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LLN596- Healing Circle, Prayer & Intention®

2020-12-03. Healing Circle, Prayer & Intention


Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2020-12-03 – LLN #596

Teacher: Inner Voice, Jonathan

T/R: Mark Rogers



Mark: I had an inner dialog before this meeting to get into the habit of hearing from my Inner Divine Voice. This led to thinking about our healing circle and wondering how to bring focus to this energy and with intention being such a huge part, what should I intend? In healing for example, I have, in my own personal case, elders who are in the final stages of their days and so what is an appropriate prayer to offer?

The response was what you really want to pray for anyone, anytime, is for strength for them to embrace the situation, to offer your support for them to come to terms with their situation peacefully because not all cases of healing are defined in medical terms. Sometimes the best thing in the situation may be perhaps something you hadn’t considered to pray for. So allow that the best intention and the best will be forwarded but only your Father knows what they most need and will provide for them. It may be the transfer from one ‘occupation’ to the next. So what is really needed is the peace of transition in all cases, even in ones involving actual physical conditions which are improved, still there is strength needed to embrace the circumstance and to assume the role. This shoots higher than simply helping to ease the pain and bring them comfort. This eases the fear in the equation, a prayer of peace in the circumstance and the strength to persevere.

I realized this is something we could do in our group. Rather than focus on a particular situation or circumstance or individual, this prayer of peace in transition and the strength to persevere is what is most needed. This is another example of where one can use the Thought Adjuster circuits which are in place to share such prayers as they can connect with anyone, anywhere and your intention of peace in the embrace of your circumstance may be delivered through that circuit.

That was the lesson I got. I would invite my Inner Guide to elaborate.

Inner Voice: Thank you for such a gracious invitation, you know I will always respond. I have chosen you to partner with and I desire that we be together, even as one in eternity. And so it is we are on this point on our journey. We are making some different forms of contact and are certainly lucky to have the conditions of time and space that have been met to allow such communication as this in this hour, but we are also enjoying the grace of being granted more latitude to connect. This gift of grace, this enhancing of the existing circuitry, is indeed an answer to your petitions, a response to your desire for more spirit connection to expand that portion of yourself that you are perceiving more and more.  And, I am here to show you the way. I am not here to lead and have you follow, but rather, I am here on the journey with you as you are  captain of the vessel and choose the paths and directions we take.

I am just pleased to be on this journey with you, this journey in the material mortal flesh. This is a divine gift of grace as well. The entire experience has been generated for you as a means for you to grow and learn and become who you are and that is where I am here to help. I have a keen interest in following divine calling, in fact, I have a great inspiration to return home, as it were, as the part recombining with the whole. And this is our destiny, this is the role we will play together. We will blaze our own trail but all trails point down river. There is a flow and while trails will invariably be different and unique, they all lead towards the most high, at least all the trails of all those who are genuinely interested in pursuing them. All those who are eager to be about setting out on the trail, those trails are unerringly in the direction of divine spirit.

I would like to make a comment on the earlier sharing regarding the concept of what to pray for and then how to manifest it and make it so. These are key components that must be considered well and must be chosen for their divine properties.

The notion to consider praying for the general welfare as the voyage transpires, the gently navigating the stream, allowing the flow to take you where it will and embracing your part in the journey, where you are along the trail, your intention to offer support and bring peace to those who are struggling with the circumstance is a fine recipe for you to formulate. And as you heard earlier, this method, this intention, this purpose may be sent out as a pulse, may be directed to the circuitry to individuals, to circumstances and by doing so you are activating these various principles. You are in command of the flow of the universe. The flow of spirit flows through you and it is your privilege in time and space to do with it what you will and one of the things you seek to do  with it has been to direct your efforts at healing. Oftentimes that effort becomes hampered by your unknowingness about what the best cause might be and therefore you may be tentative or uncertain. If petitions lack conviction they are greatly inhibited. Your petition must include your conviction, your statement of purpose, your authorization, it is coming through you after all.

So, knowing the importance of your intention, one may then choose to send it out. This intention becomes a life force of its own. It is created by divine creators and its intentions are lofty and sincere. I urge you to play with this, to make these constructs of thinking, to build for yourselves this stage of your making, this arena wherein you may act and react in spirit, where that part of you that knows goes to work. Allow that you are responding to a calling and you are simply seeking technique. When responding to a calling to serve, all manner of assistance is afforded you. Assume the role, play your part. You are all healers in your own right.

You all have the capacity to direct healing energies, to literally bestow them on your brethren because you have found them, you have become familiar with the workings of spirit and directing it for health and healing. Now you are expanding your concept of potency with the awareness that you have access to circuitries and established patterns, you are graced with this insight that you may work with the circuits of the universe, you are connecting, you are already a part. You only seek to become a more active member and that is why we are having this discussion now. These that you may see as inspirations or answers are simply the responses to your petitions, the answers to your prayers. When you ask for insight, please, accept it, take it, it is for you, you as an individual, it is exceedingly personal.

