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NET1 – Strategic Planning, Global Warming

2016-08-08, NET #1, Monjoronson; Machiventa

New Era Transition #1

– Strategic planning; Global warming; Time

Monjoronson, Magisterial Son; Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


Strategic planning report from Monjoronson

Finding good collaborators for this work

Initiating ideas for sharing the 6 core values

When children grow up isolated because of illness

A question on the Bahai faith

Request for in-depth sessions on certain topics

Questions on building an eco-village

Global warming

Dangers of plastics

The Danish Island, Samsø

Transition vs. transformation

Collaboration vs. competition

Question on time: past, present and future

Perspectives on climate change

Student report on social and material sustainability

Machiventa’s closing words

TR:  Daniel Raphael

Team members:  Roxanne Andrews, Michael Lanier, Michael McCray, and a Student


[Note:  Due to a previous conversation with Machiventa, we are moving from the New Era Conversations into a new topic, as explained here by Monjoronson.  Therefore, we are calling this series of sessions, “New Era Transition” (NET) and starting with session #01.]

August 8, 2016

MACHIVENTA:  Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek.  I welcome you to another beautiful day in Paradise.  I will begin the session today with these announcements:  First of all, we have a guest, Monjoronson, who is here to provide us with a few details about the developments of the programs that he is responsible for.  With that, I will absent myself from the podium and leave it to him.

Strategic planning report from Monjoronson

MONJORONSON:  Good morning, this is Monjoronson, and it is a pleasure to be here with you after such a long absence.  As you know, our programs are strategic in nature.  I am responsible for the strategic planning of the Correcting Time with Christ Michael and Nebadonia.  In that regard, we have made great progress in through the last 29 years and more, since the beginning of the Correcting Time, Teaching Mission, and the Magisterial Mission.  You have been introduced to one of our strategic programs that would affect all of humanity including the values and concepts of social sustainability.  Those concepts and developments have come to full fruition and we are not looking to develop them further on our part, though we know that secondary and tertiary works will evolve from what has been written so far.

Now, you should be asking, “Well, what is the next strategic development that would follow the announcement of the values that have sustained the Homo sapien species for so many tens of thousands of years?”  And the answer is this:  First of all, understand that social sustainability and the values apply to all social human activities, whether social/societal, political/governmental and financial/economic.  Those values have been developed and have been placed in documents by This One principally, while many others are working with them as well on a community level.  You may have thought that our cessation of the work on those values is rather sudden, and yes, it was.  It was prompted by the awareness that there were efforts to bring about the development of large funding to place these programs into a practical operational organization.  That would have been out of step with the sequencing of strategic developments.  Next must come the political development.  The next strategic development must become some political leverage mechanism to bring about the implementation of these values in the decision-making processes of your society.

The third area, the financial/economic will be developed later as it requires a thorough understanding by the citizens of democratic nations, and people of the world and their governments of these values and how they affect their societies and decision-making processes.  When that is in place, then you will see the economic/financial structures and processes come into alignment with those of your socially sustainable societies and their socially sustainable democracies.

There must be someone, of course, some mortal to assist us in this endeavor; as we have said, this is co-creative.  Nothing will be accomplished without co-creative participation by mortals and the celestials in the accomplishment, and fulfillment of Christ Michael’s Correcting Time program.  As you know, this is a very highly unique program that Christ Michael has instituted/installed, which is solely unique to Nebadon and is highly isolated in many aspects to the whole of Orvonton.  There is much observation of what is going on here in the planets that were quarantined during the rebellion and their isolation.

Therefore, it is necessary for someone to step forward in this endeavor.  This One has accepted the challenge of beginning the process of establishing some agency or organization to develop the political leverage to inform the public and the people of democracies about the values of social sustainability, peace, and social stability.  This is a difficult process for many people, and particularly for those who are reticent to participate in a public political presence, to provide a public, political presence where it is well known that wealth, power and fame have been degenerative to most personalities.  The role of This One in the process is to act as a facilitator.  There is no impetus or necessity for any other purpose other than that role for him at this time.  As you know, he is in the closing decades of his life and whereas a person who is seeking power, authority and wealth would be in their 30s and 40s to pursue a position as this.

