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NET65 – Good Parent; Overpopulation; New Energy

2019-6-3, NET #065, Machiventa

New Era Transition #065 – Good Parent; Overpopulation; New Energy – Jun. 3, 2019

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager and Planetary Prince


The Creator Son and Planetary Manager as the “good parent”

Understanding relationships

Teaching the social graces of social living

Becoming self-sufficient materially

The heavy responsibility of parenting

Living on an overcrowded world

The need for training on this world

Preventing future generations from developing self-destruction

Creating new forms of energy to take the place of hydrocarbons

The “doom and gloom” is imminent

The cataclysms will exist together

The way through to survival

Population management

If our population was 3 billion, would we still be having cataclysms?

Is this a lesson that all planets must go through?

What are the differences between decimal and non-decimal planets?

Future mortals will look back at us as “terrifying”

We are an overly aggressive human species

The celestial perspective is to care for us and the planet

A question about Midwayers

How Midwayers serve mortals

Maximizing health

Are we ready to discover the new forms of energy?

The immense destructive power of new energy

Societal morality in dispatching criminals

The role of governments in dealing with catastrophes

Reader questions about the energy circuits

How awesome are our Creators!

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Rick Brunson, Craig Carmichael, Liz Cratty, Jeff Cutler, Stéphane Labonteé and Sherille Raphael.

Invocation: Rick

June 3, 2019

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, your Planetary Manager and one who loves you very much.

(Group: Good morning, Machiventa and we love you too!)

The Creator Son and Planetary Manager as the “good parent”

MACHIVENTA:    Let us start with this opening statement, which is the role of the Creator Son and the Planetary Manager as the “good parent.” A good parent provides for his/her children. I will use the masculine pronoun, which includes of course all women in the Homo sapien species. It will also include many other species on other planets of similar nature. The good parent provides for the material welfare of his children. In doing so, neither deprives nor over-spoils the child with material necessities for raising a competent, capable and self-generating, self-enthusing adult. The work of the parent is to prepare the child for their eventual adulthood. This is a temporary duty that people accept when they procreate the next generations.

Understanding relationships

The parent as well prepares the child for becoming a mature social individual, one who is capable, competent, knowledgeable and understanding of their relationship with others as individuals and as a group, and particularly understanding their own relationship to their intrapersonal self. This duty includes assigning children social duties that require them to perform activities which teach them loyalty, perseverance, tenderness, kindness and all of the attributes of the graces of ethical behavior. It is essential that those graces be included in the library of instruction of children, and when you see that this has been ingrained in the child, you will see them becoming polite, they will be kind and considerate, they will be forethoughtful of their behavior and forethoughtful of the situation in which they will put themselves.

They will want to understand how they can be of service to others and anticipating—hopefully—that others would anticipate how to be of service to the child. It is not that etiquette is so important unto itself that it be evidence of genuine authentic transparent authenticity of the individual, the child, and particularly as an adult as they show example to others. You are now seeing some of the most egregious violations of etiquette and the graces of ethical behavior. We do not need to name those as you know and understand those only too well.

Teaching the social graces of social living

The advent of the electronic technologies that have come to your world, to your nations, your cultures has, of course, been going through a very tumultuous time. It is now incapable of developing ethical decisions on its own, let alone being of politeness to others. We are hopeful that those voice-driven monitors in your home are able to be polite as well—that can be taught, even to machines. It can be taught to children as a necessity of the social fluid graces of social living.

Becoming self-sufficient materially

We, meaning myself and Christ Michael, are your parents; it is our duty to provide for your material sustainability. Unfortunately, many of you, which includes of course, individuals who make executive decisions for corporations, have an egregious appetite to use up the material goods that could be shared with others. There are only so many cookies in the cookie jar, and when the cookie jar is empty, they will be looking for mother and father to provide for them when they can no longer get any cookies out of the jar on the kitchen counter. We, as good parents, are striving to teach you how to become self-sufficient materially, and self-sufficient as social creatures for your own parenting and grandparenting. In this scenario, adulthood also includes your organizations, whether they are social in nature, whether they are profit-making, whether they are governmental and all other organizations. They must be taught how to play fair. It is not sufficient to know the 7 values that are innate to your species, but you also must know the rules that are used to make those values effective, and that is the proactive morality and ethics that emanate from those 7 values. Those are towards other people, other relationships and of course toward yourself.

