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LYT180304- My Love Is Ever Present

2018-03-04. My Love Is Ever Present

Urantia, March 4, 2018.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “My Love Is Ever Present.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “You entertain in your mind a question about service. In serving any and all of God’s children with unconditional love, you are unfolding in your spiritual growth as you are learning to be about altruistic service.

“It is the eternal truth that the Father looks upon the intent in the hearts of those who give and serve. There needs to be no concern for a hidden agenda on the part of the giver or the receiver.

“In the world of the flesh, it is often the custom to ‘scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’. But not so in the heavenly kingdom as all are equally eager to serve their Creator by serving their siblings.

“Your Master Jesus so eloquently portrayed this by His example of washing the Apostles’ feet. The lesson contained herein is for you to ‘go forth and do likewise,’ meaning that when you serve others, you express your love for Him through others.

“It is totally liberating to be free of any suspicion or hidden motives, but to simply serve with gladness. For herein rests the practice of the fruit of the spirit — to not just render service but unconditional loving service.

“This lesson tells you that anything done in love is a fruit of the spirit and being God’s love in expression on earth.

“Never be concerned about the intent of the giver or the receiver, as all are equal in God’s eyes, whilst the Creator deals with each to their understanding.

“Go forth, and bless others with your love, which always, in all ways will be replenished with My Love which is ever present and boundless.”

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