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LYT201121- Come and Confide in Me

2020-11-21.  Come and Confide in Me

Urantia, November. 21, 2020.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: Come and Confide in Me.

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: Your heart, mind and soul will grow more in a greater understanding of Me. The better you understand Me, the more you will grow to love Me. This also means that that you will have more love for yourself. As a child of the most High God, you will also increasingly understand that I am becoming a greater part of your higher consciousness.

The more you yearn for Me, the more room you make for Me to be in the totality of you. My spirit needs a clear channel to flow through, so whenever you feel out of sorts, you are blocking me. Oh, I know all the struggles you as a human go through! However, you could make your life so much easier if you would come more often to Me and include Me in your daily comings and goings, not wait until more trouble looms, or another hurdle needs to be overcome.

Truly, dear one, the more time you spend with Me in the earth-life, the greater the benefits you will reap in your life hereafter. Be at peace, dear heart, and be not so troubled by your physical aches and pains, but recognize that they are there for a reason, that perhaps the mental and emotional energy fields in the meridians need clearing. In these, all your thoughts, emotions and experiences are stored.

I am more than willing, for you to come and confide in Me, as I am your most willing Listener and never in a hurry. Of course, I know all about your hidden sorrows and grief, but it is excellent for your peace of mind to unburden your soul, to free yourself up and lighten the load you carry, when you feel My comforting touch and loving presence.

It is also a good idea to obtain some ‘hands-on’ therapy to move things along, as long as it is with an understanding person, who has the life-experience to be of true assistance. One can only help others, when one is willing to go into the human psyche, which is everywhere in the physical system, as no system exists separate from another.

A simple loving touch can evoke blocked and hidden memories of long ago, which can then be looked at and let go of, so tears of release and relief can flow. This is a freeing, which enormously benefits the mental and emotional realms. Long held pains will dissipate and spirit can thus move forward to do the rest of the healing.

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