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INS210830- Galactic Federation of Worlds Q&A Session 1-46

2021-08-30. Galactic Federation of Worlds Session Q&A 1-46

Note: The following is a transcription of a conversation with an organization consisting of several off-world races known as, The  Galactic Federation of Worlds. The purpose of these and ensuing transcripts is to provide the reader with a sense, or a knowledge that they are not alone in Creation, that we are all one, that we are a part of a something greater, our large cosmic family. The  Galactic Federation of Worlds, represents thousands of those family member worlds. They wish to establish a friendly relationship with humans on this planet, to teach us about cooperating together within ourselves and outward with the other members of the Federation. Through these Q&A sessions to hopefully provide us with a better understanding of who they are, and why they are here to speak and interact with us.

Note: The  Galactic Federation of Worlds function as a group of member worlds. Aaron is our the current spokesperson in communication with us.

If you have and questions you would like to pose to this group, please send an email through this “CONTACT US” option. You must include the group name and your question. If your question(s) is for clarification or for a more expansive answer to one of the numbered Q&A, please include that number for reference and to assist us for easy lookup. If You have multiple questions please number them clearly to help us help you.

You will be assigned a FAQ#. Please check prior FAQ’s to help reduce redundancy in the questions.

This is an opportunity for you to ask the  Galactic Federation of Worlds a direct question. Your FAQ response from the  Galactic Federation of Worlds will be posted shortly after we receive an answer, usually within less than a week depending on our schedule, whereupon you will also be notified so you don’t have to keep checking to see if it’s arrived yet. A direct link to your FAQ will be included in a response email to your original question. Thank you for your patience, participation and curiosity. If you want your question kept private please notate that in your request and it will not be published. No names are published with any FAQ question and no further emails will be sent to you after your response is sent.

Any missing Q&A numbers from the sequence below have been removed as private/personal conversations.

((last updated 09/10/2021))

20210830-INS-GF-QA-Aaron  Q&A 1-46

Aaron: Good evening. This is Aaron. I am so pleased to meet with you tonight.

1). Q: Thank you. Likewise I’m sure.

Aaron: I think I’m looking forward to this more you are! I really am.

2). Q: I’m excited to be involved in all of it. There is so much potential and possibility I can’t even realize yet, for both sides, for what can be accomplished for you and the experiences and opportunities for all of us. It’s a win-win.

Aaron:  I am in total agreement with you and I have the advantage because I can see a little bit further than you can.

3). Q: No doubt.

Aaron: …and all the advantages and how wonderful this can be. So I am in total agreement with the idea. Yes. It’s a wonderful group.

4). Q: I’ll look to you to pace the education and I appreciate your patience and willingness to explain things to us to give us a grander picture of what’s out there. I’m curious how your trust in this group came about?

Aaron: We’re not the only ones that have been looking for people on your earth who can help us from other worlds. I have been particularly interested in that because finding somebody that is trustworthy. As I mentioned, your world is lagging so far behind. Finding this group is so pleasing to find and you are totally trustworthy. Having this wonderful platform and opportunity to share so far, and wide, and deep and this, to me, is a golden gift and a beautiful present to find. We know that you all are trustworthy and that you won’t step on any bounds that we would like you to stay within. We are very pleased.

5). Q: Before we start with the questions is there anything you’d like to talk about? You mentioned that it would be helpful for us to understand the grander picture along with learning more about the planets and beings that have the greatest influence and impact on our world, either negatively or positively, and having this greater awareness of this information would make it easier for those on our world to accept, adjust and make better decisions.

So, given your opening, where would you suggest we start talking? Would it be a grander picture or a larger picture of who you are? Why you are a federated group? The scope of your reach and your mission? What is your ultimate mission? Things like that – maybe larger view of what of what you represent?

Aaron:  Perhaps I should start with the Galactic Federation of Worlds and what that’s about. Its function is to bring all the worlds together to come to work in coordination and cooperation together because they are so diverse and to be able to show them that there is a way, with cooperation and coordination, they can work peacefully together. That’s basically what the Galactic Federation was about. In the beginning it was about joining together to get rid of the war-like planets that were causing problems but that’s not so much the issue of the mission of the Galactic Federation of Worlds right now as it is to bring them all together to work together and share what they have amongst each other.