Such an organization will espouse the values of social sustainability.  It will have a Vision, Intention, an Operating Philosophy, Mission, and Objectives that are created from the values of social sustainability.  The Vision is something that must be developed by the mortals who are observing and using and installing these values in that vision.  The Intention is something that we are definitely involved in, and that is to create social evolution in all developed national democracies.  Democracies have the sound foundation of already being established upon the values that are very similar to those of social sustainability.  Freedom, liberty, and equality are primary to any democracy.  Those values enable the capability of your species to become expressed.

However, what has happened over the decades and centuries is that the democracies that were formed in their early years, have become ossified, crystallized and have not developed the ability to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances and conditions.  Any organization that we will develop must be adaptable to evolve.  Do not mistake progress for growth; growth is essential to the evolution of every society, every human operation whether by Homo sapiens or some other sentient beings on other planets.  Democracy is an evolving institution; it must evolve and adapt to the changing needs of its citizens and to the changing capability of those people.

Education is primary to this process as is a healthy, independent press and publications.  In this case in your society, your media has become deficient and debilitated by its search for popularity and profitability.  An independent press must act as the social conscience, the critic— the social, political and economic critic of a democratic society —with its rights to independently publish being guaranteed.  This role must be returned to media, an eventuality of a nation that seeks to remain in business and operation for centuries.

As your traditional organizations have been male dominated and have had a penchant to be linear processes, rather than integrated systems that are self-observing and self-correcting.  You are not alone in these endeavors.  We will perceive and assist you to accomplish what is necessary for your democratic, social and economic institutions to become adaptable, and able to grow and evolve with the needs of your society.

You can take the following two concepts that I am going to discuss as being quite sound.  First of all is that these values are heart-centered, they are both reasonable and heart-felt, meaning that any organization must take into account the mind and heart connection with people.  The three core values, the search for an improving quality of life, growth, and equality are those major facets that assist you to have a just society, one that is able to have a rational basis for its social programs.  These three primary values provide the moral criteria for the operation of your institutions.

The secondary values of empathy, compassion, and “love,” provide the heart-connected values that assist your societies to have mercy in enactment of justice, along side of the linear, logical process and reasoning of developing programs.  There must be an intimate, empathic connection between those who govern and those who are governed, which allows citizens to express their needs from their heart and from their lives.  These three secondary values provide an ethical basis for the criteria of evaluating those programs that you develop, whether they are in laws and policies or statutes or traditions.

You see, with these 6 values, you have a category of morality and a category of ethics; you have a category of mindedness and a category of heart-connectedness.  Your social institutions and democracies have long been associated with the male temperament and male proclivities of linear thinking, and so forth.  The 6 values offer the opportunity for a direct connection between the masculine and feminine temperaments, values, and choices that they make.  Your societies cannot survive as tribes of chiefs and warriors; you must also have the feminine involved in social, political, and economic processes to sustain your societies into the centuries ahead.

As you can well imagine and have established and measured, the capacity and capability of your traditional democratic institutions have come to the fullness of their capability to produce “good” for your societies.  They are now in a state of withering debilitation, which if there are no adjustments or changes to your democratic processes, then they will fall by the wayside, as have ALL other organizations and social institutions in the history of human civilization.

