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NET100- Implementation, Humanity, Mass Awakening

2020-09-21  Implementation, Humanity, Mass Awakening

NET #100, Machiventa

New Era Transition #100 – (Find this and previous NETs at:

To attend these sessions live contact JT at Up**********@gm***.com

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


Implementation has begun—a long approach
Changing the culture of Western civilization (democratic nations)
New video series—the evolution of democracies
The United States is in an existential crisis
Only democracies can adapt to current uncertainties—incorporating the 7 values
You are on a crash course
Reforming the foundations of your civilization using all 7 core values
The heart of humanity must come forward
An appeal for Divine intervention
Free will is sovereign in all regards
Celestial team “moving ahead” or waiting for humanity
Necessity for major cataclysmic trauma?
God is the Center of all
Coming in a great clap of thunder—free will and co-creativity
Use your free will to become part of God’s grandeur
We do not offer hints, but you need to have forethought
The excellent and just balance
Ethics in artificial intelligence
Guidance on being a Transmitter/Receiver
A mass awakening today?
Support those who make sense
Pragmatic idealism
Evolution in the democratic process
Feedback in democratic systems
Rebuilding in alignment with the 7 values
Asking for help and growth—be open to it
Liz on a journey—personality gravity
Who has the power to change that?
Power is very fluid
Empower yourself, empower your society
You are not powerless. You have the power of the God presence within you.

TR:  Daniel Raphael, PhD

Participants from: Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela. If I missed your country, please let me (JT) know at Up**********@gm***.com

Invocation:  Sherille


Daniel: Before we begin, I would appreciate it if, when you ask a question, you say “This is {State your name.} and my question is” or something like that. It’s nice to know the names of the individual who is speaking, unless you request to be anonymous. Thank you.

 Implementation has begun—a long approach

 Machiventa: This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Thank you for your presence here today. The time of implementation has begun. We have announced that several times in the past, and we want to assure you that it is definitely a part of the landscape for this planet now. It is part of our long-term agenda for our work leading into the Correcting Time which continues. We are leading you into the eventual Days of Light and Life. It is important that you realize that this is a long approach. It is much like walking across the plains in Tanzania as you approach Kilimanjaro, and it takes a long time in the incline. It’s very gentle, and then it becomes steeper and steeper. Such is the incline that we are on for the implementation. You might say that you have landed on the Atlantic side of Africa and are walking your way through the continent to this time and this place.

Changing the culture of Western civilization (democratic nations)

We are now in the phase where we are working diligently to bring about those changes that you so desire. We have said before, and we reiterate, that when people become receptive for answers, they will be ready to receive them and implement the suggestions that come along. A good idea that benefits the breadth and depth of humanity will be seen by most people as beneficial to them personally. The particular emphasis now is upon approaching the transformation of your social institutions which includes the democratic process. For most of you, you are unaware of many of your social institutions. [They are] something that you accept and something that you are used to, but the democratic process is one that rubs you in the wrong way many times in many countries. It is one in which you sense that there is a vast inequality of the expression of political power and personal regard for you as an individual citizen within your nation.

We oftentimes have said, as we spoke about the western civilization, [that] the western civilization includes and is all democratic nations. Totalitarian nations, those that do not espouse the equality of humanity and of individual citizens, are not part of this culture. Our work now is to change the culture of western civilization—of democratic nations—such that those nations will begin to see the necessity of evolving into the next, higher stages of their social institutions. As we have reviewed your social institutions, which includes, of course, the family, education, healthcare, justice, the democratic process, and many others, you and we know that all of these institutions need to be transformed to become more effective—so that they are much more attuned to the lives of individuals and families.

New video series—the evolution of democracies

To the reluctance and reticence of This One, we are, perhaps, premature in announcing that we have begun a video series with him to indicate how social institutions must transform in order to sustain the context and content of your societies—your nations. This is a time now for thinking in terms of transitions in the evolution of your social institutions. It is important that you begin to accept the fact that your social institutions—your nations—are in transition, and the transition that we seek and we want to influence is the evolution towards being more effective, towards recognizing the needs of individuals and their families to become the primary socializing and enculturating agencies of your societies. You now realize, hopefully, that in many ways your parliaments, your congresses, your executive branches are very, very similar—far more similar—than to the monarchies they left behind.

That historic movement was evidence of the democratic process, and we see that will continue in the future for you. You will have this pointed out to you in these videos. What we are doing in these videos is educational. It is to teach you as individuals and your political and social groups how to help your societies evolve to become socially sustainable, politically sustainable, and economically sustainable. As you can see from the tragedies around you—socially, politically, and economically—your nations are not sustainable. The trajectory of your nations is on the same path as those that have failed during the last 30,000 years. This will be the first time that anyone has attempted to build a sustainable civilization from the ground up. You may be shocked by that, but if you look at the history of your civilization and your democratic nations, none are founded on a logic that encompasses a system that appreciates individuals and social institutions as a part and parcel of the holism of a functional, democratic nation.