The heavy responsibility of parenting

Your responsibilities of parenting are very onerous. You may see that word as being heavy-fisted, but parenting is onerous. The weight of responsibility of parenting is incredibly heavy and it endures for many years until the child is capable of leaving home on their own to become self-sufficient. It does not mean leaving home at 12 or 13, but that means leaving home when they have learned the skills of material sustainability and social sustainability, and then are able to move on to their education that can assist them to support themselves in their relationships and in their livelihood. You can see then, that the emphasis of what we have been teaching you for 35 years is to become a planet that is self-sufficient, that is able to maintain its self-sufficient and self-sustaining posture as a member in the planetary group of inhabited planets in Nebadon. Social responsibility and moral and ethical behavior is preparatory to the Days of Light and Life when there is settlement across your world. Even non-decimal planets must successfully transit this era of material and social development and maturity before entering the era of the Days of Light and Life.

Living on an overcrowded world

Our responsibilities as your spiritual parents are to become your teachers, to teach you how to live in material self-sufficiency and how to live in social self-sustaining sufficiency. These are arts of living. Just as you know about the arts of inquiry, this is an art of living with others, in relationship on a confined space, which is earth. Your wonderfully intelligent writer, philosopher and engineer, Richard Buckminster Fuller said much about the Spaceship Planet Earth. You cannot escape here; you live here; you must learn to play well with others; must learn to work well with others and not exhibit those egregious habits that undermine the civility of social living on a planet as this. Yes, we know that your planet is far overcrowded; it would be best able to sustain 3 billion people and perhaps upwards to 3.5 billion, and at most 4 billion people, where everyone has a quality of life equal to others and to enjoy the possibility and probability that they will be able to engage, develop and thrive on the innate potential that they brought into life. This is essential for a planetary civilization to become self-sustaining without growth of population, which always destabilizes efforts of material and social sustainability.

The need for training on this world

We are with you at a critical time in the history of your planet. In the span of the last 500 years, your planet has become fully occupied. There are no prior eras in the history of Urantia where your planet has been fully occupied. Let us pause there for a moment and think about that reality. It is as though some sport coach has asked you to pole vault over minimally a 15 foot high bar, and you must do this without any prior training. So unknowing, you grasp the pole, run down the stretch, plant the pole and arch yourself up towards the bar. Now remember, this is your first time, and what happens is that you go sprawling across the landing mat, without any training. Maybe you break a bone because you did not have any prior training, knowledge or experience of how to land. As you gain more experience doing this, you are finally able to hire a professional coach, which in this case is me. And so you are running down the stretch, planting the pole and rising upwards and over the bar, but this time you have been trained how to recover and land properly on the mat. You feel exalted and you walk forward and the crowd acknowledges your achievement.

Back to the fully occupied planet: you have never been here before. You, meaning earth’s civilization at this point in time, have had no training in how to land and recover after the fall—and you know the fall is coming because the arc of your pole vaulting up over the bar is equivalent to all of the history of the human race and the growth of the population of the human race to the point where it is. We have told you about the cataclysms, so when you reach the zenith of your arc of crossing the bar, this will be the arc of the accomplishment of fulfillment of all the cataclysms in the simultaneous cataclysmic process. We are here to train you how to recover.

You know and we know that you, your family, your community, your state, nation and total earth civilization is going to crash. You have had no training for how to crash; you have had no prior experience in how to crash; you have had no prior experience of how to crash and then recover. That is why we are here. This lesson today has to do with all of the lessons of your history, and to gather all the over-arching wisdom of the human race that you can relate to besides the wisdom that we provide you that you can sufficiently recover in numbers yet large enough to recover as a civilization and proceed into a high quality of life as nations in a civilization that is united in unison for the future.

