2019-11-14-Great Life Challenge
Lightline #553
• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Greatest Life Challenge
o 1.2 Group: Lightline TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Charles
o 2.2 TR: Mark Rogers
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing
Topic: Greatest Life Challenge
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Charles
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: Yes, I want to acknowledge in words the gratitude I feel for the group that comes together at this time and forms this circle of learning, this circle of creating greater awareness. We come here with that purpose in our hearts and we seek the wisdom that we get in times when we commune with spirit like this. We ask for our capacity to receive to be enhanced, and that this represents the desire of our hearts and when we so petition our Divine Parents we most surely receive this gift of grace we seek. Let it be so, even now.
CHARLES: It’s my pleasure to respond to your requests for interface and interaction from the spirit dimension, from that aspect of yourselves that you feel and are coming to know more and more. I am Charles and it is my pleasure to take the floor as it were and to reference the general mood, if I may summarize, as one of apprehension about the future, about regulations and laws and how your realities will shift one way or another by the forces that govern you in this life.
There have always been forces that govern mankind. As they have grown up into social groups there have always been the need for structure and basic agreements among groups about conduct that is favorable and conduct that should be curtailed or prohibited and the need to address these concerns has created this hierarchy of governments that you are referring to with tones of concern and doubt. It is indeed your greatest life challenge to find your place in the structure in which you are born into and learn your position and how to maintain your place and standing in your group, in your tribe, in your village, in your country.
These efforts that you all make to live by the rules and to fit in to make for a good society, a good group of individuals that can find a way to live in harmony, this is the natural progression of having to live together, having to cohabit the same place and to rely on each other for aspects of their support. And so there will always be some construct of a governing form that will provide the structure for the network to work.
Previously there were kings and there were kingdoms and leaders which controlled all aspects from the top. Then came along this unique premise of this form of government where you are represented as an individual and you are in this gigantic experiment to see how effective and how accommodating and how practical and how realistic is this notion of participation by the masses in their own governing. These are all man made plans which attempt to accommodate the needs and fulfill the desires of the creator.
What I would like to point you in the direction of is that these structures, no matter how they are adhered to, are invariably influenced and changed by the participants, by the ones who are involved. They are changed both by your attempting to participate in the process itself, attempting to become involved in the creation of the process and establishment of its perimeters and you may also attempt to change the entire picture by example.
From the bottom, you may affect the entire pyramid. As one who is involved, you may flavor the entire organism, you may contribute to the entire scheme of things by your very example. You need not wait until the desired time of perfection has arrived. You may, even now, create that desired state of perfection in your life, in your experience. These are the things that truly are examples that others will attempt to live by.
When you may envision a higher way, it is good to take practical steps to achieve that as you see fit in terms of becoming involved directly in the creation of laws and your reality around them, but you may also spend energy being the reality that you would seek to create for all, and in this way you are, by your simple involvement, bringing flavor to the entire pot of soup. Even your envisioning a higher way, is a contribution that you can make to the collective consciousness, to the thought patterns of all mankind.
So choose your methods to be active in the creation of your future for you are material beings with an opportunity to create in the material realm with your support, with your votes, with your dedication, with your intention and likewise you are a creative being which may create for yourselves these very conditions you would desire for all and in this way be a potent example, a real time experience that others can witness.
I pray that you all have some peace of mind over the unknown chapters before you. Recall that throughout your life you have been cared for by your Divine Parents. You have been brought to this point with everything you have need of. You are here now as a result of the fact that your Divine Parents have provided for you up to this point. So, I invite you to fear not.
No matter what comes before you for you to navigate and overcome, these are your challenges that help you to grow, help you to become a deeper individual. And as you go through these challenges you will still and always and evermore have the care and love of your Divine Parents the whole time. So trust that just as you have enjoyed their love to this moment, you will enjoy it forever and they will be there for you as you traverse many paths and overcome many obstacles and opportunities.
It is the fact that the future remains uncertain that causes this anxiety. Things are not as predictable as they have been and that is disturbing to the human psyche. But, those who are spirit born are aware that change is the only constant, that change provides for spiritual growth, change allows us to become more and more. Change is necessary for us to evolve and grow. So, to the master, there is no apprehension, just seeking for insight as to what this next change has in store for you, what lessons to be learned, what meanings and values are present because those are what we are here to gather and experience and be part of in this process.