The United States is in an existential crisis

As you may see in your own nations now, you are marginally functional, and the process of becoming less and less functional is approaching you with every passing month and year. This nation, the United States, is in an existential crisis right now. You may be seeing the possibility of martial law in your nation after this election should the present executive officer become re-elected. On the other hand, it will require the diligent service of those lovers of freedom and democracy to come forward to prevent such occurring. What you are seeing in many ways is reminiscent of the rise of fascism that you historically saw in Germany and in Italy. This is most unfortunate. We are mentioning this simply because you may be asleep at the wheel so to speak, and that your democracies run off the road and crash creating a reversal of the progress you have made as a civilization of democracies. We are not causing you alarm. We want to cause your awareness, consciousness, a presence of the moment, to be in touch with the times and the tune. There are many in your nation who would like to see a dictatorship take over, so that the power of one side is against the other. This surely is a road of destruction for any democratic nation.   

Only democracies can adapt to current uncertainties—incorporating the 7 values

Why am I speaking about democracy and these two factions at this time? It is because democracy is the only political system that has any possibility of adapting to the future and the uncertain circumstances of the present moment, adaptation to the circumstances that creates a species who can sustain themselves into the future. Your Homo sapiens species has learned to adapt as a species, but what is missing is that the organized substance of your societies—of your democratic civilization—has not learned how to adapt! Those values that are embedded in the DNA of your species are not embedded in the organizational DNA of your organizations—whether they be churches, whether they be corporations of any type, non-profits, and, particularly, in your governmental processes. Neither are they a part of your executive branch, judicial branch, or legislative branch.

You are on a crash course

So, you see, the trajectory of your nations is on a course of collapse and crashing. Only those people who can appreciate these moments will appreciate, then, what your read in the books by Jared Diamond the historian, by Chris Martenson (The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy), and William Strauss and Neil Howe (The Fourth Turning: What the Cycles of History Tell us About America’s next Rendezvous with Destiny). Those books are fairly accurate as your own esteemed historians and futurists have evaluated. They have assessed your histories and put it in terms that you can understand.

Because democracies are the only form of government that can adapt itself, it therefore must be in tune with the social change that occurs within your citizenry. Social change is an important factor to improve the conduct of societies and the evolution towards a more equitable basis for its operation. You will not find that in dictatorships. You can see where dictatorships and totalitarian governments have led you. You can recall Stalin. You can recall Hitler. You can recall Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and others. Those are all negative influences by individuals and their groups of supporters that caused the collapse and destruction of their societies. It requires deep, deep thought and ingenuity to think of how to sustain a society—a nation—into the future without dominating anyone at all and providing the freedom individuals need to grow into their innate potential.

Reforming the foundations of your civilization using all 7 core values

Therefore, and because of that, we have begun this diligent and consciously deliberate process of starting at the foundations of building your civilization into one that expresses the best of democracies and of the freedoms and capabilities of individuals and of organizations. You can create a nation and civilization unconsciously by using the four primary values, but it takes conscious thought, conscious deliberation and decision making using the three secondary values to consciously develop a thriving democracy of the four primary values into one that sustains itself well into the future.

The heart of humanity must come forward

You could interpret this as saying that the heart of humanity must come forward to generate its own longevity. It must be generous enough and trustworthy enough to guide individuals into the future to develop their potential, to improve their quality of life, and to allow the greatest amount of freedom without jeopardizing the freedoms of others. This is truly a democracy. This is the best of what can come about, and this is a junior level of what you would see were you to live another 300 years in the approach of the Days of Light and Life. Thank you.

Walt: Good day everybody. Machiventa, I am touched and impressed with the urgency and the depth (meaning heartfeltness) of your message. I thank you for this arousing call to wake up. Also, I wanted to say to Jim that I am very, very impressed and grateful with your editing of these sessions. It’s a tremendous work both in the formatting and the organization. I’m giving thanks for that.

An appeal for Divine intervention

Now to get to the point. I do have 8 questions. I will only ask 3 to give others a chance and leave it to the moderator’s discretion on when to stop, but I will, in consideration of others, just ask three though there will be a total of 8. Here’s the first question. For over 200,000 years we have been extensively subjected to self-defeating conditioning and programming by disloyal and renegade non-mortal actors—as if free will were not sacrosanct. The result is that the human will is hardly free because it has been profoundly corrupted to bend us toward self-destructive behaviors while actively hampering our social progress and spiritual uplift. In this context, I appeal to Divinity to, at minimum, release humanity from the shackles of a corrupted and confused will.

Using the relevant spirit energies, please bestow on us the gifts of one, clarity, and two, the freedom of a healed will which would enable us both to understand and to actively choose the glorious potentials to be found in fully embracing co-creativity with celestial light workers such as you, Machiventa, and your team. And hence my direct question is: To what extent can this type of request be granted?

