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LLN311- Love and Earth Changes3

2011-06-09-Love and Earth Changes3

Lightline #311


1Topic: Love and Earth Changes
2Group: Lightline TeaM
1Teacher: Michael, Inner Voice, LIGHT
2TR: Mark Rogers, Henry Z.


Topic: Love and Earth Changes

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Michael, Inner Voice, LIGHT

TR: Mark Rogers, Henry Z.



Mark: I will stick with the metaphor of launching the craft. We’ve all assembled at the waters edge, all agree that we’re part of a working crew to maneuver this craft into the realm of spirit. We’re eager participants and we join in this process together. I offer a centering prayer.

Prayer: [Mark] Divine Parents, as you see we are gathered together, eager participants. We would join in this process together of making our way down this flow of spirit and navigating our way closer and closer to you. We would do this in faith and in trust and we would do this engaged, that is we will be active participants in this process. This we bring to the table and offer as our gift that we will join as you will join and we will act as one and we will find spirit as we launch with intention to do so. Join us, be with us, and enjoy the float that we share when in this realm together. So be it.

Michael: [Mark] I would jump in to join the offering here today, I am Michael and it is my supreme pleasure to join any who are gathered together in this journey and be as one among you, a participant, a joiner, one who would sign on for the trip. I am ever eager and ever willing to join if even the slightest invitation is offered. So I am here now as a result of such an invitation and the grace that you allow in accepting me and providing the space to accommodate.+



I would pick up on the thread offered that love is indeed a mitigating factor, an element involved, a reality that exists and my dear ones, you are coming closer in awareness that those things that you choose to choose and experience become real. This element of love exists, is an overarching component that exists alongside many many other components but nevertheless it is always present there as a thread, as a factor, as a piece of the puzzle. It is in your conscious choosing that you activate this portion of the spectrum that exists. In your choosing to bring love into any equation and make it manifest in any form, it has a powerful effect of coloring the situation, of mitigating the circumstance, changing the dynamic by its very presence. Indeed any circumstance in which love is infused is altered, is changed, is grown and benefited by this edition as spoken of, comes through one who would choose it and activate it, and infuse it into the current circumstance.

This is your privilege, this is your circumstance, this is where you come in. You are there as these things unfold. How they turn out is a matter of how they are handled and how they are handled will be a matter of how much love is included and allowed to exist in the same dimension. Whenever love is included the reality is elevated, the level of divinity increased, and the direction further illuminated. So by all means be on the lookout, be on the guard, ever watching for these opportunities where you may use love as a great leverage tool to shift the consciousness gently and easily by using this leverage of love. It need not be forceful as much as it needs to be intentional. So when you consider your everyday circumstances, your every hour circumstance, be constantly vigilant to the application of love and the force to bear that this love makes real.

You have such a unique position that you hold as mortals of the realm with such creative potential to be wielded as you are skilled enough to wield. It is a great joy to watch you as you grow in the application of these skills so that more and more you are able to see the potential arise before you and act and swiftly put an oar in the water and direct your movement toward the positive spiritual compass heading that you follow.


It is such a great delight to be offered an opportunity such as this, to really feel as though I am sitting in your circle with you, joining with you as you embark on this spiritual mode of discovery. I have in fact, planted the seeds for all that is growing and thriving and I intend fully to be present for the growth and the harvest and the reaping of the bounty that will come of the seeds I have planted, even on this sphere of Urantia. It is because I have this faith, this assurance in the spiritual truth that I am already certain that the harvest will be great and the bounty will be plenty. We must all exercise faith that this is so, even though we encounter inclement conditions and we harbor doubts that the sun may ever shine again when in the long seasons in between, still we must hold fast in faith that the divine plan will be upheld, even improved and fostered, even in this material plane.

We have this faith because we believe in the Father who has given us all and who has shown us divine pattern so that we may feel comfortable as these phases of the pattern go by and we observe change and modification but nevertheless we understand these things too are part of the Father’s pattern and so they do not distress but merely indicate to us that change is afoot. When change is afoot we may most easily apply our intentional leverage of love and these levers may gently and easily guide this energy of change to more closely reflect the will of the Father which becomes more and more the will of the Son and sons of the Son. Surely we all play a part in this unfolding, surely we all are pivot points for all that may pass by us.

Thank you Father for these children of light who would follow me in pursuit of you. Thank you for their faith and their trust that we may find you because we will find you Father, of this I am certain and my children are growing in certainty. Help them to be at peace while they are on this voyage of discovery, knowing that their destination is secure and that their journey is a masterpiece of experience. So be it Father, so be it children. It is so. I now step aside to allow this gracious forum to be used by others. It has been my pleasure to co-mingle energies with you. I pray that you may feel my energies as close to you as I have ever been and I trust that this is so. I act even in faith. Be at peace, farewell.

Henry: We have already placed a petition. We are in the good news and we are continuing the journey of connection with spirit.


Inner Voice: [Henry] Greetings this evening my friends, I Am an Inner Voice and it delights me to the greater end to discuss the idea and phenomenon of love. It can be said in a primal sense, in a Paradise sense, that all things come from love. Love is like the emotion of Paradise. It exudes everything that goes on there and everything that goes forth from Paradise is also an aspect imbued with the power of love. It is interesting to receive this from the complete opposite end of the universe on a barbaric evolutionary world. To understand how all things come from love is to understand how all things must eventually end and come together as love.

