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LLN301- Love


Lightline #301


1Topic: Love
2Group: Lightline TeaM
1Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Michael, Charles, LIGHT
2TR: Henry Z., Mark Rogers
1.5Healing, Focus


Topic: Love

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Michael, Charles, LIGHT

TR: Henry Z., Mark Rogers



Prayer: [Henry] Thank you Father as we gather together in this circle this evening, this circle of energy where we come to the soul of our presence to experience a little more of the ongoing wisdom which you shed during these calls and the light as it works within us. We thank you Mother/Father God for our life, our opportunities for the ongoing challenges that continually help us to grow and understand spiritual ideals and spiritual values in a material life in a material world. Thank you.


Inner Voice: [Henry] Greetings my friends, it is always good to be here in this space with you, feeling one with you though in a sense I am also one who is a part of you. This evening it would be interesting to discuss an aspect of the divine which is tremendously important to the spiritual life. Like water, which is tremendously important to physical life, water comprising close to 98% of your physical being, the spiritual counterpart is love. As water comprises 98% of your physical life, love should add up to about 100% of your spiritual life, considering that there is no physical matter to deal with. And though love is a general four letter term to indicate the essence of the Father, it is an aspect of the Father which manifests itself in the most diverse of ways, meaning that love can manifest in diverse ways within the particular life of the God-knowing and God-serving individual.

It is one thing to receive this love from the Father; in a sense it is not necessary to necessarily return love to the Father since the Father is purely love, but as the Father, in divesting this love to His children, you as a living example of the Father and His will take it upon yourselves to divest this love to all of your brothers and sisters and actually all life on the planet. There are so many aspects to love. There is the obvious service aspect to love, the ability to take it upon yourself to help and be of service to others especially in a time of need. This aspect of love is a tremendously fulfilling aspect. There is the aspect of love which is a respect for the intelligence, the opportunity, and the situation in which your life takes form and the many aspects how this relates to your life becoming an example living within the will of the Father and exemplifying a spiritual life during the human endeavor of life.

Then there is the correcting part of love, the way in which love is used to set things straight and correct situations, to bring negotiation and mediation to a situation, to have the use of wisdom in moving forth with the aspects of divine love in a way which benefits both or multiple parties in conflicting situations. As you can clearly begin to see that love begins to grow into a greater functioning than just loving your spouse and your family members, that the ability to love another intimately and to raise a family indicates the ability to grow into a cosmic citizen of responsibility.

These spiritual ideas, these ideas which promotes the value, integrity, that have to do with the way in which you are and the way in which you choose to live, these values very much represent to a greater degree the intimate connection which the indwelt spirit is continually making manifest within the human consciousness in way which are particularly and personally adapted to the individual and the reason why the Father chooses to deal with each life individually as He chooses to indwell this individual is because of the coordinating function of deity, how in an ideal sense the Thought Adjusters can perfectly coordinate human behavior when the human subjects have rendered their behavior to fall in line with the will of the Father.

Love is a great motivator. In a sense it is much different than the motivation from fear, fear which is somewhat in opposition to love. Fear when used as cautionary is healthy. When fear begins to overrun the operation of the individual it is at that point in an unbalanced state, only to be balanced with love in the sense of a tremendously positive reaffirming of the Father’s love for His child, the ability to receive this love as you open your heart with intention and desire to receive this love, to empty yourself of pretense and agenda, to receive the agenda of God’s love, to open yourself to a greater possibility of living within the light of love.

Begin to think of love on a cellular level in terms of thinking of one cell receiving this love from God and as it begins to receive this love and becomes overburdened with love that it begins to affect the cells around it, that they also become attuned to love, that you begin to develop a grounded sense within yourself of love so that this resource is a felt sense within your being. It is said that all things divine come from the essence of love, that love can be broken down into the myriad and multiple aspects of the Paradise Creators and as love represents all of the aspects of the divine, within humans also love defines all aspects of the human, to begin to define your thoughts as aspects of love, to define your functioning as an aspect and ability of love, to show love in everything you do.

This is a tremendous practice. It is a tremendous practice for the human soul for it speaks of your ability to truly contact and touch within the center of your being, that aspect of self which is defined as a greater aspect of yourself up to the point of acknowledging that this greater aspect is actually a spirit of God, a spirit of the divine essence of love, a gift given to you out of love for you.