Christ Michael is very pleased with the way your world is developing as an example of co-creative healing.  Your planet, Urantia, offers Nebadon with the example of an experimental planet, a decimal planet, the opportunity to provide leadership to the governance and development of the other 90% of these planets in this local universe.  You can be leaders in this effort too, as well.  We are seeking women who are forthright, who are conscientious, capable, and who are rational, ethical, moral, and heart-centered.  Women’s connection to the family is essential to the watch-care and nurturance of your societies, beginning with individuals coming into the world as newborns, and later, having families, communities, and societies.  Feminine tenderness, gentleness, and persuasiveness are essential to the sustainability of every democracy, now and into the future.  You thoroughly know already that governance in mature societies on a planet that is well settled is in the form of a dyad between the feminine and the masculine.  This provides a natural consideration for that which is logical and rational, and that which is empathic and compassionate.

The rapid change of events in our program, as I said, was due to the completion of the conceptualization of materials surrounding the core values of social sustainability.  Secondly, it was brought to a halt because of the out of sequence development for funding these programs.  Thirdly, we are aware of the opportunity of these days before the presidential elections in the United States.  This is an era which is highly adaptable to change, where there are millions, literally tens-of-millions of citizens in this nation and other democracies who are hungry for positive change in their nation, where they see none but self-serving-ness from their national leaders in many cases.  It is a time where we can make the values of social sustainability broadly known to the public of all democracies, and that these values are essential to sustainability and stability and maintenance of democratic societies, which gives them the ability to adapt to changing conditions.

We will be active during this time and we seek your support in this regard.  I, as one of the Triumvirate in Nebadon, have offered these suggestions, this information to you with the broadest hope that you would participate actively in any social efforts and organizations that would assist us to bring peace to your nation and peace to your world.  It is our hope that this would be seen as social innovations, which are so very few on any planet.  If you take this as a social innovation, then the history of social innovations that precede it would perhaps have been the New Deal, where there was a national effort to adjust the economy and to bring social stability to a nation and to a world distraught by deep depression.

The next social innovation before that would be the Emancipation Proclamation given by President Lincoln in 1865.  The one preceding that would be the establishment of cities and the necessity of social organization to bring large bodies of people into stability and organization and functioning.  As you see, if you take social innovations with these strategic developments in the mind, you will see that they are very few and far between, and they always affect the whole population and civilization of the planet.

You can rest assured that we will do all that we can to support any effort that is positive and constructive that assists others equally as they would assist those who were facilitating or leading these groups.  You can be as well assured that we will not be supporting those individuals or groups who have nefarious, self-centered, egocentric, or narcissistic inclinations to use these efforts for greater control, power, and fame in their regard.  We further will not assist those individuals who are using that power of fame and fortune in the form of sex or money to persuade others to come along with them in their programs.  This is a program of immense transparency, at both individual and organizational levels.

If you have questions regarding any aspect of this, you are most welcome to ask them.  With that, I will release the podium to my brother, Machiventa Melchizedek, and to Christ Michael, who is here observing.  I thank you for this day and for your attention.  If you have questions, please address them to Machiventa.  Good day.

(Group gives thanks.)

MACHIVENTA:  The floor is open to questions from anyone.

Finding good collaborators for this work

Michael L:  I need your guidance to determine if this is even an appropriate question, as I am new to this process.  The question that comes up for me in terms of moving forward on this journey that’s described, particularly with the female energy, what suggestions might we obtain on finding and establishing relationships with those who would be good collaborators—individuals, groups, organizations, foundations—whatever?

MACHIVENTA:  The primary means of doing that is to put an announcement out, soliciting people to attend a gathering to discuss these materials and stating what the values are, and so on.  There is a self-selective process by which people come to these meetings and those who are interested in power, control and wealth will probably be absent, except for those who want to see how they can manipulate this developing field of influence.  Other suggestions are to let the people find their way.  This is a spiritual endeavor, meaning that the Midwayers and Angels, personal angels and other celestials, are involved in prompting individuals to attend a meeting that may be of interest to them.  This is a collaborative effort.

When you come to these first meetings, you will find those individuals who are capable and competent to come forward.  Some, however, are capable and competent but reticent to come forward as they have been chilled by the masculine approach in the past and are reluctant to come forward.  However, with the option and availability of total transparency and clearness of intent, we feel that those latent leaders in women will come forward to assist us in developing these programs.  We do not offer strict suggestions, or “should” or “shouldn’ts” but just to play it rather “loose,” as you would say at this time.

