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NET-PMG #40, The early years of the Teaching Mission, Not like a church, A time of tremendous change

2022-09-19, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #40, Machiventa

Planetary Manager’s Group #40 – (Find this and previous PMG’s at:  Group = NET-PMG)

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager



The early years of the Teaching Mission

Not like a church

A time of tremendous change

Patience is required of a Planetary Manager

The old must change

Lucifer’s folly

Evil in the world today

View of the enlightened in the East and West

Matriarchal and patriarchal cultures

Self-realization or focused effort to change your culture

Employed automaton or quality of life

Taking personal responsibility for cultural change

Where is all this leading to?

Radical change

We bless you

Be kind to yourself

TR:  Daniel Raphael, PhD

Invocation: JT


The early years of the Teaching Mission

Machiventa: Good morning. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, and I have several issues I’d like to open with. The first of which is about the Teaching Mission and the work that we do with the PMG—the Planetary Managers Group. You recall that when you first came to the Teaching Mission there was a lot of teaching and what we call soul-pampering. We nurtured you, we cared for you, we loved you, which of course we still do. We taught you lessons on how to overcome the vicissitudes of daily life, the challenges that you have as you get older and mature, as your children get older and mature, as your relationships change, as you change, and as you begin to wonder about the years in which you are developing and becoming, who you become, and what you become.

You remember that in those early years Rayson had many lessons to give you and that he shared that with many groups. You were a part of those groups and you had almost a religious organization and conduct of those sessions. Many of you recall that. Our group here is not a religious group, and we do not have religious practices. That may seem astounding, but we are in Christ Michael’s business of helping maintain and manage a local universe of which this planet is just one. And so, there is much business to be attended to, particularly for you and for us as we are committed to Christ Michael to bring the Days of Light and Life into existence on Urantia co-creatively. which assigns to you certain responsibilities as you participate.

Not like a church

Even if you think you are not doing anything particularly objective and measurable quantitatively for our work—for the management of this planet, you are nonetheless a vital element of it as you provide a qualitative additive to this work that was not present before you arrived. And yes, this is not like church at all—there are no rituals other than our opening statements, deep breaths, and meditative states that we enter into, and we do this with you as well. And so, we become centered on clarifying the work that we have to do with you and that you do with us. You do not do this for us, but you do it with us, and the prepositions are very important to keep track of because being with us you are a part of the management team of this planet. Whether you are a part of this conference call, one of the many hundreds of receivers of these transcripts who read them, or those in the future who do, you are part of this team—you are signed up, so to speak. And the only password that you have to submit is that of love—that you care enough for your generation, your future generations that you love them, care for them, and nurture them as you would yourself and your own immediate family of children.

A time of tremendous change

This time now is a time of tremendous change. As we mentioned before, there is a planetary consciousness that is changing. It has changed from the planetary consciousness that was typical of the pre-Industrial Revolution, through the Industrial Revolution, the expansion of nations, and the final settling of the planet materially, industrially, and so on. This changed to an era of finance—where money became the most important ingredient (a measurable quantity) that could be ascertained objectively, through corporate books, their profits, profit sharing, dividends, and so on. However, that too has come to an end. It is coming to an end. It’s the time now where the consciousness of this planet is moving in such a way that people are ill at ease with

with their circumstances in life. They are uncomfortable with the way things are. They are dissatisfied with the traditional methods, the linear processes of achievement, and goal setting. What people seek now, which is in accordance with the change of consciousness, is qualitative engagement—whether it’s their employment, relationships, with their grocery store, or the friends and businesses online. It is the qualitative aspect that is the element that is most powerful to change the past into the present and the future.

Patience is required of a Planetary Manager

You, through holding this qualitative state of consciousness, assist in this process throughout the planet. For you, this requires a tremendous amount of patience. You have not been with us for centuries, we have not been friends, compatriots, and associates for centuries. You are new to the scene when you were born, and when you came into this existence. Of course, you bring the epigenetic memories, habits, and so on of your parents and ancestors, but you are, nonetheless, new to the scene. You are growing into this kind of patience that is required of planetary managers. And that’s really what this PMG group is all about. It is a management group. You are here with the understanding that you are spiritually centered in Love, you are spiritually centered and connected to the Source within you—with God, the God presence, your Thought Adjuster, your guardian angel, and with us. And yes, we are of the spiritual realm, and you are of the material realm. We are not separated because we share a consciousness of oneness. We share a consciousness of love. We care for you, and you care for us. We pray for you, and you pray for us. It is reciprocal, it is part of the expansion of your consciousness to engulf all beings around you in Love. Some may be your enemies, nonetheless you wish the best for them. You love who they could become. And so, you pray for their growth or maturity and their personal spiritual evolution.