Free will is sovereign in all regards

Machiventa: Dear Walt, this is Machiventa. We adamantly disagree with your tenet that people’s will are inherently flawed and that they are being controlled by some outside source. This is completely contrary to God’s will that the will of the individual is sovereign in all regards. We would suggest that you amend your question and your thinking regarding the will of human beings as one that is influenced by parents and by society and by media and by other influences upon them as they grow up and as they are subjected to peer pressure and so on.

Celestial team “moving ahead” or waiting for humanity

Walt: That is wonderfully insightful, and that definitely, completely changes the landscape of my question. I will definitely give meditative thought given that new understanding about what would be better to more accurately ask. My second question is: While discussing an eminent, tangible, and positive initiative by your team in NET #75, you asserted that you and your team would be moving forward whether the mortals join in or not. The determination you stated was: “Lead, follow, or get out of the way, because we are moving ahead.” However, in NET #98, you stated that the team is waiting for humans to be overjoyed/enthusiastic/jubilant about the possibility of having assistance in times of stress and difficulty. And my question is: What has caused this 180-degree turn toward this softened approach?

Machiventa: Within the narrow parameters of a mortal’s vision and understanding, it would appear to be 180-degrees of change, however we operate on a much more inclusive basis as the breadth of our understanding of what is occurring includes those who do stand in the way, those who do oppose, and those who are resistant. There are those who want to participate in helping us, and they are part of our team as you are and the others who read these materials and so on. We include the possibility that individuals may change their mind; that they see that the times may change in their world around them and that they need to come along with us to be of assistance.

We have always invited those who stand aside, those who are bystanders, those who observe but do not participate. They neither help us nor hinder us. They are simply there, and we ask them to come on board. Those who are deniers, those who are outliers who wait for an opportunity to dislodge or disrupt our progress, those individuals have no assistance for us. They are totally supported by the beneficence of our Creator and by Christ Michael, and by their Thought Adjuster, guardian angels, and so on. We thank you for your question.

Necessity for major cataclysmic trauma?

Walt: OK, thank you too, Machiventa. And my third question before giving the opportunity for others is: Despite our profoundly limited mortal capacity to grasp universe reality, when I ponder the reality of infinite intelligence and infinite power, I struggle to accept that there is absolutely no possibility in all reality for this world to have a spiritual and social turn around without major cataclysmic trauma. And so, my question is: Is it your understanding that there exists no other spiritually legitimate way in all reality to accomplish our spiritual and social uplift except through including radical trauma.

God is the Center of all

Machiventa: Dear Walter, you keep singing the same song but a different stanza. The truth is that your world does not need trauma to change its course. It needs to have the understanding that God is the center of all, the ultimate reality, and that each of you have a part of that ultimate reality within yourselves. These calamities on your world were not caused by the Creator nor by us or by Christ Michael. These calamities that you see—the fires, the floods, the hurricanes, the ice melting, and so on—are consequences of human activities and natural consequences of the initiation and creation of your world and the natural development and ongoing development of a world as a physical, material entity that is undergoing change for many reasons.

Coming in a great clap of thunder—free will and co-creativity

There are opportunities for the Creator, Christ Michael, and the First Source and Center to come through your world in a great clap of thunder and shake the bejesus out of everyone (laughter.) To have them awaken into the realization that there is something truly grand and awesome in the universe besides their own egos and their frightful bag of fears. This is harsh verbiage I’m giving to you. Sometimes we give it to you in an earthy phrase and colloquialisms, but you understand the point that this is not possible because of the mandates of our First Source and Center and Christ Michael. One is the mandate of your First Source and Center that no individual’s [free] will will be overturned. Second, that Christ Michael has said this is a Correcting Time—one which is co-creative—and that people learn their lessons and learn growth and maturation in their spiritual and emotional selves through the process of living—facing the realities that exist with them and by them that does shake them to their boots, and does shatter their sense of equanimity and their self-justified egoisms that they then feel they have a right to express.

Use your free will to become part of God’s grandeur

Yes, this is a world of great trauma, immense trauma. It is rare to see a world such as Urantia undergoing such a terrific, horrific approach to the Days of Light and Life. And yes, you have not seen the full breadth and depth of the destruction that will occur on your world yet. And will it take these to overturn the dark hearts that are around you and among you? No, it does not. It is the self-willed individual ideas and will to become a part of the grandeur that God has in store for you. These developments coincide with this time in the history of your planet where your planet is now well overpopulated by at least two thirds, and that you will see a tremendous loss of life in the future. Is this a part of God’s plan? No.

This is a part of the overpopulation and the lack of consideration and forethought by individuals to control their needs to reproduce, their needs for selfish, material self-aggrandizement, and so on.  You are truly seeing, Walt, the crash of your world. You are witnessing this. You may ascribe this all to God and to Christ Michael, but it is not of their will. Their will is peace for everyone—a sense of peace that passes all understanding within the minds and hearts of individuals. This is what is God’s will for you and for all your fellow men, women, and friends here in this world.

Yes, my friend. I would be afraid too were I in your shoes in this world at this time.

