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LYT171001- This Path is Open to Each Mortal

2017-10-01. This Path is Open to Each Mortal

Urantia, October 1, 2017.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “This Path is Open to Each Mortal.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Within you are depths of being which are as yet totally undiscovered; and heights of awareness which are to be scaled like mountains. These you will reach only by sincere efforts on your path.

“The spiritual path is neither for the mentally lazy and slothful, nor for those who are waiting to be spoon-fed by others. And neither is spiritual seeking reserved for the greatly intelligent and highly educated. It takes much time and effort to delve into the mysteries of life.

“Spiritual living is for those with adventurous minds, stout and courageous hearts. The joy of such lives shall rise like cream to the top of the milk. Be brave, dear heart, and continue your climb inward and upward.

“The more dedicated you are to search out the mystery residing in your heart, the greater your joy will be when your search is finally rewarded in us becoming one. This represents the second step in your age-long ascension journey towards Paradise.

“The first step was your waking up to My calling out to you and your responding to this Spirit-self, which God has gifted you. It was then when the search and the hunger began to find Me, and oh what a journey this is turning out to be!

“Insights are gained, your understanding is enlarging, you love is deepening and your wisdom and joy are increasing. With time you are gathering soul-rest and peace of mind, which are even now starting to pervade your physical temple as it is becoming more harmonious and balanced!

“All this is experienced on the road towards perfection. Together, you and I are building heaven’s counterpart here on earth. It is fallacy to think that when you leave this mortal estate, that you will be made perfect in the blink of an eye.

“The learning and experiencing continues, because of increasing sincerity and loving service to others through many promotions on the road to Paradise.

“This path is open to each mortal who listens for the call of Spirit to become perfect — even as God is perfect — by their answering to the pull of Paradise.”

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