. You will witness how this unfolds as these plans of evolution continue to make the necessary changes for the liberation of humanity from the scourge of rebellion. Remember well what we have engaged with you over the course of our association with you over these years. Empower yourselves each day by spending time with your Spirit, asking your Parents to hold you in their LOVE that you may grow more organically in them.  And spend time with me, asking for my presence to nourish you that you may be of greater service during this time of spiritual potential beginning to blossom all over the globe.

We will continue our ministrations, for what we have asked for you to produce from your hearts and souls has provided us with more of that human dynamic to impart more change. And you certainly are welcome to remain in this meditative state should you wish to further engage with us. We thank you for your dedication and faith today.

So, before we disengage, let us spend a few moments in communion together in appreciation of the Father in Paradise. Not only for His Personality Presence, but for all that He has gifted to all creation. Join with us now as we sit in this place of worshipful communion and share in the love and joy of being a member of this great bountiful cosmic family.

Father, receive our communion. May we all rejoice in the GLORY of your divine plans of evolution, and especially in the way they are being cultivated here on this world. Thank you for these mighty stalwart souls for their trust and faith in you as Agondonters.  We are all blessed by your GLORY. Thank you.

Descending from Paradise back to Urantia through these circuits of worship will engage mightily in your mind to support you throughout the day. Allow this experience to go deeper into you, fortifying your faith, elevating your mind to those exquisite tones and notes of the Father’s LOVE.

I thank you for your participation today, for the love that you are, for the trust that you have, and for your dedication to be of service. Pay close attention to how you are being guided in devoted service each day.  Whether it is a large or small act, it matters not. What is important is that you move into that place feeling that yearning for the divine that you may express it more mightily, creatively, and dynamically moment by moment.

As I take my leave, remember that even though we leave you in this forum, it is an open field for you to participate with us, and we appreciate every intention and focus that you place in our direction.  I withdraw now and leave you in the Father’s LOVE, and we will meet again very soon to bring about more LIGHT, LOVE, and LIFE into this beautiful world’s system of consciousness. Good day.

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