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LLN542- Life in the Womb

2019-02-21-Life in the Womb
Lightline #542


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Life in the Womb
o 1.2 Group: Lightline TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Charles, Monjoronson, Jonathan
o 2.2 TR: Mark Rogers
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Life in the Womb
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Charles, Monjoronson, Jonathan
TR: Mark Rogers


Prayer: Divine Parents, including our maternal Divine Parents, welcome and join us as we celebrate the sharing of love and joy as we come together to commune and enjoy the fellowship of each others presence and our pursuit of spirit and in our pursuit of you, our Divine Parents, for that is what this whole journey is about. We recognize that we are en route to you, we pursue you in this process. We have a yearning to be reunited with you and so we trust and bring our faith that each time that we reach out as we do in this hour, we are certain that you reach back, you reach down, you reach for us and we feel your embrace. I express our gratitude for this embrace, for this touch you bring to us, to comfort us and to be with us and to bring your emmisaries of light, your volunteers who would help guide us through this maze of growth. Accept our appreciation and gratitude for all that we perceive of this process and enhance our capacities to receive more. Let is be so, even now as we request.


CHARLES: And so it is I am honored to be first up to respond to your petition. As it is your desire, you shall receive that which you request. You shall be embraced by this moment of spirit; we shall commune together on equal ground, on similar footing. We shall do this because it is our desire to make this connection. To come together in this way, it is the expression of our desire that makes this connection possible, our willingness to invest in this process and so we are rewarded with this connection of the hour, this call between us that we both have come to cherish in this process.

Much of the discussion recently observed revolves around this perception, this increasing awareness that you are connected on so many different levels. The terminology and phraseology you use to describe this connection is your attempt to identify and associate with these different wave lengths of connection, these different frequencies that you experience and this one you will refer to as the Spirit of Truth and this one you will refer to as the Adjuster circuit and that one you will refer to as the mind of man and others you refer to regarding your connection to your Mother; put in simple terms, the one whose womb you are currently in.

For ones who are in the womb, it is not possible for you to accurately describe your distinction, your difference between where you start and the womb stops. The womb that you are in is so all enveloping that it is hard to tell where you are and where your environment around you ceases. There is no greater connection that you have than to be surrounded by this environment conducive for your very life, to inhale with each breath the essence of life provided for you by this womb, to register that each beat of your heart follows the energy of the universe and is connected to the rhythm of all that is.

So closely are you connected to these things that it is difficult to differentiate and declare yourselves as independent or unique beings at this stage for you do not know yet what that is. You are currently supported and surrounded by this energy field and until you transcend this current reality, you will not have the contrast necessary to even correctly address the distinctions that you seek to make even now. But it is good to give consideration to your connections and how deeply connected you are to all that is, how connected the drop is to the waterfall, how connected the wave is to the ocean, how connected the breeze is to the entire universe.

It is your great privilege and adventure to discover the many ways that you are tied to this background. So it is always interesting to witness the conversation around your increased awareness of these different aspects of your being and it is richly rewarding to many who have orchestrated and assisted in the process of your development, to see it expressed in these questions and these yearnings of the heart. I observe the question rolls around again of what is expected, what are the marching orders of the day and I would turn over the floor to another speaker to further answer those questions. I now am pleased to present Monjoronson.

MONJORONSON: Greetings to you all, it has been some time and I desire to make contact with you again. There is the reoccurring question of what might be helpful and I thought I would respond with something of particular import that you might consider. Many of you are aware of the predictions of future events on your world and how I would have a part to play in the future context of this world’s evolution. As this is indeed the truth and while the time frame may be hard to understand by mortals of the realm, I assure you, this plan that has been instituted has been moving forward.

There will come a time where I will seek support from those who would stand with me in this new dimension of peace and you have all repeatedly volunteered your services. So now when there arises a need for a focused intention, I would like to call on you as among my reserves, those who would stand with me in projection of the new destiny before us. This is truly a co-creative process in which I ask your assistance to channel and direct your energies in the direction of the will of the Father and in the will of the Son and in my will and in yours as well. I truly believe, before you have even offered your commitments, that you all are willing to contribute towards this advancement towards Light and Life as requested.

So in advance of my arrival I ask that all of you build a place for me, a parlor for me to be in your construct of thinking and awareness. I invite you to pre-destine my arrival by your very creative acts and desire. This is how it is begun, it is begun in the hearts of man, it is begun as a matter of faith by believers. It is created from nothing by those who are willing to invest themselves in the process. It is supported from on high and it will grow and develop. So let us begin the ground work for this eventuality I speak of, this next phase before us.

Let us prepare this modern Garden of Eden for the arrival. Let us create the reality. This time it will begin by building this citadel within each one of you, this parlor of spirit where you will provide me a place in advance of my arrival and that we may share this place as we grow this new future reality together. For all of us in league with God, all things are possible.

So let us embark on this together, take this project on. You who have demonstrated your willingness and your open mindedness to carve out new frontiers, I call you to follow me. Those of you willing to invest in the as yet unknown discoveries of success when engaged in divine pursuits, those who are willing to exercise their faith muscles in the process; it is to all of you who I speak to directly. I am so honored to have you all in attendance tonight to hear these words for you all have made a request of the universe and I am here to affirm for you that your desires have been honored, your wishes to be helpful have been heard and I come to you to offer a project in liaison with me and Michael.

Let us begin the construction of this fortress of conviction, this place of absolute certainty of faith. Let us begin now, this permanent structure you may utilize indefinitely. I will return as you do to this place we create here, this place of spirit and we will incorporate and connect all these portals together, to infuse spirit energy from one dimension into another with you as the connectors. I appreciate the opportunity to share with you this evening. It is good to be back in this group and I look forward to taking a new fork in the road together with you. As long as you will have it, we will work together. I pray it will be so, thank you all, good day.


JONATHAN:  Greetings to you all my friends, I am Jonathan and I could not help but be attracted to the presence of Monjoronson and delight in his offerings once again, it is a great joy to experience that once again. I recall how joyful I was to hear his previous lesson and so it is wonderful to hear him again. I feel the flush of a new call and it comes with a certain excitement about what that might be. I look forward to further manifestation of what this request might be. In the meantime I am with you in excitement, I am with you in conviction, I am with you in faith and we stand solidly on that footing together. Always a joy to contact you. I bid you adieu.

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