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LYT170917- Take Time to Listen

2017-09-17. Take Time to Listen

Urantia: September 17, 2017.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Take Time to Listen.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Seek not a position among the mighty on this planet, for seldom do they garner a place in the history books and so shall earthly pride return to dust. Rather, seek for the values of heaven and the true meaning of existence.

“Even the mighty Ruler of a universe humbled himself to be born into a manger in a stable. This is how willing he was to show himself among the poor on earth.

“The love of heaven is everywhere. It does not seek entrance into palaces. It only seeks entrance in the humble of heart that are willing to be obedient to the will of God. Obedience is one of the keys to the Kingdom of heaven, where the full glory of God is to be found.

“I entice you to be more obedient, to train yourself in the will and the way the Creator Father in heaven; who loves all his children equally, and does not demand obedience as a stern inflexible judge, but rather yearns for you to give Him your obedience from your free will.

“This is what Jesus came to show you all, and he was the purest example of this. He grew and matured into full consciousness of His Being. This was His mission; to reveal a loving God in heaven, whilst at the same time proclaiming a new revelation of man to God.

“He showed in His life on earth just what mortals are capable of becoming.

“Once you realize this growing consciousness, how much freer and more joyful you will be! Once you place obedience to God above everything else, each day shall bring you closer to the divine pattern.

“The Creator in His inscrutable wisdom has given you the power to attain this if you heed my Guidance and therefore He has placed Me within each of you for that very purpose.

“So come and take the time to listen.”

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