Initiating ideas for sharing the 6 core values

Student:  Machiventa, regarding the help that Monjoronson talked about when we are doing anything towards initiating the 6 core values and social sustainability, is there a chance that we could be given some ideas, or prompted towards some ideas, because I am not the greatest person for thinking up ideas on moving this forward where I am, so is this a possibility?

MACHIVENTA:  Dear One, you have done so much already!  You have already been led and guided; you were acting out the guidance that you have received.

Student:  Yes, Sir, I know, but if there is more or other ways and other things . . .

MACHIVENTA:  There is plenty to do; do not push yourself to try to accomplish too much.  As you see from your own community, there is resistance from traditionalists who think that any movement towards inclusiveness with other people, new or old in the community, would violate those traditions.  You have enough work to do as it is to present what you have already begun.  Asking for more may overload you more than you wish.

Student:  Sir, I was thinking of different ways of doing what I am already doing.

MACHIVENTA:  Trust your friends and associates in your committees and groups that you work with to assist you to lead you forward.  Our assistance is from the inside of individuals; eventually, someday perhaps, you may have a TR, someone who channels us to be there in your committees to give you assistance to move ahead.  That would then be an operationally co-creative design team that we had proposed in the past years, but which failed to move forward.  We have moved into the secular realm totally, and would be most willing to assist any group to come into existence with a channel and a Melchizedek to assist them.  Your friend, Sondjah, who was the first Melchizedek to act as a consultant to a design team has many associates now who have been trained to participate.  Thank you for your question.

Student:  Thank you, Sir, that’s wonderful to know, and I am getting better at receiving messages.  I would like to, sometime before this session is over, report on the outline I’ve done, which you asked me to do on social and material sustainability, after others have asked questions, if that is all right?

MACHIVENTA:  Let us use that as our closing of the session today.

If anyone of you has questions regarding any issue of the past or something new, you are most welcome to bring that forward.  We will also say that we are open to questions from the audience, directed to Roxanne, to ask in future sessions concerning the message by Monjoronson.

When children grow up isolated because of illness

Roxie:  I do have some questions from our readers.  This first one says, “When a child is born sickly and grows up isolated from his community until his mid-teens, due to prolonged illness, how will this impact this person’s social skills, enculturation and personality development as an adult?  What will be lacking as an adult that cannot be rectified or cured?  And can any of these developmental defects be corrected on the Mansion Worlds?

MACHIVENTA:  Isolation in childhood makes for a huge social deficit in any culture, in any society.  It is important that it is recognized that children who grow up in isolation due to illness or some other situation, are then exposed to a dedicated socialization regimen to assist them to integrate into their society.  There is also the necessity to enculturate them into that culture, into that society, with the information they need to understand and know about in order to then become an independent person in that society.

You have pointed to some of the core reasons for education.  The intention for education at the public level and all private education is to enhance and provide the socializing and enculturating skills and knowledge that individuals need to function in a complex society.  This may also occur in a more simple society.  Nonetheless, that socialization and enculturation is needed.  Socialization skills are well known, but are not usually shared in the public level and are usually not known well by family members to educate their children.  This is a primary reason for the moral and social retardation of a democratic society, which you are seeing in your own United States.

This, as simple as it may seem, is necessary for adults who become parents to understand and know how, and what needs to be shared with their children to socialize them fully and enculturate them so that they are able to step out of the family culture and into the social culture and operate and function in a productive manner.  Thank you for your question.  There are many repercussions throughout the lifetime of individuals, let alone those children who were raised in isolation.

