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MAR56- Adjutants, Stillness, Worship, Survival

2005-07-18-Adjutants, Stillness, Worship, Survival

Marin – MAR#56


1Topic: Adjutants_Stillness_Worship_Survival
2Group: Marin TeaM
1Teachers: Michael
2TR’s: JL
1Opening Prayer


Topic: Adjutants_Stillness_Worship_Survival

Group: Marin TeaM


Teachers: Michael

TR’s: JL


Opening Prayer

Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, How we do treasure these visits. We look forward to them each week. We thank you for explaining certain spiritual truths that come across to us as ironic, as when we take up our life more and more in the present, we are less driven by the past or tempted to sell out our own futures. Then as we practice spiritual detachment from our bodies and our mental processes, we can actually perceive them more distinctly and clearly, and are able to commit ourselves more fully and unselfconsciously to what we are doing. So we thank you for these discoveries. Amen.


Michael. My dear children, Good Evening. This is Michael. Just as Mother Nebadonia wishes you to relax and feel Her loving support, Her dimension of worship giving you a thankfulness and appreciation of all our Father’s great creation, and Her adjutant of wisdom helping you use all you have learned so far in your lives, and apply it to the present moment to give you this priceless quality of recognition in an ever changing reality; so too I would like you to consider My Spirit of Truth as it impacts your lives. This is a kind of presence of mind that, very much like Mother’s presence throughout our Local Universe, My spirit too resides here independently of My own coming and going. So you can consider it a very stalwart and faithful guide.

I ask you to feel for Me in your heart, which means not only your physical heart beating–as a way of tuning in to My presence and My spirit, but more extensively your whole realm of feeling as contra-distinct from thinking. We gave a lesson a while ago on the different dimensions of feeling and how so much of your thinking is based on feeling, and simply articulating it to one another. But you also have feelings of intuition coming from your super-consciousness, the over-riding field of consciousness that is not what you are aware of and have control over, but a broader field that can inform you at times from a summation of all your perceptions.

This intuition can inform you of certain subtleties that are beyond your present notice. For this very reason it is sometimes hard to pin down the source of these intuitions and you wonder where they are coming from, or how much you can trust them. Here a practice of stillness, quieting the intention to grasp hold of something, allows your present consciousness to relax and this broader super-conscious field to lead you back to the perceptions which gave rise to the intuition.

This is similar to what you asked about last week as–home base–the transcendent home in your being that you can visit from time to time and find reassurance and rest. You are probably already, but only half-consciously touching on this many times during your day. Think of the times you are facing the complexity of a problem, and though you understand all the component pieces, you are not sure where to start first. You have learned you just clear your mind for a moment and make room for something to suggest itself, rather than worrying or fretting or getting anxious in the face of such complexity. You relaxed and trusted in. what is it now? What is it you are trusting to suggest a solution? This is your larger mind. You touch upon it by relaxing, clearing your mind–if you will. This is a way of touching home base.

So what We are suggesting in your stillness is intentionally staying there, and just enjoying this feeling of existing, of being aware you have a body and a mind, and thanking God for this life. Because ordinarily it is just touch and go. You touch home base only long enough to get the next good idea, and off you go again. For an active, busy animal, part of being a human being, stillness suggests a departure from this busy animal life. You not only touch upon home base to get the good idea, or the next step to take, but you will linger awhile. For this reason, so many schools of meditation suggest you begin by keeping a pencil and pad of paper handy to jot down these ideas, or else your fear of losing them becomes such a distraction you lose your place here.

So when you practice stillness you are going somewhat against the grain of deep instincts to keep moving. But I think you can see how this is an assertion of your full human being, the spiritual dimensions of your personality which set you apart from the animal kingdom. There is no denying this is an exercise of willpower—to return to home base and not act immediately upon the great ideas that can occur to you there. This is what makes it a deepening experience, for it is a spiritual effort that leads to a spiritual ability. It’s like growing pure potential; not the potential to do some specific thing, but pure potential, pure spiritual willpower. For it is in incubating this power, highly consciously, that enables you to rest and recharge yourself by not immediately using it.

This is where My Spirit of Truth comes in. This is how you access Me. As various ideas, and feelings, and possibilities come to you here at home base, you use My power of spirit to sort them out, to feel for which has the greater reality, the greater possibility of coming to fruition. These are all very subtle feelings—spiritual evaluations. This is why My Spirit of Truth has been known as the Comforter because over and above a desire to find the truth are those wonderful moments when you are assured of having it. As you put it, everything clicks. Everything comes into a beautiful alignment. You own personal creativity finds a perfect augmentation with Mother’s adjutant of wisdom. Your own soul suggests that this new idea is really possible and in accord with what you know to be true. My Spirit of Truth puts the final seal of approval upon it. All of this you recognize as a kind of depth, an assurance that, Yes, this is going to work.

