2020-01-23. Your Eternal Partner.
Urantia, January 23, 2020.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Your Eternal Partner.” – LYT #200123
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One. “There are many hidden gifts lying dormant in your soul. These, I promise you, shall bloom in due time. Apply yourself to the cultivation of your soul and continue to nurture it daily in your meditation.
“Continually seek counsel with your Thought Adjuster within.
“By reaching within to your God-self. You create an unbreakable bond between yourself and Me, for I am your Eternal Partner-self.
“Truly, in eternity we shall be one, however, you are expected to do your part while the grace of God is always with you.
“It is up to you to recognize this. Muster up your freewill courage and reach inward for Me and you will find Me waiting for you. Up and over life’s hurdles we shall merrily go.
“Onward, upward, inward, always learning, always experiencing a greater harmony and balance in mind, body and spirit. Becoming more capable of expressing the becoming true unconditional love.
“All the while you will be contributing to the Supreme God.”