Preventing future generations from developing self-destruction

Now, why are we doing this? It is an obvious question you must ask. We are doing this as a guide for future generations to prevent the development of a similar self-destruction era in the future. After the cataclysms have completed their cascade, your world will have the experience to prevent the depopulation from occurring again. This has occurred with prior civilizations on your planet, which did not cover the whole planet; they were just regional civilizations. They collapsed, disappeared and again new civilizations came forward. The largest hurdle that you will have to overcome in the process of recovering is that you must all learn how to sacrifice so that every other person, family, community is able to reach a compromise with you so that you all exist and evolve successfully into the future.

I share these things now because as you can see from the vast numbers of tornadoes that have occurred across the Midwest and Eastern parts of the United States you are already experiencing some of the force—just some, a fraction of the force—of the cataclysmic weather anomalies that will continue well into the future for some years. The duration of these cataclysmic weather anomalies is dependent upon earth’s population primarily.

Creating new forms of energy to take the place of hydrocarbons

Secondarily it is dependent upon the capacity of human technologies to invent and create new forms of energy to take the place of hydrocarbon-based energy sources.

This cataclysm of weather anomalies is the greatest modifier of human civilization. It is a product of human reproduction that far exceeds the capacity of your oceans to absorb the extra warmth from the elevated hydrocarbon use, which causes the elevation of temperatures in your atmosphere. Subsequent anomalies will include the rise of the ocean and this will exceed any current scientific predictions, where even today’s scientists who are involved in those predictions know that those predictions are immature, incomplete, and do not offer enough foresight into how your planet can recover from this increase.

The “doom and gloom” is imminent

We have said before that the increase in sea levels will cause the greatest human migration in the history of all humanity and of your species. It will literally require the movement of billions of people to a safe distance in elevation from the old shoreline. In doing so, there will be great tragedies and travesties that will occur, both between human beings and through the cause of a global pandemic at that time. There will be no possibility of recovering from the pandemic as your human health services and emergency health services will have been overrun years before. This is again some more of the doom and gloom that Monjoronson spoke of years ago. I speak of it now as powerfully as he because it is far more imminent and you too are feeling the problems of the weather. You who live on the hills at some elevation, where you have adequate drainage due to high rainfalls, you will be safe. Those however, that as you are seeing now in the Midwest of the United States is an unprecedented inundation due to rivers overflowing their banks and levies. It is unprecedented in the human history of this continent, and this flood will last a great deal of time and cause immense damage to croplands and to new crops that are anticipated for next year, which will be stillborn due to more weather.

The cataclysms will exist together

This is not a happy picture, is it? And it is complex. What is missing in conceptual discernment from scientists and from many of you is the holism that exists in these cataclysms. They do not occur alone as isolated events, but they exist together as a holism, and only the holism of human social sustainable human social existence will be sufficient to overcome that holism of destruction. You as a species have the capacity, in the fact of the long history of 200,000 years that the 4 primary values have been sufficient to sustain the survival of your species. Only through the incorporation of the 3 secondary values will the organized social existence of humanity be possible. These three values are essential to maintaining the good order of organizations within themselves, and among and between organizations in your communities and societies.

The way through to survival

It is only through human decision-making in organizations and the power of organizations that it is possible to sustain the organized social existence of societies, of communities, nations and an international community of nations and their societies. And only through the 3 secondary values will you be able to cooperate and anticipate what you need to do, how to work together to assist you to survive as societies and communities. Only through organizations, only through the organizational structures of societies and the decisions of individuals and families is the social existence of all humanity able to evolve and survive with the 4 primary values.

But to evolve socially—that means as families, as economies, as political and governmental entities and other agencies that have human assistance as their primary core, will your species be able to survive as a civilization. Only through the survival of the moral and ethical social organized existence will you be about to enter into the Days of Light and Life. Your enmities must disappear; your adversarial nature must be mellowed—highly mellowed—and your competitiveness must give way to cooperation, complemental relationships, affable relationships, kind relationships and generous relationships, for as you give so will you receive. But to do so requires a mentality on a global relationship basis for your species to survive as a self-sustaining civilization.

