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NET95- Inflection Points, Will-Command, Co-Creative Designs for Sustainability®

2020-07-13.  Inflection Points, Will-Command, Co-Creative Designs for Sustainability.


New Era Transition #95 – (Find this and previous NET’s at:

Also available are other pre-NET transcripts eg: NEC, NOC and others

To attend these sessions live contact JT at Up**********@gm***.com

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager – NET #95


Inflection points as an opportunity—for you.
A will-command
Decision makers and the families that produce them
Helping those with depression—doing and saying
Evolution or revolution
Existential desperation
The highest good for the greatest number
Harassment by an unseen entity
Inflection point is now. The time to act is now
Learning discernment
English and Chinese languages
Creating a college course on sustainability
Starting a co-creative design team
A formal request for a celestial teacher
Helping dysfunctional families
Relevancy of co-creative design team documents today
Outworking of the plans of the Most Highs
The work of novices striving to become eternal
Be of good cheer!
—  A NOTE from the TR

 TR:  Daniel Raphael, PhD

Participants from: Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, United States, Venezuela. If I missed your country, please let me (JT) know at Up**********@gm***.com

Invocation:  Dennis




Inflection Points As An Opportunity—For You.

Machiventa: Good morning dear friends. This is Machiventa Melchizedek and it is my heightened delight to be here with you today. One thing about working with mortals is that there seems to be no end to new activities that mortals get themselves into, and it calls upon us to be highly adaptive, flexible, and nimble. The remarkable irony of that is that there are occasions when there is nothing going on with mortals. Yes, there are societal things that go on, but mortals individually have these tremendous dry periods—long periods of stillness and silence—where they are not consciously thinking and acting on their behalf. And that is what we are enthused about: the conscious development in humankind to grasp the future in their own hands, in their own beliefs and values, and form the future that will become for your world.

This One discovered a new word that is very useful for us at this time and it is inflection. This means where there is a fine change that occurs from what was to what is. Mathematicians refer to an inflection point as the point where the downslope of the sine curve changes to the up curve, or vice versa. Now, to your naked eye it is obvious that at the bottom it starts to go up, but in fact, it begins a distance before that. You might say it begins halfway between the top of the curve and the bottom of the curve, and it is very hard to discover its exact location.

It also has a social dynamic definition as well, and that is where there is a subtle change in direction that is almost imperceptible from one era of a society, for example, or even a family. In this case, we are using it concerning the pandemic. The pandemic has caused a civilizational time-out—a period of time where there is much contemplation, thought, and reflection about the era and what is happening. It is a time where the busyness of everyday life—the old normal—has disappeared in many ways. It is a time when there is a stillness of action by governments and their leaders. Those leaders, individuals, legislature bodies have never encountered such a situation as this. And so, it is new territory, and there is a huge pause, an unknowing. There is not enough history to these experiences now to have the wisdom to guide the populations, cities, and nations into the future. And so there is this quandary that exists in governmental processes that gives us a time to participate more directly in the affairs of humankind.

Now, the importance of saying this is that this is a time for conscious action on the part of mortals. This is a time when a few individuals can change the course of civilization. You might think that is nigh onto being impossible, but my friends, it surely is not. We would not mislead you concerning this. We introduce this to you simply because there are decisions that need to be made, and though we can make decisions on our own, those involve the direction of humanity. These involve the directions of individuals, families, communities, societies, states, cities and so on—and particularly your nations. This is a time when the responsible humanitarian thing to do is to grasp the future in your hands and make the right decisions for the future.

Now, as our introductory prayer said, there are seven values, and these values are necessary to guide the decision-making of the present into a sustainable future. And when that happens that begins another inflection point where the future begins to change because of the decisions and values that individuals are making. Yes, individuals in your communities can use these values to make decisions to guide the future of the community, and you never know, you just never know who might be listening and who might be influenced by the energy that you give off in these decisions. And particularly so if you understand the inflection point of your work, that you want to influence that particular point in the slope of your civilization and your nation. We could have used the analogy of the tipping point as on a teeter-totter.

There is a point where there is no movement either back or forth. And this is the same that occurs in pistons inside of engines that when they reach the top there is a stopping point. The piston has actually stopped for just a microsecond before it begins to plunge down again to the bottom of the crankshaft and then back up again. So, this is perhaps one of the most meaningful actions mortals can take at the time. You know that we have been here influencing your world directly with you for over 35 years, and that our influence before then was more generally in the affairs of humankind and of organizations which still continues. However, this point now, this inflection point, now for the Teaching Mission and the followers of the Urantia Book, and those who are concerned for the future of this world; this is a point where you can make a tremendous influence upon the direction of all humankind in the future.

