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LLN594- Perseverance, Opportunity & Service

2020-11-12. Perseverance, Opportunity & Service.

LightLine #594

Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2020-11-12

Teacher: Monjoronson, Inner Voice, Dr. Mendoza

T/R: Mark Rogers

Prayer: Divine Parents, we can’t express with words our gratitude at finding you, at approaching you and seeking you and finding you as we do now. We see you represented in your workers, in your associates that are with us throughout this process. In their service to us is a reflection of you, our Divine Parents, and we seek to find you and to be like you. It is also that we join you in service to be a part of the service circuitry and now there has been thought put into word. I petition your grace once again as you join us in our pursuit, let it be so.

Monjoronson: It is my pleasure to greet you all this evening, I have responded to the call, in this case, to your call. I am Monjoronson and I am pleased to have been mentioned, the simple mention of me meant to convey the affirmation of the ‘I AM’. In my case, it is always flattering and I very much appreciate your willingness to heed the call and follow wherever spirit may lead us. And so, as was foretold, we are gathered again in this service project to be a part to the solution, a part of the transition, to escort these times into a higher dimension, with a greater frequency, a more divine tone and we have been active for some time in this pursuit and so I appreciate your continued devotion.

I also am greatly inspired by this new wave, this new release of divine energy into the equation and it comes into the equation through the avenue of the Thought Adjuster circuit that very few are even aware of but because you have been diligent students throughout, and you have done your research, you have read your manuals and studied your texts and by the grace of those before you who manifested the gift known as the Fifth Epochal Revelation you were able to build on this offering, this valuable resource. It enabled you to establish a framework to understand and comprehend and this framework enabled you to grow into the awareness of where you are in the scheme of things and come to know many of the circuits that you are part of by virtue of being a dual citizen, mortal and yet spirit, finite and yet eternal.

You have chosen to pursue your eternal side, to grow this aspect of yourself and I call you all to witness, you have been rewarded for your efforts, you are here, now. So, let us be full of gratitude and thanks for this great plan of ascension that you are involved in and that we have found each other in this process and that you are even discovering in one mortal existence, your Divine Fragment, the residence of divinity within you. This represents great joy for a great accomplishment and a great gratitude for all the aspects that have come together to bring you to this place, so much gratitude for so many wonderful experiences and encounters such as we are having now.

In short, I applaud your observation and efforts to move in the direction of the wave. You have felt the calling and you are answering, even now. And you are called upon, you are called upon to don the cloak of who you are, to assume the role that you would choose, to manifest the I AM of who you are, to portray through your manifestation your understanding of God, of Divinity, of purpose. It’s your interpretation that you furnish to the Supreme, to the collective, back to the whole from where the part came. This is your privilege to collect to yourself all that you can to enable you to demonstrate that which you have seen, that which you have experienced and felt and then, in the process, as you are coming to realize that this coordination modifies your being. It expands your capacity to be, it charges your inherent capacities to co-create.  All of this is truly at your command as you know because your efforts have brought you here through all that has transpired, all the steps along the way have been your choice, have taken your courage and required your faith.

But you have persevered, you have come to this place undaunted. So I might ask you if you would feel the empowerment that I would wish to convey to you and be about this business of materializing into your greatest vision, into your grandest most divine perception that you are aware of. As you unfold in that direction you are ever provided with more and more to uncover as you pursue the depths of your being. Be of good cheer my devoted associates for we are granted this opportunity. We are here, now, in these times, this is our service opportunity. This is the answer to many of your prayers. It comes in this form. Those of you who are aware of a higher better way need to represent it, need to manifest it. I

t is no good to have earned this awareness and this knowledge and then simply keep it to yourself and pass on. Time in your lives is short. I encourage you to be bold. You have been assigned this service call because it is your desire. So let us be about this process in conviction, in focused energy. This is what we have been in training for and our hour has come. I make it plain that I call you to be active. The time is past to wait and see how this is going to turn out. The time is here to manifest higher truths, to bring greater values and more divine principles into your daily lives.