Walt: I am just so in awe of your answer in every expression. I am just grateful for it all. And no, it is not too harsh. It is exactly what we need to hear and understand. I have nothing but full-hearted thanks for your answers—every word. I will turn the floor over to others and hope I can get another chance to ask the additional questions. Thank you so much, Machiventa.

We do not offer hints, but you need to have forethought

 Bea: Good morning or afternoon Machiventa. Thank you again for these sessions. I thought about, actually, whether or not I should withdrawal my question, but I’m going to go ahead and ask. In your introduction you referred to the possibility of martial law following the election. Is this possibly a hint that the incumbent will remain in office? And if this is the case, it would obviously be a great disappointment to some of us. How would you recommend that we handle it? I guess personally I’m asking. I admit [that] if that does happen, I am going to be fairly disappointed. I might even be distraught.

Machiventa: Thank you. You make some vast assumptions in your opening comments and your opening sentences. We do not offer any hints. We do not offer any suggestions of what may occur. It may occur, but of course all of this is totally dependent upon the decisions of mortals. You, as thoughtful citizens of a democracy, should be forethoughtful. You should have the foresight to think of possibilities which are repugnant and violent to your consciousness and violent to your rights. Failing to do so, you remain very naïve citizens. We are not suggesting that this will occur. We are not suggesting that it won’t occur. We are suggesting that the peaceful evolution of your democracy take place: peaceful social evolution, peaceful political evolution, [and] peaceful economic evolution are needed for your nation and all democratic nations.

The difficulties you are seeing are the chaffing between the rights of individuals and the rights of a society to grow and mature [but] held in place by antiquated, crystalized, archaic social institutions which have become formalized to the degree that they seem to be concrete, immovable, and implacable. Citizens always have the right to change their minds. Citizens always have the right to protest [that] which is repugnant to their humanity. Not by revolution, not by violence, not by killing or eliminating the opposition, but formalizing groups of thoughtful individuals into powerful, political blocks of opinion—blocks of opinion that now need to become part of the other dominating fields of thought. Conservatism isn’t bad. Liberalism isn’t bad. You see, these must come into a balance.

The excellent and just balance

Christ Michael has always, as Jesus, espoused the even flow. Not the average, not the mediocre, but the excellent and just balance. You have that within you to do that. And do not think that we are participants of formalizing or fomenting an opposition of violence. This is not our case. We would never do that, and we would be in opposition to that in general terms without invading the minds of individuals. It is the work of the Most Highs to work in the organization of humanity, of mankind, of your social institutions, to change the minds within groups to go in the right direction, to be thoughtful and reasonable. So, please rephrase your thinking, thinking that I suggest that this is a possibility or probability, for it is not. There is every opportunity to change the future in the minds and opinions of individuals who have the gumption—the “chutzpah”—to come forward and say what is right and tell other people what is right. Thank you.

Bea: Thank you Machiventa. That’s the answer I wanted (laughing.) I mean I’m grateful for your answer, but it does make me feel a lot better. I do understand the concept of balance between conservatism and liberalism, and really, we should not be crystalizing anything regarding that. We should remain open-minded. I guess that brings that question to a close. Thank you very much.

Machiventa: You are most welcome.

Ethics in artificial intelligence

John: Hi, this is John from northern California. Thank you Machiventa. I appreciate another opportunity to ask a question. I’ll keep asking questions and learn how to do this with your help. I have two questions today. The first one has to do with a wonderful documentary that has just come out called The Social Dilemma. I don’t know if you are aware of it, but it touches on the idea of artificial intelligence (A I). I went back and looked on website and in NET #53 you talked about artificial intelligence and you mentioned that you had sent the two documents that you had worked through This One [Daniel] to several dozen leading individuals of the AI industry. And I was just curious about that. Is there any progress to report on that? Is there any positive direction that has come about as a result of that? I would appreciate it if you would comment on that if you are so inclined.

Machiventa: Certainly. We, the co-creative element, have not received any feedback from the documents that were forwarded to the AI industry. You see, in the minds of those individuals, they were on the cusp of making AI a powerful engine for their industry. Our work included to them the ethics that are reasonable for an AI industry that wants to support all of humanity. There is the self blindedness. Many of you are far too young to realize that horses that pulled a plow had a harness that included blinders, and these were to the outside of the head of the horse to keep them from being distracted by what was to the side of their peripheral vision. This kept them on course to go forward.

This is what has happened in the AI industry—that they are in disregard of the well thought out ethics for the artificial intelligence industry. The will to have more advantage over others and to take advantage of an electronic industry through AI is too much on their mind to dominate the industry and the market as far as they’re concerned. You see, the ones who are making decisions are still the “old white men” who want profit over humanity and morality. They want to increase profits while increasing the bottom line for all concerned. That may sound cynical, and yes, it is appropriately so, because there is a mindedness to disregard ethical guidance when ethical guidance is needed and for which they themselves have made such a to-do about until only the last few months where they have closed their minds and closed their mouths regarding ethics.

