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JSP24- Let Go, Let God – Part2

2021-05-19. Let Go, Let God – Part2

L E T   G O,   L E T   G O D……. Part 2

There is a psychic phenomenon,,, when the main focus becomes yourself, all things are attracted to you, especially problems. When God becomes the center of your attention, Father begins to attract to you the growing and more positive options which synchronize your life.  In retrospect can these concepts be viewed. Making yourself the center of attention attracts the Karmic/consequential realm and wrong choices can become patterns difficult to change.  Consequences are always greater when others are involved as a result of creating conflict rather than focus on growing a better self, rather than qualify your ability by shaming another, abusing another, harming another, finding fault in another, or any fashion of taking advantage of people.

This situation arises as a result of making yourself the most important… need more subtle clues… idleness, indulgence, procrastination, excuses.   These cycles of events are patterned around not focusing God in the very midst and center of your life.   God is like a plant, in that if one uproots the plant ever few days then replants it, the roots never get to develop; God’s presence and impact in your life is directly related to your ability/desire to maintain focus.

Let us examine that last statement, what I am implying is that one needs to experience this practice to assure yourself of its validity.   As spirituality is a result of revelation, experience reveals whether one is getting it correct or not.  Embarking on the self  realization journey encompasses body awareness, mental awareness and quality of spirit connected integration.  Self mastery and self realization  show realization and mastery to be the same; a master is a realized person.   Breaking the ego/emotional barrier, allows for the great unfolding revelation within showing the present and future now.

What then becomes an issue is to desire, how to accept this and begin this spiritualizing inner journey.   So many pathways have become available from those entering this journey. Even now on your world many and few have begun this journey and are considering this, at least. I am able to speak to this only because the conceptual understanding is becoming evident on your world.  You are ripe for a great spiritual growth; therefore the restricting of social activity begins to allow for greater inner awareness, creating soil for spiritual growth.

Spiritual grow on your world takes place in rocky and barren soil; soil deficient of spiritual intention.   Here in the deficient soil, Intention and will choice action, pure desire become nutrient feeding the true self seed… beginning to release your emotion, directing your thought to conceive yourself.   Each of you are potentially God-like.  You are to become God-like, to be the same mind/spiritual substance to blend/fuse with the Spirit of God within.

This begins when you are ready, paced to your growth; initially, delicacy ensures your grasp.  Many pathways exist, revealing individual channels of movement within God.  The relationship you establish with your inner spirit will begin and manifest as the relationship reflects such intimacy.  You will get the sense of what to do.   Act upon your inner revelation and secure what God is intending for you.  This mind arena of choice/visualization creates to what you see and choose.  The area of responsibility most influenced by your mind is your soul/personality… the qualifying capacity for God and your-self to become one.

Jesus 05/19/21

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