2019-7-15, NET #068, Monjoronson; Machiventa
New Era Transition #068 – Progress Report; Certification of Worlds; Holism – Jul. 15, 2019
Monjoronson, Avonal Son and Magisterial Son and Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager and Planetary Prince
Progress report
Strategic programs of the Correcting Time
The arc of nations and civilizations
What is needed now is the feminine influence
Celestial agenda for our nations
What lies ahead
What can we expect from where we are now?
On settled worlds do they have animal agriculture?
The curriculum of A Course in Miracles
The certification of worlds
A millennium from the human standpoint
The next 25 years will change the course of the next 1,000 years
You will intentionally contribute to this nexus
When you change the values you change the culture
Can computers model this change in values?
How do we change desires for profits without holding back our growth? What does “good” look like?
Is there a spiritual connection between naturopathic and holistic medicine?
Group study on the mansion worlds
Should we force ourselves into groups for our growth on earth?
Closing statements
TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD
Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Rick Brunson, Craig Carmichael, Liz Cratty, Jeff Cutler, Stéphane Labonteé and Sherille Raphael.
Invocation: Jeff
July 15, 2019
MONJORONSON: Good morning, this is Monjoronson. It is wonderful to be in your company and thank you for your steadfast perseverance through these difficult times and through this stretch of time that we have been working with your planet. To you, 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years is a long time for you to endure our work which is what you might call tedious, but given the fact that we have been working for this moment in time, it began almost 3 centuries ago. Development of your form of democracy was one vector in that development. For you, these last 35 years seems to be slow and with little development along the way. For us, as we view your activities in that brief 35 years, you are much like ants on a hot asphalt tarmac in the sunlight. You seem to be moving about so quickly compared to our slow and deliberate movements. If you have ever watched ants, as This One has, you realize that sometimes they go forward, sometimes backwards, sometimes this way and that way, but eventually they make progress to a food source and eventually back to their nest. This is your life as we see it.
Progress report
For you it has been a long delay since you last heard from me regarding our progress, so today I will provide you with a progress report that will also not fulfill what you are seeking in a statement that says, “Okay, now is the day?” but you will know that we are here, we continue on and we are making progress. As I mentioned, the vectors for this era in time, meaning this era now and forward, has been thought of many centuries ago. Just as the planning for the invasion in Europe by the Allied Forces was almost 3 years in planning, so it was a contingency, but as events developed it became more and more real with the necessity of long-term planning to bring all of the resources necessary to achieve the desired ends. So, too, you may think of our work with the Correcting Time as the grand strategic plan of Christ Michael to bring your world, Urantia, into the fold of standard worlds of development in Nebadon.
Strategic programs of the Correcting Time
The statements I have to make are strategic in nature. The Correcting Time program is the grand strategy of Christ Michael, subdivided in various missions. These missions are vectors in themselves, which will bring about the eventual ends that Christ Michael seeks. Each of these strategic vectors is of such a nature that much planning has been given to them, not in 35 years, but more in terms of 2 1/2 or more centuries. Christ Michael and the Planners have tremendous statistical predictive abilities, which are quite exacting and which surely will bring about the ends that Christ Michael desires. There are surprises along the way, such as the development of the nuclear bomb and the development of thermonuclear devices that has triggered tremendous anxiety throughout the world. Other events, such as those tectonic and climate changes have always been known and they affect these predictions very little.
The development of the events from the last 3 years and forward to the next 25 years have been anticipated for a long time. This to us, as stating this to you, is obvious; this is a meaningful era when tremendous change can be made to the civilization of your world, to the course of Western Civilization, which all democracies are included—at least in our thinking—and for the development of the social programs of a revised civilization, which includes the family, individuals in the family and its increased capacity and capability to bring into existence children who know and have learned from their own parents how to raise their eventual children to become socially sustainable as well. It is not only necessary to have this training in mind, but also to have the rules of decision-making well emplaced in their thinking, which is the morality and ethics that emanate from those 7 values you have been taught and have read about.
This is no small project. As the metaphor has been given in the past, to bend a tree while it grows takes patience; it takes time; it takes an intentional structure to bend it in the ways that are desired by the horticulturist, the arborist. So you see, to bend your civilizations toward peace and stability requires a lot of forethought, a lot of planning and much deliberation as unforeseen changes and decisions are made by mortals.
