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LYT190602- Unconditionally

2019-06-02. Unconditionally

Urantia, June 2, 2019.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Unconditionally.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Let us commune in the secret chamber of your heart, in the sacred violet flame, that burns ever so brightly whenever you enter here to be on hallowed ground.

“It is here where I, your Pilot and Guide, unfold the mysteries of life – those insights which can only be told to the humble, who are truly the wise ones on the planet.

“It is a life consecrated to doing the will of God, and as well, it is a life dedicated to find the true meaning and values of life.

“You have been told before that your earth-life is only transient. What you gather in material possessions is of no consequence and has no lasting value except for the good you may do with these.

“It is in the learning of heaven’s values where true riches are to be found and in the forming of a strong, noble and steadfast character that sincerely strives to be the best it can be, without any hidden motives, as well as by living to do good to others without expecting anything in return.

“Your Master Jesus was and ever remains the prime example of this as he walked the face of this earth. He offered himself to be born as the Babe of Bethlehem, to show all mortals a better way of life. He showed them and lived the boundless love of God, whom He called ‘Our Father’.

“The eternal God’s unconditional love for all his children does not depend on whether you are good or bad.

“The concept of punishment for being bad is a ‘fabrication’ that needs to be exposed. All who sincerely repent of their wrongdoings and learn to forgive their selves shall learn that they, too, are welcome and equally loved.

“God does not require the shedding of innocent blood as many will quite erroneously believe. All God requires is a sincere and loving heart that is willing to love as Jesus taught you all to love – unconditionally.

“Cultivate this love within you and be at peace with each other.”

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