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LLN575- Opportunity for Reevaluation, Fruits of the Spirit®

2020-07-02. Opportunity for Reevaluation, Fruits of the Spirit.


Lightline Teleconference 2020-07-02 – LLN #575
Teacher: Voice Within, Machiventa Melchizedek
T/R: Mark Rogers



Mark: I invite you all to come with me and join up together and as was mentioned, I would like to direct some focus/attention to firing or building up the Thought Adjuster circuit because it flashed on me that if we want our news from a real source, shouldn’t we think that something like the Thought Adjuster might be worth shooting for. They tie together in that we want guidance, we want direction, we want a clue, we want to figure out based on our limited experience what is the right thing to do. And so we flounder and we use the great tool of mind to consider and discover and process, but all of those aspects are mortal and limited and imperfect by definition.

We have this sacred connection between us and our onboard partners who have chosen us. They have chosen us to become one with. They have devoted their existence to us and are pinning all their hopes that they will become fused with a mortal of the realm, if we so choose. So I’d like to ask everyone to consider the relationship that we have with this Indwelling Divine Fragment because truly, it is our lifeline, our way back home, our eternal privilege. And so it dawned on me that it would be good to start focus on this aspect of ourselves. All of us in this circle right here have an energy signature, have a distinction and we are all part of this circuit of energy that we’ve chosen to create in this moment.

Due to the fact that it is our personal free will choice to do this, we are creating the environment and the avenue of approach for this entire experience and we’re creating the space for it to happen, to allow it to be and that’s just us here and now. So, we have this circuit going, the human circuit, but its like a friends of friends thing because, for instance, because I sit in this circle somewhere, I have association with a Thought Adjuster as we all do, and so I can actually ask for that to be part of who sits in the circle with us, be a guest of mine in ways similar to ways I have done in the past when I set a seat at the table for a personality of my choosing. In the same way, we can install, each one of us, our Thought Adjusters into the circle and they come with another whole dimension, another whole circuit that we can, at our request, impose that circuit over ours, or combine or fuse that circuit with our circuit.

So, in this way we can further structure our citadel of spirit, our place that we make to allow for such communion and contact. So as we are gathered here today, now that thought has been made word, we could make it deed by believing, here and now. And so I invite us all to embrace the circumstance, the juxtaposition of us here together now and the association that we have with all of our connections and friends, be they mortal or be they spirit in nature at this time. So having set the table and pulled the chairs and delivered the invitation, I make the request to install our Divine Sparks alongside us in the circle, to be with us, by invitation, because we want to create a closer relationship. We want to feel the presence, we want to embrace the otherness of our onboard partner. So this represents our attempt to do so even now.

Indeed it all starts with the circling of the wagons and the formation of our structure, the creation of our camp of light and we have offered this and would now offer this opportunity to the Voice in this case, in my case.

The Voice: Yes, trust me, I know this is difficult. I am alongside you. I am literally going through what you go through alongside you, always seeking to uplift and hold you in my embrace and I delight when you turn your gaze my way, when you seek my company as well. It demonstrates to me that you are aware, that you do have a sense that I am here and that we are destined to be one. But I will go to great measures not interfere in your process of growth for this process of growth that you are experiencing now is so very valuable to building the character and nature of the individual you are becoming.

And so it is quite necessary to make this, what feels to you may be a long slog through the materialism of life. Again, I am with you throughout every step. I have chosen to be with you and I have chosen to become one with you in the process. So as long as it takes you to make this slog and as difficult as you need to make it on yourself, I will wait patiently for you to go through your stages and ages. I will eagerly respond when your awareness permits and I will endeavor to make my voice heard to you. When you seek me, simply be as the open minded nature and acceptance of a child.

You see, you have experienced a life in the flesh wherein you have been taught to distrust others, distrust sources, distrust intentions, distrust the sincerity and the purity and even the love. And so you come to this place of seeking greater connection with me and you arrive with this baggage of distrust, distrust in your own abilities to discern. I invite you to trust yourself. I invite you to feel the answers you seek, to let them register deep within, next to me, and in this way we can reflect divine light on whatever the circumstance may be and illuminate the truth, the beauty and the goodness contained within and I am happy to assist you in this process but you need to allow that this entire process is in fact your destiny. You have been given a design and a process which taken step by step brings you through growth and into awareness.

You have mentioned in your sessions before, that there is a significance in setting the stage or creating the environment and this is very true. You have learned the value of this yourselves. You have created this very environment we share even now and so you know how important it is to have a good spiritual compass heading and to follow the compass of spirit as it points towards truth, beauty and goodness. You will find that in these times we find ourselves, there is great opportunity for reevaluation of all the aspects of your lives, really of your habits. With the change in activity that the pandemic has caused, there has been more time for consideration of what are the important things, what is significant, what do we want to keep going and to find a way and what things may be outdated. Most importantly, based on your most recent spiritual capacity, what are the most divine characteristics you can manifest? This is ever changing because you are ever growing and the opportunities are ever present. Remember –“no man can step in the same river twice. It’s not the same river and he is not the same man”

So I invite you to consider, once in a while, our relationship, the fact that I await your recognition. I crave your gaze in my direction. I know that we are destined for great things. We have been granted this fantastic journey together and I look so forward to enjoying every step of the journey with you together, one day, even as one. But there is no hurry. The journey is all that there is. There is no final destination, only more exploration, more awareness, more capacity. These are the real treasures of our travels.