A Will-Command.

 We have been busy producing lessons for you throughout the duration of the Teaching Mission which have become much more direct during the NET sessions of this NOCO organization. The point of that is to prepare humankind for making this decision now. This is one of the most important times that you can ever have influence as an individual and share that with over 7 billion people. We have been striving to empower you out of your weakness, out of your isolation, into the throngs of decision-making around the world—that you can be an influence. It is important in your ideation, in your thinking, your visualization as you imagine this point, and you making that decision. You might practice your statement in making that decision, and it would be something like this: “I empower myself to make the decision for all humanity to its highest and greatest good, to influence the inflection point at this historic moment for the welfare of the whole world and all future generations that come into existence. Thank you, God.”

That was my prayer, and you can emulate that prayer or something like it on your own. It is something that is vitally important. It is perhaps one of the most altruistic, humanitarian prayers that you will ever make. One that is totally unselfish—without special interests, self-interest, or otherwise. This is for the welfare of 7 billion people and all the billions of people who will come into existence on this planet in the future.

Looking back over the history of humanity—particularly the last 30,000 years of organized social existence of groups of people (meaning villages, cities, nations, governments, etc.)—they have all failed. And so, this would be a momentous time, would it not, to make that prayer, to make that statement, and make that command—that will-command—that will influence the future of all cities, nations, global organizations, and so on forever.

What would happen to the world if that point was taken, and that decision made, and that will-command was made and put into effect? It would mean that somehow all governments would not fail, all organizations would not fail, all legislative bodies, courts, and executive branches, etc., would not fail, but rather they would evolve. As remarkable as your democracy is in the United States and other mature democracies, they are still very, very socially immature. They are still relying upon compromise and negotiated compromise at that. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the parties on either side of a negotiation already knew the values that would sustain the organization, their society, and their nation? Wouldn’t it be amazing and wonderful if they also knew and used the values, ethics, and morality that emanate from those seven values? Negotiations would go along pretty quickly and happily (wouldn’t they?) because most parties would understand that the good of all is the good for individuals as well, and the good for individuals is good for all as well. It would be an amazing world, were that to occur.

Decision Makers and The Families That Produce Them.

There are two influences that will dictate the direction and guidance of the future for your world. One is decision-making—everybody makes decisions, every legislative body makes decisions. Oh yes, of course, you know that they mumble it, they fumble it, and mismanage it, but they do eventually make some sort of decision. As we have taught you repeatedly, values always underlie all decisions. Simply put, values underlie decisions. So, if everyone were using the same values to make decisions, then everybody would be on the same team, so to speak. Everybody would be on the same side of sustainability. And when you combine those values and decision-making and the ethics and morality as guides or as a code of ethics for making those decisions, then there would be far happier, more positive decisions being made.

That’s one factor. The second factor is this: That individuals make decisions, and individuals come from families, and families are the generators of societies, families are the initiation point for the development of the individual who will make those decisions as executives, as leaders, presidents, and so on, of organizations, whether they are corporations, fire departments, or nations, and so on. We have said repeatedly as well that the more humane and socialized the child is raised, the more humane the individuals become as the leader. As parents, you have the greatest influence to change the course of the world. Given that we have given you instructions on the minimum necessities for a budding and growing mature personality, you have what it takes to make sustainable nations. And yes, it will take a couple of generations to do this. The influence now is for your generation to begin teaching children how to become stable, secure, and self-sufficient with a good self-image, good self-esteem, and so on. We have shared those elements with you, and we may as well put them in the transcript before it is published. (See addendum following transcript.)

So, when you take the two major factors that govern the development and evolution of societies and nations as beginning with the values, ethics, and morality; and use the family as the generator of those future leaders, then you have an answer for all time. It would be wonderful not to see failure after failure after failure in families, marriages, civilizations, societies, and nations. They are all connected. It is time now at this inflection point for someone to intentionally and consciously change the direction of your world to one that is productive, and socially and materially sustainable. In reflecting back over this brief introduction—opening statement—you realize that the world is overpopulated, and you realize that in the interim of about one century or so that it will take to reduce the population of the world by natural means, that there will be many hundreds of thousands of difficulties that will emanate from the process of the reduction of population alone. You have seen what has happened after the reduction of the global economy. This will be echoed many times—politically, economically, financially, socially, and so on. This will in fact affect churches and church organizations as much as it does political parties. And yes, you would be correct in surmising that yes, this pandemic is not through. It has only begun. And so, be patient my friends. Wear your masks, keep your social distance, and wash your hands. It’s as simple as that.