This era now is a time of tremendous change. Your world is in upheaval. These are the birth pains of a new era coming into existence. And this new era involves you personally. It involves your associates personally. In the coming years and decades, you will no longer be just a widget going to work much as a tool in a CNC milling machine that is changed automatically according to program without any humans being present to insert the tool into the mandrel. So, you are now qualitatively appreciated and enjoyed. We know you have foibles. Sometimes they are humorous to us, and sometimes they are tragic to your friends and neighbors. Nonetheless, we care for you, and our goal with you is to improve the qualitative environment of your planet.

We are concerned for your children. I hope you’re concerned for them too. I hope you’re concerned for your great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren and their descendants, because you are now forming the future for them. The decisions we make, and you make together with us will affect all those future generations. Just as American Indian culture says when you think of the future, think in terms of seven generations because what you do in your life, your family, and to the earth will last for seven generations, and so, it is.

The old must change

Just a few minutes ago you were quipping about This One’s title that he gave himself as a cultural agent provocateur. And yes, he has proposed with Avahlah some radical social, cultural, and commercial changes to your societies. This is part and parcel of what the new era is about: The old must change for the new to come into being. The old was very destructive materially and socially. This too much change. You call upon the ethics of material sustainability, and we call upon that and social sustainability. There’s an ethic to this which will impact all future generations. We must begin now.

There will be more and more of these radical ideas that will be forthcoming by This One and by others. There are many forward thinkers besides This One. These individuals are barrier breakers. They are the people who are making breakthroughs in the old social sciences. Abraham Maslow was a paradigm breaker. He brought into existence the aspect of a hierarchy of needs of individuals, and that is what must now occur again, but it must be revised to accept a new era thinking in a much more expanded way.

These and many more concepts will be forthcoming, they will seem very radical to those who are established, who are moneyed, and who are social, political, and economic leaders in their own right. Radicalization sometimes becomes the norm, the usual. And so it was centuries ago, where there was the beginning of the American democracy—a grand experiment as de Tocqueville said. And so, what we will be doing with you is to create an expansion of that experiment into the rights, expansion of the rights of individuals, and particularly their responsibilities to respond effectively, ethically, and morally for the future concerns of this planet.

So, my friends, if you were asked by some stranger “Are you a member of the planetary managers group?” you might say carefully, “Yes, I am” because you will be a radical and be labeled as a radical because you believe that spirit can participate with you on this plane effectively, personally, socially, and globally. Thank you.

JT: I have a submitted question from Bea. It would mean a lot to her to have more clarity on why Lucifer could not discern the presence of the Universal Father or eventually convinced himself that He didn’t exist. Lucifer was supposed to be a brilliant being both in light and mind. How can a brilliant being who wills power not wonder where this power came from?

Lucifer’s folly

MM: This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Bea, that is a very good question, and I’ll answer it very succinctly for you. You recall too that Lucifer and Satan also had self-will which is one of the most dangerous elements in all the universe. Self-will can be highly destructive, and in the case of those two miscreants, they were also narcissistic. They truly believed that they existed for themselves and that the world and universe existed for them as well. They were of such a narcissistic orientation that they had no value or even concern for their coming into existence. For them there was no existence before their coming into being. They had no questions about how they came into being. So, they knew themselves unto themselves, totally by themselves, and they regarded anything else as being foreign to them, and particularly a God that they had never visited. I hope this helps. Thank you.

JT: And the rest of her question is: “Presumably he was relatively low on the hierarchy of power, so doesn’t that mean he would have encountered greater power than him. And even though he had no mortal experience where one is trained into humility, I still can’t grasp how this extreme deviation occurred.

MM: It’s as simple as this, dear one. You go into a dress shop, and you see two dresses identically alike. You see one that is pink, and one that is cobalt blue. So, which one will you choose? It’s up to you. And so that is how they made their decisions about their existence. The rest of that is speculation and left to simple wonderment that God still loves them and everyone else even though they do wrong intentionally, against the will of God. Thank you.

Rick: Well, good afternoon Machiventa. How are you?

MM: Very good, thank you.


Evil in the world today

Rick: It’s a privilege to be here with you this afternoon, and my question is: As I look from my limited perspective as a human being on the world and the chaos that is ensuing, I see three epicenters of evil. One, for me, would be Donald Trump and his followers. The second would be Putin and his supporters. And the third would be Xi and the Chinese government. And so, my question is: How would you describe the state of evil on our planet today, and what do you see as the near future of evil on our planet? Thank you.