A question on the Bahai faith

Roxie:  Another reader says that he has been reading the Urantia Book for 12 years and celestial messages for 8 years.  He has been speaking with people on the Internet on multi-religious forums.  He would like to know if you would speak about the Bahai faith.  He hasn’t come across that in any of his readings, even the Urantia Book speaks that the last religion on Urantia was Sikhism, with Guru Nanak.  Can you give him any information about Baha’ism?

MACHIVENTA:  The best source to learn about Baha’ism is to talk to one who belongs to the Bahai faith.  I will not try to restrict your exploration by giving you any answers that are greater or less than what is given in the Urantia Book.  There are individuals who are of the Bahai faith and they can be found in almost any society, particularly complex urban societies.  You will find them also in country-sides and the simple life that some nations offer their population.  Your search for information about the Bahai faith is also a search for your own connections to those sources from on high.  You will discover as you proceed in this search, new ideas about where to go, and we offer you the opportunity to ask your celestial teachers for guidance concerning that.  This is simply another means by which you grow in intimate conversation and relationship with us.

Request for in-depth sessions on certain topics

Roxie:  The third person has been doing some community work building community cohesion in S. Wales.  He wants to know if you would present some in-depth sessions on the subjects of morality, ethics and values, education and intentional communities.  Would you be agreeable to doing some comprehensive studies on those topics?

MACHIVENTA:  Not at this time.  Those have been fully covered by Rayson in years past and by Monjoronson and me in recent years.  There is an abundance of that material in your archives and in the transcripts that have been produced through this NEC team and other teams.  Thank you for your question.  We try to avoid redundancy and move forward in our work.

Questions on building an eco-village

Roxie:  Our friend in Russia says he’s interested in your comments about our housing requirements, which are “archaic and primitive.”  He says, “In a modern society the right of ownership is used selfishly to meet the personal quality of life.  For example, in relation to housing, the selfishness of the personal quality of life promotes crime.  My thoughts are on the design of society, the community that needs to be rebuilt anew.  In this design, I would like to find a form of relationship concerning the ownership of housing within an eco-community, or an eco-village, which would allow developing the quality of life and would contribute to its social sustainability; how to reconcile the right of ownership and improving the quality of life of the individual and the community as a whole?  What are your suggestions?”

MACHIVENTA:  Our immediate suggestion is to become the leader of designing those parameters for that society.  You know the values as well as anybody in your community; you understand those needs and now it requires the leadership to bring that into social action to get it passed as local community policies, or statues and laws, and the guidelines for social living.  You can be assured that we will be involved with you in this process when you begin.  What you are calling for is a large scale collaboration of many people over time to develop this society you think is fair.  That has been tried many times before, but without using the values that create social sustainability and social stability, and assist a society to maintain itself.

We will not project how you should do this, but we do know that you will do it with others using these values to develop good guidelines for your community.  We are not in the process of national scale social policy development at this time.  This is a co-creative process, first of all between individuals and communities, and then it is a process of collaboration with us, between individuals and their attempts to achieve social stability and the provision for improving the quality of life.

Your question strikes many chords that could be answered better in a more simplified form.  Such complexity would also be befuddling to anyone who is striving to assist you.  Our suggestion is to keep its simplicity of the values for individual lives.  When you come into the groupings of larger numbers of people, it becomes more and more complex.  It is necessary fundamentally to have the coordination and development that you seek that everyone agrees to similar values, and also agrees to their interpretations.  The values that are common to most communities are interpretations of those 6 core values that have sustained your species.  Seek first to find commonality among those who are interested in your topics, before moving ahead to designing something in your own isolation.

Global warming

Roxie:  The next question:  “I heard that 93% of global warming is happening in our oceans, and that the warmer the water gets, the less effective it is in removing CO2  from the atmosphere, thus creating even faster global warming.  Does that concur with your estimations, and if so, how much time have we got before we can no longer survive the effects?  It doesn’t appear to me that mankind is taking global warming seriously enough to start doing more to solve the problem.”