We have given you directions and guidance for maturing individuals—individuals who mature socially, spiritually, and in their intra-personal self and their external relationship with others. It is important to be conscious of your life as itself is an evolution of your soul—the evolution of you, who you are, and what you become. You are in charge of this. You are responsible for this, and we ask you to make the most of this era the best you can. And yes, you do live on a difficult world. That’s why we are giving you such intimate assistance along the way. Thank you.

Liz: Good morning Machiventa. Thank you for being with us today and thank you for that will-command. It is my sincere prayer that we all take this very seriously, follow through, and make that a reality.

Machiventa.  We definitely would appreciate that.

Helping Those With Depression—Doing And Saying.

Liz: My question has to do with [the fact that] there seems to be a lot of depression going around these days. I have friends who are chronically depressed, and friends who are currently depressed over the current situation. I’d call that situationally depressed. I’ve never been a depressed person, and so I find it hard to relate. But I have read on the website what you’ve said in the past about the myriad causes and complex nature of depression. And so, my question is this: how can I help my friends? What can I say to them that will make a difference?

Machiventa.  Your question is in two parts: What can you do, and the second part is what can I say to my friends? And the first part (What can you do?) is pray for your friends. Pray for an awakening between themselves and their Thought Adjuster. Pray for their enlightenment—literal enlightenment—to see the light, to be surrounded by light, to be open to the light. It is important that your friends and others be open to receive. If you come into a conversation with closed fists, you cannot congratulate somebody on a win or on a promotion, but if you come with an open hand and shake their hand or hug them as you used to do, then that means that they are open. And so, pray for their openness to accept the light and accept their situation as it is and that they can be thankful that they have what they have. And yes, it might sound negative, be thankful for what they don’t have. They don’t have the infection; they don’t have the virus. Good health is something to be thankful for always, particularly for mortals. And good health among celestials is also one of the things that we deal with, with newcomers to the morontial realm.

As for what can you say to your friends, this is one of glad tidings. Look on the bright side. Is your glass half full or half empty? Think of the possibilities of this moment—that you can invent something for your life in this moment, that you are not dragged down by heavy weights and so on. Yes, they might have indebtedness, but it is not unreal to be able to pray for the good development of those debts that they will also be resolved by cheerful and peaceful means. In other words, you might want to see your friends as one of your children who has fallen down and scraped their knee or hurt themselves. And so, you would kiss the wound and “make it better.” In your case with the pandemic, you would throw them, blow them affection and healing to their heart, to their soul, to their mind, and to their relationship with themselves and with others.

See this individual and tell them this: that you see them as happy and cheerful, that they are thankful and full of joy for their life of possibilities that still remain. One of the wisdom’s that is so wonderful to have seen This One and others read is: “Remember, some of the best days of your life are yet to come.” And this is wonderful news for people who cannot think of even appreciating today. It is important that you, you personally, as you give these words to your friends, remain in that joy, remain in this good cheer that your glass is not only half full, but it’s brimming over with love and affection. Thank you.

Evolution Or Revolution.

Liz: Thank you. That was a wonderful answer. I appreciate that so much. And there’s a question also from a NOCO member who is not able to be with us today, and he writes: “The public confidence in governments worldwide appears to be decaying at an accelerating pace, and many separate groups appear to capitalize on the growing inability for governments to offer meaningful solutions. As you’ve been guiding us for some time on this crisis, are there particular areas of study in this cascade of events that would be profitable to our ability to help co-create sustainable solutions? Do you have any suggestions of what might be useful on the website?

Machiventa.  As my team has reviewed, there is little information about how to turn a revolt into a wonderful outcome. There is little positive information on how to turn up good news, good developments, and the evolution of society and government during times of tremendous psychological downturn for citizens. This really is a moment of immense opportunity. This pandemic, this downturn, and this difficulty with government from citizens is one that is full of opportunities for the future. As there are individuals who are using this situation for their own ends; there are others who must also present evolutionary plans for society, for the democratic process, and for legislative processes. Those two are directly connected. What would be an evolutionary step that is needed—desperately needed—in order to prevent the collapse of mature democracies and the sure decline and disappearance of young and new emerging democracies? It is the possibility seeker who is the one who must take the upper hand now. This situation of improving the democratic process is also one of the inflection points—that there must be plans made ahead of time that are presentable to individuals in government to help them when they get desperate.

Existential Desperation.

