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JSP5- Love One Another

2020-12-20. Love One Another.

L O VE   O N E   A N O T H E R

      My original message, “Love one another as brothers and sisters with God as your Father”.  This is a spiritual message, and all spiritual messages are intended as intentions; to actually begin to practice my intention there ensues a deliberate and definite change within the heart and mind of the individual. Like all things spiritual one becomes patient and persistent in their effort to perform a simple yet tremendous task.  This is evident in the thousands of years following my intention/command.  One must begin this effort as a practice, first loving and respecting yourself, then move on to those closest to yourself…..spouse, siblings, friends and co-workers.  Beginning to love those who are not like yourself becomes the milestone of achievement.  This is when you have to begin by separating the person from their behavior.  You are to love and respect the person, not necessarily what they do. In this way a greater dynamic begins to unfold as spirit moves within this group of believers.  Belief removes obstacles and potentially creates cohesion.  Belief means you will try. One soon discovers a reciprocal attitude shift in others.  Outside events are intended to bring you into this greater awareness.  Loving one another is a simple child like attitude.  The differences in the outside world which challenge you to wholly be yourself are but shadows which your primitive survival mind latches onto.  Spiritual mindedness is in the upper minded consciousness of the individual.  You live in times the primitive survival mind  must yield to a higher consciousness of mind insight.  Love expression amongst yourselves becomes truly God-like.  This is the Father’s intention, this simple task of loving one another.  I so loved you, even gave up my life to show the great love I have for you.  I cannot love for you, showing you is meant to teach you.  Begin to feel my love for yourself, this helps in you feeling love for one another.  He that would love God as his Father, and Me as God’s Son, would love one another until the whole world becomes ONE.

Jesus  12/20/20

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