2016-12-15-Christmas Greeting
Lightline #501
• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Christmas Greeting
o 1.2 Group: Lightline TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Nebadonia
o 2.2 TR: JL
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Dialogue
o 3.4 Closing
Topic: Christmas Greeting
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Nebadonia
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, dear heavenly parents: Mother Spirit, we thank you for all you do for us. We’re living with your presence all around us; and right now you give us all your boosts and augmentations to our minds and spirits so we may not only fully know things–our knowledge and understanding, but to expand our courage, our worship, and our wisdom. As our Urantia Book mentions, this makes us super-minded and spiritual beings of our own. Tonight especially we thank you for offering to give us our Christmas Message. We look forward with open minds and warm hearts to your viewpoint on this momentous occasion here on planet earth, the birth of Jesus and Michael’s human life. Thank you very much. Amen.
NEBADONIA: Good evening, my dear children, this is your Mother Spirit, Nebadonia. Thank you for that kind introduction, for it is true my Holy Spirit surrounds you and holds you in the most tender love. Remember that God too is part of you and is making the record of your life that you call your soul–of all your experience here. I was blessed to live Michael’s life as Jesus right along with him, even though for quite a while, he was not aware of this. This was one of the gifts that God, his father, gave him–to have a fully human life, unaware of who and what he was before then.
(Aside: for all you long-time Urantia Book students, please forgive me and follow along as I mention some details as his life as Michael before his life as Jesus, for the edification–and also for a bit of teasing–for those not familiar with the Urantia Book to read this part of it)
(Michael’s-Jesus’ life before his human one)
NEBADONIA: Keep in mind how many hundreds of billions of years old, in earth terms, that both Michael and I are from the time we left Paradise and came out to this part of the galaxy to start our own Local Universe. Now Michael is father to some millions of worlds much like your Urantia here, and has always been in touch with all the older universe sons of his order, all the hundreds of thousands of other Creator Sons throughout the universe with whom he holds regular meetings. So he was very much aware for the longest time of the requirement put upon his order by their own father, by God, to actually live the lives of seven of their own children, starting with the higher spiritual beings of each Local Universe.
Again, I invite you to get a Urantia Book if you don’t have one and read the wonderfully detailed chapter on the six lives he lived as other, higher-than-human spiritual beings. All throughout this time he knew he would be required to have a human life. Unlike that of a Melchizedek or other higher spiritual beings who have no childhood, who are created fully mature beings, he was aware that he would be born as a small child and live a human life until his physical death as a person. He was very much aware of this kind of life for such a long time, and looked forward to it.
Also, I invite you to read the advice he was given by his fraternal brother Immanuel, keeping in mind that ever since we left Paradise, Michael has always had a brother, not a Creator Son like himself but another equal in spiritual status, a real brother who gave him a lot of advice before he set off to have his human life. This advice was something very particular to your planet, that the Lucifer Rebellion had cast into such a backward state. Immanuel offered what Michael might do and accomplish during his human life to rectify this sad state of a Local Universe rebellion, and so, given the wonderful human life he lived as Jesus, it is not surprising that he fully accomplished all of these things.
Let me repeat something that Michael shared solely with his father, with God–their ability for him to totally give himself up as a Creator Son in order to have a human life, a period of just being human without the full knowledge, understanding, or memory of not only who he was, but what he was–what kind of being he was before his human life. This is why, in the Urantia Book, it states that, many years later when Jesus went down into the Jordon river to be baptized by his older cousin, “…this was his last act as a purely human being.” For in that baptism by John he was given a vision of the kind of being he had been, and now was again.
(Right after Jesus’ baptism)
Jesus left the crowd by the river to be by himself for a while to absorb this stupendous thing that happened to him–giving up his purely human life to once again be Michael, yet still in a human body, with all the decisions he had to make as a human person. He soon met our own first-born son, Gabrielle, and was reassured that this human life he had just gone through living had met all the requirements put upon him by God. He could literally give up his human life at any time; he had fulfilled the requirements. Yet of course he chose to stay for a few more years to see if he couldn’t help transform this world of yours and ours.
I say all this so you can appreciate what a wonderful thing it was for him to be born a little baby. And I invite you to look up several wonderful web-sites and archive that other people are maintaining for you here–www.bigmacspeaks.life–and revisit Michael’s Christmas Message of a few years ago. This was where he said, and I’m delighted to re-echo, that Christmas is equally, if not more so, not about him and the life he had as Jesus, but you.
