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LYT200727- A Boundless Giver

2020-07-27.  A Boundless Giver

Urantia, July 27, 2020.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Boundless Giver.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “The silent song of praise and thanksgiving from a human heart will always rise before the throne of the almighty God and Father of all. You are slowly learning to understand how it is that the Father can work His salvation in the hearts of mortals.

“It is only when a heart opens up to the ways of it being blessed that it recognizes more and more that it is made joyous. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. This is ever true for all the weary and disappointed souls who, when they have exhausted their limited power are driven in their anguish and helplessness to join with the divine Power.

“It need not be mentioned that God’s power is always adjusted to the reception capacity of the believer, because that is all he or she can take, otherwise the human would be consumed in the awesome presence.

“Once realized, the soul comes truly alive and begins to stir within the human temple. The human then takes the responsibility to keep this activated channel open and alive by regularly coming into the Stillness to seek further nurturing.

“In time, this soul becomes so love-activated that this stimulates a life of active service for and to others, and the human begins to bring forth the fruits of the spirit in greater measure. In its growing thankfulness and soul-joy the human starts giving this unconditional love to others.

“Another ‘cycle of eternity’ is set into motion, as you return to God the gift of yourself through others in increasing measure. The Creator is a boundless giver.

“Open your heart to receive, so you can return more.”

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