Guidance on being a Transmitter/Receiver

John: Thank you. I appreciate that update. My second question is more of a personal one. I’m just wondering if you can suggest things that would help in my practice in terms of trying to become more effective at transmitting/receiving?

Machiventa: Yes, and this is general guidance for everyone who is interested in being an effective T/R with greater ease and greater fluidity. The most effective T/R is one who is self-forgetful, one who is no longer involved in the process, one who does not think of what is incoming and outgoing—incoming through your mind and outgoing through your mouth. It is the T/R who is self-forgetful to the point where there is an natural flow from the celestial, the angelic, or divine individual through the T/R without thought. Thought by the individual who thinks about what is being said—who analyses it or puts it into a cache, so to speak, in the mental process—is one who is then interfering in the process. We seek those fluid individuals who do not hold the message, think about it, and then paraphrase what is said.

We prefer T/Rs who are not into a mental process at all—those who act as somewhat of an automaton on our behalf and on the behalf of Christ Michael. This automaton state of T/Ring does not disregard the individuality of an individual but holds the individual in high regard who has sacrificed their will to the will of Christ Michael and to the will of the message coming through. This is a particular state of being that the mortal has to learn—to be self-forgetful to the point where they forget they are involved in the process, that they are simply just another person in the audience listening to the message. This is, perhaps, the most difficult part of any mortal existence—to forget yourself and forget your ego and to [realize] the fact that the ego has no part and parcel of this at all. In fact, its absence is totally necessary for the process to flow evenly and smoothly.

John: Thank you so much Machiventa. I do appreciate the thought and the willingness of you to join with us and consider these things. Thank you.

A mass awakening today?

Raymon: Good afternoon Machiventa, this is Raymon. I’m passing on a question from a third party. And the question is: There has been a great deal of discussion via various transmissions in the last months regarding mass awakening. Some have speculated that this might occur in an event of some kind, such as what happened at Pentecost. Would you be willing to share with us whether there is such a thing as mass awakening as part of the Correcting Time, and, if so, how will this happen?

Machiventa: First of all, thank you for your question and relaying the question to us. Again, Urantia is a most peculiar place to live, to reside, and to participate with spirit in this awakening. Because of the co-creative nature of the advent of the Correcting Time and of this transition era, the awakening must be in the consciousness of the individual. We are in observance of the needs of the Most High and God the Supreme to awaken individuals to the necessity of consciously coming into the embrace with the Divinity within them. We do not foresee an awakening of the nature of the Spirit of Truth coming upon humanity for it is here. We do not foresee the presence and eminence of Christ Michael coming upon this world either, nor that of Nebadonia. Their presence is here. The most that can be learned from humanity’s experience at the individual level is the conscious awakening of the individual to the awareness that God is around them, within them, and is in the care of all.

What you are relaying is that there would be a simultaneous and spontaneous “ah-ha” in the consciousness of each individual around the world. Those who are of the nature of God, those who have willed to do God’s will, and those who are in the observance of the life and lifestyle and decisions of Christ Michael already have that awareness. They will be the ones who come into individual consciousness of the “ah-ha” moment and realize that “ah-ha,” this is a time of deciding.

This is a time that is very familiar to fundamentalist Christians who decide—come into consciousness with the Christ consciousness—to be observant of the good around them, and to know that their lives are in transition all the time through their awareness of Christ being in their life all the time. No, we do not foresee an awakening of the old times that are spoken of in the Old Testament, or the New Testament, and of those moments when the Spirit of Truth crossed the boundaries of consciousness on your world so that it entered the minds of all those who were open and receptive (and even those who weren’t) to awaken those who had the possibility of knowing that something was afoot of a spiritual nature. Thank you.

Raymon: Thank you Machiventa.

Support those who make sense

Dennis: Thank you for taking my question. This is Dennis from central Colorado. In your opening statement I heard you say that if the president is re-elected, there is a likelihood of martial law, presumably to counter the violence from his opposition. My question is, given the shortness of time before the election, what can I do, and what can other members of this group do or change to influence or alter this outcome?

Machiventa: I would like to correct your first statement. I did not say that martial law would be enacted if this current president were re-elected. I conditioned that in further statements to other questions that related. The real importance of your question lies in “what can I do?” One, you can support those individuals who, when they make speeches, make sense. Make sense in terms of what is good for all humanity—what is of an equal nature for all humanity. It is important that the presence of women be wholeheartedly included in all democratic processes in the future. There are some who do make good sense and they need your support. It is one of the fallible points of your democracy that it is divided. It is divided among a two-party system, and yet it is workable in some regard. You have seen multiparty systems come to a quagmire of decision-making and incapability in France and Italy. Multiple parties are certainly useful, and you have yet, as democratic nations, to formulate a process so that their voices are included. That strengthens the process for all. This requires a higher consciousness that surpasses most political consciousness at this time.

