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MUS8- Nebadon & The Urantia Book

2020-10-24. Nebadon & The Urantia Book

The following is a thought provided by HenryZ in reference to Timothy Wyllie’s Books on the rebel angels…

I was thinking about Georgia saying that we (Urantians) were given a book which maps and indexes the known time and space universe, the super universe, Havona and Paradise, and we are the only evolutionary peoples to be given this information in the whole of Nebadon, and quite possibly the whole super=universe……….We cannot now fully appreciate the status which such information will afford us as Agondonters, first in the universe of Nebadon and then on to the super universe, havona and Paradise. This is truly what Christ meant when he said,…’ to those who have, more will be given, to those who have not, more will be taken away, even that which they may think they have’. It will be shown in far distant retrospect that were truly blessed to have from such a world as we find ourselves native.

2020-10-24 / HenryZ

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