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LLN600- Circuits, Opportunity, Indwelling Spirit Contact®

2020-12-31. Circuits, Opportunity, Indwelling Spirit Contact.


Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2020-12-31

Teacher: Michael, Inner Voice – LLN #600

T/R: Mark Rogers



Prayer: I’d invite us to circle up and petition to join spirit and condition our internal environment to be conducive to such contact. Let us relax into our faith that we will embrace spirit as we so choose, as we are so willing. 

Michael: My dear ones, it brings me great pleasure to take advantage of this opportunity to bring you my love, to bring you the love of a parent who is devoted to your welfare, to your survival and to your contribution to the Supreme. This time of year, I understand, is about family and circumstances on your world, on our world, right now are challenging all of you with how to fulfill your desires to be together as family, close together. That is why I wanted to come to you now, to remind you that we are family, that we may come together even now. We may enjoy each other’s presence because we so choose to do this.

I certainly relish the opportunity to connect with you in any way you would so allow and so this opportunity presents a real unique chance for me to bring you my good will, to bring you my peace, to remind you that you are in the care of your Mother and Myself, to remind you that we have always provided for you, that we will always provide for you so you need not fear that perhaps we might not, perhaps we might stop providing for you. I assure you that your Divine Mother whose womb you are currently in and I who have come to show you the way to the Father are your Divine Parents and are wholly committed to our children of time and space.

I come to you now because I can and I desire to personally deliver to each of you my peace and the grace of being loved by a parent, the certainty of belonging to the family and feeling the warm embrace of the parent. I am so very well pleased in all of my children who have chosen to pursue me, to follow me, for you have sensed your route to the Father is through me and I am most pleased to be making more and more of a relationship with each of you because you will accept that it can be so and you will exercise your faith to direct your creative choices to make it so. You are the offspring of Creators and you have been endowed with this eternal option and I get great pleasure in observing how you choose to manifest your destiny, what choices you make to exercise your creativity and unfold into the more ” Light and Life” version of yourself.

I appreciate that there is a question to entertain about circuitry and there is a recognition of new circuits available, of new platforms of opportunity as yet unrecognized and your observations are quite real as you wonder. These expanding of awarenesses are happening more and more frequently as spiritual pressure has been applied. You wonder if it’s possible to tabulate the amount of circuits you have access to but perhaps I could expand your awareness of these circuits to direct your concept frame to the idea of a web and that as the web goes out from you it branches over and over and over again but yet you are still connected to all these branches, to all these different directions, all these individual circuits and so by virtue of these connections you are able to join a variety of what you would call circuits or lines of connection.

It is like putting the call through to a switchboard and then connecting between one part of the web to another so that you may access that line. These energy fields that you are becoming more aware of are merely different legs, different routes in your neural net of connection to all that is out there. Your development and growth involves your awareness and your ability to direct your intention and connect with all the various parts of the neural network system of spirit. I will point out to you that it is not necessary to understand the dynamics of this circuitry, it is merely dependent on your will to seek and find your direction. It may be helpful to have a concept frame such as the idea of a massive web of connection. Instead of a world wide web, you are connected to the web of a universe and the web of eternity.

Be at peace that your efforts, your energy you spend to seek Me, to seek the Father, your desires to be of assistance, these efforts will carry you through. Your compass headings are true and your choices will reflect these higher values and you will be the ones to affect change. You will be the extension of my desire, you will be my arms and legs, my reaching out to others, my desire to embrace you in spirit. It will be your efforts to express my sentiments. This is my request of you, that you join me in expressing the love of our Father through our acts of service. I know in your hearts you have all committed to follow me and I have welcomed you all, but I must ask of you my dear ones, how do we go about this? How do we work together? There must be your decision, your free willed choice involved and so I honor your willingness to choose to follow me. Let us be about this as I follow your choices, as I am willing to go where you lead in your life.

I bring my peace to you all and offer it freely and openly. Even now, I invite you to drink this cup of fellowship, this cup of family embrace, this cup of gratitude for another year, another chance, another opportunity before us. I leave my peace with you now and hope you may embrace it as it is intended to embrace you. Be in peace, farewell.