The arc of nations and civilizations
To change the page a little bit on this subject, if you are historians and you have followed the arc of nations and civilizations—particularly nations and cultures—you will often see that arc of a national culture proceeds and grows and dominates the region, and in some cases the known world, as it has existed in the past, and those who are striving to do so in the present. This arc has been initiated by the 4 primary values of life, equality, growth, and quality of life. Those values are wonderful; I personally and others have spoken about these values many times in the past. They are necessary for humans to come into control and domination of their region and of the world, and usually this has been done by [mortals], men. This however, is a process that only has a lifetime until its completion. The domination of frontiers followed by turning frontiers into pioneering and farming, and so on, are now complete. Your world is now inhabited by all humans and the functions of domination, control, power and authority and masculine domination is an era that has come to its completion. You see, the 4 primary values can work only so far, but if they are continued to be used, then that culture will begin to move into decline.
What is needed now is the feminine influence
What are needed now is the feminine influence of empathy, compassion and a love for all humanity. These must be balanced with the 4 primary values in order for a civilization, nation, culture and political entity to grow and to thrive and survive. It is necessary to now inject these wonderful aspects of human values into the scheme of decision-making for all human organizations, whether they are governmental, corporate or otherwise. What you are seeing now is the—you might call it the “Caligula moment”, where your nation has a leader who has brought the nation to its knees and other nations to their knees, which they resent immensely. Incompetence of leadership is a forerunner of the demise and disintegration of nations and cultures, and it has always been this way.
Celestial agenda for our nations
We, however, have a different agenda for your nation, your culture and for democratic nations and that is for those to grow, to survive, not only survive and exist, but to thrive. That requires intention; that requires deliberate action-taking with projected outcomes from those decisions. Right now, your nations, your leaders, your political candidates and others who are in politics take an action, cross their fingers behind their back, hoping for the best outcome. This is untenable; it is not a process of surviving for anyone. The future that you will see must be much more deliberate; must be more exacting; must take on responsibilities from leaders down to the level of each individual citizen. It is one thing to have liberty and freedom and the ability to enact your self-determination, but you must also have the ability, the necessity and requirement to take responsibility and be held responsible through procedural means of the 7 values that are innate to your own human nature. These 7 values give you liberty and freedom, but in a democracy that relies only upon those things without the connection to personal responsibility is morally derelict in its future for future generations.
Yes, I am standing on a soapbox talking to you, as though I were in Hyde Park stating my spiritual, political position on human sustainability on a planet that has great difficulty; it is true, I am passionate about this. You and I are connected through your humanity: I, through my education, training and prior experiences as a mortal, thoroughly understand the passions of your values, both to survive and those to be empathic and compassionate to others, except in our case as celestials and as Avonal Sons, we have a love for all humanity in all the trillions of planets that are inhabited throughout the whole grand universe. Thus for us to be here with you, we have an intimate appreciation for the potential each of you and your cultures and your civilization has to unfold the greatness and the potential of united working together cultures and civilization on Urantia.
What lies ahead
We know what is ahead, that this time is going to be of immense struggle; it will be a time of immense personal decisions. Some you will regret until you die, others you will appreciate in your afterlife. Those with regrets in the afterlife will come to understand the wisdom for the regrets and for the decisions that were made. There is nothing lost here, my friends, for we are on a mission to guide you into your greatness. We know also that the love of the Creator in Havona and Paradise loves you immensely, and that is reflected through us to you. We only wish and hope and will encourage you to emanate that love within yourself, from within yourself to all others on your lowly planet. One day it will be a great planet and you will have participated in this wonderful adventure. Good day, my friends. I am open for questions if you have any.
Stéphane: Monjoronson, how are you today on Urantia?
MONJORONSON: I am very well, thank you. I am anticipating my mortal incarnation and I will understand the fulfillment of “How are you?” for I will be grand. (Laughter.)
What can we expect from where we are now?
Stéphane: Good to hear. My question is: You mentioned that our leaders are now making decisions and crossing their fingers that the best outcomes will be met. My point is that once our leaders start making decisions with the 3 secondary values, I think we will still be crossing our fingers and hoping that the best intentions will be met, and that there will need to be a time when we start along this path that there won’t be any proven path forward that this actually works. Can you comment on what we are to expect once we start down this path from a day-to-day perspective of where we are now?