As you have seen from the political process in the United States, those two political parties have not come to the point of being desperate—existentially desperate. And that’s what we are talking about, the point of desperation where citizens and policy makers and those who are office holders have the stare in their eyes that they know the death of the political process is immanent. They will be looking for alternatives, and what would they be? That is a point where you must present the alternatives that are rational, reasonable, and which, in fact, build upon the existent processes that are at hand. Those in political power are afraid of even opening that discussion as they do not want to yield power on their own to anyone who might come up with a better idea and politically force them out of office, or that their power would be decreased. When the point comes when almost everyone’s power is close to zero, that is the point where you will have tremendous influence. And the question then must be on everyone’s lips: “Why not? We haven’t tried that yet.” And this is what you’re looking for.

Liz: Thank you very much Machiventa.

The Highest Good For The Greatest Number.

Walt: First of all I full-heartedly embrace the will-command prayer (at least what I understand of it), and I’m asking if I am understanding it correctly which is that: once the individual prays this prayer in their heart that your team will then be authorized to use them as they see fit. And the reason why I’m asking for that clarity is: I do not want to miss any next step that I must actively do after making the will-command prayer.

Machiventa.  Thank you for your question and statement. The empowerment of members of my team is limited. They’re limited to reasonable and rational consideration of all needs at hand. Just because an individual mortal makes a will-command does not obligate celestials to fulfill it. The goal is for the enactment of the highest good for the greatest number of people which, as you know, is an ancient Greek and Roman tenet in the management of civil affairs. It is important that the good of all concerned be taken into the prayer consideration. To make a prayer will-command is a very powerful thing to do, and it may not take into account the highest good of everyone concerned. You can be sure that when my team, myself, and the angelic corps take on the fulfillment of prayers, that we see it as already done—as already fulfilled, that it is not counter to what God wants for his mortal children, and that it is not contrarian to the best and highest good of all concerned.

We do not expect or even anticipate that mortals would take all these things into consideration, but several of the cautionary statements—those that condition prayers—are useful for [the] mortal and for the celestials involved. When you, as a mortal, pray a prayer for the highest good of all concerned, that gives you a perspective of being God in the word [sic]. That means that you are striving to see the perspective of the Creator—your Thought Adjuster [per Daniel]. What would your Thought Adjuster do? How would your Thought Adjuster pray for this situation? And so, you begin to take those things into consideration. It is very important that you move from your ego and from emotional states that are harmful to you and others into the higher states of the lower morontial register of thoughts, feelings, and so on. You, by doing this, have begun the process of teaching yourself how to become a morontial being in the flesh, albeit ever so humble, but any progress that you make to become as a morontial being is well appreciated.

Now, to the second part of your question. Would you please repeat that?

Walt: Yes, I just wanted to… Well, I think you actually answered the question, but within that same question, I was concerned not to miss any subsequent step that would be my responsibility to do after making the will-command prayer. And definitely it is with the full consideration of the will of God, of the will of the Father, for the good of all concerned, and I just wanted to make sure that, after praying the prayer, if there is a next step I should take?

Machiventa.  I think we have covered that. Thank you.

Walt: Yes, yes.

Harassment By An Unseen Entity.

Anonymous: For years, with variable but low frequency, during sleep I have experienced physical harassment and restraint by some unseen entity even as recently as a couple of weeks ago. I’ve always prevailed against such attacks by calling on the name of Jesus multiple times, but the deliverance is not instant and involves a struggle. My ability to speak is also hampered, and I have to break through being muted. In the process, I do not doubt being delivered. I do not despair, and I just persist. I also do not have problems returning to sleep, and I harbor no active worrying about it. Nonetheless, I wonder why this happens, and what should I do about it.

Machiventa.  The why of it is really not an important question. The fact that it exists is worrisome, and it is something that you can overturn. In the first part you would want to join hands, join consciousness with your Thought Adjuster, correct?

Anonymous: Yes.

Machiventa.  And you would want to command this entity to leave you. And that you command it to leave you. That there is no room, no voice, no hesitation, no reservation at all about commanding that being to leave you. That you command this in the name of the Creator, you command this in the name of Jesus—Christ Michael. You can take on that power to will that on behalf of Christ Michael’s authority when you will this for the good of your whole being—for your soul growth and for your eventual maturity. This is not work for humble people. This is work for humble, powerful people—people who are empowered by the righteousness of the Thought Adjuster that lives within them. You speak with the voice of God; you speak with the voice of Christ Michael. And once you command this, and we suggest you do it aloud if you can, to do this powerfully and then to rest and to give great thanks for the absence of this being from your proximity ever again.

Anonymous: Thank you so very much. That is awesome. That’s powerful. Thank you Machiventa, I am so grateful.

Machiventa.  You’re most welcome.

