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INS210413- Apunian Introduction

2021-04-13. 1st Meeting with the Apunians.

 Ivika. We hear you may have some questions for us.

DanielA:  Okay. One that could come to mind is, are you personally from the Nebadon, our local universe with Christ Michael as the sovereign?

Ivika: Yes, we’re from my planet called Apu and is located in the Pleiades.

DanielA: Alright. We heard about a book about that.

Ivika: Well, we are the ones in that book.

DanielA: You are pictures in that book? You can see a better picture of us when you watch the video on We are most interested to be in contact with people on earth who are willing to be open to us, and hear us, and learn about us so they can share you can share with the rest of your world that we are friendly beings and we’re here to help you.

DanielA: I see, thank you for saying that.

Ivika:  Let’s learn about each other and take away some of the fear that people have of us because there’s nothing to be afraid of. We come with open arms to be of help. So, we’re pleased to have a group like this that we can share openly with; that is also open and accepting of who we are, and is welcoming us with open arms.

DanielA: That sounds so appropriate.

Ivika: Well we think so and we think it’s highly appropriate that we find a group like yourselves. We’ve been looking for like a group like this for a very long time.

DanielA:  That makes me happy. How many people are you working with right now on this planet?

Ivika:  Well, approximately 75 groups.

DanielA:  Groups? Okay, that’s just amazing.

Ivika: They’re scattered across the world.

DanielA:  And what kind of things are you working on with them? Same as this group?

Ivika: As to how we are really the same, we are all part of a larger family.

Attendee2: Be doing the same as you are doing here or do they have particular niches that they work in with you?

Ivika: All groups are unique. So we work with whatever is appropriate for them but we have the overall arching desire to bring everybody together in understanding.

DanielA:  To unite everybody. Are you physically or spiritually on this planet on earth right now?

Ivika: No, but we can be.  We have been but at this moment we’re not. Eventually when the time is right.

DanielA: Would it be possible for us to meet physically with you?

Ivika: Yes.

Attendee2: Are there projects that we can develop that we can work together with?

Ivika: Yes there are.

Attendee2: Do you have any of these in mind already?

Ivika: No we don’t have anything in mind but we do know that the groups that we’re working with now will come together because we know in advance that you people are very open and have very open minds and hearts and your desire is to be of service and you have many talents and skills. So, as we learn more about each other we will find out how we can best work together.

Attendee2:  That’s very encouraging, increases my faith.

Ivika:  Yes, because your goals are to share the goodness of God you know with everyone and bring people together and that’s our goal as well.

Attendee2: That’s true, and it has to start somewhere and it’s nice to find somebody like you. Thanks to Ricardo Gonzalez.

Ivika: We have found others throughout the world that we work with. So we’re excited to come and pay you a visit and we found that we were really welcomed with open arms.

Attendee2:  Oh, that makes me feel good because that’s the attitude we have and I’m excited at the possibilities and the potentials together.

Attendee3:  Well, I think they’re not just possibilities. I think they’re probabilities because when they come to us and they speak to us the way they do, I think it’s a high probability that we will at one be with them. Are you folks as, what we would consider “humanoid”?, are you close to what we look like?

Ivika:  Yes we are. When you see our pictures and see us on the video, you will realize. Well, I have to say Antarel is about10 ft. tall.

Attendee2:  Ha, ha, ha. How tall is Ivika? How tall are you?

Ivika:   I’m about 7 ft. tall. We basically live on energy which is something that you are capable of doing it. You just don’t realize it yet.

Attendee2:  You’re kidding? That’s wonderful. The reason we’re not able to do that at this moment is that we just haven’t come to the place of total belief in confidence. Right?

Ivika: Yes, that’s the only thing that’s holding you back.

Attendee2:  So I got a question for Antarel or Ivica who’s ever wants to answer. I noticed that a lot of, whom we call, “off worlders”, whenever they’re seen they always seem to have these skin-tight outfits on. What’s the advantage or purpose of these?

Ivika: It protects us from things in the environment which might be frequencies and things that you’re not aware of.

Attendee2:  Like what? Please give me an example.

Ivika: Well, there are certain kinds of particles that or not beneficial to being on the skin and these suits, as you might call them, protect us from those.

Attendee2:  Does it maintain your genetic code integrity?

Ivika: Yes, that’s part of it. You put your suits and spacesuits on when you go into other areas when you want to protect yourselves or maintain your being health. You might want to think of our “suits” as being very close to what you’re saying as a space suit for us.

Attendee2:  Thank you for this time together. Good night.

Ivika: You’re welcome. Good night.

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