Mark: I now invite my Inner Voice to meet with us again and continue our training, thank you. I am being instructed that I have to go first because I need to paint some background here. I am being asked to provide some context for tonight’s exercise and so I am going to offer to share that. My parents Bonnie and Paul Rogers who live in Phoenix, Arizona, are even as we speak, fighting for their lives with Covid 19. I have been praying for them and trying to activate whatever circuitry I could and was reminded of the lesson about more appropriate prayers which should involve more aiming higher than simple healing and directing intention for the spiritual calming and the strength that is necessary to get through the situation and focusing on the comfort of having support because that is universal and not specific to any particular condition. This is my target tonight and I would now ask the Inner Voice to direct this exercise at this time, please.

Inner Voice: It’s not surprising how uncomfortable the connection between you and your Voice Within and how there seems to always be uncertainty with combining and being as one but that is in fact the crux of the issue between us, your Inner Guide and you. We delight to join in your pursuits and bring with us divine influence as we have been designed to be implanted with you as a guiding light, as a returning beacon, back to where you came from. I understand that there is friction because of your tendency to seek out, as part of your effort to define authorship, where things are coming from and who is responsible by virtue of them offering the statement. And because this is a challenging dilemma, far too frequently you come down on the side of uncertainty and doubt and therefore unwillingness to represent what you are trying to portray

As you are experimenting with this process of communication within, grant yourself the liberty to, as you are doing now, go where spirit leads you. Follow the calling, respond to the tone of higher and more divine values. As for tonight, it would be well if we could run through the process of setting the stage, hooking up the circuitry and connecting the switchboard available to us so that we are en-circuited. We are connected through the great web to all and the many circuits that you can conceive of are all available if you will but throw the switch and make the effort to plug in to the circuit. Then you have access to the circuits and the power of the energy you have connected to. And this is all possible because you are energy. It is your choice to make the connection, to bridge the gap and bring together different aspects, different attributes, different frequencies of the same choir all combining together to make a glorious song.

So now, moving forward with those principles in mind, let us take the opportunity to jointly invest in the healing circuitry of love and invest our intention, our purpose in the well being and the comforting of those in distress. Make it your desire to find the connection to your web, to those individuals whose energy signature you are familiar with. Using the same method, the same approach, petition your Inner Guide to access the Thought Adjuster circuit and connect through the web to it as well. This is all a matter of your choosing, an exercise of your creative free will but you are investing in beauty, in goodness and in truth.

You are donating as if you were giving blood in the flesh, you are giving life blood to that which you would create and it is imperative that you assume the role of one in this act, of one in this position and so it is, even now. It is as simple as the tuning of the dial between frequencies, the choosing that frequency that you find more pleasing. Perhaps choosing to spin the dial to the far frequencies of Light and Life and go there and connect and feel what that is like. It is available at your desire. Then you may bring it back, you may impose your awareness and understanding of this frequency into your current circumstances.

In a very real sense, your efforts spent at offering peace, healing, grace, love and comfort, your bringing aspects of Light and Life into your intention, these are the higher conditions of Light and Life. These are divine qualities and by your formulating your prayers and petitions to direct these energies, you are in fact imposing aspects of Light and Life in your creation. Exposure to these frequencies bring you greater and greater understanding of where the energy of service may be best directed. This wave of comfort and peace that we are generating even now, is certainly added to the energy of grace and love from your Divine Parents. It is also their prayer to be of service and to send these gifts of grace just as you desire to. You may combine with the circuitry of your Divine Parents and your frequencies match when you are in service adding divine aspects to your web of connection.

I hope this has been another workout at the gym for you. It is a pleasure to get together and work on projects. It is okay to insert your personal connection, your individual relationship. That is the grace of relationships, so bring your loved ones in to your prayers and allow for all the others who are in your hearts. Allow that your Divine Parents know where the needs are and how to best meet them. Your petition merely charges the equation already in place. I appreciate this opportunity to interface with you in this way. I trust that we have enjoyed this fellowship equally. I am this ones Divine Spark but I speak for all of the Inner Guides when I invite you to come out and play. I bid you all a good evening and look forward to our work out time. Be in peace, farewell.

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