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LYT210127- It is I Who Escort You

2021-01-27. It is I Who Escort You.

Urantia, January 27, 2021.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “It is I Who Escort You.”

Message received by Lytske

The Beloved: “Still your restless mind and become more consciously aware of My presence. These short moments are only a preparation for you to be with Me for lengthier times.

“‘Outside of Me’, your soul longs to be with Me, especially when sorrow and grief over past mistakes threaten to engulf you. All these experiences are part of a learning curve, the understanding of which will ultimately allow you to let go of all regrets, and put the past behind you.

“The human mind is very tenacious in ‘hanging on to old stuff’. This is wrong as it takes away a lot of joy from living.

“Yes, I know the dross needs to come to the surface, to be looked at openly and forgiven in unconditional love for self. As long as you cannot forget, you have not forgiven yourself for your past mistakes.

“Be at peace My child, for truly the One God sees the beginning and the end. The intent of the human heart is what counts, not outward appearances, and who might know you better than I do?

“It is by trial and error that children learn, gain life experiences and garner wisdom in the process.

“Life is not meant to be lived on the surface of the material. The material serves only to gain a deeper understanding about what is real and truly important in life.

“Be of good cheer. You are learning your lessons well.

“It is I who escort you into becoming a purer being from the inside out.

“Be, let Me.”

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