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LLN512- Spirit Means Creativity

2017-07-27-Spirit Means Creativity
Lightline #512


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Spirit Means Creativity
o 1.2 Group: Lightline TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Nebadonia
o 2.2 TR: JL
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Spirit Means Creativity
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Nebadonia


Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, I was asked by one of your very faithful students and followers if you would discuss more deeply the meaning of that word spirit. She knows you have talked about this before, but she does ask if you would extend her knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of all that magical word refers to. This is your assignment for this evening. Amen.


MICHAEL: Good evening, this is Michael. Because of your electronic difficulties earlier this evening I will repeat what I said before. Mother Spirit and I are always glad to deepen your understanding of those words that sometimes get tossed around almost too easily. They get mentioned so many times; sometimes there is just a re-shuffling of all the associations. But that word spirit means so much that we are glad to deepen your understanding of it.

 Spirit means creativity

As we have taught, one of the closest human words to that word of spirit is creativity. It literally starts with God our Father, and we say God is spirit, keeping in mind he is the origin of everything. Of all his powers, the greatest one is that of creativity or else nothing and no one else but he would exist. It’s because of his creativity all of the personal beings in existence, starting right with the Trinity–the Eternal Son and the infinite Spirit, then the Master Spirits of paradise, and all of the heads of the super universes, exist. All the personal beings in existence owe their origin to him.

So when you think of that word spirit, it also extends to your own human spirit. This is a dimension of your own personality that enables you to create. Not only are you receiving all of creation right from the very beginning–the world you are surrounded with, the universe you are surrounded with, and all the personal beings, all the other human beings in your life; everything which leads up to this present moment, and right within this present moment: you have your own creativity.

 Personal freedom depends on creativity

This is what it means by the spiritual nature of a human being: the fact that your own creativity gives you the ability to make a choice. You yourself are constantly creating an alternative, your own personal view of things that gives you that choice. That is why you are called a “free will being”–a creative being of free-will dignity. This is what gives you that personal dignity–your very ability to create your own freedom.

This is what we encourage you so deeply to be aware of and exercise, that you yourself are co-creating all that you experience. It doesn’t mean that you are God yourself, creating the universe around you, or even your own bodies. Those are absolutely real. But how you experience them is so much a function of your own doing.

So the greatest and deepest meaning of spirit is this creativity. It’s the fact that moment-by-moment all of reality is not only continuing as a function of God’s power, but each personal being in existence from the highest to the lowest shares in his ability to create, for themselves, their own understanding, literally their own experience of everything else.

 Spirit’s omnipresence and omniscience

This notion of creativity is the greatest aspect of spirit. Beyond the human realm, spirit as a basic reality of higher, so-called spiritual beings entails some of the classical notions of divinity, of deity. Thinking again of God the Father, you have his omnipresence, the fact that God as Spirit is everywhere. The corollary of this is his omniscience, his all-knowing and -experiencing.

Spirit means this extension of God’s personality everywhere, and the means by which he is aware of everything happening. In this sense–and only in this particular sense!– there is a One-ness to all of reality, though God shares this with the two other co-equal beings that he himself creates and sets free–the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. The other members of the Trinity also have his omniscience and omnipresence. They are as much part of you, and surrounding you, as God himself is.

 Spirit is all-inclusive

This is the primary meaning and function of “spirit.” Think of it as the singular, all-encompassing dimension that holds everything. A human way of thinking of this is, God has a perfect memory; he exists throughout all of time. Everything that has ever happened has become a part of him and is held in his perfect memory. This is something that you yourselves can tune in to in your own reflections, in your own meditations.

You can invite God’s presence right within you, as the co-author of your soul, to bring out again and enable you to relive, for even a few precious moments, former times of your own life. Then when you cross over into the Mansion Worlds this ability of yours will be enormously increased. As you become more and more spiritual yourself, more and more of the true past of all that has ever existed becomes more and more available to you.

 Both the future and the past are an adventure

This is another great adventure you have to look forward to, not only your own extension into the future and all the true adventures that await you, but the past itself. It will be not only of your life, and even of your world, but of our Local Universe here of Mother Spirit’s and mine. Think of all these hundreds of billions of years becoming more and more available to you as deeper and deeper grows your own spiritual appreciation of God’s connection you call time.

So, my dear ones, this is my lesson for tonight of what “spirit” means. It is the creative aspect in our Eternal Now by which not only God, but you yourself are participating. It is the way in which reality is not repeating itself! Not only do you have all that is continuing–that your science addresses as all the cause-and-effect of existence–but each moment is new. Each moment has never happened before and will never happen again. This is spirit.

This is what you are inextricably involved in, and a cause for celebration, even though, for human beings, so much of the future, maybe even tomorrow, is opaque and impenetrable. You can have faith that this is God’s plan. He is the central loving being who set it up this way, or else eternity would be–as we have teased you before with the notion–eternity would be a hell of repetition. Spirit is what makes your human life now, and your continuing life, a true adventure, and not only into the future, but as I said, even into the real past, the true story of what has happened.

Enough of my teasing for tonight. I hope this inspires you to a real appreciation of the infinity that God has put right in front of us, and right within us. True enough, for all of us his full reality is a bit ungraspable. But that is only because it is still unfolding, moment by moment, by his power, his plans, his love. Now if you have any questions or comments this evening I am always happy to respond to those.


 Genuine mystery—a blessing

MICHAEL:  If there are no further questions or comments this evening, this is Michael wishing you all a wonderful evening. It’s been truly a study in appreciation–what that simple word spirit entails, and takes an eternity to disclose. You don’t need to fear about the true mystery, and surprise, having any end to them. It’s not like being a small child given a flashlight right in the middle of the daytime, so they have to run around and find dark places to use it. There doesn’t have to be any made-up mystery-mongering here, for of course you are right in the middle of it.

 The capacity to keep growing

As I say, there is always an aspect to reality that is somewhat opaque, somewhat dark, partly because of that absolute potential that reality itself has, that God himself has, to keep unfolding–forever. So there is genuine mystery. There is genuinely more and more forever. Yet you too have the capacity to keep growing, being fed by that very mystery. Carry on, my dear ones. Mother Spirit sends her love, and I bid you be in my peace.

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