MM: Certainly. This is Machiventa. First of all, evil, as you may recall, is the willful disregard of doing God’s will [while] knowing what God’s will is. Now, your question presupposes that these three men knew what God’s will is, but having known them intimately, by myself, I know that they do not know God, and they do not know what God’s will is for them. These men are not evil. They’re evil doers, but they are not evil in that they do not match the definition that is required to do evil.

Now I’m sparring words with you, and I know what you mean when you say evil. These individuals have what you might call mal intent. They have wrong intentions for their lives, for their positions of leadership, and for the work that they do in their positions of power. As for Mr. Xi, you must realize that he is doing his work according to the communist script of rules, regulations, vision, intention, and concept for his nation. He is living by a far different script than Mr. Putin and far different from anyone else.

As for the former president of this nation, he is truly a narcissist of the kind that was mentioned by the first questioner. I will leave it at that. Thank you.

Rick: If I might, could you comment on (and it doesn’t necessarily have to be on those three that I see as three epicenters of darkness)….  I recall you in the past saying that the time for evil to hide behind curtains is coming to an end. The curtains are being pulled back, and we are all becoming able to have the opportunity to see it. Could you comment on the near future of darkness and evil on our planet in general please?

MM: No, and I refuse to comment because I would rather speak of light and the expansion of light on this planet. Thank you.

Marthe: Thank you very much Machiventa for the previous answer. I thought it [was] very beautiful. It also is in alignment with an answer that I think I read once that said: All evil is unrealized good.

View of the enlightened in the East and West

After spending the last 10 days in India with a group of people to take the ashes of a previous partner to the Ganges River, which was very important to her. And I was deeply touched by the conversations I had with Hindu devotees of Ramana, who is a man who reached enlightenment in his lifetime. And I wondered about the power that men and women who have reached enlightenment have over 1000s of followers, and [about] the fact that we do not seem to honor people who’ve reached enlightenment. We hardly know who they are in our western culture. I’ve two questions. The first one is about the value that devotees of people who have reached self-enlightenment in India place on those people versus the West, and whether it’s important for us to learn something about these lessons that I’ve just been exposed to? Thank you very much.

Matriarchal and patriarchal cultures

MM: Certainly. As for the influence of an enlightened one, upon their devotees, it is important that the devotees realize that they too can become enlightened. The followers need to realize that they are far more than just followers. They are enlightenment being manifest and coming into being. If the enlightened teacher teaches this to his or her devotees, then they are doing the right thing for those who follow them. The influence of an enlightened individual upon their followers is immense, and you will see this more in matrilineal cultures than you will in masculine cultures.

Your second question again, please?

Marthe: Thank you. I would also like you to just clarify the last statement you made about the matrilineal. Why would it be more visible in matrilineal countries than in patriarchal ones?

MM: Simply because matrilineally oriented cultures honor and revere the feminine—particularly mothers, motherhood, and the generations of mothering, and that these provide peace and guidance of the qualitative aspects of life and living whereas men and patrilineal cultures tend to have more influence on following powerful leaders who are in positions of authority, power, and control. This is also part of the passing of the old culture—the old planetary consciousness. This is the reason that you are seeing more feminine personalities coming forward to occupy political, governmental, and diplomatic positions. There is a certain quality of nurturance which is essential for qualitative relationships.

Having 10,000 followers on Facebook or some other media pales in comparison to having one true friend of immense quality. This is the difference that you are seeing, and you will see more and more of. This change of consciousness of a planet is a multi-decade and multi-century process. What took your civilization 20,000 years to achieve is now going to be changed in less than 200 years. It is important that both sides eventually become dominant in any culture. The outright rejection of one line, such as it currently is in this Western culture—the rejection of the feminine as capable and competent, of equal power and authority as the masculine—is a falsehood. It is highly detrimental, and it has retarded the progress and social evolution of generations for hundreds of years. That is why masculine [dominance] must come to an end. It’s important that the feminine come forward and not be rejected.

You have this new culture called the one for gay, lesbian—that acronym [Ed: LGBTQ]. That is an element that is one of the birth pains of the new culture—the new consciousness. This is one of the extreme cultural changes that is now happening. It is desperately, strongly, acidicly reviled by conservatives who reject it as being illegitimate. However, each of these conservative elements should realize that these children who grow up to have these sexual preferences came from families; [they] came from mothers and fathers who were straight. This is a reality—that they are human, that they are one of you, they are one of humanity, they have finally found free expression to be who they really are and to choose the partners they want to be in close alliance. Whether it is as friends or sexual partners is irrelevant. They are one of you, they’re one of humanity. They must survive, they have souls, and they are loved by the Father as much as anyone else. Thank you.

