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LYT190728- I Beseech You to Turn Within®

2019-07-28.  I Beseech You to Turn Within.


Urantia. July 28, 2019. – LYT #190728
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “I Beseech You to Turn Within.”

Message received by Lytske.



The Beloved One. “The will of God is the way of God. It is in learning to subdue the mortal self with all its ‘material flesh’ desires, so the higher spirit-self can take over and grow.

“It is the daily overcoming of the selfish creature instincts — the urges of self-preservation and instant self-gratification that lead to mastery over the self. Victory lies in conquering the baser instincts, such as unbridled giving in to wants, rather than needs, of which the western half of the world is especially guilty.

“Defeat lies in un-brotherly treatment of humanity, in intolerance, impatience and rudeness. When will humanity wake up to the simple golden rule: Do unto others as you would like to be treated?

“It may not yet have entered into many a mind, but the truth and fact is that the Creator is no respecter of persons. He looks upon His entire creation of evolving mortals with unconditional love, and as equally entitled to enter the Kingdom of heaven trough faith and trust, never mind their race, creed, color or sex.

“The sad fact is that among so-called civilized man, so many barbaric traits and superstitions still exist in their dealings with their brothers and sisters. How can you ever project love and peace out into space toward all your kin on all the other worlds of the Creator’s making, when you cannot live in peace among each other?

“Surely you must by now realize that the bickering in your little sandbox, as well as the unfair dealings with your kin, needs to slowly give way to a greater maturity so that you will start behaving like adult sons and daughters of God.

“I beseech you to turn within where I reside, and allow Me to teach you.”

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