There is a great uncertainty with the direction, with the future, with the pandemic, with the many troubles you all are familiar with and when there is this great unknowingness, this great gap in the ability for people to see plainly the way ahead, that is the moment we need to provide the option, to simply offer your awareness that there is this option, this choice. You are all too ready to debate the pros and cons of any issue but are we considering the spirit component, the moral values and the divine principles of love, do unto others, help your brother. Those need to be part of the equation and now that there is great disruption, let us be about the task of providing the option, the better choice, and if it is the better choice, it will naturally crowd out other options. But if never offered, certainly no redirection of course can take place. The wheel is in spin. We are able to run alongside and kick it one direction or another if we will assume the role.

So perhaps, with your construct of thinking, it might be helpful for my request here to also include the formal acknowledgement, the formal recognition of this request of service. It is so greatly appreciated and I would like to hereby charge you with the authority. You have been asked to function in this capacity and I hereby request and authorize you to do so. Make no mistake. Now, I ask you to take up the role, act as if and demonstrate to all of us that you have command of these higher principles that we are endorsing, these deeper values that we would choose. Bring more love into every equation. Such a grand charge, such an enormous task, but you have volunteered and I accept your applications and I hereby issue this request of your services. I very much endorse your efforts to work with your Inner Guides alongside because they are already there. We are all working together in service to Michael and it’s very joyful to see the amount of communication, the amount of awareness that is growing between all of us, even all of our different aspects. I remain in gratitude for this gift of grace.

Thank you for your time. I now withdraw to make room for others but I am very glad to have reestablished our contact and look forward to future meetings and as much as I enjoy these meetings, and am ever willing to make this effort, this meeting that we have here now is between us. If you learn to join in with your Inner Guide, you may find that you no longer have need of my services for you will develop your own line, your own connection and be able to receive advice from one closest to The Source. But we are willing to engage in any method to any means and honor any requests to work with us as we need liaisons. We need boots on the ground. We need mortals in the flesh who are working for their eternal career in spirit. Thank you all.

Mark: I AM interested in being of service as a conduit of my Divine Parent’s love. I AM willing to use my voice. I AM more than willing. I AM in prayer to be of service because I have felt so much grace from on high and now I offer my services to be about this process of exploring with my Inner Voice and I invite this divine aspect to come forth and receive my offer. I am only interested in the mission of Michael in truth, beauty and goodness. I trust in your embrace Divine Parents and I AM acting in faith, in trust and with conviction in this process. Let it be so, even now.

Inner Voice: And, it is indeed so, even now, but, you know that. You know by virtue of your own experience the truth that your petitions are answered, that they are not only heard but responded to as you have the capacity to receive the response, and that is where I come in. I speak to your now as a member of this circuit you referred to and this circuit we may now refer to since the phrase has been offered. This circuit is of one mind, that is, a collective mind, a collective experience, a Supreme experience in the micro, but all that can be assembled through this circuit represents a great energetic field. And not only have you learned of its’ presence and developed your awareness to consider it as an option, but you have pursued further your own personal connection to this circuit and that’s where I come in.

I am here with the express purpose to provide you service as you seek. I am here to help you find. As you look for inspiration about how to proceed you present yourself at one of these unknown junctures and act. That is when I am able to interject the inspiration, the ‘it came to me,’ the ‘I had a thought,’ the ‘ahah’ moments. Often I am there, I am orchestrating the whole event. I have brought together elements that allow for you to be presented with this choice. This is made possible by virtue of the fact that I AM your Inner Guide but I AM connected to all Inner Guides and therefore when others are involved in the equation, we work together, the Inner Voices, to insure the maximum experience relevant to the capacity of our charge and only we are able to discern these things and only we are privy to what may be needed or required to bring about growth, change and greater awareness.

Oftentimes, there is involved in this equation, stress. Stress brings you to having to consider and think and look for inspiration and activate your faith that is will be alright and pursue where spirit may lead in search of your direction. So while you are flooded with material mishaps and conditions around you and they all seem so big and important, I invite you to consider that all of those things are simply the tools, the avenues that have been provided for you to manifest your expression of this current version of you. And what greater way to facilitate these declarations of I AM than to bring you to the cusp of uncertainty, to have to navigate through much doubt and persevere through the unknown. But, you are endowed with this awareness that this is so and that there are great strides to be made in growth.

