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LLN578- Manifold Workings of Love

2020-07-23.  Manifold Workings of Love.

Mother Spirit on July 23, 2020. – LLN #578

Nebadonia – T/R—JL

(Handling the virus threat)


(Love is connection)


(Love is both created and recognized)

(We were designed—no accident)

(Keep a warm heart, and lovingly tease)

(Fighting the paralysis of despair)

(Getting outdoors in the sun and air)

(Practice the three basic safeguards)

(A thousand-to-one)

(God’s love is yours too—so claim it—feel it—radiate it)

Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, Welcome. We certainly want to thank you for these last few months’ transmissions and your talking to us during this very trying and stressful time. You have given us good advice of how to cope with this virus and, at the same time, that wonderful spiritual encouragement that comes directly from the two of you and rebounds to your presence within us.

You remind us that you two and our Father are always present as some of our very best company—along with our dearly beloved ones here. You encourage us to stay in touch and spend even a small time each day talking with the three of you–Mother Spirit, Michael, and our Father. Then we listen, being open to what you have for us. This meditation is key to a wonderful quality of appreciation for these lungs that breath, this heart that keeps beating, these wonderful bodies and minds of ours.

So: thank you, thank you, thank you, Mother Spirit. As you love to tease us, I have a little tease and challenge for you. Give us something light-hearted amidst all of our difficulties here. Amen.

Nebadonia: Good evening. This is Nebadonia, your Mother Spirit, and I will accept your challenge. But first I will give a little bit of practical instruction. Michael and I have both talked about the way your science has evolved in understanding this virus, and has given you the most basic tools to work with. One is the concept of social distancing, which is so contrary to human nature that loves to be gregarious. It is even one of the ways I influence your mind and spirit with my Spirit of Counsel to enjoy being together. Yet now you are having to keep separate.

(Handling the virus threat)

When you cannot do that, there’s the necessity for wearing a mask, mainly to protect others from yourself. This is especially critical if you have symptoms like sneezing or coughing, yet still have to go out in public to get some food, or whatever you absolutely have to do.

What I offer in addition tonight is a way of keeping your own home or apartment, your inside spaces, sacrosanct. Make that outside doorknob be the last thing you touch before you go straight to a sink and wash your hands thoroughly. I know you have sanitizing liquids and cloths to use outside, so find some other way of closing your door without touching that inside knob. Once you cross that threshold and go straight to a sink and wash your hands real good, this keeps your inside spaces rather pure.

With that I will take on your challenge and see if I can think of the most light-hearted thing I can. How about that most effervescent of all qualities, not only in your human lives but throughout the universe? It’s something that since almost every song and story writer, and everyone else, has used so often, it’s a little hard to define. Yet for all that, it remains supreme: Love.


What is it? What is this thing called love? That sounds like the title of a song. For indeed, it is the inspiration for so many songs is it not? It’s even the inspiration for having someone to sing to, and sing along with. It assures there will be more than just the two of you from time to time. It’s so difficult to pin down because it’s very nature is one of being uncontained, of loving to be spread abroad. It is hard to express without using it.

But as Michael and I one time gave a rough definition of life as a condition you are in, and something you can choose to have forever, let me say the most intrinsic thing about love is connection. It denotes a relationship between two different things, even in a single person. Insofar as you can have a distaste or even a hate for your own being, you can definitely have a love for your own being and this life of yours. In this case you experience yourself as an object, something other than your own personality. It is your personality that is capable of loving, and does.

(Love is connection)

Love is the connection that expresses God’s most wonderful quality of sharing himself with his whole creation. So too it is a way of you sharing yourself, sometimes even with yourself. When you go outside you can truly love driving your car, or riding your motorcycle or horse: connection.

When it is a mutual connection with another person, can anything be more light-hearted, even giddy? It tends to float you two away. You have the expression “being in love”–a condition, a whole way of being that transforms the world around you both.

Ironically, sometimes “falling in love” is not all that loving. Two individuals can fall in love to the detriment of both, so blindly in love they tend to walk into things and lose their balance, drunk—and irresponsible–on love.

But genuine loving is really connecting, taking in your beloved and sharing your lives in a very helpful and strong supportive way in which each of you gives to the other and, at the same time, lets each other be.