Practicing equality

Yes, I know that these are big concepts. It is time to step into your big boots and walk forward through the avalanches of snow and through the floods that are before you, and wade through the complex interpersonal interrelationships of individuals, families, nations, and organizations. Ethnic animosity must disappear; racial animosity must disappear. What are we talking about here? We are talking about equality. Equality is a primary value of necessity to survive as a species, and particularly as families and communities, and is particularly important when that equality becomes able to express as empathy and compassion towards others. When that happens you will see yourself as one of the whole of all humanity, then we ask you to then have a love for all humanity. Only then will you progress as a civilization in the spiritual realms that your planet is so worthy of.


Population management

Roxie: You’ve given us a lot to think about, Machiventa. Thank you very much!

I have a question: You mentioned that population is one of our greatest problems right now and there are several of our presidential candidates who are talking about climate control, but not a single one of them has mentioned population control. I don’t see that under our current attitudes and mores that people will be amenable to any population controls at all, now or in the future after the cataclysms. Do you have some comments for us, please?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, dear. You qualified that by saying “as exists now,” and that will change, and that is part of the recovery plan. For one, we do not use the word “population control,” we have always used the word “population management.” It is important that this be part of the process of socializing young children, their enculturation and in fact, their indoctrination. If the earth is to recover and not repeat another cataclysmic depopulation as you will see in the future, then population decrease maintenance must become a part of personal self-lifestyle and existence, and that there is no benefit accrued personally or culturally from having more than 2 or 3 children. Having great numbers of children was a standard of accomplishment which has far exceeded its expiration date as a cultural necessity. It is no longer warranted; it is no longer needed; it is incredibly undesirable and it is on a civilizational basis self-destructive.

If our population was 3 billion, would we still be having cataclysms?

Stéphane: Let’s do some scenario testing: Had the world’s population stayed at 3 billion people from the 1950’s or 60’s to this day, would we still be facing the emergency situation that we are facing today?

MACHIVENTA: Yes. The reason we say, “yes” is because the population would not have grown and the earth cataclysms would still be imminent, and thirdly, the population would not have learned the lessons of how to recover as a civilization.

Is this a lesson that all planets must go through?

Liz: Machiventa, is this a lesson that every planet must go through in its evolution?

MACHIVENTA: You did not qualify that, but I will for you. Every experimental planet usually goes through this process.

What are the differences between decimal and non-decimal planets?

Stéphane: I thought the difference between an experimental planet and a normal planet was the evolutionary nature of life implantation. Are there other differences that we are not aware between a non-decimal and a decimal planet?

MACHIVENTA: Oh, most certainly. You have forgotten one of the most eminent facts of the Urantia Book that there is spiritual influence once the species has come into its highest level of sentient awareness. The 200,000 years of the absence of spiritual influence and management and over-control has given your planet a tremendous burden to recover in a short period of time. Even experimental planets have some spiritual assistance to them so that they are able to recover. The difference between those experimental planets and Urantia is the absence of the 200,000 year quarantine. On a normal experimental planet, a decimal planet, the beings are guided by the “carrot and crumb” routine to guide individuals to make decisions which benefit future generations.

However on Urantia, which is also a decimal planet but has not had that advantage, it is now in the position of the Correcting Time, and I will speak specifically to Urantia, rather than the other 36 planets regarding the spiritual influence, the co-creative program that is now being implemented on Urantia. This process has been brought about very rapidly. It is intentional. It is highly conscious on our part and we are striving to share that intention and consciousness with members of your species who are willing to dialog with us—you call it TRing or self-TRing or group clairaudient training—then that is it. What Christ Michael is doing for the 37 planets is to jumpstart them into the conscious and intentional relationship, a learning program to overcome those many years of darkness, and to do so rapidly.

If you take the starting point of even 1955 and add one century to that to 2055, you will see an immense change in the social structure and spiritual relationship of humans to the spiritual realm of the universe. This is unheard of on non-decimal planets; this is miraculous; it is beyond most people. Spiritual beings are able to understand, appreciate and digest what Christ Michael, as the Brother/Father/Creator of your species, and in brotherhood with you today, has said that he will return; and when he returns, he will do so in all his glory and he will be recognized as such. Further, a large portion of the population will be able to understand him, hear him and know that he is personally, physically, energetically linked to them in the moment. A few of you are able to do that now, and we are thrilled that those of you here today and those who read these words are in that capability and capacity. And some of you have progressed even to the lower levels of morontial existence, yet still here existent as mortal human beings to assist us co-creatively, consciously in the development of your world to offer a species that eventually will become Homo spiritus, those individuals who exist and are born into a pre-morontial existence but still need the material experiential process to grow into that fully. I hope this helps.