Pragmatic idealism

We are enthusiastic, however, that there are pragmatic idealists who espouse certain concepts in democracy that should be, could be, used in part and applied in part to your current democratic process. Many would espouse revolution—a total change of system, a total change of process. This is untenable as well, for there is too much lost in revolution to be regained through the idealism of those revolutions. What you are asking for is how to become a pragmatist while striving to fulfill the ideal. You are really addressing the points of the heart (as humans know the heart—the Christ mindedness within yourself) to take on the work of higher-minded, heart-centered work and still not be in opposition to the mindedness that is required to manage a society and manage a planet. How can you be of assistance? Be open-minded my friend. Thank you.

Dennis: I’m very grateful for your answer, Machiventa. Thank you.

Craig: Good morning Machiventa. This is Craig.

Machiventa: Good to hear from you Craig.

Evolution in the democratic process

Craig: Well, thank you. My question is political as well, along…. perhaps, following this topic. We want to get to a balance in our whole political system, but as I see it, the way we vote, especially the single X ballot, seems to promote extremism. Instead of voting for the person that we think we might like the best, we vote for the person that we think is most likely to prevent the one we like the least from attaining the office. So, without going into specifics, is the changing of the balloting system, in particular, a way to help get better balance and swing that pendulum towards the middle instead of to the extremes? Thanks.

Machiventa: We wholeheartedly agree with you, and we see that changing the ballot process is one of many changes that need to take place in democracies. This would be a part of the evolution of the democratic process. There are many factors involved in an evolution of a social institution [such] as the democratic process. It is not individualistic in its means, but of multiple approaches to advancing the interests of everyone. You will hear more about this in the near future. You may have an interest in one of the future videos that comes about that talks about the three stages of democracy, and that the current stage—Stage II Democracy—has outgrown its usefulness. It is now antiquarian, and must evolve into the third stage, or revert back to the first stage.

We, of course, of the Correcting Time, in the interests of the Most Highs, espouse that which is for the good of the Correcting Time and the advancement of socially mature, spiritually eager societies and social institutions. This is the necessity of these times. You are in the greatest transition of human civilization ever to occur on this planet. It will impact all 7.8 billion people in the eventuality of time, and particularly those who remain after the decimation. You are in many ways building a future that is tenable, that is workable, that is malleable, that is adaptive—one that takes on the concerns of thoughtful decision making as you suggest in the ballot. This is the essence of an advanced democracy where citizens are the final authority for the state of existence of their democracy, and, ultimately, the final responsible authority to do so. This is a great absence that is occurring in Stage  II Democracies now—citizens do not feel the weight of that responsibility, and thus do not give their decisions the weight of thought they deserve.

Feedback in democratic systems

Craig: Thank you. And it occurs to me that something that even seems to be missing in our second stage democracies is a process of feedback from the citizenry to the decision-making bodies. That once they make a decision, they don’t know whether it was a good decision or a bad decision, and it often affects society in adverse ways that aren’t being recognized, perhaps until much later. Do you have a comment on that?

Machiventa: Well, certainly and thank you for your question/statement. This is music to our ears. Democracy is impossible without feedback to those who are ultimately responsible. This is a way of changing the power structure of the current democratic process where you have the executive branch, judicial branch, and the legislative branch. All of these are players in the middle between the people who are the ultimate authority, and the people, the public, who are ultimately responsible. The process we see in the future would be that these individuals who are elected or appointed in these three branches would become more technically expert in their fields of endeavor. Their work, as they perceive it now, is to obscure public participation. This must change, so the feedback process must become more immediate and much more accurate.

Rebuilding in alignment with the 7 values

Let me cut through all of this, please, to help you understand what we are doing in the long scale. What we are doing is rebuilding your civilization. How can you do that? You must have the right tools, the right dimensions, and the right processes to make that work. For one, we are espousing the use of the seven values. These are measurable, these are timeless, these are your metric tools that you can use to make consistently moral and ethical decisions. That, and public feedback from those processes that are public, can help you make better decisions.

What is so confusing to all of you is the human interpretations of those seven values. You have thousands upon thousands upon thousands of interpretations of those values, but there is no process that you have at present to take back or go back or revert back to the final analysis of where those interpretations have come from. Once you have that final analysis, then you can begin building social institutions that are functional, that work, and that are fair. The unfairness that you have now is due to personal interpretation and the manipulation of those values that America and the democracies hold so dear. That they are now subject to further interpretation by those who are in power—to benefit themselves.

What is further necessary is that from these seven values emanate a rational and logical ethic and morality. This is the final analysis for a functional democracy—that its morality and ethic that underlie the basic tenets of freedom, social institutions, and the governance of the public stand in place and be unshakable. This is necessary for a rational democracy and for the Days of Light and Life to come into being. You are now sitting on quivering sand as you hear the earthquake beneath you in social, political, and economic dimensions. It is now [time] to think of and prepare for permanence—timeless, immutable, irreversible, and irreducible values that hold permanence for everyone concerned universally. Thank you.

Craig: Thank you very much, and we see once again that it comes back to the basics of the program that is being espoused in the Correcting Time program and all the basic things that are being promulgated in that. Thank you very much.

Machiventa: Thank you.