Inflection Point Is Now. The Time To Act Is Now.

John: Good morning Machiventa. This is John from northern California. My question has to do with the time frame of this change that’s happening. It seems to me as a mortal, that my time frame is pretty short, and I’m looking for more or less instant gratification. And being involved with these discussions with you it seems like your sense of your time is of a much longer scale, and that these changes are going to take many generations to achieve; it’s not going to be something that I’m likely to see a great deal of progress on in my lifetime (what’s left of it.) So, my question is: I wonder if you have thought about what we would call succession planning? A lot of us that are involved with this group are probably senior citizens. How do we attract the next generation to get involved with this so that when we transition, you are left with a group of people you can work with and don’t have to kind of start from scratch as it were and attract a whole new group of people and lead them through. Is there something that we can do to assist you in that regard? Thank you.

Machiventa.  Thank you for your question. In the first part of your question you were almost remorseful, regretful that you didn’t have time to see this through, but you miss the point of this particular special period of time in your world—this inflection point. And that is, “Who is going to start this? Who is going to initiate it? Who is going to do that?” It is something that you would want to ask if you were 15 years old, or 12 years old with a societal level consciousness. Here you are in your elder years, and you are wondering how you can be of assistance. For starters, you can assist us to support efforts that improve the evolution of your social institutions. We have brought you great deals of information on how to do this, and many of you have initiated these things in your own social institutions; whether that is your family, or where you work, or where you worship, and where you bank for instance.

As for what you can do to help us, as you can take your light out of the closet (so to speak). Remember the parable: You cannot hide a city on a hillside because of the lights and lanterns that everybody has, and so you can be a witness to this in your own life even in subtle, quiet ways. You too can present ideas for the evolution of social institutions, your democratic process, and for belief systems. You have an opportunity to help others grow beyond their traditional, staid religious practices and belief systems. You don’t necessarily have to be a revolutionary, but we do ask you to be an evolutionary. And so, you can be of great assistance that way. In the end, the message must be carried by messengers. We are messengers from the celestial realm, from the capitols of Nebadon to Earth, and we have done this as best we can, although it is very difficult working with individuals co-creatively who resist this partnership. That is the part you were asking us about to help you overcome, and you’re helping us to overcome.

So, in your consciousness, see this as an evolving, opening mindedness of other people with the growing consciousness of peace on your world. Your world will be unrecognizable to you in 20 years and 30 years particularly. It will be a land far different that you live in now. And yes, there are great, tumultuous things that will happen and come into being, but at the same time the old ways of doing business that you see—the old staid, narrow-minded ideologies—will have vanished for the most part simply because they’re unworkable. They do not contribute to the good welfare of individuals, families, and societies. Thank you.

John: Thank you Machiventa. I appreciate your answer.

Learning Discernment.

Alfonso: Good morning Machiventa. This is Alfonso from Oregon. It’s a pleasure to meet with you. I don’t have a question, but I have a 2-minute answer for you. One month ago, you gave me a chore and asked me to report back to the group upon fulfillment of the assignment. Well, I completed reading Menno Pauls’ work [see NET #92] and concluded the following:

  • It presents an interesting concept.
  • It is appealing to the reader’s ego to Menno’s advantage, and,
  • I am not interested in following his invitation.

Menno’s message divides humanity into two pre-established categories: The chosen and the victims. This division denies the ability of human mortals to define their own paths, and to access higher moral ground. The whole message is underlined by fear of destruction and survival, and seems to disregard the generosity and immensity of revelatory evolution for mankind. And, most importantly, God is briefly mentioned about three times in so many pages. This is not a God-centered proposition. It took me one month to complete this assignment, but it was worth it. Discernment is not an easy task. It is important, complex, and it requires time and focus. It is a learned behavior, and I thank you for teaching it to me. That’s all that I have.

Machiventa.  Well, thank you Alfonso very much for your diligence to follow through on your assignment, and to report back. Yes, discernment is very difficult. It requires the higher mindedness of your superconscious mind working with your conscious mind to come to determinations that are fair, just, and reasonable. And you have done this in your work of reading the book. I thank you personally for your courage to complete the book and make your report back. You will not be the same person after reading this and making the decisions you have made which reinforces those old decisions you made so long ago. Thank you.

English And Chinese Languages.

Rick: Hello Machiventa, this is Rick from Mexico. My question is related to a statement you made two sessions ago on NOCO #91 and the question was asked: do languages affect people’s thinking and their creativity and so forth? And part of your response was: “The blind spots of English are that it is linear in nature; it is intellectually oriented, yet it has some nuances of emotional context as well. The subject, verb, and object of the English sentence is linear. It projects a desired outcome, yet the human mind is capable of far, far, far more than that on the intuitive basis, on the insights that are not obvious. That are not measurable—those that come through the mind of connections.” My question is: What are the characteristics of Mandarin the language of China?