Future mortals will look back at us as “terrifying”

Stéphane: When we look back 300 years from now, how will we characterize this Transition Era that we are now living in? My thinking is that we are transitioning from a society that makes decisions that are self-serving to a society that makes decisions to improve the future generations. Am I correct?

MACHIVENTA: You are correct, and in one word the answer is terrifying!

Stéphane: Terrifying?

MACHIVENTA: Yes. The future citizens looking back 300 years to where you are now today would see your existence as terrifying, for they in the future will be as knowing, thoroughly knowing, that they are in the presence of high spiritual energy individuals, including myself, and those of others who are among you as semi-material beings to guide you and assist you. To contemplate the existence you are now going through to individually make decisions that you have been unprepared to make would be terrifying to those individuals in the future. They would become so imbued, so invested with their spiritual nature and their concern for future generations and, particularly their own generations that not having that guidance would be untenable to even think about.

It would be as though you are now looking back to the time of your ancient ancestors when they lived with and among terrifying beasts. You have to remember that the saber toothed tiger only became extinct about 10,000 years ago, and there were many other predators about, and that agriculture had not been invented. And so, for you to look back to that era where you would be a nomad, where you are literally surviving day-to-day anticipating the possibility of dying today or the next day, and your children being eaten by predators, yes, that is terrifying to you, is it not?

We are an overly aggressive human species

For the future participants of your species looking back to your days today, they will see this as truly an overly aggressive aspect of the human species which would make life very difficult. And even if they look back to the lifestyle of yourself, for example, with your family, your position, the material goods you have and the education you have had and for your children, they would see this as almost dumbfounding that their generations had progressed from that, and they will have a deep abiding appreciation that they were assisted and guided by your generations, doing what you are doing now to assist future generations to have a sustainable—materially and socially sustainable future and existence that is stable, peaceful, affable, generous and kind—and affords you as an individual of the future to explore, develop all your potential that you are willing to explore the pursuits and directions that you wish to. Now, is that peaceful to you to be in the future that way? This is what we hope for you.

Stéphane: Very interesting perspective.

MACHIVENTA: I may advance my opening statement one notch and that is the role of the Planetary Manager and the Creative Son’s role for its inhabited planets, is that of much like a spiritually invested horticulturist. You know that many people who grow tomatoes also talk to their tomatoes, and they also have good thoughts about their tomatoes, and they water them, and they nurture them, feed them, and control the light so that they produce the best tomatoes. They are able to harvest the best seeds of those tomatoes to grow new generations of wonderful tomatoes. There is a certain degree of what generations ago farmers and agricultural scientists called animal husbandry. That is where you care for the animals in all ways, and you assist them to grow to the fullest extent of their genetic code, and that you are friends with those animals. And yes, eventually they will be dispatched and will become somebody’s meals, but in the meantime they are cared for.

The celestial perspective is to care for us and the planet

And on these planets, our perspective is to care for you, and care for the planet as this is a—not a horticultural, agricultural greenhouse—but a spiritual and social greenhouse for individuals to progress. As a Planetary Manager, I have an overarching concern and love and husbandry for all individuals, and for your planet, and that this becomes far more than a hobby, but is in fact an experiential fulfillment of my career as a Melchizedek and that the quality of the souls that are generated on this planet and who progress onto the morontial realm are in part a product of the co-creative assistance I have given your world with all the massive hierarchies of spiritual beings from Christ Michael and Nebadonia on your planet as well. This is a position of high passion and high compassionate, but objective caring for all of you. You at your parenting best love your children, but you do know how to exercise tough love, that you care for the future of your children enough to give them discipline that will help them to discipline themselves in a way of life that sustains them into their adulthood and onto their children and onto their grandchildren.

