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LYT190908- His Full Power and Majesty®

2019-09-08.  His Full Power and Majesty.


Urantia, September 8, 2019.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “His Full Power and Majesty.”    –  LYT #190908

Message received by Lytske.



The Beloved One. “It is a travesty that the death on a cross of your Creator and Universe Ruler Jesus gave birth to a religion that sprung up around that crucifixion rather than about His resurrection.

“His life was an example of how one can live on the planet, in sincerity and truthfulness, and in courageously overcoming all trials and tribulations, always remaining obedient to the Father’s will, and showing forth unconditional love to all His creatures.

“The saddest thing ever to happen on the planet was that uncouth, unfeeling and thoughtless human beings, and leaders of the people, worried about their livelihoods’. They were so afraid of Him, and His simple message, that they dreamed up a murderous plot to accuse, sentence, and kill Him without allowing Him any defense.

“Yet He could pray, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ Such was His love and mercy towards all. He did not have to die on a cross for the supposed sins of humankind for each is held responsible for their own sins and willful misdeeds.

“He did not have to yield His life in this manner to finish His last bestowal life and earn full sovereignty as the master Son of His vast creation. The Father decided and the Son obeyed to let the will of the people prevail as matters unfolded. Pilate could have stopped the whole sordid affair but he lacked the moral backbone and courage, and literally washed his hands of the whole affair.

“The business of practically the entire universe came to a standstill and all inhabitants shuddered when they saw their beloved sovereign bleeding and dying on a cross. Since that time your world has become known throughout time, space and eternity as the world of the cross.

“The triumph of this whole sordid affair lies in His resurrection and the restoration of His full power and majesty over his creation.

“He continues to live on in the hearts of His believing children everywhere.”

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