2018-04-15. No Two Snowflakes Are Alike
Urantia April 15, 2018.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “No Two Snowflakes Are Alike.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “The gifts each human has as tiny, undeveloped seeds hidden in the immature soul, are innumerable. Many ages shall pass in eternity, before these gifts will come to full fruition and yet, even then ‘in the fullness of time’, much more will remain to be discovered, depending on the choices and experiences each soul decides to make and follow through with.
“By making beneficial decisions, you will always enrich your soul and those of others. Everything you do, or neglect to do, will always have consequences.
“Even a soul that refuses to choose eternal life, leaves a void in the completion of the Supreme God, although worthwhile experiences are always lodged in the personhood of God the Supreme, the evolving deity of space and time.
“The personality of that soul will forever be lost, as there are no duplicates in all of creation, just as there are no two snowflakes alike. Even so-called identical twins differ somewhat, as each personality is totally and completely unique, never again to be duplicated.
“The reason why you sometimes feel attracted to certain individuals depends purely on the fact that there exist feelings of kinship among certain groupings of mortals, the reasons for that will become more apparent in eternity.
“The fact remains that you all are offspring of the One, who desires that you would learn on your path through life; that all are worthy and of equal standing before the almighty Creator God.
“Gender or vocation matters not. It matters how one comports him or herself through life, by taking life’s opportunities to discover and develop the gifts seeded in their souls, and by returning these gifts through loving service to others, back to the Creator God.
“Allow Me to show you how.”
Receiver: “Please do.”