As I said before, I’m not on the Council but I am a coordinator that goes out to the different worlds and when they have disagreements I try to bring them into an understanding where they are comfortable working together. At times to also bring different planets together, introduce one to another or bring different species of beings together. That’s basically what my job is. So the reason I’m so pleased to work with this group is because I would like to get or do whatever I can to get your world back on track working with the other planets. I’m also pleased to see that you are beginning to work with beings from other worlds. That’s a great start! 1-on-1 connections and relationships will grow to greater groups together… working together.

6) Q: Are you more like a mediation group? Bringing two parties together to be able to help them speak and work together on agreed terms?

Aaron: You might think of it that way. We think of a greater thing. I try to bring all the worlds together. Not only through mediating but coming together as a unit, to work as a functional unit of planets.

7) Q:  And what the most challenging aspect to bring people together?

Aaron: The diversity.

8) Q: The same problem as here.

Aaron: Exactly. And with diversity comes a lot of misunderstanding and prejudice. It’s just on a grander scale. And you think you have diversity among your different races here on the planet? Look at the diversity of the beings on the different worlds. There’s a great deal more diversity than you have on this planet.

9) Q:  Maybe you can do a quick sampling of some of the different races and perhaps point out where they are suspicious or belligerent or something like that?

Aaron: Basically the reptilians can be the most aggressive and negative but this is not always true. Amongst them there are some absolutely wonderful and loving reptile beings. This is just a general statement answer to your question. The Apunians are very loving beings. The Venusians are very loving beings. Some of the Mantoid… Mantis beings are really loving. Some of the aquatic beings are very loving yet there’s good and bad amongst all of them. However, in general, the reptilians are the most troublesome around the different worlds.

10) Q: Is there a reason for that? Why are some races more aggressive and belligerent and other ones are more loving?

Aaron:  It could be for resources, it could be for control, it could be for greed, – all the negative kinds of personality aspects. It could also be from the environment that they grew up with. If they grew up in an environment that’s loving and peaceful, that’s what they’re going to be. If they grew up environment that it’s dog-eat-dog then the strongest one wins and the rest of them die. That’s going to bring out a very negative and aggressive species.

11) Q: I think at one point you mentioned approximately 20% are troublemakers.

Aaron:  That’s about right.

12) Q: I hope you’re making headway!?

Aaron: We have been, because we are no longer having the disastrous wars that we had before with those troublemakers, as you put it.

13) Q:  Are there wars going on now?

Aaron:  Well, you might consider it a war but between Ceres and Mars which is more like a large skirmish. Not really a major war. We’ve been through some really major wars and it has taken a lot of destruction on your planet. You’ve seen that.

14) Q:  That has to be a long time ago.

Aaron:  Yes, a long, long time ago. We are making progress and that we have a Galactic Federation of Worlds is something we never had before.

15) Q: In human Earth time years, how long has the Galactic Federation of Worlds been around?

Aaron:  In your terms roughly 250,000 years. A long time.

16) Q: That is a long time but in terms of our existence it’s a short time. Which brings us to this new meeting they’re talking about called the Artemis Accords. I see that you there were 14 nations invited and represented. I heard that the United States was selected to lead the group. Some invitees left because they weren’t invited to join the group. Now we have this Artemis Accord and I’m taking that to be the first step of something grander. Which is what?

Aaron:   It’s to bring all these nations into agreement between all these nations on how things are going to come about in the future. So there are some ground rules of what’s acceptable and what is not acceptable in space.

17) Q:  And who enforces that?

Aaron:  The group is going to decide what the rules are but the Galactic Federation of Worlds has an arm in it that is for enforcing rules. They will be the ones that see that these agreements are enforced with the nations from your world – space faring countries from your world.

18) Q:  All right. That’s good. So, there’s no stretching of the rules? I mean, breaking the rules, you’ve got an enforcement arm. What about stretching the rules?

Aaron:  No stretching the rules because we want to keep space safe. I

19) Q:  So if they stretch them, that’s the same as breaking them?

Aaron:  That’s right. We have the history of what happens and how easily this can get out of control.

20) Q:  Yes, if you let these people that want to stretch the rules even just a little bit into the gray areas, then it starts pushing the boundaries.

Aaron:  That’s right. We’re not going to allow them.

21) Q: Good. Thank you.