And so you who have been furnished with this insight, now may approach what appears to be collapse around you with a greater inspiration to declare what you are now, what you would be in this version, declare your I AM affirmations and that’s where I am here to help. I will be more than happy to help you foster any intentions to pursue this agenda and as you have been informed, there is before us some great opportunities that will present themselves. We are here in the gym working out to be tone and ready and connected and prepared and oriented properly and aligned with the will of our Father. If these are all in place, then all things are possible and you are given the opportunity to choose to make it so.

We are having this discussion because it is your desire to make it so. It is your desire to assist in transition, to be there to bring assurance of your faith to those who are in doubt, to offer your gentle reassurance to those who question the very reality of an Indwelling Guide. It is there for you to represent as you so choose and you will find that many opportunities arise in this time of uncertainty. Everyone is casting about for something to hang onto and you are privileged enough to know of your eternal career. What could you bring to those around you if you were to share your vision, share your awareness? After all, everything is up in the air now, everything is up for consideration. Why not take this opportunity to inject the highest ways and principles? And that is why I am here to help. I will most definitely assist you with inspirations and the more so if you ask and allow.

What a grand opportunity we have in time and space to manifest this potential. All things are potential until they are chosen and made real. We have chosen this format and we all witness, it is quite real. We chose to make it real. Therein is the difference of those who have seen the Face of God, as it were, have seen the magnitude of grace of their Divine Parents and are eager to assure their brother that such loving and Divine Parents have always cared for them and they have the absolute faith and conviction that they always will, in one form or another, here or there. This should bring some peace of mind, some encouragement to go forward, to take the next step even though you cannot see the whole staircase. Faith is simply taking the next and taking the next step and choosing again and again to follow spirit where it leads.

I am in gratitude for all of your time in joining in this configuration. This is a living phenomenon now. This joining together has created a circuitry of its own. It may be revisited, rejuvenated, restored and employed now that it exists and that is where I can come in as well to help facilitate these connections because as Inner Guides, we are well aware of the desires of your hearts, of your truest and deepest of intentions. We have been there all along. We cannot misinterpret for we are constantly observing and therefore we may work together to share between associate Adjusters.

If it is the desire of the Adjuster/mortal team and is consistent with the Father’s will, then it is possible to use this method of exchange. We have referred to this potential in regards to healing, in regards to using this same circuitry to establish what the need is and how it might be most beneficially addressed. This is the same principle, that between individuals who would like to work together there is a symmetry and that is because it is not only the two mortals of the realm who have, through their thought processes, come together and enjoy each other’s company, but it has also been approved and accepted by your spirit guardians, by the ones who are entrusted with your safety.

I sense the energy dwindles. There is very much on the table for consideration tonight, but once again I call you to this exchange and hearing this exchange, not just through your ears, interpreted by your brain, but rather through your spirit being, through that part of you which is energy and which can interpret tones, to register the words that I have been sharing with you. But as well, to look beneath and under the word symbols to the vibration, to the frequency that is of a more divine caliber, a more perfect nature. It is a call and you have heard these tones, you have heard these vibrations, you have felt them in your being. They have registered and you come to meetings like this at the gym to practice getting to them, working with them even in being that aspect of yourself. And we are learning to take it out of this class and bring these principles into daily life. That is our task. That is our gift of Grace. It is our service opportunity presented to us and I will be sure to be there to help as I can.

Thank you so much for this opportunity and I look forward to any future communications as I cherish this as a universal event. Be of good cheer, listen, feel, sense our connection. I have always been with you but if I were to communicate verbally, you would have no other reference than to use your word symbols, your phrases, your voice and oftentimes I am overlooked because it sounds just like you. Indeed it is you, it is a part of you and the active choice to offer the voice for expression means necessarily it will sound just like you. How can it sound otherwise? Be aware that this occurs, that it is easy to overlook divine influence by discounting its origin. Trust that I AM your Inner Guide, I AM your Inner Voice if voice is what you so choose. Let it be so, farewell until we meet again.

Question: My daughter called and said she might have been exposed to Covid and possibly infected me. Should I get tested or might Dr. Mendoza advise me. How does one stay calm, pure of spirit and mind in this world environment? I want to err on the side of caution, perhaps even over cautious.

Dr. Mendoza: Indeed I have been in attendance this evening and not had an opportunity to join you, thank you for this invitation.

Q: thank you].