MACHIVENTA:  First of all, you are correct that the oceans act as a heat sink to accept excess heat in the atmosphere.  They provide the long-term modulating balance of thermal energy on your planet.  As for the time, we have told you this before that when you see the ice disappearing from Greenland, your world will be in trouble—deeply in trouble.  And to answer the last part of your question is that even if all of humanity at this point in time ceased dumping more and more organic gasses—methane and carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide—into your atmosphere, it will still take another 50 years to bring about that balance.  We have said before that your world is deeply in trouble on the geophysical level, as well as the moral and social levels.

This will cause a tremendous change in your cultures and in your civilization if you fail to adapt to this.  This is usually a one-time event that occurs on planets such as yours.  The lessons learned are so severe, that such a huge loss of humanity occurs on those planets that it is never forgotten ever again.  Lastly your technologies have now progressed to the point where carbon based energy sources will become an archaic and historic reference.  The factor that is still holding your world back from doing that more immediately is the presence of technologies that bring about zero-point energy to your world.  This has not come forward yet in a productive way to change your technologies significantly, or the gas levels of your world.

Dangers of plastics

Roxie:  Another problem is with the amount of plastics we are producing that do not degrade.  Some of them even contaminate our bodies with chemicals like BPA (bisphenol A).  Does that chemical contribute to our mental health problems and our increasing rate of cancer, and are there other chemicals used in plastics that are creating a rise in our medical health issues?

MACHIVENTA:  I will defer answering this question.

The Danish Island, Samsø

Roxie:  In this last question, “I have enjoyed learning about the Danish Island, Samsø, just west of København.  As a community, they have taken on the project of eliminating their need for using petroleum products by using wind turbines to generate electricity and when that isn’t sufficient they burn straw in their power plants, which is renewable and also replenishes oxygen while the straw is growing, to balance out the carbon dioxide created when it is burned.  Individuals also use solar radiation to produce electricity, or geothermal heat pumps, which heat a large tank of water for their hot water needs.  This is not a government project; it is strictly a voluntary plan with their whole community participating.  They are also gradually phasing out gas powered cars and will be using all electric vehicles by 2020.  Their success would be a great one to model for any community when the time comes that we have to rebuild our communities after the catastrophes.  Machiventa, do you have any further comments on this subject?”

MACHIVENTA:  [The work on this island was discussed in a prior session.]  In your statements, you can see the power of a small unified community, and that is the heart of social sustainability.  This community has first addressed its social homogeneity in its ideas to maximize its natural capabilities and resources.  Not all communities are so blessed with those kinds of natural resources.

Roxie:  That is all the questions I have.  Thank you, Machiventa.

MMc:  I would very much like to hear more the concept of peace as a social innovation.  Can you tell us more about that, especially about the implementation of that?

MACHIVENTA:  We have spoken at length about peace in the past, and I see no need to reiterate what has been given to you from the past.

Transition vs. transformation

Student:  I would like to ask a question, please.  This is on two words in our English language and they are: “transition” and “transformation.”  Would you, please, talk about them?  Are they separate concepts, or do they go together?

MACHIVENTA:  We would prefer that you ask a dictionary specialist for your interpretations for your cultures and languages, but “transformation,” as an example, when you apply heat to water, it “transforms” to steam.  And when you see water in a stream flowing downhill, it is making a “transition” due to gravity.  It is the same form, but changes locations—that is a “transition.”

Student:  So, how does this apply to humans?

MACHIVENTA:  Explain in further detail, please.

Student:  How do these words “transition and transformation” apply to a human being?  Are they two different concepts?

MACHIVENTA:  You would have to use that in context, please.

Student:  Okay.  When a person is “transitioning” from one level of awareness to another?  Does that make sense?

MACHIVENTA:  Yes, and then you would want to ask, how does that “transform” the person in their growth, evolution, and maturity?  There is your answer.

Collaboration vs. competition

Student:    Thank you, sir.  One more question:  Would you discuss also, “collaboration” in regards to “competition?”