MONJORONSON: I will skip the day-to-day and go right to the heart of what you missed in your question. What you missed in your question is the awareness of these values. It is an educational process by which mortals on Urantia must become aware that these 7 values exist in them, and they must have the discernment to draw the distinction between the 4 primary values and the 3 secondary values. The 3 secondary values operating by themselves will simply be as incompetent in their effectiveness as using the 4 primary values by themselves. What is required is the awareness of all 7 values in making decisions and also understanding the “rules” of making those decisions and those rules are inherent and subsequent to the awareness of the 7 values themselves, and that is the proactive morality and ethics that emanate from those values. It is essential that these 7 values be made aware, appreciated in how they guide those individuals in making their decisions.
Now, to the second part of your question is that how will they know that these are workable. You yourself, Stéphane, are physical evidence of the workability of the 4 primary values; your own love for your children and your mate and for your neighbors and those you associate with closely is evidence of the 3 secondary values. Each individual who is a complete human—meaning complete in that they are both surviving and also empathic and compassionate—is evidence of the 7 values in operation. These are demonstrable in all individuals, except those individuals who chose to be selfish for one reason or another to express only the 4 primary values, which may express as narcissism, dominance, control and subjugation, and so on. Is this clear now?
Stéphane: Yes, thank you for clarifying. It’s an integration of the 7 values, more so than just the integration of 4 primary values.
MONJORONSON: And the difference becomes in the awareness, means those 7 values are held in the moment-to-moment consciousness of people who make decisions, which are made hundreds of times every day by every individual.
On settled worlds do they have animal agriculture?
Liz: It’s lovely to be with you this morning. I have a question about compassion. Do worlds settled in Light and Life have animal agriculture the way we do?
MONJORONSON: You must make the discernment of the distinction of the spectrum, the horizon, the variations of the initiations of the Days of Light and Life to those worlds that are fully established in the Days of Light and Life, and those that are, have been, recognized and to be in full compliance operationally for centuries in the paradigm of the Days of Light and Life. Those in the early phases continue to use and consume animal flesh, if this is the intention of your question. Those that have progressed and been certified no longer use animal flesh for their nutrition, neither is there an over abundance of population that makes a necessity for people to compete for their nutrients. All nutrients are made equally available to all individuals.
In the population that exists on most populated planets that have initiated the Days of Light and Life to those who have completed their certification are far less than those of Urantia at this time. Most stabilized in the range for this size of planet, its own geographical circumstances between 2 and 3 billion people. This allows everyone to enjoy a life of growth, equally as other people enjoy a life of growth. The only determinant in what an individual can express of their innate potential is their own decision to develop that or not. Some individuals are, yes, still lazy; they would rather just flow along and enjoy the circumstances that they live in. Others, however, are spiritually aggressive and want to develop their innate potential, which then almost surely approximates the full stage of morontial existence in their later mortal life. These are the ones who go to the Halls of Transition and to have the flash into their fullness of fusion.
Liz: Thank you.
The curriculum of A Course in Miracles
Stéphane: Monjoronson, you bring an interesting point, the certification. It brings me back to a quote from A Course in Miracles, which is “The Curriculum is not subject to human will; the curriculum is mandatory, we have to make a time that we take to get through the curriculum that is up to us.” Can you clarify if I am on the right track here, or whether the certification of the curriculum that we all must go through is not subject to human will, but is engrained in universal values?
MONJORONSON: Yes, there is a certification, but it, too, is subject to human will. An individual can accept that program of classes and growth or not. Some people have already rejected all aspects of a future life in the decisions of their mortal life and therefore have control of that. Those who accept there is more than just the physical life and their own personal selfish life understand that there is more to life than just existence. On the mortal plane, you have been fortunate to have been exposed to The Course in Miracles, the Urantia Book and other enlightened documents. These are in effect informational and also as in The Course of Miracles a program of instruction that leads you to much greater personal emotional and personality completion and unfoldment. This is essential and is reflected in your spiritual growth. Your spiritual growth is a reflection of your emotional growth directly. There is at this time on your planet no certification for individuals other than those who spontaneously fuse and are transited directly to the morontial realm.