And all of this requires an uncertainty, a not knowing exactly what is before you. Spirit can allow you to trust that it is another gift of grace from on high for you to encounter and to immediately assume the posture of gratitude when change comes your way for you can see it as the vehicle of growth that it is. So if you could truly be comfortable with the notion of change you will free yourself from much of this apprehension about what the uncertain future may hold for you. Trust that it is the future which has been created for you and the experience before you is an opportunity for growth and then simply be about the business of growing.
Fear not my friends. Whether you are here, whether you are there, whether it is now or whether it is later, you are always in the embrace of your Divine Parents and just as you have been cared for, you will continue to be cared for no matter what the details of the circumstances might be. That is your anchor around which you will pivot, but hold fast to your anchor point and you will always be secure. I bid you all have a good evening and a joyous approach as you encounter the next wave headed your way. I would take my leave unless there is a desire for any interface. [pause] Very well then, I bid you all a good day and look forward to our next meeting, thank you.
JONATHAN: I would take this open mike if I could, I am Jonathan and I just wanted to say hi and acknowledge my presence in the group here tonight. It is a great joy to be back in fellowship with so many light personalities. This whole notion of uncertainty of the future has been a theme for some time now, actually for all time now. This seems to be a constant throughout humanity, trying to find a groove, trying to find a pattern for your society to live by that works for its participants, that is fair and balanced, that is acceptable by all who then agree to adhere to the rules of the clan.
This truly is mankind’s opportunity to exercise the golden rule, as you refer to it, of do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is the pinnacle and greatest ideal about how rules and laws should be created and enforced. To come from the notion that fairness and justice are your guiding points, means that you can adjust your modes to be more and more kind, fair, even loving. If they are applied from a perspective of doing what’s best for all, then they are divine in nature, they being material constructs are necessarily imperfect but they may have tones of divinity. You recognize these tones when you hear them such as in your constitution where all men are created equal.
Statements like that exhibit a divine influence and your government and hierarchy of civilization needs to become more spiritualized and have more divine influence in their approach and in their administration of justice. This is a gigantic work in progress, an experiment in time and space. This country, this form of government, this scenario is all an attempt to try a new direction and because this system is under construction there is such great potential to steer it, to influence it, to direct it with more grace and with more divine characteristics.
And, this is where you find yourselves, at the juncture of what is material and what exists and what your inspirations of a more divine version may look like. What your inspiration may drive you to do to get involved, to play your part, to be a good citizen. This is how you interact the part with the whole and as has been referred to, you may also be the shining light. You may also be that point of reference that others may use. You may anchor your light so that others may use it to be guided by. So there are many ways that your simply being influences the whole. Your prayers and wishes for the health and healing of the system also contributes to the overall picture.
So trust that even though it is uncertain as to the exact direction or destination or course that is being taken, trust that your very existence and consideration and concern mean that you are a part of the matrix and your influence will be felt by the whole. Simply be a steadfast student of light, a faithful tadpole, so that one day through your faithfulness you will be transformed simply by being who you are and in this process that you’re in. Be at peace, relax, and take heed of the words that you are taken care of, you are ministered to, now and always. Wherefore should we doubt. Just because uncertainty looms, where is our conviction, where is our faith that all will be made well and that’s what this process is about.
Let us lean on our faith, faith we feel even now in fellowship with each other. Let us recall the depth of our faith and recall that we trust in the plan and in the love of our Divine Parents to care for us, and let us act accordingly and let us take a stance of strength.
It is a joy to fellowship with you and come together and pray for strength together as we go through this process of growing and learning. I am grateful for the fellowship of this group and the camaraderie of our evolving souls as we move forward in the process. Thank you Divine Parents for this gift of grace, this life, this love, these experiences. May we embrace them without fear, in faith that we are always protected and loved. Let us embrace this truth deep in our hearts, let us make it so in our lives. Thank you all for joining this petition and in this meeting and in this gathering of fellowship of seekers. It is my great pleasure to join you once again and I look forward to another opportunity. Let us all attempt to be in peace and be in the Father’s love, bye now.