MACHIVENTA:  Not at this time.  Those are points of discussion you should bring up with the group you are working with, so that you have commonality.  Our discussion and our discourses here in answering questions have the purpose of informing you about the Correcting Time and the growth and maturity of individuals and whole societies and your whole civilization.  Our attempts through this forum are to assist you in developing a sustainable civilization, one that does not pass away as so many societies, cultures and civilizations on your planet have already.  When your questions are oriented towards that context, then we are more able to answer your questions more fully.

Student:  Thank you, Sir, you are right.  I don’t have any more questions.

Question on time: past, present and future

ML:  I have a question.  I’m not sure this is the time or the moment to ask the question, but as it relates to the cataclysms and disasters forthcoming, I am interested in better understanding the concept of “time.”  I’ll say this quickly:  I have spent some amount of time studying concepts around time, past, present and future.  I heard a new approach by a physicist just yesterday, who stated that the only thing real is the past and the future, because there is no “now.”  That’s the first time I have heard that postulated.  In your perspective, how do we deal with projections of major proportions, such as catastrophes and disasters, and so forth, how do we deal with that in the context of time?

MACHIVENTA:  One moment.  First of all, the scientist who has said there is no “now,” is correct.  There is no way of measuring “now” as the development of events that mark time is always in transition.  There is never any stasis in time; there is only movement through the unfolding of the future in this moment.  It is easier to grasp “now” as “this moment,” rather than trying to objectify “now” as something that is measurable.  “Now” is not measurable in time, or any other means.  As far as anticipating what is to occur, these are surmises, these are guesses; these are projections of what may occur given a history of developments that have been measured in the past.

Let us take the example of climatic change and the increase of the ambient temperature of your atmosphere and the rate of increase of that process due to the increase in temperature of the oceans.  You would anticipate that given this measurable rate of change that the ice from Greenland would melt more and more rapidly as time goes on, given this progression, which is true.  Such a measurable change is more on the order of an exponential change, rather than an arithmetic change—1+1=2; 2+1=3; 3+1=4, and so forth, is a straight line.  However, if you look at the exponential explanations for change in the use of petroleum, as projected by Albert Bartlett many years ago, the last amount of change that occurs—let’s say, in a period of time of one month, occurs in the last minute, exponentially—so that the process of measuring projecting time, depends on what is occurring.

That is why the phenomena, the cataclysms will come as a surprise to so many people because it is like standing on a railroad track, watching a train come at you.  There has actually been no damage until the last half second; and when that last half second arrives, then the train will have hit you.  This is pretty much what is occurring with your planet.  You are a civilization of what some people colloquially call a “deer in the headlights.”  You are blinded by what is occurring that you cannot move.  Changes that are occurring on your planet now are so global and so extensive that there is no comprehension of how to address this, other than decreasing what you are doing now.  There is no attempt to reverse the rate of change.

However, what you are really seeking trying to do is stop change, and that can only be done with a tremendous change of energy processes.  I know I have gone far astray from answering your question to provide more ways of looking at this, but the correct answer is that there is no “now” as Eckert Tollé and others have assisted their followers’ people to stop worrying about the future, just as so many people obsess about their regrets of the past.  If you have further questions regarding this, I will be glad to answer them.

Perspectives on climate change

ML:  I do have one additional question:  In the context of time, and in the context of projected earthly problems due to climate change, there seem to be two perspectives that I see:  One is a huge body of knowledge and scientific data that points to climate change and the warming of the earth, and that is what I would categorize momentarily as a local perspective, a close-up perspective of that which is really occurring.  And then there is a second perspective, which is really evolutionary and when one looks at the scientific literature associated with an evolutionary perspective of the earth, one sees us entering now what is projected to be one of the longest ice ages that we know of on earth.  Do you have comments about this?  On the surface they appear to be contradictory, however, I intuitive believe they are both correct.  Your comments, please?  Insights?