Self-realization or focused effort to change your culture

Marthe: Thank you so much. Machiventa. The second part of my question was the focus on self-realization versus the focus on changing culture, because my understanding from speaking to many people in India was that they thought that any individual who thought they could in any way participate in changing a culture was foolhardy and should much rather focus on Self Realization. I just wondered if you had any comment on that.

MM: I surely do. We would not limit a person to doing either one, but they can best both be achieved by combining them. The self-actualized individual is perhaps more highly qualified to change a culture and a way of life than anyone else. They would set an example for everyone to expand themselves to create wholeness in their culture. One or the other is not a choice. There is no or with us, there’s always andwith, and us.

Do you wish to expand further?

Marthe: That is perfect. Thank you so much.

MM: You’re most welcome. Thank you for your question.

Stéphane: Thank you, JT. Good morning, Machiventa. How are you today?

MM: Very good. Thank you, I consider you, my son, as a Melchizedek in the making. Thank you.

Stéphane: I look forward to being just that, and perhaps that is in my future endeavors of the infinite future. Thank you very much.

MM: You’re most welcome.

Employed automaton or quality of life

Stéphane: I want to go back to your introductory statement where you say we’re moving from being widgets going to work to people being qualitatively appreciated and enjoyed, and then we are forming a future. And you are a cultural provocateur, but I think we all are. I think we all should be, because if we are here to speak about the teachings we receive from you, I think it is inevitable that we are provoking the audience that we are engaging with.

But my question is, if we are changing to be qualitatively appreciated and enjoyed, is that what you…. I’m looking, for example, in current society, and we are seeing people after two years of hiatus, you know, refusing to go back to the environment they were in before at work. Even those going back to work are saying that they qualify as quiet quitters—people that won’t work endless hours to produce work that the employer wants them to do, because they see other qualities of life that are more important to them. Can you expand on this and perhaps give me other examples of society changing to be qualitatively appreciated and enjoyed?

MM: This is Machiventa. Most certainly, and I chuckled because Avahlah has had the assignment of addressing that very situation. He and This One are in the final stages of publishing a combined paper that deals with this quiet quitting and the egregious 99% and 1% equity divide. We have a social/cultural solution that would handle both of those, and this will be shared with you and the other team members in the next few days. I know this doesn’t satisfy you fully, but I think you will appreciate the answers you receive once you read this new document. Thank you.  .  [ED. Organic Human Motivation, a General Critical Theory for the Social Sciences.] [JT: If this link doesn’t work, find it on this page: ]

Taking personal responsibility for cultural change

Stéphane: Good. Okay. Well, then my follow up question is, Mr. Abraham Maslow was quoted as saying to be mentally healthy individuals must take responsibility—personal responsibility—for their actions whether these actions are positive or negative. Is that what we’re seeing in this movement? Are we seeing people taking responsibility and from the spiritual pressure that we are all experiencing on this planet?

MM: Yes, that is certainly it. This sharing of responsibility is evidence of a culture change that is promoted by a change of consciousness on the planet. This is a culture change, and this raising of consciousness will have repercussions in all other cultures as well. The influence of Nebadonia and her corps of angels has been superb to bring this planetary consciousness into being, elevating it to a more qualitative demand upon humanity. And that is really what this is all about. You might generalize planetary consciousness, us, Christ Michael, and so on as responsible, spiritual, energetic partners for uplifting a planet, and in doing so we must uplift the consciousness or “state of being” of all people on the planet over time. What has occurred, as I mentioned earlier, is that your societies—your human civilization—have changed from the purely masculine of the last 20,000 years or so to now include the feminine. Where once the masculine engulfed the world, and had come into full expression, it is now being openly challenged by feminist interests, and particularly by younger generations.

The raising of consciousness and these culture changes are necessary elements to save humanity, to save civilization—the progress that you have made. Just as you know that as a fetus develops and approaches the days of birth, there is an urging within the woman to bring this new child into the world. And so, we feel much as women do, that we are nurturing the next evolutionary paradigm of humanity and humanity’s civilization so that it can survive. When this does not occur on a planet such as your Urantia, it becomes self-destructive which you are now seeing. This is part of the growing pains that become intolerable to people. It becomes intolerable and unconscionable to the spiritual managers to allow this to continue. On a normal planet, and on decimal planets, planetary managers stay for the duration—from the beginning to the Days of Light and Life which may take half a million or a million years. And so, your planet’s plan had an interruption in that process, and much good progress was delayed, deferred, denied, or eliminated. Therefore, we must do our utmost now to help you save your planet, to save your civilization, and, in the end, save humanity. That is why nuclear weapons are intolerable to us, as it should be to all humans.