The certification of worlds
The certification has more to do with your world, its civilization and its cultures and this may take millennia. In the case of your world, it will probably take a millennia and this is a process in which all phases of humanity grow according to this prescribed curriculum. You as individuals can aspire to your growth by understanding this curriculum, both on a personal nature and a civilizational nature and then apply it to your national politics and economies and social existence. It is important for you, the most mature, to come forward as examples to others and to be able to teach others who are eager to learn how to proceed more directly. These informational manuals have been given to you to assist you in your life. The Urantia Book has been given to you as an informational document so you understand your relationship to Jesus-Christ Michael, your relation to this world and to the Divine and to your afterlife as a morontial being and as a spiritual being, and eventually as a Finaliter. However, you will see very little instructional material in it, except for the life of Jesus. He lived his life as an example for you.
The Course in Miracles and other related and similar documents have been given to you and revealed to you so that you have instructional manuals on how to proceed in your life, how to learn those lessons, how to come to your own “certification.” Of course that certification is not assured until you are fused, either on this planet while you are a mortal and in direct transit to the morontial realm, or as a morontial being that fuses with their Thought Adjuster at that time. Then certification is delayed until that occurs. We are more concerned about your world’s progress as a world of civilizations and nations, societies and cultures that are able to progress, evolve and develop into more complete societies and political entities in order to assist the social evolution of each generation of parents and children. This is the goal. When Jesus said, “Come ye little children unto me,” he truly meant that! He sees all of you as children; he sees all the mortals on all the planets of Nebadon as his children, and he not only encourages you, but beseeches you and provides the means by which you can grow into the fullness to be his full child who becomes fused with their Thought Adjuster.
So I have turned your question into a thoughtful exposition for you to think about. It is both the minutia of it on a personal level and the grandiosity on a multi-level in the Grand Universe and the Local Universes that this is all expressed; and know that we are assisting you in your growth. Those who will to grow and will to do the Father’s Will, you certainly will grow even through difficult circumstances.
Stéphane: Thank you.
A millennium from the human standpoint
Craig: Thank you for being here. I’m wondering a little bit about this timeline – we talk about a millennium; that seems like such a long time to us in our mortal lives. But when you look back at human history, we go back for almost a million years and then our more advanced history goes back tens of thousands of years, so a millennium really seems quite fast to be going from where we are now to the start of Light and Life. It just kind of boggles me how fast that is compared to how long we’ve taken to come this far. Can you comment on that please?
MONJORONSON: Yes, certainly. The difference between now and that era is as different from 1066 to the present time. 1066 AD was the beginning of your cultures, your democratic cultures. It has been a tremendous struggle and as you see in the development of your world, civilization and societies and social institution processes, you see that there has been arithmetic growth, exponential growth and even logarithmic growth now as a factor of change. However, you, as civilizations are still morally and ethically and socially unevolved, similarly as those who lived in the 16th Century. That does not say that enlightened individuals cannot come forward, or do not come forward, for they do; these are the individuals who are the leaders in cultures and ethics and morality and the development and evolution of social institutions that will provide for the next thousand years of your civilizational growth to be just as amazing.
[Note from Craig: 1066 was when William of Normandy conquered England in the battle of Hastings. I assume that event is involved in it all! Within a couple of generations (?) king John had lost the crown jewels in the Wash, and signed the Magna Carta, and people started having legal rights.]
Craig: Okay, thank you. It’s going to be marvelous.
MONJORONSON: Not to be humorous, but we will keep you posted. (Laughter.)
Stéphane: So, Monjoronson, the rate of change which is now increased in the last 100-200 years is not going to continue to slowdown. The rate of change is either going to accelerate or stay the same as it is today?
The next 25 years will change the course of the next 1,000 years
MONJORONSON: You are exactly correct. The rate of change however will be in some cases very violent, very destructive and result in the depopulation of human civilizations. Yet progress will be made, scientific developments will occur, mathematical developments will occur, there will be incursions into understanding the true basics of quantum existence in the universe and you will come to understand the spiritual development of individuals that begins in families and results in leaders who change the course of that civilization. You at this present generation have no shortage of meaningful things to do and accomplish that make significant, meaningful and to use the word you often use—awesome—changes for the good in the centuries ahead. It is you today who must be bringing forth those concepts of oneness and social integration that bring about the initiation of the Days of Light and Life. You today are pivotal to doing that; we have striven to emphasize that you in the last 35 years and the next 25 years will be the ones who change the course of civilization for the next thousand years.