Machiventa.  I am puzzled as to how this would complement our discussions.

Rick: Well, we understand that English, which is our language, affects our thinking, how it is limited, has blind spots, how it affects our creativity and our discourse. The other major power and major language on this planet are the Chinese and Mandarin. We are right now headed for some very poor outcomes it appears and having some idea of how their language affects their thinking and their lives I think could prove helpful.

Machiventa.  My puzzlement continues, but I will advise listeners and readers to pursue a discussion and exploration of the Mandarin language as it is compared to the English language. I think this would be more fruitful for everyone concerned. Thank you. Further, Mandarin is not in the database of This One, and is not helpful to my disclosure of those characteristics. Thank you.

Rick: Thank you.

Creating A College Course On Sustainability.

Jenny: Good morning, this is Jenny in Arkansas, and I had an idea recently and I was wondering of the value of it in regard to everything that is going on. This little brief stop in society that we are experiencing right now has caused everyone to readdress what’s going on and in my current situation, I’m looking at doing a different direction with my life a little later in life. I’m heading back to college, and I’m looking at my local area and the sustainability of it because there are some roots in my local area that say to me that there are people coming here from other places for the long haul. For example, there are a lot of retired military, there’s military influence into the school which means that, to me, I see other people putting resources here. There’s road building, there’s development of people here. We do not have a large college or university here. We have a very small two-year college in this local area, but it is located in a position that appears to me to be one of potentially very good sustainability. And I’m wondering about the information that has been gathered by this team in the form of a college course that has been spoken about previously. I’m wondering [about] the value of attempting that at such a small, local level, and if others in our group have had any successes along those lines.

Machiventa.  Well, if you hear clapping and cheering in the background behind me, then you know that you have hit upon something that has been a pet project of ours for a long time. First of all, yes, this is worthy of investigation, second it is something that will be useful to many people, and third, you will find great support for this. However, what you will find in the search of the materials that have been published is that there are really very few central self-organizing concepts to assist in the process of sharing the concepts of social and material sustainability with students. As a suggestion, you may want to study up on this yourself before the next school term, and you might want to offer to present this to a class.

You may or may not have teaching credentials, you may not get paid for it, you may want to do it on your own as an experiment, but it is worthy of exploration. If you do it without pay or without accreditation, then you will do it for the audience. You will do it for the experience, and you’ll do it particularly for one or two of those people in the classroom who says: “This is good stuff! We support this. How can we help you?” And so then, you begin to build a curriculum or a series of classes that could be of assistance to others to think of how sustainability will affect their lives, their children, and their grandchildren. If you have many military people or retired people in the community, then these people have experience. They have many thoughts about sustainability and the failures of sustainable communities that they have lived in. Fortunately, with military people, you usually end up with people who have seen and experienced many points of view from the nations that they have visited. We look to you to explore this. We think it will be worthwhile for your own self and for your community. Thank you.

Jenny: Thank you very much.

Starting A Co-Creative Design Team.

JT: We have a participant in the conference today for whom English is a second language, and I have printed questions from him. “I am Juan from Venezuela, and I ask your blessing on behalf of my whole country. In Venezuela, there are some people who would like to know if there is already a co-creative design team. Whether or not it exists at present, we intend to create one anyway, even if it is two people initially. Would we have your permission and blessing to do so?

Machiventa.  First of all, yes, you do have our blessing, our assistance, and our guidance for you to do so. We wholeheartedly support what you are doing. Your commitment to start a design and validation team, even if it’s only two people, is very important for our work. There are others who have attempted the same process that you have who have failed. They have failed because there is the lack of connection, the lack of commitment—commitment that is felt, seen, and appreciated. We suggest in the beginning that two of you get together to discuss this at 6 feet apart out in the open if possible so that you can be safe while you do this. We have always suggested that this be a person-to-person experience. That there’s so many nuances and non-verbal developments in a team process that, when those are missed, that there is often too many of what you call “disconnects” that occur that are disturbing and disgruntling to participants.