A question about Midwayers

Liz: As boots on the ground, so to speak, this is again attached to our discussion a couple of weeks ago on communication. I don’t know the channels of communication that are open to me, or available to me other than prayer and meditation and worship. For example, Midwayers: are they here and available to assist us, can we communicate with them? Do they hear our thoughts? What is their role in all of this?

MACHIVENTA: My, my, my, you are full of questions today!

Liz: That’s just the beginning.

MACHIVENTA:  One at a time. Let me roll all of your questions into one answer. We know that you pray; we know that you meditate; we know that you worship. We know that you do all those things. The one most important part of the answer to your question is that you will yourself to be open and receptive and receiving, not future tense, not past tense, but as receiving now in the moment all the wisdom for life and living during this lifetime and all lifetimes be available and provided to you by all those beings of Light who care for you and nurture you from Nebadonia’s and Michael’s hierarchy of light. In other words, you are willing yourself to be open to receive from these beings that care for and about you. That is all you have to do!

We know that you worship; we know that you meditate; we know that you want to become one, but it is important that you will to will to be open to God’s guidance from all beings of light. Many traditional Christians still see their spiritual life as a one-way process of talking to God, praying to God, meditating to God, being in stillness to God, but fail to open themselves to be receptive. You see this abundantly, glaringly with those fundamentalists of the Urantia Book community who still do not believe that they can receive direct dialogue conversations from spiritual beings. And yes, even now dear one, they hover about you. What is missing from those people who do not believe in active live, present time, real time spiritual dialog is the willingness to be open to receive those communications in all their various forms.

You are hearing only one form now as I speak through This One, clairaudiently to the audience. This is one, a very active one, but is only one. What is missing too, from those of you who do not hear, do not dialog, is the appreciation that we are always dropping these wonderful little raisins ahead of you to draw you into the future of your life. These are good things; these are opportunities; these are telltale signs and symbols and omens, if you want to call them, but they are actual visible signs that you can appreciate if you have the consciousness to be aware and see and give value to those opportunities and see those little crumbs.

How Midwayers serve mortals

Someone calls you up and says, “Hey, do you know anybody who has a pony that they want to give away? I’ve got a spare barn, I’ve got a grandchild, I’ve got fields that I can mow and make hay and take care of this animal, and train my grandchild how to care for an animal.” And you say, “Yes, I do. A neighbor of ours has a horse, a pony that they are striving to foster out, or if someone would adopt without any payment if they would give this animal a good home.” Well, there you go. You are being a “midwayer” yourself in helping 2 parties make arrangements for the good of all. This is what your Midwayers do for you; they make arrangements for you to have opportunities that advantage your life. They only do good; they do not do bad; they do not bring you harm; they do not set you up for failure; they give you opportunities to grow into. And so, you have all the advantages about you; you must be willing to receive that information in all its various forms and be attentive and attuned to those that come to you.

Liz: Thank you for that. Lovely answer!

Stéphane: Machiventa, to will the Will of God, then it means that you are at every time you make a decision, every time you interact with someone else, is that you allow the Universe to speak through you, or you allow the benevolence of the Universe to work through you. Is that correct?

MACHIVENTA: That is correct, but is only part of the answer. When you are in relationship with others, you are one individual in part of a milieu of others, and so our work and Midwayers’ work is to assist others to be attuned to the general good that can be available to individuals and to the whole group. Just as you can act out the Will of God in many millions of ways in your lifetime, so too, others are doing the same thing, or will to do the same thing that you become a part of. And so, what we do is to “work the crowd,” so to speak, so that the best possibilities occur for everyone.

Maximizing health

Rick: Machiventa, I have two questions regarding how to maximize our individual health. The first question is: The Urantia Book tells us that Adam and Eve and their progeny eat once a day. Do you recommend this protocol as a way to enhance our health?

MACHIVENTA: My advisors on health and diet say “no.” It is usual for humans to eat in the mornings and at night, that the morning meal prepares you for the day’s activities and the evening meal is more a reward for your day’s productivity and to prepare you through the night to be awake and start a new day. What is missing from the diet of a material human being is that invisible and ineffable energetic substance that is synergistic with your spiritual nature, that it feeds you without being digested materially.