You will intentionally contribute to this nexus
There is always a nexus point and the arcs of all civilizations and nations, except this time it will be intentional on your part; you will intentionally, knowingly contribute to this nexus and its completion through the full information and consciousness of the elements that sustains your species and now will sustain civilizations and social existence, organizational social existence of your societies and nations. It is one thing to hold your hands behind your back crossing your fingers and hoping for the best outcome from decisions, but it is quite another thing to understand the decisions you are making, the fundamentals you are using to make those decisions for a predicted outcome. The predicted outcomes of politicians and executive decisions they make today are “best guess” scenarios at best. They do not know the full spectrum of what probable outcomes will occur.
When you change the values you change the culture
When you begin to understand the 7 values that have sustained human existence and make humans humane, and understand the predictability of human motivation based on these values, you can make predictions in the long run—not necessarily the short run—that will produce given results in the end. This is how civilizations are changed; this is how cultures are bent in order to sustain them into the far distant future. In every culture there occur values that exhibit the sameness of all individuals who participate in that culture. When you change the values to the core values, then you change the culture and this is our intention for now, and this is a conscious intention we all hope you will take to your decisions with intentional and desired outcomes.
Can computers model this change in values?
Stéphane: Thank you. Is it possible for humans to model this, and I know that the celestials do model this, but is it possible for us humans to model an outcome based on the 7 values? For instance, can we use our computers to do that?
MONJORONSON: Your question is two parts. One is that yes, you can model these in your personal lives and it is being done so by many thousands of people around the world. You can be assured that those people who are not invested in the materialism and egoism of personal dominance in their various environments exhibit that modeling; they are models for their children, who can either choose to take on that lifestyle or not.
The second part of your question is that yes computer modeling is possible. The modeling can be done when the algorithmic parameters are correctly set into artificial intelligence programs. There is still much to do in that area, for instance, as has been expressed before, these artificial intelligence programs must model moral and ethical behavior. Values that are inherent in the program produce decisions that are able to achieve long-term outcomes that are desirable, and when we see long-term outcomes that are desirable, it is usually those outcomes that are desirable in the terms of minimally 10 years to 2 generations. It is our hope that through your own laboratories in artificial intelligence that this will be extended into the programs that are now working. When they come to the ability to achieve algorithms that are similar to the best of human behavior decisions, value structures, decisions and desired outcomes, then they will be successful. I might add that it is not that far away, except for the egregious desire to dominate their industry, their profits and their profit share and market share, and so on. These will continue to inhibit the growth of human civilization ethically and morally in the very basics of their social institutions.
Stéphane: Thank you.
How do we change desires for profits without holding back our growth?
Craig: How do we replace these desires for profits and bottom lines and stuff with more procedures, values, ethics that are sustainable instead of holding back our growth?
MONJORONSON: Thank you for your question. You are seeing in several of your industries, particularly we are using the thoughts of This One concerning the Apple Corporation, is that its originator, its founder and creator and creative orientation has reached its zenith. There has been an altruistic aspect of that business to produce profitability as well as excellent designs and usability by their clients, the purchasers. They have gotten to the point now that the founder has moved on to the morontial realm that that creativity and altruism, that humanity, is gone. Now you see the exaggerated stretching of designs and alternative features striving to reach the same market control they had before. What you are seeing is that there are so many wonderful things that you can make a cell phone do, plus other instruments of electronics are capable of, that satisfy people. Eventually the 7 values will take hold of that market. It is essential that people be able to control their environment and that it satisfies in ways that are larger than technology.
As you see in the designs of various products, whether they were automobiles during the 1950’s and 1960’s, and so on, was that certain features became exaggerated and the interests of people to have those began to fall off. The true market niche where corporations want to be is where their products begin to satisfy the other values of their life, the other areas of their actualization as Dr. Maslow discussed. You will see that markets and products that truly are interested in the person’s development potential in the various ways will be the ones that will be successful.
Before that you will see a flattening of the growth curves of individual companies and of related industries. They will be trying everything under the sun to become appealable to individuals to buy. They will change the colors, change various aspects of size and dimensions and so on, and capabilities in order to attract and ever widening and growing population. But as that company also sees that many people have now maintained and kept their iPhone 6’s, in spite of the fact that they now have a 10, 11 and 12 on the market, this is the individual being (verb) moved by their inner needs that have been satisfied by the product that they have in hand. Yes, a corporation can make that product obsolete, and you are seeing companies doing that, which is highly unethical, it is egregiously unethical for corporations to have that kind of control, that type of control over the individual and their purchasing power and the markets that they are attracted to. This is the continued unethical practice on the part of corporations [that] will be more and more exposed as individuals prefer other products with similar features at less expense.