Secondly, we suggest that you have some project in mind to begin with even if it is simply the project of starting your own independent design and validation team. There must be some discussion about the roles and the training for those roles and so on. This preliminary work is important for the productiveness of the team once it begins to meet and wants to become effective and productive. Playing these roles is something that is important to the success of the team and to you as participants. You want to develop positive feedback from your experience of participating in the team as soon as it is possible. Frustration does not lead to continuance. This is not a team of one mind, of one thought, this is a team of many thoughts, of many minds and with many options for viewing a problem. It is important that this not become a competition of ideas, or who can present the first or the longest. This is simply bringing several minds together to solve a problem. This is open minded, but it has nothing to do with egotism, power, or symbols of social status that accrue to individuals who want recognition. This is humble work. This is humble but powerful. This is the second time I’ve mentioned that in today’s session. It is that humble and powerful go together. Ego and power do not go together. The results are disastrous, lopsided, and usually mistakenly earnest.

To answer your question bluntly: Is there an operational design and validation team existent and operational at this time? The answer is no. We have been striving for people to do this, but it is very difficult and requires a community—people living as neighbors. People living in the same square kilometer who have some acquaintanceship of the culture, education, and so on. It requires people to be able to walk or drive to the meetings, and to share their thoughts from week to week. It is difficult for new teams to meet every day and [that is] not suggested. It is best when it happens twice a week at the most, and every two weeks at the least. Less time is disruptive as there is the loss of connection, commitment, and interest by the individuals. Does this help?

A Formal Request For A Celestial Teacher.

 JT: I think his second question here is a formal request for a celestial teacher to help them in this endeavor. Can he consider this formal request to have been made?

Machiventa.  Yes, I will second your wish to have a celestial teacher assist you. I have asked Sondjah Melchizedek to participate in the selection of the Melchizedek who will be your permanent consulting Melchizedek. If you have not already made such a request to Sondjah, we ask that you do so. This would involve your Thought Adjuster and your guardians in the process. This is, hopefully, a joint commitment by the members of your team who want to participate. Thank you.

JT: Juan has one last question of curiosity if you wish to answer it: “What does the name Monjoronson or Serara mean?”

Machiventa.  Juan, you ask a question that is very intimate and personal to each of these individuals. You would have to ask them for that. In many ways the answers to your questions are remote—they are not immediate to you—and they are more personal to those two entities. Thank you.

Helping Dysfunctional Families.

Richard: My question for Machiventa [is] related to what he said earlier about the need for spiritually and functionally parent, child, and families on the planet [sic]. I work in the mental health field and I see highly dysfunctional families and children weekly. What we’re currently doing as mental health individuals seems to be shuffling around situations that are chaotic and somewhat like anarchy. So, my question is: Is there a pathway to move forward through human cooperation with our celestial guides to move the situations of extreme dysfunction into a positive parent-child family status that we desire?

Machiventa.  Thank you so much for your question. This is a question of joint ownership; a question of joint responsibility between the individual, their Thought Adjuster, and their guardians. This is a situation where there, in fact, may be individuals within a family who may want to work against this intention. It is not necessary for the participants to believe in God. It is necessary for someone to pray for the highest and greatest good of the family and group, and that by doing so you also enlist the help of their Thought Adjusters and their guardians to participate directly with their host mortal.

This is a request of joint cooperation between the mortal individual, their Thought Adjuster, their guardian, and the Thought Adjuster and guardians of each individual. You can accept the fact that those celestial beings (spiritual beings) are working with you when you have this request. You ask your Thought Adjuster to work with the Thought Adjuster of each individual, and you ask your guardian to work with the guardian of each of these individuals. It is important that you be clear about the intention for this work, as it must be an intention that also is acceptable to all the Thought Adjusters and all the guardians. Do you understand?

Richard: Yes, thank you.

Machiventa.  You’re certainly welcome. Thank you.

Relevancy Of Co-Creative Design Team Documents Today.

Raymon: Good afternoon Machiventa. I have a follow-up question that may be of value to Juan. There are some co-creative design documents on that were created years ago in one of the Colorado groups with Sondjah, and so my question for Juan is: are those documents still valid for Juan at this time?

Machiventa.  Yes, they are. These provide directions and guidance and are almost timeless concerning the teamwork of individual mortals in a team environment. Thank you.

Outworking Of The Plans Of The Most Highs.

Walt: Thank you again. Machiventa, in NET #93 you mentioned that you Melchizedeks work closely with the Most Highs in coordinated but complex actions related to our planet. I’m wondering if there are any examples that could be educational for us mortals to understand and be aware of, and can we co-create with you on any of it?