Aaron:  We have seen the destruction can happen and it can be even worse than it was before.

22) Q: Yeah. Especially with our species.

Aaron:  And especially with the technology that you have now. You didn’t have the technology before to do some of these things. You did have some technology that could be extremely destructive and we know that and you have examples to prove that. Terrible things happen before that were very technologically advanced.

23) Q:  Our imagination and creativity really push these kinds of developments.

Aaron:  There is one positive thing about the imagination and creativity that your country has and that’s why the United States was chosen to be the leader of that group.

24) Q:  As you know, we’re currently going through some social upheaval and social evolution and I’m not sure how the timeline plays into this, but my understanding is that it’ll be better but we have to go through these growing pains.

Aaron:  Yes, we understand that.

25) Q:  There’s no membership afforded to the Accords, correct? It’s just a preliminary agreement between the various nations? Is this the first step before becoming a member of the Federation?

Aaron: No but in some ways yes because it’s a way to bring your countries into better situations. The main focus of this Acord was to help your world to become better and safer in space. That was the main thrust of this meeting. To get it started.

The secondary thing would be great because when you get yourself up to speed you will then be able to join the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

26) Q: It sounds pretty fantastic that we are already out there spacefaring around Mars and Jupiter and that there’s other kinds of technology that’s not readily known to the average public. Is that true or is that just fancy stories?

Aaron: What are you referring to?

27) Q: Supposedly they have military programs, one of which is called ’20 Years and back” where they take some military personnel and send them to different places to help other regions in space.

Aaron:  That’s absolutely true. That is happening.

28) Q:  And that we already have space craft that goes over to Mars and goes to the moon and they are interacting with the lifeforms on Mars.

Aaron:  Absolutely. That’s absolutely true. It’s been going on. This is not new.

29) Q: Do they go there in ships? Or do they use portals?

Aaron:  Both.

30) Q: Does that put any urgency to the Artemis Accords or is that just something else that’s happening?

Aaron: No, they’ve been doing that all along and it doesn’t put any urgency to the Accords.

31) Q: If we’re already doing this traveling who’s policing us out there?

Aaron: We have already neutralized your nuclear weapons. We didn’t destroyed them but we have neutralized them.

32) Q:  How about the new ones they’re making now? Some of these other countries are rearing their ugly heads in a race to make more nuclear weapons. So I’m guessing you’re gonna do neutralize them as well.

Aaron: They can be.

33) Q: That would be a personal request unless war is absolutely necessary for some reason.

Aaron:  War is never absolutely necessary. Never.

34) Q: So I have some spurious questions. Are most of the races out there two brained – two lobe brains, 3 lobe brains? What’s the most popular brain configuration for the species out there?

Aaron: Two-lobe brains.

35) Q: What else would you like to have known about yourselves or your organization? Perhaps speak more about the other planets and the people/beings that are involved? We’re mostly fear based here for the most part which has been sustained by a small group of individuals. What could we present to the people in general to move them in some ways out of the fear modes and counteract what has been instilled in the movies, books and conversations? What can we do to help make them more comfortable with the ideas and information that you’re bringing forth? That’s the challenge.

Aaron:  That is a challenge right there. Perhaps a good place to start is to give them a better idea of what the Galactic Federation of Worlds is about. Many people have heard about it but to them it’s a science fiction idea. They don’t really understand that we are a peace loving group and we were formed to bring peace and cooperation amongst all the worlds. That might be a good introductory way to start sharing more about the different worlds and letting them know that just like you – you have a federation of states called America – we have a federation of worlds called the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

Just as you have a constitution, we have a form that we operate from agreements about what’s acceptable and what isn’t?

36) Q: Are these like Articles of Organization or are they just separate agreements?

Aaron:   No, it’s larger. If you join the Galactic Federation of Worlds, there is a charter. You have to agree to work within the rules of this charter in order to be a member.

37) Q: Most organizations have a mission statement. Do you have a mission statement?

Aaron:  I basically told you what our mission is, which is to bring the worlds together to work cooperatively which is to bring people together in peace and harmony and understanding and we’re not only bringing people together – our mission is to bring worlds together. Falling under that, we also reach out to the different races on the worlds to help. There are different races on each world sometimes and they may be in contention and we try to bring whatever is out of balance into balance so they can work together peacefully and very productively. Everybody wins and benefits.