Dr. Mendoza:  I feel a certain comradely with both of you my assistants, and it is that very act of sincerity that brought you to tonight’s request for our counsel. By that I mean, you are acting in the role of a responsible physician’s assistant when you are expressing such concern for all those around you as your potential patients. In your medical profession there is a code of ethics and in that statement of purpose there is a reference to: First, do no harm. It is that, that brings you to this place, your concern for others, your concern for their welfare, that could possibly do harm in the course of your activities.

Having heard your description and your subsequent discussion, I would acknowledge the degree of awareness around this topic. Conditions such as this, referring to the pandemic, are always fraught with misunderstanding and lack of awareness as to what exactly it is you are fighting and how to best protect yourselves, particularly when the agents who are committing the assault are invisible to your naked eye. Yet, they have this potential to wreak such havoc. Truly this is a great challenge for your species and your science has shown you that there may be actions and steps that you can take to assist in stopping the spread or transmission of these micro particles.

But first you must understand their nature and how they function and then you may readily determine methods that may be employed to get in their way and obstruct their path. That is the essence of what you are doing in this pandemic. You are tasked with protecting yourself from these micro particles and protecting others in the event that your protections have failed. This particular dilemma is not rocket science, is not a great stretch for mortals to recognize the value of protection and this is your key to success, to take the gift of the awareness that science has brought you to this point and utilize the wisdom that has been gained in this process and realize that it is your obligation to shield yourselves and cleanse yourselves accordingly so as to not become a vector yourself for this transmission.

And so it is, for those who are aware and who are willing to follow where science leads, have a great advantage and by simply following simple basic guidelines, will protect themselves and others. It is unfortunately relegated to those who refuse to take up this call to protect yourself, who doubt the very need to do so and this will continue to be circulated among those who refuse to take adequate precautions. I understand there was a concern about the potential of becoming a vector and transporting a harmful substance as you change locations and move to different steps. I remind you that if you remain vigilant with your practices to install barriers, then you are in fact providing the necessary steps and resources to insure your safety.

There is, in response to your concern, a small risk involved in transporting anything else with you, that is, I refer to clothing and articles that are being transported. These have some moderate potential to transport undesirable elements that may be easily remedied by simple wiping down of items that have been traveling or changing clothes upon arriving at your destination. Washing hands and showering when you are in transition might be the only things to consider that you have not already considered in your efforts to put up barriers.

These represent an abundance of caution. Remember, this condition, this infection is limited to the lungs as its vector to enter the body. It must be taken in, it must be brought to within close proximity of the individual and then inhaled or potentially touched to the face for there to be any way for it to take hold in you. If these conditions cannot be present because you have removed all possibilities of transfer by touch and you are vigilant in the barrier between your lungs and the world, then you have done all you can do to stop any spread.

So if it is not possible to cleanse items that are being handled and transported, this represents a much smaller risk. One would need to touch the infected item and then touch their nose or mouth or eyes for there to be an avenue of approach. That is the only other consideration one might make and it is a remote possibility, particularly if others are not handling your items that have been transported. Therefore they cannot be exposed through touch. Perhaps simply being vigilant about who handles what would be prudent. It’s easy to pass things back and forth at times, not realizing that there has been multiple touch points, possible points of transfer, however as I say, this threat is far less than physical proximity to someone else’s lungs. That is paramount that you avoid, that you shield yourself from and that others around you shield you from because this is the known transmission, this is the vector. Protect that one vector and you have eliminated an avenue.

I hope this helps with your trepidation. Fear not my friend, you are also traveling in companion with spirit. You are also in service to Michael, you are in league with great forces. The higher your vibration is, the less these mortal concerns can affect you. Trust that that is your antidote, that is your cure, that is even your vaccination against infection. So, vibrate at a lofty frequency and operate with prudent cause for protection but attempt to fear not because fear is the opposite of trust and faith in spirit and conviction in your association with the divine. Fear is what lowers your immune system and compromises your ability to navigate anything. Fear is the virus to watch as well.

Q: yes, thank you.

Dr. Mendoza:  Go in peace, do your business with an added layer of security, a barrier to protect yourself and your efforts to sanitize surfaces perhaps that you will be sharing. That is the most you can do, that and arrive in spirit, charged with divine presence and function on a higher frequency, not so responsive to physical, mechanical stimulus.

Be in peace my friend, all is well.

Q: thank you so much.

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