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IND12- Joy & Happiness

1992-08-08-Joy & Happiness
Indianapolis #12
1 Heading
1.1 Topic: Joy & Happiness
1.2 Group: Indianapolis TeaM
2 Facilitators
2.1 Teacher: Welmek
2.2 TR: Unknown
3 Session
3.1 Opening
3.2 Lesson
3.2.1 Human Condition
3.2.2 Worship
3.3 Closing

Topic: Joy & Happiness
Group: Indianapolis TeaM
Teacher: Welmek; TR: Unknown


DAVID: Tonight i am going to try something different. I will keep my eyes open during Welmek’s transmission. I will also share with you my prayer before I start speaking.

Father Michael, I stand before you humbled in Your presence. I send my love, my thanks, to You for being allowed to participate in this mission. I ask that you clean my thoughts and emotions so that I may not be a part of these transmissions. I ask that the messages are truly those of the teacher’s and that I am not a part of them. I love You and I thank You for all You have given me.

I look forward to the time I can put my arms around You and hold You as I would if You were in the flesh. I truly love You and want nothing more than to help with Your mission. Welmek, my teacher and guide, I thank you for all that you have done for me and the group. We all look forward to your teachings and words of inspiration. I am ready when you are.

WELMEK: Greetings. I first want to say that I love you all very much. I have been with you for a short while and yet I already feel so very close to many of you. My love will grow as I spend more time with you. It is my wish that each of you take a few moments each day to spend with our Father. During these times, reflect as to what has happened during the day and give thanks for that which has been given to you.

Human Condition

WELMEK:  We are in this together. No one will be left outside. There are many who do not believe in the validity of what is happening. This is fine. Do not be discouraged; for nothing will alter that which Michael himself has set in motion. Go forth in your daily life and seek to do His will. Follow the guidance you receive from within; and in time, you will know many of the truths which I and other teachers, as well as the Spirit, have tried to impart to you.

In the Book, it says be not discouraged when you realize that you are human. This is very helpful, for it is very true. Oftentimes when we strive for perfection we fall short. In falling, we tend to introspect and believe that our shortcomings will prevent us from ever achieving that which we desire. This process of achieving is continuous throughout eternity; for as I have said, even after Paradise, when you reach out to the far-flung universes of time and space, you will continue, I should say we will continue, to experience new realities.

Go forth in your daily life with enthusiasm. It is best that you seek the correct motivation rather than always being right or wrong; for in time the rightness or wrongness of a situation will be made known. All mistakes will be corrected in time. The Father will judge you by your motivations and intentions. For now focus on this. Be not dismayed when you fall short of your goals. Stand up, start over, and try again. In time you will make steps toward perfection that will eliminate many of the imperfections you now experience.


WELMEK: The Father loves you very much. He always has and always will. Never doubt this. When times of discouragement are facing you, look to Him for support. If you feel down and out, go to Him for comfort. Worship is one of the most refreshing experiences any of us can have.

When you think about it, it humbles us when we don’t give back much time or thought to Him. Look at it as part of your daily routine. Manage your time so that you will be able to spend a moment in private communion with the Father. By doing this you will re-energize the soul. You will find new levels of physical and emotional stability.

Do not hesitate, this is important. The sooner you proceed in this fashion, the sooner you will know the truth of what I’m saying. The lesson I shared on self-doubt has meaning beyond what many of you know. I encourage you to read this lesson again and ponder on the words. What I share with you is not something miraculous. It is something which you need to know and experience in your daily lives.

The Father says “Come with Me, I will show you the way.” When you think of those words, I ask you what comes to your mind? Beyond understanding, does it compel you to actively seek Him daily? If not, ask yourself why not? When you have discerned the answer to that question, you will have an insight into yourself that you have not had before. I can say with surety to you that if you step onto the path of seeking His will, righteous living, you will never look back.


WELMEK: Think about what I have said. Worship Him daily. Do not let anything come between He and you. If you could only know the real truth of what I say, you will do these things. I love you. I want only the best for you. I am here for you. I want you to know what I know. Love one another as Jesus himself loves you. Go in peace. God bless you all. Good night.

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