As light begins to brighten within your mind, may love begin to dictate the way in which you live. I thank you for providing a forum and a format for me to speak with you this evening. My voice is never far away from you. I will step aside and allow others to use this forum as well for spirit. Thank you.


Michael: [Mark] Greetings my dear ones, I will accept this opportunity that you provide and come among you to speak my words of love and encouragement to you, I am Michael. You have Divine Parents of which I am one, therefore you are children of the Divine quite literally, it is part of your constitution, who you are. I am in full awareness of who you are, each one and everyone, you are dear to me as any child is dear to any parent and I have love for you which is boundless much as many parents have for their children. I even share a special place with you in that I lived a life among you as one of you and therefore gained an intimate awareness of who you are as a mortal of the realm and this was my pleasure and my privilege as it is to be your parent, my pleasure and my privilege.

I desire to take any opportunity, seize every opportunity that arises to reach out to you and bring you this message of assurance and comfort that I am with you throughout. It is my great privilege to observe and monitor you as any good parent would. It is my special treat when you ask me to come and play with you and join you in your lives, to take part in your experience more fully because you have invited me to do so. So it is my great delight when you do glance in my direction and seek my presence in your lives for this opens an even greater door so that we may be even closer in this process.

But nevertheless, even if you forget to include me, even if you neglect to consider me, I still am hovering about and well aware of all that you are becoming as you are constantly growing and becoming more aware of your relationship to me and to our family. In the time immediately before us, I request that you who have been so close to me, who have been gathered around even now and have felt my presence in your lives and the assurance that my presence brings which I refer to as my peace, I request that you reflect your awareness of this truth to my other children who have not enjoyed this rather extraordinary opportunity we share even now.

I assure you one day, I will easily be in contact with all my children on a very direct and intimate level but at this point in time, for you as growing ascenders, opportunities are rare that exist such as this. That is why it is my desire to join you at this time because the opportunity exists; we are all here together and the platform exists for such to occur. My message which is important at this time is that we are all family and that I know each and every family member. I am aware of the needs, I am aware of the trials and tribulations, I am aware of the prayers, I am aware of the doubts. I completely understand all of these as I shared a life similar to yours. And so I offer my sincere capacity to understand where you are coming from as a mortal of the realm.


Certainly times change and the times in which I lived was significantly different than the times we find ourselves in now but human nature does not change and I understand what it feels like to have doubts and uncertainties as well as what if feels like to have ultimate conviction and trust and faith. I ask that you follow me in the path of trust and faith and that you, through this process, develop complete conviction that this relationship we share is so and you can depend on it. It is as real as anything in your lives.

But there are many out there who will flounder in rough seas because they do not have the steady anchor of stability that is provided by those of us who know we belong. You all belong, we belong together, we are part of the same family, we are all fragments of the same whole and as such we have great comfort and peace in this knowing-ness, in the awareness of belonging, of where we fit in.

I pray to the Father, that you all gather in this peace and embrace my presence as an ambassador of this peace and make it so much a part of yourself that you may represent me to the others. You may be my hands and feet and you may speak my words of encouragement and peace and love. I am merely a representative of the Father’s love and so I should expect that you might be a representative of mine. I have this much faith in you. I know you will ultimately succeed in all that you attempt in your spiritual growth and so I look forward to welcoming you when you have traversed the episodes of time and meet me in the ethereal eternity.

Let it be so, even now. Thank you all my dear ones, I do love you, your Divine Parents all do love you, the Father of us all has created all that is as a result of this love and you are a part of that as am I and we are together, part the great whole. Thank you for your interest tonight and I assure you, although I take leave of this opportunity of circumstance and of voice, I never take leave of you. I am but a glance away and I am even within you as the Spirit of Truth to be consulted. Surely we will grow closer in association as your experience of time moves forward and I look forward with certainty of your great achievements and accomplishments as you strive to grow in spirit. My peace be upon you. I withdraw from this platform, thank you.


