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LLN319- Sharing Amidst Change

2011-08-11-Sharing Amidst Change

Lightline #319


1Topic: Sharing Amidst Change
2Group: Lightline TeaM
1Teacher: Michael, Charles, LIGHT
2TR: Mark Rogers, Henry Z.
2.3Inner Life


Topic: Sharing Amidst Change

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Michael, Charles, LIGHT

TR: Mark Rogers, Henry Z.



Prayer: [Mark] I request the assistance of our Divine Parents in this process, in our attempt to come to a greater spiritual awareness. May our Divine Parents ever beckon us in their direction and may we so freely travel in that direction, be willing to go to what is divine, what is good, what is beautiful, what is true. In this moment I ask the assistance of all those interested parties of our celestial friends who would join us so that we can come together in this forum that we create for this purpose at this time. Let it be so as it is even now, thank you.



Michael: [Mark] I will accept this opportunity that you provide my dear ones, I am Michael. In making this statement it is merely for the record as it were, because it is my intention, it is my purpose to grow close enough to you in times such as this, that we may know each other, that we may feel each others presence. It is my desire to experience what you experience as you experience it, to see what your interpretation of the truths and the beauty and the goodness that you witness is. You see, in this way, I live vicariously through you. I experience what you experience if you will just but share it with me.

I make this request of you, that you consider me as wanting to be with you, so close to you I am at your side experiencing through your eyes what it is you think you see, what it is you feel. This represents your gift to me and to the Father for what you have to share is completely unique in all of time and space and therefore I do so cherish the opportunity you provide when you open yourselves up to share your inner life, your inner perceptions, the thoughts and feelings, with your parents.

It is a true act of love and grace that we share together, this opportunity to have this relationship, this exchange, this bond. I come to you now to speak as plainly as I can manage, to convince you how much you are cared for, loved, known and appreciated, and cherished as the gift you are, the singular piece of the puzzle of the Supreme. I petition the Father to be with us as we journey together through this process, through this experience and through these interpretations. May we be ever mindful to include the Father in our experiences just as I have asked you to do with me in your experiences.

Thank you for the open ear that you have to hear these words. I pray your hearts be opened to receive my gift of love, the Father’s gift of love through me to you, just as you show your gifts of love to your brother. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to be with you in this way, to co-mingle our energies and having done so, mine becomes flavored with yours and yours becomes [tinted] with mine and in this way we truly are part of each other. It has been a pleasure to indulge in this co-mingling and now I would allow this gracious opportunity for use by others. Even though I may say farewell to you, I pray that you know that I have never left you. I am always at your side. Let it be so, good evening.

Henry: [Prayer] We connect with this circle of love, this circle of energy which is present here this evening on the human end and the spirit end, we connect to our Divine Parents, we connect to that inner quality which is the Divine Presence. We have total faith and trust that spirit will share wisdom with us this evening, embrace us with love as we go forth in these tremendously challenging times.

Charles: [Henry] Greetings to you this evening, this is Charles. As always it is good to be a part of this circle, to share my few thoughts on matters and to share with you as one of you, as a brother who has gone full circle and as a finaliter, has come from Paradise, different from back to the beginning of time and life and observe it from a perspective that I must say is tremendously different from the perspective one has before one goes to Paradise. It is good to hear talk on an initial life world on faith and trust and spirit, for faith and trust are a ship with sails. They can be steered all the way to Paradise.

To experience the complete saturation and presence of spirit is a tremendous thing; to be completely certain of who you are, what you are experiencing, is a tremendous thing. To see people on a world that are beginning to have a sense of who they are and are taking those initial steps, those first flights with the security of spirit shows me the potency of spirit in life, the expression which spirit gives, not only to individual life but life in general. The other wonderful thing about your world is its relationship to the Universe Creator Son and His special endearment to the people on this world, the world which bears the personal presence of His spirit.


You are coming upon the days you have been looking for, the days of change, the days of shifting and transition, the times in which you have a tremendous influence in the shift and direction of things where all of the lessons you have learned and all of the tools you have earned are to be put into use. Evermore will it become necessary to rely upon the guidance of spirit because spirit has a complete vision. You on this world, on the other hand, have partial vision, partial vision in that your abilities lie not in seeing the complete outcome of your actions, whereas spirit is well aware of the complete picture.

You certainly do quiver on the brink; you are gaining speed yet you are not quite up to full momentum. There are many projects now on your world incorporating aspects of spirit, in discussions, in the way they do business, in the way in which they conduct their activities. Some of these are religious and some of these are secular. No matter what the organization, the purpose is the same, to bring a greater sense of peace to bear upon the present situation and to care for those who have been mistreated and crushed in the transitions, the transitions of earth changes and the transitions of political and economic changes. May the world begin to see the dawning light of a way in which institutions can be redeemed and salvaged. Man can move forward in peace. Everyone can share and give something to a greater realization of life in this world.

In these times you must begin to know what it is you really need to move forward and let go of that which is not needed, does not belong in your next life. Learn to be more thankful for the little you have than to begrudge that which you don’t have and remember to consider those who have less and their struggle, to be a mouthpiece and a vessel of spirit and spirit presence. You are to act as such, in love and harmony, in peace with the eternal faith of Paradise and the trust of the certainty of the indwelt aspect of the Eternal Father all is well. My peace I leave with you this evening. Thank you for continuing this circle of love and friendship. Thank you.

Inner Life

Light: [Light] Hello, I am here as well my friends, I am Light. I would leave you this evening with one final thought and that is, the real significance in the equation is not what happens out there in the world around you, in your environment, but what happens to you individually, internally, as you process events and circumstances, experiences. This is where anything out there may be conditioned by your greater awareness and transformed into a vision of what could be better or more positive. If you realize that you do not have control over what happens out there but you do have control over how you feel about it, what it means to you, what potential you see in it, what sadness you register, all these things condition the reality of the situation into your personal take on your experience. And in the strictest analysis, this will be up to you, this choice is yours as to how you process external events.

So I bring this to your attention so that you might begin to keep an eye on your predisposition, on your take, and make sure it is one that allows for transformation of these energies around you in flux into that which you perceive to be higher and better. This is where you come in because the energies are in flux and you are the interface between what that means to you and how you portray it and your interpretation of what it is out there. I pray you take a wide, broad, grand, view of all that happens and step back to allow yourself the latitude to appreciate the grand motion of energy in flux. And there you are, channels, lines, that can direct energy and direct it this way or that, here or there. Your choosing throws the switches and makes the connection.


Make every attempt to enlighten your brethren that they are not merely pawns in the game but they are choosers, they are the ones who will throw the switches of intention. You are the ones who will throw these switches and it is by your efforts that the switches will be thrown. We are not here to take over this opportunity from any of you, rather it will be your choice that dictates what happens and where we go. We are ever here to assist and aid in your experience but that is where our responsibilities end. This is your world, your experience, and your choices that will unfold the grand plan as you see it. So be it, I am thankful to our Divine Parents for the opportunity for this grace to unfold in such a manner and to have us as participants and players as it unfolds.


I bid you all farewell and have a fruitful week in pulling together your thoughts on these issues. Let it be so, farewell.

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