Machiventa.  Again, a very good question. The subtle answer is truly subtle, and that is that when you have a prayer for some outcome (as you have just stated in your question) that there will be subtle, unspoken wisdom given to you, guidance given to you to fulfill that. And those individuals, who do not necessarily hear what we are saying today, but [pray] in the privacy of their own mind with a positive spiritual intention to receive this guidance, that it will be provided. It is also subtle that an individual mortal be open and receptive to this, and have the self-awareness that: “Hmm, that’s a good thought. I will take that suggestion.” And that comment may not be directed to some celestial being but is simply a thought that comes into their mind one day when it is unexpected. And so, the relationship between mortals and celestials and the guidance that celestials give mortals is sometimes such that it requires the mortal to be at attention—to be self-aware—that they have this guidance available to them and it may come through extraneous thoughts that were not anticipated. Doing so heightens the consciousness between the life and spiritual consciousness of the mortal and the larger spiritual realm. Thank you.

Walt: That is awesome. Thank you so much Machiventa.

JT: Machiventa, do you have a closing?

The Work Of Novices Striving To Become Eternal.

Machiventa.  Yes. This is Machiventa Melchizedek your Planetary Prince, planetary manager. We revel in difficult times as you do too. The reveling may not be happy, may not be easy, it may be difficult, it may be challenging. Nonetheless it is important to know that in times of difficulty these are times of growth, times of personal spiritual evolution where you are being challenged at the very roots of your physical existence to know whether you will be well or not. These are difficulties that you must come to terms within your own mind, your own personality, and emotionally. If you are on an ICU bed in a hospital and you know that death will be upon you within that day, you too must come to reconcile that situation knowing that you have an opportunity for new adventures that you had not expected.

This life in the mortal realm is not the end. It is simply a beginning. It is boot camp. It is tough going. It’s tough sledding. It is the work of novices striving to become eternal. You have the option to think of these in positive terms or not. And yes, your family may be distraught by your passing, they may be full of tears and sadness, yet there is a future that they too can look forward to. Death is not the only portal for your transcending existence as a mortal and as a spiritual being. You can also be in the altered state of consciousness with your Thought Adjuster knowing that which is larger than yourself, larger than your finite universe, and larger than time itself. You can participate in this relationship with your Thought Adjuster from the privacy of your mind no matter where you are. And in those moments of great ecstatic joy you can know that you have already ascended in many ways.

Be Of Good Cheer!

Be of good cheer my friends. This is the message of Jesus that came to you so long ago. Be of good cheer because you are an individual with the presence of God within you, and this is not necessarily a rare oddity in the universe, but one that can and must be cherished by you and anyone else who has that privileged position of association. We thank you for your presence today and wish you well in the days and weeks to come. Thank you.

All: Thank you Machiventa and Daniel.



A NOTE From The TR.

FYI to the readership and others – I have asked Machiventa and Christ Michael for a job reassignment, which they have approved for Ashland, Oregon.  Readers and others will not see anything different from what has been produced over the years, except when the reassignment occurs.  Currently, there is not date set for this change.

It is the hope of Sherille and myself that we move to another geographic location and engage new topics with Machiventa Melchizedek.  Over the course of 19 years with NOCO, we have produced between 450-500 transcripts with an approximate word count of about 3,000,000 words.

The process isn’t broken, so there is no need to “fix” it.  It’s just that I personally would like a new venue during this last era of my life.  And, most of all, I have been working with Spirit on an important project for the last 46 years, with two new projects since about 2007.  All three projects are ready, at least in my opinion, to begin implementation.

Patience is ever the watchword for working with Spirit.

Blessings!  Daniel

The Seven Universal Criteria for the Formation of Positive Selfhood

The following list of seven essential attitudes and behaviors by parents are fundamental to generate the formation of a child’s positive self-hood;

  • Acceptance
  • Appreciation
  • Recognition
  • Validation
  • Worthiness
  • Deserving-ness
  • And Celebration for their positive accomplishments.

Attributes of Positive Self-hood

When parents receive training for those Seven Universal Criteria, and the child consistently receives those positive influences, the results are remarkable and include:

  • Positive self-identity,
  • Positive self-worth and
  • Positive self-image that
  • Empower the child with self-confidence to discover
  • A positive purpose for their life and meaning for their existence.

Seven Spheres of Innate Human Potential

The above twelve factors provide the self-confidence that is essential for a child to explore their innate potential.

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Intellectual
  • Social
  • Cultural
  • And, Spiritual

The Nine Universal Family Roles 

Once we have identified the universal best practices of parenting, then the best practices of the nine family roles that children need to learn comes next.  Understanding the nine roles and their functions and their relationships is one of the keys for developing functional families generation after generation.  Those nine roles include:

  • Mother           Father             Child
  • Wife                Husband        Sibling
  • Woman          Man                Girl/Boy

Source:  Learning Centers for Sustainable Families


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