I hope you see my point in expanding so extensively on your question or your statement. Thank you.

Where is all this leading to?

Stéphane: Thank you, Machiventa. That’s a very thought-provoking answer. And my last question would be: what is next for us? We’re seeing now this spiritual pressure being seen as, you know, us wanting to be more appreciated and enjoyed. You know, we’re assigning labels to us now that we would never assign before. Those are all signs, I believe, and I believe you that, you know, even though we can expect cataclysms and decimation, I think we will survive all of this and end up at the other side with the desired outcome that Michael and yourselves have planned for us. But what is the immediate next step to this feeling of wanting to be appreciated and enjoyed? Where is that leading to?

MM: Well, let’s not go to where it is leading to, it is leading towards a peaceful world. It is leading towards societies where you are truly appreciated in your family, neighborhood, community, your society, the world, and where you work. What is happening before then, which will last until approximately…  You’ll see the last shreds of this in the early half of the 2030s where there is literally a shredding, a tearing apart of the old cultural ideals, values, attitudes, and so on from the new. You will see a tremendous, adamant rejection of the new by the old, traditional, masculine hierarchical organizations and cultures. This shredding will continue. It is now coming to the point where you are seeing where there are individuals who want to eliminate the very basic tenets of democracy in this and other nations. This is a throwback to attitudes and values of the ancients—of Romans, despots, and so on. The attributes of privilege and attainment of high positions in power are very attractive to those who dismiss or disrespect the rights of individuals who want to live equitably and equally with others.

And so, this will continue. You have only begun to see the most obvious signs of political shredding currently. This will become more extensive, and if and when your tenets of democracy are operating as they must, then you will see the choice of the moderate middle who will select that they want to have continued freedoms without losing their identity to these revolutionaries. I hope this helps. Thank you.

Stéphane: Thank you.

Radical change

Recca: Machiventa, it’s a pleasure to be with you this morning. I’m just home from a music vacation with other people of musical mindedness, and your word “radical” earlier in your opening today rings a bell. Radical for me means at the root of things and most of the time underground and nurtured by water and seeking light. And I feel like I’m discontent enough to see around me things that aren’t working, but I have to also take your word “patience” into consideration and hope and trust that my impatience for Light and Life is going to develop soon in myself and in the people around me, and the only thing I can work on is being patiently radical and storing up nutrients, virtues, patience, and forbearance in order to see the near stage here breaking through the cracks in this dry earth that’s being shredded on (we’ll turn that shredding into compost) and I really appreciate everything that you’ve said this morning. And all the questions have been wonderful. Thank you for this nurturance today.

MM: You’re most welcome. I would like to comment on your statements. First of all is yes, we are trying to radicalize our devotees. We are trying to radicalize you to become perennially patient—to take on the attributes of Jesus, Buddha, and of Lao Tzu; to see the flow in life and not want to interrupt it, to see the wholeness that is and want to be a part of the cohesive elements that bring about greater oneness. Thank you.

Recca: Thank you.

JT: That’s all we have today Machiventa. Do you have a closing for us?

We bless you


MM: Certainly. To all of you who are striving to be patient with your world or striving to be patient with your friends, associates, even your neighbors, and those who are difficult, we bless you for your patience. We bless you for your forbearance for these are the attributes that lead to enlightenment, will lead to being one of those who sees [good] where there’s no evidence of good—you see the good in the whole. You see the light rather than the black background. And so, you focus on that which is goodThat which is good will help you foster your own personal lifestyle, your habits, and your demeanor as you go about your day.

Be kind to yourself

Remember, the first friend you have to deal with is yourself. You must be kind to yourself, patient with yourself, and be forbearing. You must have powers of self-observation that are loving and know that you are a being coming into existence into its fullness. And that fortunately you have Jesus, Christ Michael has a pattern to follow. He was forthright in all his dealings with others, and particularly insightful into his own progress. We appreciate you dear friends, and we thank you for being here and being steadfast to the mandates that Jesus has given you to become perfect as your Father in heaven. And so too we are with you every day. Good day.

JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you Daniel.

Daniel: You’re most welcome.


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