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LLN567- Internal Garden, Shifting Sands

2020-05-14 Internal Garden, Shifting Sands
Lightline # 567

Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2020-05-14
Teacher: Dr. Mendoza, Monjoronson
T/R: Mark Rogers

DR MENDOZA:  Thank you indeed for your request for counsel, I am eager to respond. I am Dr. Mendoza and because I have such eager participants, I would like to offer a lesson on intention. You have all witnessed in your experience that the more intention and the more focused the intention that an individual brings into their circumstance, the more that circumstance is transformed by this act of imposing this guidance through their intention. This intention literally guides the creation of the energy field that is the environment around what you wish to manifest, therefore it becomes of great significance, this intention and this wielding of this intention, this focus of  his intention, the direction that you provide with this intention. This is how you condition your environment. This is how you predispose your results. This is your creativity flowing in action for it is you who will flavor this intention, will color it with your awareness and understanding and your expectations and your desires and your dreams.

So this is where you manifest your potential as a co-creative being. By exercising your focused intention you literally create the beginning of a new reality. Your envisioning your direction, your seeking a higher way, your desiring to be of service, your willingness to go where spirit leads, these aspects condition the energetic vibration in which you will function. And as we have mentioned, the universe delights in matching your energy and bringing you more of what you have created.

Therefore, start everything off on the right foot. Make sure that what you are involved in is flavored with your highest values, your greatest awareness, your grandest vision and by starting out on this foot, by raising your expectations to meet your dreams, then you will often come to witness that these things which were but a dream do come to pass because you are powerful creative beings. This is what your spiritual explorations have brought you to discover, that you have this potential, this power to direct energy, to focus energy, to create energy, to channel energy. All of these are skills that you are learning to use in your process and it’s a pleasure to be here now to illuminate some of the finer points of this skill.

As was offered earlier in the discussion, another environment that is important that you monitor and condition is your internal environment, your space, your garden that you tend within. It is important to beware of contaminants, of things which lack truth, beauty or goodness. This is where you must, once again, use the filter of your highest values and determine what is allowed within your inner paradigm, your inner space. This is your sanctuary and you should guard it with care. Just as you may condition reality and create and manifest, so others and their thought streams and their energies may impact you. It is your choice whether you adopt their energies and allow this to exist. Be discerning what you allow into your inner garden. Examine whether these things you choose to incorporate are worthy to be in such a divine space as you are creating within.

Function in greater awareness that all things condition their environments and therefore you need to be actively choosing that which you want to allow into your being. And as well, actively choosing where you will focus your intention, where you will direct your energies because these thoughts are living circuits that once created may be shared  and directed. Do this for your patients, those who you envision yourself in service to. Project the highest your values will allow onto their circumstance and expose them to this greater awareness. In this way you will certainly condition their environment. All is well my dear associates. I am unused to providing lessons so this is an interesting exercise for me. More commonly I am called for a consult and offer my services in that capacity. Thank you all for your attention to this important aspect of your overall being. I take my leave now and allow for others, thank you.

MONJORONSON: Greetings to you all. I would take this opportunity to address you once again, it is my great pleasure to do so, I am Monjoronson. It brings great pleasure to observe that you all are so dedicated in your pursuit of the enlargement of your spiritual capacity. It is always a pleasure to be among eager students and feel the energy of growth and learning and expanding in capacity as a result.

We are finding ourselves at this turning point and there is a great uncertainty as we are attempting to be of service on this world as it is in such great transition. All of you have felt for yourselves the shifting of sand beneath you and the old steady places to stand are now no longer as secure. You are finding you must change your stance, you must find a new footing as the terrain changes around you. This is a great opportunity to take such a time, such an uncertainty, such a phase of growth and embrace it for all that it has to teach. When things are in flux, their components may be reassembled, may be chosen to survive or may be let go in the process of growth.

There is a great tension and discomfort in uncertainty and this is where we have the greatest opportunity for spirit connection, for when normal patterns are disrupted, new ones may be conceived and better ways may be implemented. This is where we are now, a time of choosing a direction based upon the current values of the time. This is where it is incumbent upon all to portray their values, to not simply wait to hear others ideas but to offer your own, to bring forward the highest values you are aware of so that they may be exposed to others and subsequently chosen.

So when there is such great uncertainty as we observe now in the direction of things, put your oars in the water and paddle in the direction of your choosing. Help steer the enterprise as it moves forward because of your vision of direction and your optimism for the process. Simply do now what you have been in training to do. Manifest your higher self in service and you will surely go in peace by maintaining communication with this group because we are indeed issuing the call for volunteers as the needs arise. But in the meantime, we observe that you are all in motion, you are all actively volunteering as your opportunities arise.

But we have all for some time expected to receive the signal and have awaited this time so that we might have a clearer understanding of practical direction and I assure you, our collective petition to be of service has been accepted and our potentials have been registered and now we simply move forward as we are directed. Let it be so as we all demonstrate our faith and commitment to the Magisterial Mission in service of Michael. Let it be so for all of us, even now. Perhaps as we move forward in this process, it would be helpful for you to petition in stillness for your own personalized instruction because that is always ongoing and may always be acted upon at your will. Thank you all for your participation tonight and all this time and all that is before us. We stand in gratitude for this relationship where we may span the distance between a spiritual dimension through you to time and space. In gratitude I take my leave, thank you all.

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