2021-01-11. You Shall Minister in My Name.
Urantia, January, 11, 2021.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: You Shall Minister in My Name.
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved. Your thankfulness shall increase a thousand-fold, no less, once you begin to more clearly realize what lies ahead of you. Right now, you live in a ‘house of clay’, but once you are lifted off this planet, you will be astounded by the increased possibilities and by the untold beauty.
It is in your humanness that you make the greatest progress, and this daily coming to Me in the Silence is quite an effort on your part. Yet, this effort shall not go unrewarded.
Even now, you are beginning to reap the benefits of a growing ‘soul-peace’. A solid bastion is developing through your faith and trust in Me – the Eternal Co-Creator of our ‘soul self’.
This is My promise to you, that the more effort you make to come to Me of your free-will choice, while lending Me your mind to hear My words – and yes, there needs to be room for Me in your mind, so you can hear My still voice – the sooner you will hear My voice during the busyness of daily living. In this way you can speak My words of hope and comfort, and of healing to others.
You shall minister in My Name on your journey through life, for this is the secret desire of your soul, known only to Me.
Together we shall help Jesus heal this planet. The more mortals that wake up to the possibility of this fact of their surrendering to their Source within, the sooner the times of Light and Life shall come about.