Rick: Thank you for your answer. My second question is medical intuitive Anthony Williams tells us that drinking 16 ounces of celery juice on an empty stomach once a day can dramatically increase our health Do you agree?

MACHIVENTA: You know I do not like specific questions as that! One moment. 16 ounces of celery juice is insufficient to carry you through the day. Yes, it will have a beneficial effect, but it will be something that must be received and balanced with other nutrients. Celery is highly fibrous, yes it will give you a good digestive constitution and that you will have far fewer intestinal digestive problems in the future. It is essential that you have a continuous and even flow of excrement from your body daily that is with ease and grace, so to speak, and that the possibilities of bad health from cancer are decreased immensely by you having a flush of your alimentary canal on a regular basis. I am not using the word “flush” as one of those water enemas that some people have as a colonic, but really as eating foods that are fibrous, nutritious and have a lot of moisture in them to carry it through your body. It is important that this occur. Single answers to the human body are not recommended for regular use, though they can be beneficial. We are not saying in the same answer that it is not beneficial. It is beneficial, but is insufficient unto itself to lead to holistic good health.

Rick: Thank you.

Are we ready to discover the new forms of energy?

Stéphane: You mentioned earlier that society needs to find new forms of energy to replace hydrocarbons, which is exacerbating the global warming today. Are we ready to discover these new forms of energy that might even allow greater destruction of war power amongst ourselves?

MACHIVENTA: The answer is on several levels. One, your technologies are truly ready to bring these forward. The amalgam that brings them together, the spiritual influence of creativity to invent all the elements necessary to bring those factors together into a delivery service of energy, that lacks hydrocarbons as a base is possible even now. However, we are not promoting that now, or allowing that to occur because of the malignancy of the hostile nature of your species, its competitiveness, and the embitterment between competing forces on your planet. That yes, those energy sources could be used to vaporize half of your world in only seconds. It is necessary to have those sources protected through indoctrination, enculturation, socialization—particularly socialization—of those individuals who can bring it forward as a technology and bring it forward also as a social obligation with attendant social responsibilities, and the means to satisfy those obligations and the responsibilities.

Far more is needed than just a new technology. This situation is almost identical to the problem that your United States nation has with gun control. Again, the word “control” is misused, it is inappropriate, it is ineffective, it must be “gun use management” and so the cultural base of weaponry must be rethought. Yes, we have no objection to people having guns or in using them. However we have tremendous obligations to the vast ignorance and the irresponsible nature of parents and your social institutions, particularly the government, that failed to train children how to use guns appropriately. So too, goes universal energy of a parallel nature.

Stéphane: Machiventa, wouldn’t the availability of free universal energy have a pacifying effect on society in general?

MACHIVENTA: At this point in time of the culture of your world, no, absolutely not! We are of such a strong opinion about that. It is one of the reasons why we are withholding the creative thoughts to bring the technologies together to fulfill that possibility.

Stéphane: So, we have to work on pacifying ourselves through other means?

The immense destructive power of new energy

MACHIVENTA: There you are! It must begin as an intrapersonal process first. (Laughter.) Let me explain this in more detail technologically. This technology would give you the possibility of eliminating your neighbors without anyone ever knowing who did it.

Craig: I guess we are discussing about the wise and productive use of energy, rather than the destructive use. Yes we’d certainly hate to see it used to anonymously dispose of people or even whole countries you don’t like. That’s a very scary thought. (Machiventa: Very startling, is it not?) Yes. We can see that it could make for very good local community availability of all the energy you want, as long as it’s not used in destructive ways. (Machiventa: We agree.) I can see now why it’s been withheld; I didn’t quite realize the immensity of the destructive potential.

Societal morality in dispatching criminals

MACHIVENTA: I will give you an insight into the societal side of morality of that technology. Initially, using this technology for a person who has been condemned to be removed from their existence in a society and on your world, there would be a chamber for an individual like that, where this process of energy would be activated for less than a second and the individual would become atomically disintegrated. This would be the most peaceful form of—we detest the phrase “the death penalty”—but it is the “life penalty” rather, for making wrong decisions that are detrimental, harmful to others and to self and to your next generations.