MACHIVENTA:  Then I would ask you a return question:  How would the answer impact what we are doing in the Correcting Time?

ML:  I perceive we are putting a lot of energy into dealing with the impact of climate change in the immediate time frame, and the immediate future.  So, I am wondering whether if indeed, we are entering an ice age that it is potentially misspent energy?

MACHIVENTA:  One moment.  You are a new member to the group, and in my response I do not want to be harsh to you.  I do not want to dissuade you from participating at all, as we need curious minds to propel questions and the development of our work between mortals and the celestial realm.  However, we are lost to understand how to answer that question either way, or [by] any definition that would assist you personally in making decisions about the conduct of your life and how you live to make an impact upon this world, whether physically, socially, or spiritually.  We want you to know that the concern of Christ Michael is on the development of souls with “weight” to choose to move on in the afterlife and the ascension career.  You, in your age, may not be here within 20 years, and so how would your decisions, how would this information affect others who come after you, or who are here now?

It is our interest to assist your world, beginning with individuals, first to improve their capacity to live with themselves in a relationship with God, and secondly to choose to live in that relationship on an ascendant path that leads them to a personal reunion with their Creator.  I am not averse to answering your question.  However, there are limitations to this forum which cause us to be conservative in how we approach all questions of a speculative nature.

ML:  Thank you.

MACHIVENTA:  I understand that there is a report waiting to be shared from the Student.

Student report on social and material sustainability

Student:  Yes, Machiventa, if I can talk about it, please?

MACHIVENTA:   Of course.

Student:  This is to do with the outline that you suggested that I should do on bringing social and material sustainability together as a concept.  With the help of Avila, I did draw up an outline that was a full page, and this page was reduced to less than half, with the help of one of the team members I work with.  We then presented it to Daniel who helped us bring final things together, so this is the report I have, and I have sent it to an email group of people that we are making connections with in our social sustainability project, and I call it, “Making Connections.”  This is the report:

Material and Social Sustainability

All people of all races, cultures, ethnicity, and nationality should have the same opportunities to grow into the potential they brought with them into life.

Today, “material” sustainability is a commonly understood term.  It encompasses things we can see and touch, like trees, water, fish and air, etc.  Concepts like “use only what you need,” and “reduce, reuse and recycle” are familiar to many.

“Social” sustainability on the other hand, is much harder to wrap one’s head around.  It refers to concepts that include quality of life, growth, and equality.

Many people are now realizing that we cannot truly succeed until we apply both, material and social sustainability.  Our societies cannot survive over the centuries without both being equally important.  People are the only resource for creativity, curiosity, inventiveness, intelligent choices – and these skills must be taught to our children just as much as planting trees and cleaning our waterways.

Conscious applications of these truths will yield far more positive results than working with them separately.

MACHIVENTA:  Very good!

Student:  Thank you, Sir.

MACHIVENTA:  You are most welcome.  Thank you for the progress report.

Machiventa’s closing words

MACHIVENTA:  I have only a few words in closing.  First of all, to thank Monjoronson for being here to share the strategic developments that are underway in the Correcting Time.  And secondly, to give appreciation to our audience for faithfully following these words that we share with you, and especially for those individuals who are applying them in their communities and striving to assist their families, neighbors and communities to become more socially enlightened and sustainable.

This work in this time is not easy.  It is a time of immense transitions, transitions that are calling for transformation of you as individuals, and the transformation of your democracy so that it evolves to become sustainable.  Your world as well must become sustainable in time, and through the perennial efforts of Christ Michael, they will.  Know of assurance that we are co-creative partners with you in every effort that you embark upon that calls for the enlightenment of your friends and neighbors, using these values, and of their spiritual intimate relationship with the Source within them.  We thank you for your attendance this day and for your attention.  Please strive to be at ease and at peace with yourself first, and with your growth and the challenges of your world.  There are answers available in abundance when you think outside the box of your culture.  Thank you and good day.

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