The spiritual dimension of love is appreciation, both giving and recognizing the supreme value of people, all the way to those  who would give up their lives for another, reaching for and realizing an ideal.

To really love someone is to appreciate them as they are. You’re acknowledging this other is a “little walking infinity” you cannot wrap up and encapsulate. If you truly love and appreciate them, you don’t even try. You’ll do all your best to set them free. Tease them to be ever more free and creative. This way the two of you are constantly renewing yourselves and each other.

Love is the wonderful part of connection that, even now as you are forced to be physically separated, your own personality and creative spirit can come up ways of loving others in spite of the separation. Because of the vulnerability of the older folks among you, one of the more cruel things is the separation of granddaughters and grandsons from their grandparents, even if the old folks are on the verge of dying. Yet you have your wonderful cell phones and I-Phones with their little TV sets, giving a way to stay in touch, communicating.

(Love is both created and recognized)

This is the essence of love–a spiritual quality of creating value that is very personally active, and yet at the same time also feels like simply discovering something independently amazing and valuable in another: both true.

So this is my light-hearted message tonight, my dear ones. Love is something of life itself, of living beings in a whole hierarchy starting with you human beings, then reaching all the way up to God our Father, including all the thousands of different orders of living beings intermediate.

I’ll tease you with the notion that there is a kind of physical love, not between one object and another, but the way God creates the physical universe–a fun way of looking at it. It’s the way everything is attracted to everything else through universal gravity. Every little speck of physical creation is attracted to all the others. Indeed, the whole universe of millions and millions of galaxies would fall together into one big lump if it weren’t for motion.

Even among people with their enormous amount of love that ties them all together, you do have a similar motion. You do have separation. You do have the need for each to live their own life and then, by choice, wanting to come together again.

(We were designed—no accident)

Part of God’s love is the way the whole universe is holding itself together and not flying apart everywhere rather randomly, but according to design–just as Michael and I were designed by him. As you were designed by him, and capable of love.

Well, since I could go on forever I will just arbitrarily–out of love–end this part of my lesson and invite you to offer any questions or comments you might have. So please be in my love, and do so.

Student:  Hello. I want to thank you for your message. I realize that getting someone to love in times of despair is really a way out. Any kind of feeling or thread of light or love for a person can get a piece of that shining inside them. Instead of addressing the darkness is what I’m asking: How to inspire joy and love?

I am having trouble with a person who is agnostic—not atheist or whatever–but they don’t believe in you. They fall victim to despair, and I am so far away, yet I want to be able to help them. It’s almost like I’m asking permission or something. Anyway, if you could address that, like: How to inspire? I know that was always Michael’s challenge with us humans.

(Keep a warm heart, and lovingly tease)

Nebadonia: Yes, my dear, I think you touched on it yourself. The best way is to love them. Find as many ways as you can to very genuinely and warm-heartedly express your love for them. Maybe you can tease them a little bit into loving you back in return. Keep helping them see some positive things in whatever their situation is; maybe teach them. It  doesn’t have to be directed to some kind of deity worship towards Michael, myself, or even God, our Father, but a meditation aware of their breathing, their body, and being alive.

It’s their finding some way of loving themselves, because as you so rightfully intuited, this is often the only way out, the one saving grace, the one unmerited or unwarranted gift. Then tease them into sending their love out to others because loving others gets them out of their own despair; maybe find some way of helping other folks.

I say it is a kind of tease because you can’t stuff hopefulness into them. There’s no way you can compel someone to love, or be loved, but you can love them anyway and find ways of expressing that and tease them out of themselves. Sometimes, if possible, make it physical. Take them for a walk or a drive. Let them know you are there for them.

Student #1: Well, I live a thousand miles away.

(Fighting the paralysis of despair)

Nebadonia: Then encourage them to get out and take a walk, and enjoy some sunshine; be more active. Despair has a very physical/physiological component of being too immobile, sitting around and despairing. The only cure for it is getting out and taking a walk.

Student #1: Thank you.

Nebadonia: Thank you, my dear, for your love for them. I really appreciate that you are concerned and are reaching out. It’s that very reaching out that makes the connection, and that connection is the love. Be in my love.

Student #1: Thank you. It is because of you and Lightline that this kind of stuff is starting to happen to me. So I thank you too.

Nebadonia: Keep tuning in. (Pause) Were there any more questions or comments this evening?