Asking for help and growth—be open to it

Doug: Good morning. Thanks for taking my call Machiventa. You ask us to open up and seek our own connection with God within. My question is, how do we ask for help and growth without that falling over to selfish prayer?

Machiventa: Well, the answer is one you can apply immediately, and we wish you to no longer ask, but to realize that God is available always, all the time, and immediately for you. You do not have to ask for this, you simply have to become open to it. And you may ask for God to assist you to become open and willing to receive God’s guidance in your moments of stillness, thoughtfulness, and reverie. It is important that you understand the difference. You are not praying for God; you are praying for yourself. You’re asking God to help you to be open to receive God’s guidance. That is always available for everyone equally. Does this help, or can I explain this further for you?

Doug: Yes, I guess the notion of selfish prayer, that somehow asking for things for yourself, is kind of not what we are intended to do. That if I wanted to see love in the world, I need to send God’s love out to the world and, therefore, I receive God’s love through that—as opposed to just asking for God’s love for myself.

Machiventa: Correct.

Doug: Thank you for your time.

Machiventa: You’re most welcome. Thank you for your time.

Liz on a journey—personality gravity

Liz: Good morning Machiventa. It’s good to be with you again. Thank you as always for being with us. I’ve been quite taken by the concept that I can be a student at Melchizedek University, and that makes me kind of excited to go to sleep at night and look forward to whatever lessons I am privileged to have. So, the other night I had an experience, and I differentiate this from a dream. This seemed like no dream. I was in the middle of the ocean in something like an outrigger canoe with someone else and I asked where the map was to get us to the place where we were supposed to go as there was no land in sight. And the person with me (the guide) said: “We don’t need a map. Personality gravity will pull us to them.” So, my question is: Is personality gravity a thing? And my follow-up question is: Is the lesson here that I should just relax and know that I will be drawn to the right people at the right time where I can be of the most service, or is there something more that I should take from this experience? And feel free to disabuse me if it was simply a dream.

Machiventa: I chuckle to myself in your statement and question because it is a rare moment when we get to observe this in others—what you have experienced. And no, this was not “just a dream.” This was your lucid encounter with your Thought Adjuster on a canoe of life crossing the great void of the unknown. Yes, there is personality gravity. This is real. It is something that you are well acquainted with, and we hope you will become even more fully acquainted with. It is being open to say to your Thought Adjuster, your teachers, and angels, to say that, “I’m open to be led to those individuals who will be of assistance to me, and please help me to avoid those who would not.” And you ask that they assist you to be attracted to those individuals who would assist you and to avoid those who would not. And then, upon asking that and saying that to them, you would say: “Would you be willing to do that with me?” And they will say yes. And then you will say: “Please move ahead to fulfill that. Who do I need to meet next?”

This is very conversational. It is very personal. It is something that is very intimate to your spiritual growth and to the fulfillment of your life’s mission during your mortal lifetime. This is conscious, spiritual evolution in the making. This is something that you can do with your guardians, your Thought Adjuster, teachers, and those Midwayers who are of assistance to you. You want to be led to those individuals who can help you, and those individuals who can help you would be led to you, and that you have the mindedness to discern which is which and what is helpful and that which is not.

You see, during your brief mortal lifetimes you really do not have the time to dally about in the time that you have remaining. That you use your time wisely, and that for those students that are spiritually diligent and want to earnestly move forward in their life’s career and their life’s work, that they have the greatest advantage to do so. And that they can be most productive in assisting their soul growth and being of service to Christ Michael at the same time. This is a remarkable coincidence, and we appreciate your sharing this with us.

Liz: Well, thank you so much.

Scott: Good afternoon Machiventa. It’s a pleasure to be in your company and to be speaking with you once again. As a long-time practitioner of politics at a very practical level (since my youth—quite a number of decades ago now), I’ve been involved in many different undertakings, including trying to help restore… Oh, by the way, I’m from Imperial Canada, so I’ll be talking a bit about the Canadian context of parliamentary democracy. We had a very big split between conservative-minded people that created a situation where winning an election was next to impossible to do because of that. However, there were a lot of good reasons for that separation that many of us in the Legacy Party found important. I guess one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is: we managed, finally, after about 10 years of sustained effort and a couple of leadership contests, [to realize the] necessity of the status quo parties—the two parties—brought them back together again which I think [helped] restore competitive balance.

And I think a competition is very, very important, but it occurs to me that the citizenry of our respective countries don’t appreciate the blood and sacrifice that was made by so many brave men and women in the Pacific Rim and in Europe in particular in the world wars to give us the privilege of electoral franchise. And there’s work to be done to help educate and elevate them to understand that their lack of participation is really self-fulfilling in terms of a.) bad, non-progressive outcomes to election campaigns, and b.) not helping us evolve as we might otherwise be able to do.

It’s also occurred to me, through some of the other sessions and reading I’ve been doing during this period of time, that it would be very helpful for people in the Urantia movement in particular to help write op-ed articles and to try to get work out into the public domain through social media or other ways, that could open up the hearts and minds of more fundamentalist Christian thinkers and even other faiths to recognize God’s Supremacy and His very real presence and availability for all of us.