I have gone astray in answering your question, but I hope you see what I have been getting at, that eventually this growth curve is going to flatten, and when it flattens, then the executives will make decisions and marketers will make decisions concerning appeal to a different aspect of humanity, rather than to their materiality and egoism and having the most expensive, powerful, etc., etc., qualities to their product, they will be seeking to build products that enhance lifestyles and express the potential of each individual. I hope this answers your inquiry.
Craig: I keep wondering myself when people will be satisfied with things, because I’m usually satisfied with technologies while other people are still looking for greater and newer features.
MONJORONSON: So, my friend, you must inquire within yourself what has already been satisfied in you that has not been satisfied in others. You must examine that within yourself because you are a source of immense information about others, and their motivations for doing what they do.
Liz: Monjoronson, on this long continuum that you have been talking about, when might we anticipate your materialization?
MONJORONSON: I refuse to answer the question.
What does “good” look like?
Stéphane: In light of the answer you gave to Craig, and I think it is part of the answer that I am seeking, but what does “good” look like? So as we as corporations transition into the 7 values, as we in the world transition to a non-hydrocarbon world, as we transition to loving and co-creative families, what does “good” look like? What are the short-term milestones that we can aspire to?
MONJORONSON: (Laughing.) I chuckle in the same vein that Machiventa does right now beside me, and that is you have been given that truth already; love is to do good to others and to do good to others is love. In other words, the profit motive now becomes the desire to do good for others through the products that they produce, while also making the company continue to survive and exist and thrive at a much more reduced level than previously. This is not a simple situation to contemplate; it involves far more than the simplicity I have given you. It is a change of mind; it is a change of heart; it is a change of both the consumer market and the sales market and the development market and the decision-making of executives and boards of directors, and that requires a change of heart and culture, values within the culture in which those entities, those corporations exist.
How does now the petrochemical industry do good for others? It must take into account its own ethics, that means it produces products at a fair market price, that morally it does not injure people and that it does good for others to empower them to complete the ideas and give them the resources to express their own creativity, and to maintain their personal existence. How you interpret that in terms of a petrochemical company of great size is a matter of much thinking and contemplation. The simplicity of what to do is very evident. The complexity of how to do that will remain a conundrum for you to discover as you engage the market and your own innate potential within yourself. To do good to others is a love for humanity, not just you as a selfish individual wanting all for yourself, but as an individual who truly wants the best for others as you do for yourself. And as a corporation that produces chemicals that can be quite injurious to individuals, there must be precautions on how to use it, how to dispose of it and the effects that it causes to the environment, and so on.
In other words, it becomes a process of becoming more authentic, transparent, genuine and concerned for the buyer. When individuals see this evidence of the compassion of those corporations, they will want to buy those products, even though they cost more. This is the secret to your ice cream companies, such as Häagan Dazs and to Ben and Jerry’s, which are famous in your culture to make superior alternatives to their product which satisfies an inner need of the individual despite the cost, and so too, the cost for doing “right” is the cost to love others in spite of your own selfishness.
Stéphane: Thank you.
MONJORONSON: I want to add a proviso that when I state the second person pronoun, “you,” this does not mean you as an individual, Stéphane.
Stéphane: (Laughing.) Thank you for clarifying. I chuckle this time.
Is there a spiritual connection between naturopathic and holistic medicine?
Jeff: Monjoronson, it’s nice to hear you again, it’s been a long time. I’ve been thinking about a question to propose to Machiventa, but since you are here, I think you said he is right by your side, I’d like to bring it forward if I may. The word “holistic” has been used in these transmissions quite a number of times and also in an issue, I think it was NEC #11, Machiventa used holistic twice and also in that issue on another subject mentioned how medical care will be thought of differently post Avonal Son arrival. My question is: Is there any connection between the spiritual dimension of naturopathic and/or holistic medicine and the 7 core values?
