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JSP12- Compass of Guiding Light

2021-02-03.  Compass of Guiding Light.

C O M P A S S   of   G U I D I N G   L I G H T

      With so much conflicting information creating confusion leading to polarization, discernment becomes an increasingly important issue.  Discernment comes from the ability to use intuition and understanding.  Here it becomes important to establish intention. Intention underlies understanding!  If your intention is to satiate one’s ego factor, then all understanding supports that intention.  If your intention is to discern the Father’s will, your understanding allows one to access the Father’s will within your own heart and mind.  Intention becomes the setting which isolates understanding and discernment to the perspective of one’s intention. 

In this way information becomes filtered and processed according to either speculation and assumption or clarity and discernment.  Deepening into a spiritual practice of awareness, increasingly brings one the greater understanding of informational priority.  Too much information causes one to over task unnecessarily and to know the Father’s will doesn’t require over thinking; it requires patience of intention to allow Father’s will to be revealed to you within.

      Knowingness and certainty are qualities resulting from patient awareness.  My Father’s will is not tremendously complicated; showing one their behavior options to act upon.  Aligning your will to allow Father’s will to direct you into action is your surest intention resulting in greater understanding and discernment.  I say to you, think this through!  Quality information comes from within, from your patient intention to be shown the uncomplicated nature of the Father’s will.  The level of human spirituality you can experience is not complicated by overthinking, rather by taking action on what is being revealed to your patiently awaiting mind. 

Love is always the default energy to act upon.  ”Love your neighbor as yourself” and ”Be you perfect as I AM Perfect” are simple, correct and true guide lines to spirituality 101.  It is becoming increasingly important to put God front and center now a days, in your life.  The life and teachings of Jesus show you how to implement the Father’s will in your lives in these times. 

     The quality and veracity in information is ‘How much Love does it contain’.  Applying this  today one becomes less and less optimistic that there is much useful information out there.  Stand firm in your convicted intention to your spiritual life and its needs; always remember that you are living your life today to insure your happiness for you future and eternal life.  Life becomes synchronous when you begin trusting and living the Father’s will.  No matter what shows itself to you on the outside, the quality of you inner life will insure your stability that all things on the outside cannot support.  Again I speak to your heart as Jesus, to the Father’s will as you true compass of guiding Light.

Jesus 2/3/21

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