There’s a lot of great writing that’s been done by members of the Urantia community. I think particularly, always, of Meredith Sprunger (who I had the privilege of meeting a number of times a long time ago) [and his works] like “The meaning of the Cross”, for example. Maybe we should be working on getting more organized to put a lot of this information out and to put ideas out as well. That would be very helpful for the teaching time that we are in right now. And also, it was very disturbing for me to hear that efforts to get people in the AI industry more educated to contemplate their responsibilities beyond just the bottom line did not succeed and maybe there are things that could be done through public opinion to help with that as well.

Machiventa: And your point, sir?

Scott: Are these things we could be doing to help mobilize people to be writing more, trying to put information out and op-ed pieces into newspapers, magazines, and social media that would be helpful to the uplifting and to changes that need to be made to get people more tuned into the fact that changing government is not a hopeless situation? The opportunity is within everybody to participate more actively and appreciate the privilege of franchise that so many other countries in the world do not have. That may help spiritually uplift the process and changes that are being sought.

Machiventa: I do not know how to respond to your long statement.

Who has the power to change that?

Scott: I’m sorry it was so long. I’m just speaking from personal experience about how so many people feel that there is nothing they can do to make change, and it occurred to me that the knowledge and insight that many of us have in the Urantia community and those who are choosing to participate in the Correcting Time, that we could be helping to give hope and uplift people and lead them to higher ground.

Machiventa: A moment please. I challenge you: Who has the power to change that?

Scott: Well it’s up to individuals who have the free will, obviously, to make those changes.

Machiventa: Exactly.

Scott: And I think in terms of the concept of personality gravity and everything. But if we help bring out different ideas more into the public domain in a higher profile way, then maybe we can help change this defeatist culture that we seem to have, and the thinking that there’s nothing you can do about it, all politicians are corrupt, etc. etc., right? And we can’t strive for the higher levels that you were commenting on earlier this afternoon.

Machiventa: Again, who has the power to change that?

Scott: We do. With God’s help.

Machiventa: And who is we?

Scott: I guess we as individuals who….

Machiventa: How about starting with me? The little lowercase “me”—meaning yourself. Do you have the power?

Scott: I believe I do, and I think I’ve seen the effects of that positively in past undertakings of attracting good quality people into public life and changing the parliamentary structure here in Canada.

Machiventa: Then you need to tell others that you have the power, and ask them: “Do they have the power?”

Scott: Yes.

Power is very fluid

Machiventa: You see, power is very fluid. If you say you have the power, you have the power. When you forget to say that you have the power, then you have given away your power and you are powerless. And others can use your power of not saying anything. It is important that you empower yourself by saying: “I have the power.” This is the only way that democracies survive. This is the only way that dictatorships are overthrown to become democracies. You must say: “I have the power,” and through that you can express your God-given sonship with the Creator—that you have the power and you have the power through Christ, Christ Michael, Jesus and his way of life.

This is something that can appeal to Christian liberals, Christian conservatives, and all God-believers no matter of what persuasion—whether they are liberal or conservative. If you are centered in God, then you love your neighbor and you would empower your neighbor to empower themselves and empower more people beyond that. It is important for individuals to realize that democracies are totally dependent upon the empowerment of the citizen. You have said so yourself. You have said so in the statements that they need to be educated and the education begins by saying: “I am empowered. What do I need to do to express my power peacefully?” Thank you.

Scott: Thank you.

JT: We have more questions, but I’m afraid we are out of time. Machiventa, do you have a closing statement?

Empower yourself, empower your society

Machiventa: Certainly. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. These last statements that were just given to Scott are to everyone. It is to everyone who wants to change this world to become a better world, to become a world that is openly, eagerly receptive to the presence of God, to the presence of a good society, and to being responsible for what occurs around themselves and in themselves—what they think, what they say, and what they do—and to encourage others to live a rightful life. I do not use the word “righteousness” as it has been abused so many times in the past; but rightful living and rightful thinking are necessary to have a life that works both for an individual, for a family, and for a whole society. If you’re not able to participate as a functional, working part of your society, then empower yourself to do so. And empower your society and your agencies of governance to assist you in that process.

You are not powerless. You have the power of the God presence within you.

You are not powerless. You can call upon your Thought Adjuster to assist you. You can call upon your Thought Adjuster to bring you to individuals who can assist you and to whom you can assist. Your guardian is there to assist you [to] do the same. You can also empower your Thought Adjuster (though it is a totally independent authority) to move ahead in a direction that you think is useful and God-like. You can do the same for your guardian angel and to the teachers and angels who are around you.

You are not powerless. You have the power of the God presence within you to make decisions that are God-like, and to empower those spiritual beings around you to assist in doing God’s will through your life. We give thanks for your presence here today, and for your empowerment, and how you will be a meaningful participant and creator of the future you want your children to live through. Thank you.

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