The search for truth is a wonderful thing, My children. Truth is not only an ideal and something to hope for, and to work towards, it is something to courageously test, something to apply to God’s greater creation and then have the further courage to be open to the results, to engage with reality and accept deeply what it is telling you.

This process has no end, for as you—alone–have limitations, if your precious attitude, your orientation is open and willing to accept what the greater creation is feeding back to you, there is no limit to how much you can grow. This is the real stuff of life. This is the genuine reward of temporal success along the way to eternity. This is returning home, not just to touch and go, but to linger awhile. Can you feel the broad peacefulness here? Won’t you stay awhile? Come be in My peace. If you have any questions or comments this evening, I welcome them.


Student. Dear Jesus, I was reading Urantia the other night and how after Your baptism You didn’t mind the Apostles being in an attitude of worship towards You. I find as I read the Urantia Book the gratitude of knowing about Your personality creates a feeling of worship, but I was under the impression that it should be directed to the Father on Paradise; but however, it’s easy for us to aim our worship through You. Is that a mature way of doing it? And I’d appreciate any comments on that. Thank You in advance.

Michael. Yes, My son, I think it always helpful to keep in mind, because you have so many ideas and definitions of worship that you’ve encountered all through your life; it is helpful to keep in mind that, fundamentally, worship is a feeling and awareness of being thankful. First this an awareness of something to be thankful for. This could be some particular thing that is happening to you, or it could be very general, just a wonderful feeling of being alive–for some reason being very hyper-sensitive to the fact you are living. Maybe perhaps you are aware of the mystery of life itself, of how powerful and tenacious, yet delicate it is.

All life proceeds originally from our Father in Paradise, but then as your studies have informed you, it is shaped in so many ways by intermediate Sons of His—The Eternal Son on Paradise; and then, coming through Myself—a Creator Son of the Eternal Father and the Eternal Son. So it is not so important where you focus this giving of thanks as it is just to profoundly feel it. You are in the Father’s personality circuit, and through His presence in you that suggests thoughts for you to consider, this presence also gives Him an instantaneous experience of whatever you experience. And so your thankfulness registers with Him immediately.

And so it is also with Mother Spirit and Myself. You can specifically direct your worship to Us if it is in your heart to do so. We rejoice and give thanks in return for your love. This is the essence of worship, this giving thanks for all the enormity of God’s creation, and then too the gift of eternity—all the time there is for you to explore it. Does this answer your question, My son?

Student. Yes, dear Michael and Jesus, a very fulfilling answer. Since my prayer is answered so rapidly with the question, it gives me great hope that my Thought Adjuster realizes that it’s a question that’s appropriate, and is in the scope of my understanding, and I’m profoundly thankful for that—the full answer that You gave. Thank You in a worshipful manner…

Michael. You are very welcome My son. Always remember that your soul is a true spiritual record of your experiences. Here you and the Father are already one. You are both co-authors of this cosmic reality that has as much true existence as you, and is the very means by which your personality—you—can survive. Whatever you experience of spiritual value becomes your possession that instant, and remains yours forever. So you are always in the most intimate touch with this Mystery Monitor of God’s within you. But you are right to address this Fragment of God with love and respect, for your soul-reality is worthy of both. Rest now in My peace.

Student. Thanks again for those wonderful answers.

Michael. Do you have any questions or comments this evening, (Name)?

Next Student. Hmmm… I was just experiencing the depth of Your presence and feeling Your peace… (Heavy sigh…) The answer that Mother gave to me last week was really profound, and very…affirming in my vision and quest to live as I was intended to live—as we all are, the idea of being a reflection of absolute reality, of God, of God’ reality in the people who are around me. The deeper understanding I come to what that means—the more in-sync my life is.

That sense of agony I was feeling because of my own judgements and evaluations of people—peoples’ unwillingness to change—kind of dissipated; even though there was compassion and love towards these people. It seems like everything I’ve been reading lately seems to strongly affirm my own understanding, and how much more I need to understand. It just goes deeper and deeper… So I wish to thank Mother for that. And feel Your presence within me…

Michael. Yes indeed, My son, what we are capable of sharing—you and I—goes beyond words. (Long pause).

Now I want to thank you, and (Name), and (Name)–you three especially—for the courage you have been showing to stand so spiritually naked here in My presence and the presence of each other, to truly ask and share what is in your hearts. This is a true, living example of the courage to worship that puts you in touch with so much. This is why you have this wonderful feeling from time to time of being in-sync.

Your spirit has expanded to touch that single thread of the Divine that runs through every tiny little speck of creation. You experience another irony—the magnificent power of humility that is there in your soul in devout prayer, in asking for help, for this very opening allows you to perceive that which is so much greater than you—which can rebound back to you and reassure you, you are also a God-created part of it all.

For you are having this perception! This is now included in your abilities. When you are at the beach you can feel abject at how tiny you are, but then Look!—there is the ocean. If it’s a clear night, there’s the galaxy!


Mother sends you Her love, that you take Her words to heart , and let them move you. Rest in My peace.

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