MONJORONSON: Most certainly, yet there is not a complete holism within naturopathy either. The holism is complete when this naturopathy is a dominant medical means of operations, the paradigm, as opposed to the allopathic. Eventually the naturopathic will become a holism of both medical processes and thinking. It will do so simply because naturopathy sees the oneness of all humanity, that all people are equal, that all people are the same. You have the same genetic structure; you have the same and similar problems genetically and the same opportunities genetically as well. And when this holism is unfolded then they will have a tremendous impact on developing the potential that lies within each individual, correcting those previous genetic problems and also treating them when they have a headache by using aspirin, or over the counter products. It is simply that there are other means to do this.
The eventuality of all medical holism that leads to a spiritual holism and an energetic holism within the individual, so that when they do have a headache they can come into oneness with their being and the oneness with the stability of the universe around them and their celestial beings in their presence who will give them that comfort. This holism is eventual to your morontial completion; it begins now as seeing yourself as a whole being, physically, emotionally, mentally and through all the 7 spheres of human development of potential. This is the holism for your existence; it includes the physical, of course, and your spiritual—the two ends of your being with all the connections throughout. When you see the holism and express the holism of your being and these 7 realms of human existence and experience and growth, you will already become morontial and ready for fusion. You will see in the end as you express the spiritual that you are one with your Thought Adjuster that you are one with God and you are one with all humanity, and that this oneness will give you all that you need for your life to be complete.
Jeff: Thank you.
Group study on the mansion worlds
Stéphane: Monjoronson, I have another question unless other people on the call have some. The 7 values cannot be progressed in a vacuum, so I am told that on the mansion worlds we will be put into groups where we can excel at interacting with each other and thus grow spiritually in that interaction. Today in our world we interact through our workspace, through our communities and through our family. It seems that at the workspace we progress on the 4 primary values and on the home front we progress on the 3 secondary values, and hopefully the transition into our new world will force us to behave across all 7 values in all opportunities in life. My question is how do we do this more effectively, or do we force ourselves into these situations of pushing the 7 values in all interactions in life?
MONJORONSON: I think if you would preface your question with “what do I need to do” you would have much better success in understanding the process. Your preparatory statement to your question was correct; your conclusions are correct. And through your morontial groups you as a group will learn to develop each of these values and as you are able to do that there will be some who will grow faster than others and who will progress to another group. The understanding is that within each group that those who have learned the basics will then teach the “newbies” to that group and the ones who have had the experience will also eventually exit from the group. This is a progressional evolution of individual growth that assists in your ascension plan, and then when you have learned all you have to learn within one stage of your morontial career, you will go to the next until you have finished all 500 and some of those stages and you are ready to make the transition to the spiritual realm.
Should we force ourselves into groups for our growth on earth?
Stéphane: So, on our life on earth, then is it wise for us to speculate and try to force ourselves into different groups to facilitate our growth?
MONJORONSON: Definitely not. Do not force yourself. It is more the “Taoist of flow” in your life; let go and let God. Let yourself go to be directed to where you need to be directed to teach others and to be with others where you can learn. If you are having difficulty being a father, you would want to participate in a father’s group of individuals who have successfully raised children, and that they are then telling others the best practices of fatherhood, and these practices are universal to all cultures, ethnic groups and so on, on your planet and also to all other planets and their species. It is something that is the basics of living. You must come to the awareness, the consciousness of your deficits. As you know well, an executive of great capacity also has individuals and advisors and even a mentor or two around them to assist them in their weak areas. You want to know where your weak areas are to become more effective as a father and as an executive. You will never become the executive of a tremendously large corporation unless you have addressed your deficits either by growing through them on a personal basis, or you have those assistants and advisors to assist you to make right decisions when your deficit becomes an issue in your decision-making.
Stéphane: Thank you.
Closing statements
MONJORONSON: This is Monjoronson and Machiventa wishing you a well and good prosperous day and forthcoming growth in your lives. Know that we are assisting you and that I, working with the Most Highs, am intimately involved in your organizations and there are individuals within those organizations who are assisted by their Guardians, Celestial Teachers and Thought Adjusters to make right decisions for themselves individually and in their contributions to that group. These are the individuals who are change agents. When there is resistance to change, those individuals who offer alternatives to processes, decisions and results that are not forthcoming as being desirable, there is always an alternative way that benefits all people; sometimes it is difficult arriving at that, and that is where your human courage and bravery and your honest authentic forthcoming of good ideas is necessary for your world to grow and in so doing you express the higher values of your morontial life to come. Thank you and good day.
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