Student #2:  Yes, I have a question. On the one hand you spoke of making sure that our inner sanctum is pristine and antiseptic. On the other hand you talk about going out and getting active in terms of taking a walk, and that sort of thing. In general, how unsafe is it out there?

Nebadonia: Well, my son, thank you for the question. Michael and I have said it depends on whether you are out on some farm in Nebraska, ten miles from the nearest neighbor, or are on the 33rd floor of an apartment building in downtown Manhattan.

Student #2: Somewhere in between.

(Getting outdoors in the sun and air)

Nebadonia: Yes, this is something that truly every individual has to assess for themselves because their physical situations are so enormously different. It’s pretty much why Michael and I stress that the main thing is social distancing. If you cannot literally do that and have to be close, shall we say passing each other in the aisle of a grocery store, this is where the masks are so important.

Again, it’s not that they will keep airborne virus out, but these are pretty rare. Most virus are attached to other, much larger particles. Yet as Michael said last time, for the individual who actually does have symptoms but still needs to go out in public, it is a matter of love for other folks. They are wearing a mask to protect others. Then, rather than point them out and stigmatize them, if everybody is wearing a mask it becomes a loving gesture for everyone.

Right now you will notice that some of the major city’s streets are almost empty. This is the economic impact of the virus with tens of millions of people out of work in just one country alone. Fortunately, with your modern communications and being in a country where most everybody does have their own private home or apartment, running water and soap, and ways of staying clean. You are so blessed that way. Some parts of the world are getting in terrible shape because they don’t have these basic abilities.

The pandemic is something each individual has to assess for themselves and their own family–the youngsters who need guidance and then the old folks who need loving support, separated for their own safety. Be open-minded to all the good influences coming down, and all the good advice you are given.

Student #2: Thank you.

(Practice the three basic safeguards)

Nebadonia: Right. You will notice that where there’s been a spike or upturn in the virus, it’s because people have not been doing the three good things of distancing, or wearing a mask, and then avoiding touching anything as much as possible–though obviously you do have to pick up groceries and similar things. So you wash your hands often. When you’re outside, now almost everyone has available those little sanitizing liquids or cloths.

For some folks I’m sure these suggestions are like pushing themselves through thick grease up to their waist with the effort to get on with their lives, especially if they are unemployed, the schools are closed, and their children are always home. It’s also an enormous social challenge. Above all it does call for love and consideration–just considering others.

Student #2: Yes, thank you.

Nebadonia:  Right. Thank you, my son. Be in my love.

Student #2: Thank you – I shall.

Nebadonia: Love is our connection—Michael’s and my own, and even our Father’s. It’s what holds everything together, especially your human societies. In spite of this virus, in spite of all the warfare and crime and everything else; from our standpoint it is always—always!–a thousand-to-one that love and connection outweigh all the anger and disparity.

(A thousand-to-one)

We caution you your commercial news seems to thrive on needling you, jabbing you constantly to provoke you. You have a terrible expression that is too often true: “It smells but it sells”–thriving on the worst parts of human nature. But throughout it all, the amount of shared love, and support, and connection between folks is a thousand times greater. (Pause)

Well, my dears, if there are no more questions or comments, I will close for tonight with emphasizing our Father’s love for all of us. If you cannot see it or feel it now, you will in your future lives to come. You will more readily be able to detect his radiance from Paradise, from the very center of God’s location there, his personality radiating throughout all of the universe. Just as he is the First Source in terms of the creation, he is also the Center. His is not only universal gravity, an in-drawing touch that keeps everything in its proper orbit, his is also the love that puts it all in motion.

In the most broad sense you can conceive of: Something is Happening. A whole universe is happening. This is his love. This is his creation. This is his delight, and the one thing you can be absolutely certain of.

This is why we ask and even tease you into meditating, just dwelling in the middle of everything, and feeling it, glorying in it. It is for you as much as any other personal being in all of creation.

(God’s love is yours too—so claim it—feel it—radiate it)

His love is yours. So claim it. Feel it. Then radiate it yourself. Be as much as you can be, within, as you are the center of your own universe—co-creating your life. Radiate as much love as you can to all you know. You are truly in my love, and I am definitely thrilled to be in yours.

Good night, little ones. Take care.

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