Charles: [Henry] Greetings to you this evening, this is Charles. For those of you who do not know me, I am a finaliter assigned as an observer in this part of this universe. This evening I can’t help but think of the sublime peace and love which is exhibited in Paradise through the tremendously diverse agencies of beings which are represented there on Paradise. I am reminded that even in this great diversity of interest and function that all interaction becomes smooth and peaceful and loving, that it becomes possible even on a world like your own, that the diversity of interest and function between groups and individuals can become peaceful and loving, that part of the grand design is to create something so tremendously different from Paradise that individually on a planet like this you can begin to discover within yourself the divine aspect of Paradise until it reaches a threshold of consciousness within all humans in themselves and their ability to function peacefully in the world and to duplicate an aspect of Paradise, even here in something called Light and Life.

So as one that has traveled the circuit and circles of eternity, being born a mortal a very long time ago and being here and now to describe this to you, trust that all of this becomes possible, it becomes possible through spirit, through spirit leadings, through the aspect of the Divine indwelt within, and through the coordinated efforts of men and women attempting to do the will of the Father to live in love and peace and respect each one as a brother and sister and everyone respecting the Giver of Life, the One who makes it all possible for life to become a glorified reality.

So begin your divine adventure, begin to discover within who you really are. It will begin to change how you do things and this will begin to change how things are ultimately done on this world. In peace I come, in peace I leave. I thank you for allowing me to share a small glimpse of my observation with you this evening. Again, this is Charles and I take my leave. Thank you and good evening.

Healing, Focus

Light: [Mark] Hello friends, I am Light and I have been granted the opportunity to approach this group at this time with a specific intention. There exists on your world right now, an unfolding trauma to your mother earth and in fact to each and every one of you personally. I refer now to the accident in Japan and the nuclear consequences. I come here tonight to request your service, that is to request your focused intention and your directed desires, prayers your might call them, to the waters around the nuclear site.

Many of you have been informed that the very structure of water can be altered by the powerful creative potential of human thought and this is in fact true. Science is just now arriving at this conclusion, that water is affected by human intention and thought. This is merely scratching the surface of aspects that thought impacts and affects but nevertheless it is a good start, the awareness that this is so. So I ask if all involved here will donate their intention to the purification, to the health, to the welfare of the environment surrounding this unfolding epic tragedy and attempt to mitigate the impact, particularly on the water which is so clearly impacted by human intentions.

You have a vast energy store when you collectively focus on any such subject and I invite you to wield this power and to direct this intention at this time, and not simply here and now as I request but on a continual basis each time you can recall to do so. This issue will arise to become of great magnitude to your world and we are in a position now to begin mitigation immediately and that is why I have been given permission, if you will, to come before you with this request, to ask for your action, to petition you to wield your creative prerogatives for the stabilization that we would like to see happen.

It is quite true that as the dimension before us shifts, that the emphasis will also shift from the material forging with the hands and the backs and the strength of raw power to the manifestation based upon the spiritual projection. This is where you come in. Those who are aware of this universe principle may find themselves more and more empowered to wield it, to use it to mitigate ungodly forces and to transform circumstance into what you would have it be, what you would envision as more perfect, and better, and truer, and more real. It will be up to you to hold these visions and to project them in the face of apparent circumstances before you and in so doing, these visions of perfection will be brought to bear on the equation and eventually they will triumph if they are held fast and held firm in your consciousness and awareness for it cannot be otherwise when the children of God decide to collectively create truth, beauty, and goodness, then it shall be so.

And this is where you come in. You are in positions in all of your lives to be that influence, to exhibit that truth, to manifest that reality in your own lives simply by being in this truth, living this awareness, embracing this reality. Others will see that you have found something, something to hold onto, something that endures, something that brings you strength and peace and they will seek you out and ask what it is that you have. This is where you come in. Harbor no doubt that you are called upon, even now in this hour, to stand forward and be this truth, to dream the vision of perfection, to have the prayer for the cleansing that needs to take place and to stand in conviction that you believe that this is the way to get there. Stay the course and you will most certainly arrive at your destination. Do not be buffeted about by the winds of circumstance and chance. Hold firm to your heading and you will certainly conquer all adversity as the rough seas before you.


It has been my great pleasure to have been granted this chance to speak so frankly with you this evening. It is time that we move forward into practical application of our awareness, of our intentions, merely activating our relationship to the whole. And so it has been my pleasure to remind you that this is so once again and even to join you in this request to see goodness, see cleansing, see truth, and project it where we would have it, even to the impact of affecting molecular structure. Let it be so as we are willing to accept this opportunity before us. I thank you all for joining, it has been a delight to speak with you, good evening.

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