I invite you to undertake a mental exercise in seeking a greater relationship. The mental exercise would be to present yourself with some question or statement that you would really like to see answered or resolved and then, in earnest prayer, make your petition and then this is where you are going to use your mind. You are going to allow that the expression will come, the conversation does come, is coming and you are simply attempting to observe it. So create the environment within your mind to provide this opportunity for me, for us, to simply be together, to simply fellowship in this process that we are both involved in. This conscious effort on your part shifts the gears from the machinations of formulating questions and using words and orchestrating part one and then allowing that part two, the response to the petition, be allowed to come naturally and normally and ask yourselves, okay, what is the highest value I am aware of to address this circumstance or issue or condition and allow that then we may make response. But it will require of you that you participate and translate the experience.

I tell you plainly, this is all yours. This is what you were made for. This is what you are finding in your explorations and discovering at this point. Glory be to God and thank you to the Father for this gift that we both are sharing, this gift of grace, this gift of relationship that we form and maintain and seek and find. Let it be so, even now. And, in this process, you may encounter some resistance because in your processing, in your hearing, in your expression you will fall back on your recordings, your previous exposure to word symbols and inflections and language but I invite you to not get bogged down with any of that and simply attempt more to feel the answer than to receive a detailed verbal description. It becomes incumbent upon you, having sensed the answer, to do the translation and to find word symbols that most closely associate meaning that you can be okay with. But this is something that is perhaps most easily done by the act of journaling. If you allow that you can use the vocabulary that is within and your ability to write automatically, that is without pre-thought, then you may find that in response to your question, there is an answer if you will allow, if you will accept, if you are aware.

So I invite you to experiment in methods that we may grow closer. I am experimenting even now. As this form of communication rarely, if ever, exists but I am very grateful for this opportunity to communicate with you in this way and I will offer to make myself available to assist as you all discover the depth of this additional circuitry that has now been combined with yours. The drop has all the properties of the ocean and you as developing individual mortals, have all the properties of your Divine Parents. Thus you are powerful creators, you create this event even now. You are also powerful seekers, always seeking more meaning and greater values in all the lessons that arise. Let’s be about this process more together, more side by side. That is our destiny and I am just making bold to speak of it because I can. That is the invitation of all of the spirit guides, that is the desire of all of the Fragments of the Whole, to be closer, to eventually become as one. And, it is happening in this very moment, we are all growing towards that destiny.

I would take my leave in gratitude for your having pulled up a chair for me at the table and invited me to speak up. I bid you all a good journey. We now can begin the expression of much greater circuitry and I look forward to working with you in that pursuit. A good day to you all, until later, bye now.

Machiventa: Indeed I will address you, it is my pleasure. I am Machiventa Melchizedek and I am always pleased to stroll into the classroom and see what the students are about. It is a pleasure to watch you all in your pursuits of spiritual wisdom and the fruits that you bear as you practice this trade of becoming spiritualized. They are marvelous to behold and I call you all to witness that these fruits of the spirit are what are so attractive to others who are seeking this very nourishment, this very missing piece of their diet and this notion of moving into a more structured and coordinated effort with your Indwelling Guides is an excellent idea. This will make all that you seek to accomplish more potent and more powerful.
Indeed, we all are made more potent when we join together, in league together in service to Michael, in service to our Divine Parents. I certainly am more than willing to join in wherever there is such great light being created and spread and focused and channeled for the good.

We have spoken for some time of a change in ages for your world and we are now being exposed to what that is manifesting as. When old energies and old patterns do not contain enough of the divine qualities of truth, beauty and goodness, then they find themselves incompatible with the new more spiritually charged energies and there is a great struggle for survival as the light is driving out the darkness. There is resistance and we are seeing that now in this world where many old patterns are being reevaluated and found to be insufficient or incorrect and there is then the focus of imposing a new way, a greater awareness, a better understanding. And then, once you have been enlightened, you assume that this new awareness is the new reality, the new benchmark only to discover that just because you can project your experience into stages of pre Light and Life or advanced civilization, just because you can sense that that exists and you are ready to embrace it perhaps, does not make it real for those who are still embroiled in the old patterns, in the outmoded ways.

These wholesale changes that come about every so often on your planet are a regular occurrence. There have been a number of past incidences that are on record on your world and now we find ourselves at another point where everything is subject to reevaluation and culture is literally being determined as to what it will be like or look like. These are the times where we may infuse spirit into the equation as it works out and infusing spirit in the equation is to simply be the light and shine the light and allow the light in its natural process to dissipate the darkness, to illuminate the goodness, to shine on the beauty and it is a passive yet dynamic approach. This is how we will see the change happen, but of course, with humans involved there will be strife, there will be fear, there will be terror and doubt. All of these human circumstances will be present and they will be there because they are a part of the learning journey that is going on. That different individuals need different things at different times and we must allow that there are those who are so entrenched in their old patterns that even if we knew of better ways that are discovered and accepted, they will not embrace them. We have to allow that this is going to play out before us but we have to be steadfast in our position of simply bringing the light, letting truth reign, letting peace reign, manifesting the more divine conditions that we would create.

So the field is getting active. There is a lot of movement and where there is a lot of movement on the field there may be a lot of direction offered. There may be a great need for input when reconsidering what priorities are and what is important in this experience of life. Always look at your answers, even your questions with the light of spirit and in so doing you will maintain a calm presence, an even keel as the waters get rough. What a joy it is to have my voice heard this evening because you would so allow. Go in peace as we move through this process and trust that you will be made aware because you have demonstrated your desire to be made aware. Then I grant you, you will certainly be made aware when there are circumstances that may be embraced as learning opportunities. I wish you all the best and look forward to what these trenches that we are slogging through will look like. Nevertheless, we will be there with our lanterns and we may shine light on the way through. A good day to you all, farewell.

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