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LYT191020- Bring Each Heart to Me®

2019-10-20.  Bring Each Heart to Me.


Urantia, October 20, 2019.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Bring Each Heart to Me.” – LYT #191020

Message received by Lytske.



The Beloved One. “Allow the peace of My healing to flow through your heart. I am the one who knows what the human heart goes through; the suffering and grief, the disappointments and sorrows.

“Ultimately such complaints can lead to problems with the physical heart, which manifest in different maladies, and yet the human heart goes on valiantly beating for its owner. Be grateful for every beat, it means that the energy of the life-flow is still in the human body.

“Be at peace, and allow Me the bring a greater understanding to your mind. All suffering is known to the heart’s Maker, even selfish suffering, brought on by an unforgiving attitude.

“The heart being in truth and fact the mental brain of the body, tolerates no hardness of heart. It is the most flexible organ, properly doing the job for which it was designed. This it can do but only when unconditional love reigns in the heart.

“Whatever thoughts it entertains and brings into action, the physical heart reacts accordingly. Remember, the heart never attacks itself. The term ‘heart attack’ is a gross misnomer.

“The causes are in the invisible realm. Of course genetics have played a role over eons of time, due to the Lucifer Rebellion, which happened approximately 200.000 years ago and has very badly affected your planet.

“The human heart is a most delicate instrument, and only its Maker knows all the different influences and circumstances it experiences.

“Therefore, never judge another’s heart or behavior, unless you fully understand what the triggers may be. Bring each heart to Me for healing, for I do understand.

“Practice unconditional love towards all, for this in itself is medicine for the heart, which in turn helps heal the planet.”

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