Jeff: In that way, could we not visualize this—and this is not comic—could we not visualize this more like the Starship Enterprise when they are beaming some citizens up prematurely to their expiration date, otherwise?

MACHIVENTA: That would be an adequate similar situation, yes.

Roxie: In regard to your answer just now about using that energy to dispatch criminals or predators, what about using that when we have the decimation or the pandemic to dispose of the billions of bodies afterward? If our population decreases by several billion rather quickly, it is going to be a problem dealing with all the bodies from that. I know this is kind of a morbid topic, but it’s a practical one.

MACHIVENTA: That would be very useful, would it not? It could be applied that way, if that technology were invented by that time; in the scenarios that we see for the future, this technology would not come into existence until after the decimation.

Roxie: Thank you.

The role of governments in dealing with catastrophes

Jeff: I would like to inquire about the role of our central governments in the transition to the building cascading catastrophes. Can you talk about the role of central governments around the world and these catastrophes building? It seems that politicians always use emergencies to gather more power and more control over their localities or their share of influences. Is there something that we should be aware of coming up for us that we can either resist or aid in the process of keeping civil liberty together?

MACHIVENTA: I would like you to recall what happened when the hurricane came to New Orleans and came to Houston and that area, and how the emergency process was totally fumbled. Now, imagine that on a global basis. That is really where you are now in your government’s capability, nationally and internationally to recover. Do you understand?

Jeff: Yes, I do.

Reader questions about the energy circuits

Roxie: I have a couple of questions from our readers. Two short ones from Bill Williams: 1) If all the corrupt circuits were shut down by Aug. 31, 2018, what are the dark energies that you referred to in NET #64?

MACHIVENTA: We do not care to entertain questions and get involved in answers about those energies that remain. It is sufficient to know that some do remain and that they are remnants of what was before. You must recall that when you play in a mud puddle with the other kids that you will get muddy too, and so we do not want to embellish this topic, nor generate more questions or thoughts about it. The emphasis for recovery of this whole planet and for individuals is to stay minded on the light, goodness and to be living expressions of love. The opposite of that is not something that you want to entertain or be involved in.

Roxie: I think you answered the second question, so I will go onto another one from a reader. Actually it is related to the same situation of shutting down the corrupted circuits of the Apostate Prince Caligastia and the opening of new circuits that will help us connect more with celestial minds, Isaaya asks: “In the beginning of 2017 I started feeling an unaccountable sense of uneasiness, irritation and at times anger. I also say many of my long-time friendships dissolved, all of which continues to puzzle me, though it feels like a step forward. Is it possible the two unprecedented spiritual events mentioned above can be affecting me and other humans in a manner similar to what I have been experiencing?

MACHIVENTA: We see that situation completely differently than you have interpreted it. I would interpret that as your Thought Adjuster giving you homework to work on. Your awareness of being angry, etc. is evidence that you are being directed to resolve angers and those difficult situations that begin within you. Because those situations originated all historically, you are now responsible for the care of yourself and for the enlightenment of yourself to resolve those problems. Remember, you are not alone to do that; you are much appreciated and your Thought Adjuster understands and thoroughly knows the potential that lies within you that is now being impeded by these problems, the anger and so on. This is a process of individuals becoming to clarification. It is a process of what some have called “defragmenting their mind,” of the detrimental material that needs to be removed. Only then will you be about to whole heartedly engage the future and the potential of your whole being with a zeal and enthusiasm that will create a wonderful future for yourself.

These are not caused in the main with the New Era of this world; those situations are not caused by dark entities or energies, but by your own Thought Adjuster to help you grow through these impediments. Good parents assist their children to do the same. A child who feels they cannot become a high jump athlete is encouraged to begin early on as a child by stepping over the first hurdle that comes to them, and then eventually the hurdles are higher and they must eventually thrust themselves into the air and over the pole. So you see, your Thought Adjuster is doing the same with you.

Roxie: Daniel is getting tired; I believe we are now ready to close. How awesome are our Creators! 

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