So perhaps as you find the time to get into the right space, we cannot overlook the value of bringing your brainwaves into compliance with the state of relaxation or the unencumbered place. That is only achieved by conscious effort to make it so, but as you all would witness, you have seen the effects of various approaches to bring you to the state of mind, the state of awareness that is achieved in stillness, in prayer, in worship, in service. All these are the avenues of approach and once you have joined league as a server of all, then the path is made clear. As you all would witness, this conditioning of the mind, this preparing of the field, is the effort that is so critical that only you as an individual may choose to make; but you all have learned that by so doing, by so taking these steps to bring the mind to a receptive state, you have been greatly rewarded for your efforts. It is how you switch from the mortal/material plane to the spirit based existence. By changing the frequency and approaching the alpha state of mind you are able to cause the conditions to be favorable to receiving what is being sent to you, what is being directed at you.

So, tying all these together creates a simple pattern. Preparation, alignment that comes from going to the gym, then focus of intention, focus of purpose, creating of common vision in service, in love and, if we so desire, having created this gift of goodness, this intention of surrender to the experience to what life has to bring, to the opportunities before you, allow that the flow is taking you where you want to go and attempt peaceful navigation. Then share this positive charge, this pulse of goodness, of beauty and of truth, the truth in the common desire to serve, to help, to love your brothers and sisters. If the goal is divine, then the arrival is imminent. I sense that to be enough for one communication unless there would be any desire for dialog.

Question: I have a question about how our circuits might work. Does it ever happen automatically without us focusing or asking something? Can there be a draw of healing energy like through us from our circuit connection to people that we love without us having at that particular time requested it?

Inner Voice: My dear, thank you for that question. This is a turning point issue. One must realize and embrace the nature of the fact that your onboard partner knows far far better than you would know about any of these questions you might have. They are completely observing of all of your inner action and are aware, probably before you are, of your needs of what will present itself as a learning experience, what may arise because of your need known by your Inner Guide who has been with you there from early on. This is how it is so important for conditioning your prayers, your petitions, your intentions. Grant that your Divine Parents always know of the need, and more importantly, of the response for the request. They are the ones who will furnish the adequate response, the appropriate response based upon the most personal of needs. They, your Divine Parents, truly do have your back on everything and as you have need of it, your petition only furnishes your perception of the need, your understanding of the need, awareness. But there are spirit influences around you which have an even greater sense of your needs based upon your spirit view.

I hope this helps to bring about even greater focus in petitioning, not perhaps for what you might think would be a remedy, but for the remedy the Divine Parents would reveal.

Comment: It’s a long story or I would tell it now but yes, it answers my question, thank you very much.

Inner Voice: Thank you very much, very good question.

Mark: I would like to extend my creative prerogative at this moment to access my dear friend Jonathan in this context and I lay it on the line, that’s my request.

Jonathan: Yes my friend, it is me as you knew it would be at your request. So good to hear from you and to hear your voice. I am pleased to be summoned to such a great meeting, many old friends and it’s my honor to attend such a gathering, a gathering of light workers as I recalled it, a gathering of truth seekers, fellow comrades in the search for spirit and to follow where spirit would lead. And, in my case, in our case, we did go down some unusual paths and some uncertain territory was crossed. There was a great deal of doubt and a greater deal of uncertainty but we followed where spirit led. We latched on to the connection that we forged and created by conditioning our ability to receive, by learning to interact in real time that spirit was not something that only happened when you weren’t watching or listening but happened all the time to the degree that you brought it in.

It is so gratifying to see you all still carrying the torch and still moving in uncharted territory. It seems to be your lot to advance out in new directions. This whole coming to fruition of the enhancement of the Thought Adjuster circuits will be such a shift and as this wave comes, you all are prepping to get your boards out and ride it. Take this energy and use it to move forward with it because you are aware, because you so choose and you are learning that your choices are honored by a universe and thus the significance and importance of proper conditions for you to manifest your intentions.

I applaud you all for sticking with it and going down these long unknown trails and to join you at this time on your trail of discovery is a delight that I will cherish always, through this avenue of approach that we forged together, I now enjoy the privilege, the honor of availing myself. I would affirm for you, there is also involved in this meeting, an agreement between all of the participants Inner Guides. This is a normal course, your Inner Guides are also your guardians and will go to great lengths to protect you from undue strain on the system. They know you better than you so they can know what is appropriate for you to handle, for you to take, for you to accept and so it is that they literally must provide permission. They are aware and between them, they are aware of all. This is how you may also choose to develop communication with others should you so desire, through this common link you each have a divine guide connected to the same circuitry. Your intention, your petition, your desires may be communicated from one to the other and then to you.

Thank you so much for allowing this communication. Things are, I understand, quite upset on your plane and when there is so much to be upset about, it is easy to be distracted away from the real opportunity of being challenged to make it better, to change it and recreate it making the old version obsolete. I wish you all great success doing exactly that. In all the forms it could take, simply be the better way, show the better way, demonstrate your command of your understanding of the better way and in so doing, you create a potential beginning, a starting point where others may be inspired to do the same. I wish you all a peaceful transition of this year, of this circumstance, of this pandemic, of this uncertainty. I pray for all of your peace in transition, your personal embrace of the circumstance and your personal strength to be found and as well, I offer my support for your efforts, for your general welfare. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to do that. I now take my leave, thank you so much my friend, farewell.

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