38) Q:  How do you initially approach them? What’s your approach to get them to start consideration of each other? What do you say? What’s your way to make them be willing to speak to somebody else?

Aaron:  Well, I’m like a diplomat, an ambassador. When we see that there’s a real dissension between groups on a world or between worlds – it’s my job to go in and find out what the situation is on both sides,  talk to both sides and help them see how much greater it will be for both of them when they work together instead of against each other. That’s often can work. Also the nice thing is when you are able to approach these individuals or beings with love, they are more open to listen because they don’t sense any aggression coming from me- that I’m no threat. I come offering options and it’s their option to either take it or reject it – it’s not forced upon them. It’s just there as something they may wish to consider. Then, if they do accept then I’m glad to go back and do what I can to work with the other side or do whatever needs to be done to bring it about. Pretty much like how you do it on your world when it’s done well.

I approach them not by showing the differences, but what they can gain by learning from each other. It’s not one versus the other. It’s showing somebody what they can gain by opening themselves up to accept the ideas.

39) Q: How many members are in the Galactic Federation?

Aaron: It’s a lot because most of the planets are now members and part of the Federation. It’s really huge. Most of the planets that are in your universe are in this.

40) Q: Do you go outside of our universe?

Aaron:  No, we’ve got enough to deal with here! LOL

41) Q: Once upon a time I heard there were other races inhabiting other places in our solar system. And I was told at that time they didn’t want anything to do with us, they didn’t want to know us, they didn’t want to interact or be involved with us. They just wanted to live and do what they do and wanted to leave us only to do whatever it we do. My sense now is that this is changing.

Aaron:  Yes, this is changing now because now you have more inter-planetary travel. Before you didn’t have much planetary travel. Not many planets were traveling between each other. Many planet sin your solar system are inhabited. It’s become a very busy place. For example, on the moon Titan they live both on and inside it.

For the Artemis Accords we met near Jupiter but we could’ve just as well met on one of our spaceship. They’re huge.

42) Q:  What’s huge in my terms? Miles? How many inhabitants?

Aaron: Miles long. Quite a few inhabitants. It would be like another world to you. It has everything you can imagine on it. The idea about how long one of our spacecraft would be – it would sound like star trek fiction but it’s actually true. We can actually live on these things. We can grow plants on them. You wouldn’t know on some of these that you were on a craft.

43) Q:  Is there’s something else that you want to talk about at this point that we didn’t cover or something you’d like to elaborate on?

Aaron:  When you start to talk about the Galactic Federation of Worlds, you’ve got the basics, but there are also other parts to it reaches out into all different of areas.  Part of it for example, is that we have different planets that are only interested in healing. Other planets are interested in mechanical things. We have different worlds that are focused on different areas. That might be something to also think about when you explain who we are – we’re not just about bringing worlds together, we’re bringing totally different areas of interest and specializations together and that’s why it’s so important to bring worlds together, to come together and to work together because some have really advanced abilities in different areas willing to share. Just like you’re world, you have people who have specialties. You can’t all be physicists, you can’t all be science, you can’t all be dentists and you can’t all be lawyers.

44) Q:   Let’s say there’s a planet out there and they’re not really in trouble, they’re not causing any trouble, they’re not being bothered by any race, but they might have a need for, let’s say, soil management or they may have plant issues. Do you just go and help them out? I

Aaron:  No, not exactly. I don’t go there to tell them what to do or suggest to them what they do. I just let them know that one of their neighbors is really good in solving the problem that they have.

45) Q:  And you bring them together.

Aaron: Yes, exactly. Perhaps they would like to go meet with them and see what they’re doing. I’m really pleased to be developing a relationship with this group. This is coming along quite nicely. I’m very pleased

Machiventa: This is Machiventa. I hate to interrupt but I just wanted to say I have been enjoying this conversation. This is just wonderful to see and as your friend, I can see better than you, I can see better than all of you what wonderful things are going to come out of this and the great contributions they are making to help not only your world, but the other worlds as well. It’s just beautiful to see. I just want to say how much I enjoyed it and  appreciate it and I thank you. I look forward to the next one and the next one and the next one because they keep getting better and better and better. And tonight’s meeting was the best yet in my opinion.

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