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LYT200824- Each Honest and Sincere-Of-Heart

2020-08-24.  Each Honest and Sincere-Of-Heart

Urantia, August 24, 2020.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Each Honest and Sincere-Of-Heart.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “It is a matter of growing faith, trust in things unseen, and believing in the heavenly Kingdom, through which your journey into eternal life begins. It is quite normal for a human being, even after this momentous event has occurred, to still entertain honest doubts. After all, you are still only human.

“The Universal God knows the intent of each heart. Spirit is quiescent but always active and moving, and all thoughts in the human mind are instantly reflected back to the eternal Father.

“For this is how God experiences himself through all his created and evolving offspring. Nothing is hidden knowledge to the existential God, who becomes experiential through the intent, thoughts and actions of his myriad creatures.

“The Eternal Son extends a spiritual down-grasp to attract each honest and sincere-of-heart to the Father Creator. The Infinite Spirit contribute a Spirit Daughter at the same time as the Father and the Son create a Creator Son.

“Together they leave Paradise to create their own universe in space and time, to Themselves become the Parents of myriad creatures. They are totally complemental together and cooperate with each other in all they do.

“Your Creator Son Michael, also known as Jesus of Nazareth, and his Consort, Mother Nebadonia, after whom your universe Nebadon is named, left Paradise eons ago. According to the will of the Universal God, they arrived together in this part of space to create their enormous universe, of which your tiny insignificant but highly honored orb is a part.

“Your planet has become the shrine of Nebadon, as Michael chose this planet out of millions to reveal the unconditional love of his Father. He chose this planet to show humanity how to do the will of God, not only on this planet but also for all other planets in His vast domain.

“Life is eternal, and the march of creation continues as it has done for eons of time, shrouded in the mystery of eternity on the way to perfection, even as the Creator is perfect.”

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