(Christmas is for you)
Christmas is for you. Christmas is for you to recall and appreciate, as you see that little baby in a manger, this is how you too started–a bawling little bundle of life; a little nodule of experience. You were and remain unique, unique not only physically from all your brothers and sisters, but with a unique personality right from God, with a presence of God within you to record your experience as your soul.
As your Urantia Book states, at this moment of coming into birth, your personality has no identity. It is a totally unique but blank slate upon which your life will be written and preserved and safeguarded by a presence of God right within you. This is not only who you are, my dear ones, this is what you are. You are spiritual beings with the potential of eternity stretching out in front of you. Just as Michael had his human life as Jesus, so you too have this most precious thing that even a Creator Son of God–hundreds of billions of years old with the experience of nigh on to four million planets like yours in his soul–you too have this ability of a human life, just as he was required and delighted to have.
And just as Michael one time came into the full realization of not only who but what he was, so too this re-birth–or if you will, a new birth–in spirit is possible for each one of you. You too can fully realize and worship and be thankful for God’s gift to you of your own creative spirit. You too are a creative son or daughter of God. You too are co-creating your very reality in how you creatively interpret everything happening to you. This makes your life truly yours, no one else’s. It is yours moment to moment, even hour by hour, and all the spiritually important things in your life–mostly the other people that you have known and will come to know–are part of your soul. And it is your own creative ability to imagine alternatives that gives you your freedom of choice.
(Appreciate your parents)
So in this way Christmas is for you, my dear ones. Now as you see that little babe in a manger, born of those two youngsters, Mary and Joseph, think of your own parents. Appreciate their humanity and all that gave birth to you. This is your life, and this is our celebration too that makes Christmas so merry and bright. Michael, that is to say Jesus, wishes to you all a very Merry Christmas and a celebration of your own birth and life. Now if you have any questions or comments this evening, let’s do that.
Student: Well, just a comment. Thank you, Mother, for your all-encompassing Christmas message. It is everybody’s birthday.
(Christmas simultaneously throughout our Local Universe)
NEBADONIA: : Amen, my son. This is the delight of it all. And unbeknownst to you–well maybe you did read in your Urantia Book–there is something called universal reflectivity, one way our whole Local Universe and even beyond also celebrates this great event of a Creator Son being born on an evolutionary world and living his human life. All of you too get to live your human life, starting off for your eternal prospect out there before you.
Student: Thank you
NEBADONIA: : Be in my Love. Well, if there are no more comments or questions, let me wrap up this session with another beginning, another teasing offer that; all throughout your own worldly history ever since Jesus’ life among you, there have been a number of wonderful songs created to celebrate the event–your Christmas carols. And some of them were truly inspired.
(Hopes and fears)
One I particularly like is to “The hopes and fears of all the years, Are met in thee tonight.” And so it is with your own life here. All your own personal hopes and fears can be given over to Jesus. It is his Spirit of Truth within you that, if you only tune into it, and trust it, and give it your whole heart, can be an un-erring compass pointing you towards the way to keep growing. The Spirit of Truth is to honor, and be curious, and seek the truth of each moment of your life and all that surrounds you.
This is the wonderful spirit of a Creator Son–this ability of his to give to you his own Spirit of Truth. This is what Jesus told his followers, and why he had to leave them as a human being so he could bestow this Spirit, not only upon them, (Aside: it truly and definitely transformed their lives, and gave them the courage to carry on and genuinely be his followers) but it is also something that is so much a part of you. It can be an even greater part of you—consciously!–if you just open yourself in prayer to this Spirit of Truth of Jesus’, and now Michael’s.
(Jesus’ Spirit of Truth—an inner compass)
This is an inner compass, an orientation for ever more and ever greater truth, for this, my dear ones, is not only what your human days here hold in promise, but it is what all eternity holds in promise for you: worlds without end. And your Mother Spirit–my Holy Spirit–will be with you every step of the way.
NEBADONIA: So please–if you would–feel yourself in my Mother’s heart. And–if you would–from time to time–just say, “Hi, Mom! I’m glad you’re with me. I’m glad too with Michael, along with the Trinity–God the father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit. I’m glad all of their spiritual dimensions are right along with me and everyone else I meet. This is what we are. This is what it is to be human.”
(To be a son or daughter of God’s)
And so, my dear ones, I hope you can feel this. This is my gift, my Christmas gift: What it is to be human; what it is to be a son or daughter of God’s, and of Michael’s, and of mine. Michael bids you to be in his peace. Stay and feel yourself in my love.
Good Evening.