It is important to understand this as you are familiar with living on a world where the commodity of love is tremendously valuable. It is so valuable that is used sparingly. I am here to admonish you to use love generously. In a sense, love is what connects humans and spirit. Love has a consciousness, it is dimensional, it is not linear. You can apply love to the most delicate and dangerous of situations and acknowledge results by bringing in the intention of love, by actually bringing in the feeling which love brings to an individual.

In this dimension of love, we find one of the basic aspects of creativity, of co-creational creativity in a human situation, in a human life and space to imbue that space with divine love, to make it potent, to render it viable, viable in the sense that it is capable of spirit response, spirit intervention, even spirit presence. There are many many things which can be said about love, both from a spirit and human perspective but there is nothing short of the experience of watching a situation you may find yourself in which is able to shift when it becomes attuned to love. When two people simultaneously are focusing and bringing this love into reality, you experience a tremendous dynamic and all aspects of love begin to follow. You are able to understand, you are able to forgive, trust, have faith and hope, you are able to tap into all of the ages of love, many petals which the flower of love contains.

It seems that for a long time the many messages of spirit are just that, messages of love, messages and transmissions which attempt to bring into human consciousness the simplistic beauty, the raw sweetness which love is, for love is pure, it is unadulterated, it is not contaminated with anything, it is completely malleable, easily melted into a situation in which it begins to solidify in its ability to negotiate, turn to bring conflict into resolution, to bring mediocrity into something creative, something poetic.

The Adjusters reside in the human mind, in love, ready at a moments notice to burst forth into the light of love, the embrace of love. This is available within the human mind, to touch the human heart and to pervade the human consciousness. Do not mistake these simple and pedantic words which I speak. I am not telling you anything you do not already know or maybe have already experienced yet truly, in the end it will all come down to love. How much love were you able to bring into a situation and look at that situation that is unresolved; it has no love, not enough love, not enough love poured out on to it, not enough love poured out on to it to move it, to alter and shift the course in which it is operating.

There will never become a time in which mankind is living in loving nature until individual men and women begin to live in the consciousness and the maturity of a conscious love. Love is not always this young, euphoric, and idyllic phenomenon. Many times love is something which must be searched deep within. Situations present themselves that you begin to question why bring love into this mess. In all of these cases you will find that you will become surprised at what love can actually accomplish. Your own Master Creator Son lived a life of love to show that even on a darkened world it was possible to walk in the light of love, continually, to even face His accusers with the light of love and to face His own eventual transition in the light of love, to forgive humans in the light of love and to offer them an entrance into the kingdom of heaven by the light of love.

Today I would offer you the light of love, to enter into the kingdom within. The kingdom of heaven is a small metaphor for Paradise reality. Paradise is a tremendously loving environment, much like the kingdom of heaven and much like that sacred space within your soul. You see, love truly is a mitigating circumstance. It is the universe catalyst. My friends, we in the spirit world truly love and stand in awe of you. The challenge which is upon you now is nothing more than a love test and we intend for all of you to pass this test. Good luck my friends. I embrace all of you in love. I leave all of you in peace, thank you.


Light: [Mark] Greetings this evening, I am Light here to continue this discourse a little more about this force of love and its being equated with light, for as you know, the presence of light simply and easily dispels the darkness. In the presence of light, any light, there is no such thing as absolute darkness. With the increased addition of light, more and more of reality is exposed to the light and portrayed and in this way it is easy for mortals of the realm to identify this effect that light has on life itself. Indeed your very days are determined, even your hours and minutes, counted by this phenomenon of the presence of light.

And so, if one considers that light is a tangible, physical way for you to encounter the effect that this completely passive aspect of your environment has, and how much responds to this light, you will easily be able to equate this effect of love in a very similar way. When love is present, the circumstance is altered and it is forever illuminated. This presence of love brings great peace and comfort to those who have experience with darkness, experience with fear, doubts, hatred, anger. Those are dark conditions of the human experience and each one can be lightened and brightened by this application and focus of love.

Just as darkness is dispelled by the smallest of lights, so are these conditions altered, mitigated, changed, forever rearranged with the addition of this light of love. Each one of you has such great potential to be generators, conductors, and focal points for this light. You can create it with your very desire to be light and to bring it into the equation. You can also direct the light from on high with your simple desire to be in a position to do so and to act in accordance with these universe principles. So you are the consciousness, the very link that can channel this light, this love, into any and every circumstance that you are in contact with.

As you know, it is a great thrill to be able to be able to light someone else’s torch as well and in so doing your light is multiplied and goes well out beyond your jurisdiction and yet it may have originated with your spark, started with your initial flame but it spreads easily and can eventually become a wildfire of light which embraces all and illuminates all that is. I appreciate the opportunity to bring forward more discussion of light and love. It is my great privilege to be here now and do this and it is your great privilege to be where you are and do it in your realm of jurisdiction, in your arena of awareness. Be not afraid to shine this light as this love leverage to dispel the tendency of darkness and reveal the light of truth, of beauty and of goodness.

This is our privilege to shine our intention onto these things and bring our light to bear in the equation. I join you in accepting this privilege bestowed upon us by our Creator and designed to be a part of us as we move forward in the manifestation of who we are as a part of the Supreme. I am grateful for my privilege. I pray you remain aware and grateful of yours and that each time we give thanks to the One who has created these opportunities and us to experience them, choose them, and activate them. Let it be so in awareness, in consciousness, let it be so. I leave you now in word but I call you to witness that the light forever alters, forever colors and changes when it is applied as it has been even now.


Thank you, good day.

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