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JSP11- Your Conflicted World

2021-01-28.  Your Conflicted World.

Y O U R   C O N F L I C T E D   W O R L D – JSP#11

     Your world is experiencing a great transition.  There is a spiritual pressure to move into a deeper understanding; an understanding with love and respect for the social diversity of your present human condition.  Here you will begin to understand that what is on the outside does not indicate what is on the inside. Inside each of you should live peace, tolerance, compassion which shows itself to those you love as well, those you do not know well yet and those you may never know at all.  Each of you are not the same person inside, yet you can make choices to respect the differences in others. 

Must you become so polarized that your choices limit your happiness.  Loving respect begins with yourself, an aroma others can detect.  Try it if you do not trust me.  I know the world is conflicted by who Jesus is.  I did not come to change the world; I came to change one heart and mind at a time.  In this way the world can begin to change. I did not come to make rules, laws or social adjustment mores.  I know you are smarter than that; by opening your understanding to My Father’s Love, one begins to synchronize in love, peace, harmony which begins to express itself in social adjustment, merciful acceptance of others and a truer path to happiness. 

      As the social cultures of the world are stripped away, as fear begins to rear its unforgiving stubbornness and paralyzing numbness, are you going to allow yourself to be taken into this darkness just because those around you are.  Have you not the courage to grasp the light of truth present on your world now?  You are more than you allow yourselves to be!  The grasp of the outside world begins to loosen its hold on you as you begin to use the courage and faith you have to move into the greater understanding of the inexhaustible love poured out on you and your world. 

Begin to center yourself to this love and allow its realigning nature to reveal the greater person you are becoming.  I did just that…and died for you!  I arose from the dead and ascended into heaven to bring you the gift of the spirit  which insures a constant flow of love from above.  I am holding your hand as a loving parent holds the hand of their child.  I am the refuge of safe harbor to protect you from the destructive turbulence of the outside world.  Beginning to believe in yourself is to begin believing in my spirit and the Fatherhood of God.  My Father’s spirit lives within you to guide you in becoming who you really are, my children! 

Jesus  1/28/2021

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